FROM: RE: excited. 6:40pm Wisconsin Time. Friday. I was watching Fashion Television on VH-1 tonight and on came a few of your subvertisements. The last one before going back to the show was the skinny girl vomiting into the toilet. Great job, people. I really appreciated it. That's the first round of Adbusters ads I've seen here in Wisconsin. It was very exciting. S/ marco LIVE FROM THE NEW ONEIDA CASINO IN BEAUTIFUL DOWNTOWN STRAUBLE, WI. IT'S SUNDAY NIGHT. OK, well, Monday night, and not so live. But here we are. A quite late, in the middle of finals, (sorry ass college excuse) long expected issue of ATI. Issue 78. May 20, 1997. It is almost 1am, and most of this was composed while staring at a life-sized poster of Miles Davis. ATI, the newspaper with 3 heads. The Jose Marti International Institute of Journalism: "A Cuban Challenge to Imperializing Power" 1997 International Events June 24-27 Caribbean Cultural Identity and Journalism Examination of the role of the press in the development of Caribbean culture and identity, including important regional figures to participate with guest classes. Exploration of area language and media analysis. Registration: $60.00 USD / $30.00 Student Sep 22-24 Che Guevara and the Media Protagonist of the Cuban Revolution and also a newsman, the world will never forget the image of Che Guevara. The encounter will inquire into Guevara's journalistic dimensions, both as a subject and producer of information, as well as critique the visual representation he has been given in the press. Registration: $50.00 USD / $25.00 Student Send for more information: Instituto Internacional de Periodismo Jose Marti c. G e/ 21 Y 23, La Habana, Cuba tel (537) 32 29 65, fax (537) 33 30 79 e-mail: *********************************************** This organization has *extremely* limited means of publicity, and appreciates all e-forwards, regular mailings, published advertisements, radio announcements, etc, of our information. *************** THANKS!!! ******************* FLASHIMOTO! Prime Anarchist Returns Below Ground. Anarchist had so much trouble with tails, spooks, geeks, pheds, phish- heads, war mongers, and assorted other Dennis Rodman look-alikes he has made the editorial decision to un-surface. So Marc Frucht was NOT the Prime Anarchist; forget you'd ever heard that. Nor was Marc Weisenheimer, Marco Capelli, Norris Admonton or even Fry Guy. With Anarchist will go the infamous Prime Anarchist Phamily Photo Album. "You couldn't get it for the last two years anyhow," Said Anarchist. He went on to neither confirm nor deny the reputed second printing of the album in the future. "If another printing happens," said Anarchist, "It wont come out of MY house." Will ATI continue on into the 80's, 90's and "zero's," you might be wondering. Well, Anarchist put on his best Buddhist accent for this response. "But of course!" he hoarsely said waving his right hand from his out toward his right ear. "Only the new publisher will be Cerberus." He said he will still put out a weekly column from within Cerberus' all new 3-headed ATI. "I'm the voice of the community around here," said old 6-eyes. "Prime thinks he's a moderate, but he's kind of out there. We'll let him columnize a bit. Rant, if you will, but the rest of the 11 or 12K I'll be editing." Cerberus added that Anarchist will stay on as contributing editor of the PAP run, and along with his columnizing will also run the all new Current "ebb and flow" Affairs desk. SPY MAKES ME COVER MY MOUTH WHEN I LAUGH. Not to be polite. I'm afraid I'll spit up a mouth full of iced-tea. (not the rock star, the drink. (not the mixed drink of long island fame, the soft drink. Use hard water though. 2 softs is overkill.)) This month's Spy Gray Area column deals with Irony in true Alanisism fashion. Peter Townsend receiving medical treatment after penning "Hope I die before I get old." Dave "Wendy's" Thomas having quadruple bypass surgery. Who is Susan "16-years-no-emmy" Lucci??? Cover your mouth. It's that funny. FLASH. COUNTERFLASH. Mike Royko and Allen Ginsberg are no longer on the advisory board of FAIR/EXTRA! Why? You might ask. Well I'll tell you. Mostly because Fairness & Accuracy In Media people don't believe in Ouija boards or seances. But I can assure you, Edward Asner, Jackson Browne, Noam Chomski, Casey Kasem, Winona LaDuke, Prime Anarchist, Tim Robbins, Dr. Been Jammin' Spock, Studs Terkel, and Little Steven Van Zandt still are. PAWN- (Oneida, WI) - Journal Poem 5 got published in the spring '97 Sheeps Head Review, a twice-a-year art and poetry magazine on the University of Wisconsin campus. See also ATI 74 for JP-5. "Didn't make me any money," said local poet Marc Frucht, "so you can't really call me a pundit yet. But it was a whole lot of fun. So call me a fundit." LADIES AND GENDERMEN, WE NOW RETURN TO PART 7 OF mARC wEISENhEIMER'S GUIDE TO THE UNABOMBER'S MANIFESTO. 151. The social disruption that we see today is certainly not the result of mere chance. It can only be a result of the conditions of life that the system imposes on people...If the system succeeds in imposing sufficient control over human behavior to assure its own survival, a new watershed n human history will have been passed... in the future, social systems will not be adjusted to suit the needs of human beings. Instead, the human being will be adjusted to suit the needs of the system. 162. The system is currently engaged in a desperate struggle to overcome certain problems that threaten its survival, among which the problems of human behavior are the most important. If the system succeeds in acquiring sufficient control over human behavior quick enough, it will probably survive. Otherwise it will break down. We think the issue will likely be resolved within the next several decades. JOURNAL POEM 8. PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN A FEW OTHER PUBS. (not sayin which) Laminated escapade on Land Canoe A 10speed. Same feeling from Biking as paddling: freedom. People-watching in Pueblo park. Peaceful people, Pueblo. Penciled onto pay phone: Lost- a profound piece from the Cake of liberty. Leftover Pineapple petroglyphs. MONAMI's the plate from El Paso county. Must've taken a wrong turn in Albuquerque. You know you're southwest when you Get the Espanol radio. Welcome to Pyebbelo. "Miami" es Cuban por "my friend." How do you say "move" in Cuban? Perfecto movado, doodo. The music's just right and the People are so dad bloomed nice & Warm to each other I'm about to cry. "3M-TA3." Write it down and Look in the mirror. What a Witty piece of grafitty. Homeboy holds up Motel 6: steals register, Cash and phone. Clean getaway. Smart. Only in Santa Fe. Bet I know who wrote "Eat-me" All over a bathroom mirror. Who knew? Only good thing Yale ever gave America Was fortress locks. pinon Canon petroglyphs of the people. Tiny writing; hardly see, Much less read it! Drink more coffee; you'll make it out. Well, that's about it for ATI 78. Tune in next week when we whip through the world of koolwip. Or was that horsewhip a whippoorwill? Or will we wind up a watermelon whistle? Nah, we'll just whistle Dixie. As per usual, address all corresponding correspondents to to subscribe to this rag, send SUBSCRIBE ATI to .