THE HIGHLY ANARCHO-POLITICAL ATI. 91!!! -- Bruce Sterling's "Hacker Crackdown." pg. 81. Has anyone heard Jim Nader for NPR's ANNOYING MUSIC Show? He calls it "3 minutes of Hell you can't turn off." Me either. Welcome to ATI, the Activist Telephony Illuminessence. Illuminesque? Uh, illuminarium? Illusive, mmm, Illuminary. OK. All lit up. I'm prime activist and this is the news from Lake Hoedown. Just say we here at ATI are in the Koolaid and don't even know the flavor. It's Monday, August 25, about a quarter to the moon, it's sunset and let's get on with it. The /#'s run for 7:23pm/ / PAP. 970825192323/ / prime anarchist / eat at joe's / productions, in / buy u.s. savings / conjunction with / bonds, and send / crest. the tooth-/ U'r complaints & /paste that's best./ contributions 2 1-800-424-9090 is no longer the White House Press office. For all you newz hounds. It is now Burt Wolf Gatherings and Celebrations. 1-800-barricade is a very busy bookstore. 1-800-blackout is free books I'm told. I haven't been able to verify that. Anyone game? 1-800-bar-9090 asks you for your 4 digit pin # 1-800-414-9090 order a new Singer Starlet hand held sewingmachine. 1-800-404-9090 International Express incall/outcall service.Beverly Hills. http://www.iceberg.anchorage/net/users/tonedef/hotlist.html alt.society.anarchy is still very active: alt.society.ati is not. Any interested engineers??? volunteers? For now frequent the other alts, eh? (update, update, update, update. alt.society.ati usenet newsgroup is back up. It's not a really active page yet, but has potential of evolving into an interactive e-newspaper. Don't let the old label that says it's moderated scare you. It's not. Post your praises, gripes, spams, dissertations, braindumps and random jottings in: alt.society.ati A subscription to ATI is always phree. just send SUBSCRIBE ATI as the message to the phollowing address: for backissues of ATI bother the Cal Tech people at In fact, tool around their inner search at for really cool other zines. Tons of them. Online books too. Preguntas y problemas? And now for a plug. .. . .. Prime Anarchist Family Consulting. . .. For all your each and every needs. . .. 860-887-2600. ext. 5293 . .. Get your NEEDS met at the FamilyFone. . .. . . . . And if you think you're having a . . webaholism problem . . call 1-800-webaholics or logon . . . . . LETTUCE FROM R READUZ... you're right about mitnick... he was a genius..... you are great for sticking up for him....just letting you know..... byebye ************************************* - Ben Wills - SBN - HWG - "Insanity is doing more of the same, and expecting different results..." - Einstein - ************************************* (prime note:) Not ever one to censor anything, I give you this... I am a N()T a FREEK. I ALMO$T HAd $EX ONCE. SO FUCK YOU DICKLESS CUNT WHO NEVER EVEN ALMOST HAD $EX. BETH: YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SO HOT WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND PARTIES AND SEX AND STUFF, BUT NOW LOOK WHO IS LAFFING AT YOU. EVERYBODY, ITS NOT ME THAT IS THE PROBLEM. BETH IS THE PROBLEM. PEOPLE LIKE HER MAKE PEOPLE LIKE US MAD. REMEMBER THAT TIME I OFFERED TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU AND YOU LAFFED TO MY FACE. LOOK WHO IS LAFFING NOW. HA HA HA HA HA HA. SEE WHI I THNK TELNET telnet 25 ROOT PASSWORD: Kfd832Xwa THANK YOU fuck, And now a poem... The Man In The Tabasco Tie. by marco The man in the Tabasco tie faces me signing off an override To a bar on my registration so I can get started on my Classes. An Alexy van Schleppe hangs on the wall huge behind him Facing me as well. I mistake it for a Goya. No, he tells me it's a Van Schleppe. Part of the school's permanent collection. His tie says McIlhney and looks like a bad Picasso. Chili peppers and Bottles. The dean of my school used to be our Physics prof. He signs off and I go Out and see the ocean from campus, Red Hot Chili Peppers running thru My head, I decide my reason for taking Classes Is so I can drink Bottled Water and look at Van Schleppe paintings Take marine biology classes and learn about the Ocean And daydream about what this point must've looked like 1000 years ago. Probably no bottles, And likely no classes, Definitely no bars on your registration because you don't have proof of the Last 5 times You've been vaccinated for measles/rubella. But there was certainly van Schleppes, even before Van Schleppe was a van Schleppe. and another poem from his holiness (not your Dolly Llama...) Marco: here's version one... Gotta ad more, so it will be done, But if the text catches your eye I guess it's suitable for ATI! A Day In The Life Of A Netaholic ----------------------------------------------- It's nighttime again, (for me that's dawn), The sun shows it's rays, and I start to yawn. But if you need to send me some shout, I'll try to read, before I pass out. So next time we meet, if there's dents in my head, You'll know I used keys for a pillow instead. And when I awake, and notice the screen, I'll feel my head ache, and go take a pee. Then a hot mug, to start my long day, Just thinking of keys, banging my face. And when the caffeine, has done it's job well, I'll tell those square keys, to go straight to hell! But now I just sigh, cause my fix is email, A technology high, hope power won't fail. This internet thing is way out of hand, Someone to ping is what I now am. But then I think back, and remember a time, When all I had was a voice on a line. And then I recall, it's in this new place, She sent me a pic of her beautiful face! So now I, I think: yea! this is so cool! Just surfin the waves, and swimming the pools. Now it's daytime once more, (for me that's the night). The sun has gone down, but the screen is my light. So here I just sit, surfing away... I wonder who I'll chat with today. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---JeffL@Joerock.Mindport.Net...home of jesus and the coffee gods--- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- thank you C!, thank you C!... I won't let the words get away from me :))))) PSST... PSST.. Hey, you wanna hear where HmmBop came from? I found out where that song was stolen/inspired (take your pick) from. Fleetwood Mac's RUMORS album. I forget which song in particular. The one with A D and E just the same. They changed the "scatting" it called for ever so slightly and called it a whole new song. IF YOU WOULD like tickets to Maury Povich, write: Maury Box 69 New York, NY. 10666 If you would like to be on the show, call The Screen Actors Guild. AFSAG Red Box 4077715269 Las Vegas, Nevada 15669 1-800-IMA-DORK Seperated At Birth: Rosie O'Donnel and Rip Taylor. Momma? Dadda??? PRIME ANARCHIST COMMENTARY. brought to you by Hush Puppies. You know what I think is a bigger problem than gangs in cities? Highly expressive illiterates. Here is graffiti I copied down from under a bridge on one of my most recent bike trips around these parts... (verbatim. Like I tol' 'ya not 1 2 censor...) Mohommod is a con man moslims are whores to their beliefs. Kill the Cops. Kill the Rich Bitch Tataquidion Slut. Another Greedy Bitch JESUS IS ASSCRAP Religeos is farce Hendrix Rules Weed Is asshole. JUST CALL ME TREETREES MAN TOMBSTONE. YOU MUST DIE. Crook Predator. FUCK RAP! TOMBSTONE MORE SEX - LESS DRUGS. POTHEADS ARE ASSHOLES The Predator is coming 4 you. Spazz J-MAC - - - - + - - - ( 0 ) - - - + - - - - - - 5 years after the quincentennial: It's Time to: MAKE OCTOBER 12TH INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY, Free Leonard Peltier, Stop Forced Relocation at Big Mountain, and Build a Movement for Justice and Human Rights for All! Five years ago, in 1992, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people throughout the Americas spoke out and acted in opposition to the government sponsored celebrations of Christopher Columbus and in support of the rights of indigenous peoples. However today, in 1997, AIM activist Leonard Peltier sits in prison during this 21st year of incarceration for an act the government knows he did not commit. It has been revealed that the FBI withheld from his trial evidence that proves his innocence. In northeast Arizona, in the Black Mesa area, 3,000 indigenous people are fighting forced relocation from their land because Peabody Western Coal Company wants it to make profits. And there are numerous other examples of both continuing repression and continuing resistance by indigenous peoples against violations of their rights. Join with people around the country who will be fasting from Oct 1 through 12, fasting for part of that time, organizing local demonstrations and actions, or acting in other ways in solidarity with Leonard Peltier, the Big Mountain resisters, other struggling Native American peoples and for the human rights of all. We will never be free in this country until we face up to the historic record, set it straight and get it right. "Getting it right" means honoring, upholding and joining in solidarity with those who have much to teach us about living in harmony with the natural world, about working cooperatively for the good of all, and about steadfastness in struggle despite the most difficult conditions. We urge you to join us this October. For more information contact the Peoples Fast for Justice, PO Box 170610 Brooklyn, NY 11217 718-643-9603 (t) 718-643-8265 (f) ------- ( . ) ------- ------- ( . . ) ------- ------- ( . ) ------- ------- ( ) ------- I end this edition of ATI, issue 91 with JOURNAL POME 19 from Marc Frucht's book "I SLURP MY COFFEE: Journal Pomes 1-33." JOURNAL POME 19. ded: to drunk; to fuck 9am: No Haiku. Bloody Marys and Darts in Manitou Pub over fried Hoki fish on whole wheat toast. It's said chewing ice means a lack of sex, or maybe just iron. Blackstrap molasses an aphrodesiac?? Sage. Dylan sings "Masters Of War," But hardly anyone notices the words. Who's boycotting Grammy's THIS year? Watching "Dobie Gillis" reruns from Atop mountain-bike in front of Wally World's window-front. Purple and blue dreams over hot Brown coffee at a wine-red IHOP; A majestic sunset out the window. Sunday sunrise reflects Cheyenne. Knee deep in reality; not weird Enough for me. Jello, cottage cheese, A pear and three Orange Juices - Talk about your acid... Then the "Ferret Crew" checks out Tunnels connecting from Cheyenne Mountain to Pikes Peak. Though... NORAD never blinks. Glutimus hurtimus maximus: & what Will help allay pain of bicycle Butt. Want of devil's claw, burdock Root and blackstrap molasses. C-130 slams into Angolan mountain. Cargo? CIA says TOP SECRET. Author suggests: Dead soldiers & dry ice. " that hide behind desks..." Dancing in snow on the foothills Making onkh, peace-sign, anarchy, Pentagram and snow angel. "...know I can see thru your masks..." 2-4am. Called "Owl's Hours." Not sure if 2morrow's 2day, Or 2day's 2nite or 2morrow. So Carl orders catholic Transvestite salad with The cross dressing, snickers - & Tells me about Wally wanker and The chippity doo da sarsparilla Root sodie pop factory. Techno check: Magazine rack Made of #SE-6 virgin vinyl. What-in-the-universe?!? 5-piece midi band. One canned Brushes, another synthed sax, Viola, cello and flute are Really virtually there. These guys wear black & white, Sitting behind sheet music. 1st #'s an instrumental: Vainright's "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road." What?!? Go figure. So Mecca absconds all of Medina's Funny looking grapefruits. Note on fridge: Ate 'em all. So green. Delisch . feedback? .