STEAL THIS TEXTPHILE by the Prime Anarchist.tsihcrana emipr eht yb elihptxet Live from Cybercity, New Mexico ocixem wen yticrebyc morf EVIL it's the official mirror sight thgis rorrim laiciffo the sti of ATI, Activist Trimorphisms, INGURGITATED. detatigrugni trimorphisms??? Sunday. 17th August. 1997. 404 error. No such date. ATI. the house that Jack /PAP #'s run for/ Built. Yeah, right. /Friday, August / Kevorkain maybe. Am I / ??, 1997. / Right? / one # from it / Brought to you by / ALL / Dear Prime Anarchist, About that "Who the phuck is he???" story: Actually I get this all the time :) The guy who wrote that book (Which is pretty good, but no hacking secrets) is named "Knightmare" and his REAL name is Dennis Fiery. I have had my 2 handles since before I ever heard of Fiery. "The Knightmare", and "Lord Knightmare" have always been the 2 handles I have used, depending on the circle of friends I am in... Yeah, I know Crunch :) Also, I am in the beginning stages of possibly my own book, which I hope will provide a good overview of the world of Phreaking and Hacking... Yeah, buy the book. It is decent. Thanks, Lord Knightmare. (Almost ATI online - Book Review. by Prime Anarchist. Special to ATI Secrets of a Super Hacker by the Knightmare. 224 pages. $19.95 A manual on the methods of computer hacking. The Knightmare tells... OVERHEARD ON A TELNET MAILER: Oh /-\$$ t0 all of y0u |< rad d00ds who still talk shit about Mitnick, this guy is one of the few people alive who could trully divert on a celuliar phone, while he might not have been much on a unix guy he was a VMS master(how many of you gimps have even touched DCL I wonder...) and he still schooled a NSA spook. That, in my book, gets brownie points. He was one of the worlds most knowledgable Phone Phreaks and he could (ED NOTE: I WOULDN'T school all of you Redboxing, never GO THAT FAR) *heard*of*Ess*or*SxS, ratshack shopping glorified mall rats. I keep hearing people running off at their mouth about Mitnick, even people that I respect(sorry Sadena). It pisses me off and I had to get that off my chest. I have not read the Poulson story by (2ND NOTE and then I'll Littman, but you are right on about shut up: Well, there Mitnick.. one bad ass dude... I have you go...) ALOT of respect for him. He was really railroaded.... Wish there were something we could all do. People who run their mouth about Mitnick (Which, as of yet, I have not heard anyone do this..) don't know SHIT about his skills. Very gifted would be my words... And he is has been a regular contributing writer for 2600 for the longest time. Who can dispute the experts? Wanna tell Emmanuel that Mitnick is not good enough to write for 2600? Heh, he would tell you to kiss his ass. Just thought I would have my say. Kevin Mitnick will always be known as one of the Elite. SEND ALL LETTERS to the editor, gripes, questions, comments, literary brain dumps, even illiterary brain dumps to either of the following two places: 1) 2) alt.society.ati Back issues are phree as usual. They are easiest acquired in ascii at That one is case sensitive (caltech, you know) "so do as you're told." PRIME ANARCHIST COLUMN PRIME ANARCHIST COLUMN PRIME ANARCHIST COLUMN So where does it begin and where does it end? I'll leave it all up to U. ATI, your ascii answer to Webaholism. COLO (Colorado Springs) - Focus On the Family has called for an All-Christian ban on the "Magic Eye" newspaper cartoon. "It bugs out your eyes along with your mind," says Rev. Bob Dobbs, cult leader of the entire FOF chain. "so then it has you open and ready for Satan to just come on in there and tell you, well, tell you just about anything." Dobbs went on to describe the process in great detail in such a graphic way that this PAWN reporter got a woodie. Dobbs is calling on his whole flock, "and everyone else's flock for that matter," to just ignore it when you see it, and prepare for the next comic strip burnings coming to a church near you. - The invention of the Pyramid Scheme. Bob Thaves. 8/17/97 Chewing raw garlic, man hauls 800 pound block of clay on 5 logs. Many others ahead of him hauling blocks in teams of between 4 and 11. <>Caption<> - "...and then he said I haul stone blocks for just five people, and my name goes to the top of the list!" BILLINGS (Mont.) - Brand new pill allows ECOLI victims to eat as much hamburger as they want. Prime says bye for now, see you in cyberspace... PRIME ANARCHIST SAYS "STEAL THIS BOOK." As if you can anymore. Get it free at: That's the whole book, online as a text file, swear to Lilith. You can read it, download it, look at it, touch it... (well the hardcover's still for sale for what, 10 dollars I think they said, but don't quote me there.) do anything you want t'it. But you just can't steal it; even if you tried. PAWN (Prime Anarchist World News Westminster, England -- Two thespians have been trying to raise a child for the last eleven years. "It's great. We're having the time of our lives," said Robert Inglun, who's playing the mom. Inglun says it's hard work, but worthwhile, and that after a time, the child should become a thespian himself. "Not so," says Cletus Kingrich, minority leader in the house of Ladies. "An emphatic no way. We just won't stand for it. I mean how can two thespians raise a child. That kid will never know what role he or she is really supposed to play. Here is my report from the James Taylor show at Harkness Saturday night. by Carl Franklin Clear sky. Crescent moon. Shooting stars. Comfortable air. Nobody screaming. Nobody standing up. Large video monitor over the stage. Camera crew. Crystal clear sound system. Four backup singers. James takes the stage. Solo guitar. Something in the way she moves. First verse. Beautiful. Second verse. Backup singers. Chorus. Band comes in. Crowd very happy. One song. Then another. Then another. We are sucked in. We are listening to our own thoughts. Our own feelings. Take a break. Lighten up. James talks to us. "Hello, out there on the lawn!" We wave and whistle. The crowd shouts requests. James lets them talk. For an eternity. "Shutup" he tells them. In jest. We laugh. The sun has set. Next song. Frozen man. Confusion. Happiness. Sadness. I can relate. The show is over. Way too soon. First encore. Shed a little light. "Let us turn our thoughts today To Martin Luther King And recognize that there are ties between us All men and women Living on the earth Ties of hope and love Sister and brotherhood" Peace. Love. Understanding. Catharsis. Weeping. Second encore. Sweet Baby James. Everyone sings along. Third encore. How Sweet It Is. Indeed, James. Indeed. And that's my report from Waterford, CT August 10, 1997 Carl :-) And now, an ad for your least favorite late nite bagel shop. Doo wop. HmmBop. Be bop HIp hop Dust mop Mom and pop shop. Shimmy shimmy coco pop Bumper crop, lick a lovely Lollipop. Pig slop And spinning top. Horses clop And Pringles prop Your gollywhop. Circus top Circus top. Fill a bag at Stop and Shop. Sometimes you just gotta say. WHY DO I ALWAYS END UP AT IHOP? Marco Capelli's Peacewalk FAQ: For anyone who hasn't peacewalked before here's a little bit to help send you on your way. I wrote: how was the new mexico walk? how's hanuman temple doing? I walked in Junji's spiritual walk 1992 and beyond. Met lots of really c00l people in az and nm. And A wrote: The Peace Walk was really good, Some of the Taos Pueblo Indians walked with us, The camping sites went well, about twenty walkers in all. We had some challenging weather, but it made for an intense journey. I made a small excursion to Los Alamos, where I met someone who works for cable TV and he is interested in letting us edit any video work that happens in relation to the Peace walk. I heard there is a Global Peace gathering happening in Chama NM on the 18th of August, I'm not sure of the exact location, however, I'm sure it will be a good event. >Adam< An Ad For The Other Guyz: Fed UPS??? FedEX!!! Check out DAMN and their web page-- it looks like an excellent group of contacts. Sonya --------------------- Feel free to print and/or rebroadcast any DAMN coverage, though please let us know so we know how far our coverage is reaching. an ad for THE OTHER GUYS: (just like on TV when Fed UPS? you get two ads FedEx!!! in a row :) ) JOHNSVILLE, IL, RENAMED WALMART #11717 JOHNSVILLE, IL--In a special town-square ceremony Friday, Mayor Byron Elkins officially renamed the town of Johnsville, IL, pop. 2,372, WalMart #11717. "All WalMart #11717ians can be proud to call WalMart #11717 their home," the mayor said. "I think we can all agree that WalMart #11717 is a wonderful place to work and shop." Added Elkins: "Go WalMart #11717 High Cougars!" Other residents of WalMart #11717 were equally enthusiastic. "The arrival of WalMart in our town this year caused dozens of stores to close, eliminating over 400 jobs," said greeter and mother of three Marianne Gross. "But on the bright side, nearly 150 jobs have been created by the new store." Citizens of WalMart #11717 who behave will receive a subcutaneous corporate-identification implant chip good for an employee discount at any WalMart store. EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL BRANCHES MERGE WASHINGTON, DC--Seeking to streamline federal affairs and give the government a much-needed shot in the arm, the three federal branches inked an unprecedented $12 trillion merger deal Monday. "No more will the three branches bicker and argue and overrule each other," President Clinton said of the merger, reportedly the largest of its kind since last year's ABC-Disney deal. "This merger should give the federal government tremendous synergy, a kind of 'cross-pollinization' that the framers of the Constitution never envisioned when they developed the now-antiquated system of 'checks and balances' so long ago." In the first major move since the merger's announcement, on Tuesday Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer ordered mandatory military conscription for all adult males in preparation for a September invasion of Iraq. (last two reprinted from Onion or somewhere) And now we finish with JOURNAL POEM 18 from Marco's selfpublished book "I Slurp My Coffee," which was dedicated: For James Ingram Merrill Dead: gone; still with us -- Poiesies in our pockets. JOURNAL POEM 18 And Maude Hadassah talks about Women's Anti High Price League >From atop an overturned Pushcart -- 1917. So my Gonzo pseudonym this Nite being paz O'Guerra I read "Mexico City Blues," by Jacky Kerouacky in the desert While my unit supports 2-7th Cavalry. Kept it in my cargo Pocket. Word pictures amazing Blazing, dazing, mezmarizing. He'll realize he's sucking on The clarinet before he chokes. Hey Steel Belted Tar Pelted: Would you like the laws and Liturgy or morals and myth? Walden Pond Condominiums says Come enjoy your individuality With us. Dial 1-900-NEW-GURU. Calls are just $35 a minute. Ask your parents B4 dropping out. James Ingoldsby invented vitamin C tablets, then years later?? Pop Rocks! "I tawt I taw a toffee mug," says Alvin C. Block, "I did I did, I Hallucinated a toffee mug!!!" Coffee grounds. Some spilled Coffee grounds. Do you slurp? Some finely ground spilled-on-the Ground coffee grounds. So Mecca and Medina join hands. write .