/ ATI -- YOUR HACKER-ZINE OF HOPE \ / (Not that the others aren't... \ \------------------------------------/ Hello there, and welcome to ATI 95. It's Sunday, 7:30 EST. (ed note: correction. It's Tuesday 830am. Same Timezone. This has been a labor of love. S'what I get for even mentioning issue 9. Karma there. OK...) I was GOING TO Compose this on a MacSE I'm babysitting, but I'm still a little spooked about trying that on anything Apple/Commodore/Atari since way back in the days of issue 9. If you do a hotbot or yahoo search for ATI issue 9 you'll see what I mean. Anyhow I'm Prime Anarchist and I'll be your guide through this wacky edition of Activist TimeSignatures Ingratiated. As you probably know by now, ATI 94 had really wide recirculation and AWESOME response. In fact, many people around the world took its parody of S.P.A.M. (which stands for Some People Act Mellow) quite seriously. I guess I should've added my - - - - Post Office Box afterall. My friend Jeff said I'm the next Castro, whatever THAT means. Anyhow, we got lots of good stuff in store for you. We'll start with Ground Zero's column and then on to some numbers running and calendars. If you want back issues, t-shirts, hats, cap 'n crunch whistles (only 11 left) go to: http:www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html. ------------> Random Notes from Ground Zero gr0und0@iirg.org <- NOTE NEW ADDRESS! Greetings, folks. This time I'll say a few words about Beyond Hope, the hacker conference hosted by 2600 Magazine in New York last month. The general area of the conference was interesting in itself. The lobby was filled with tables of people selling back issues of 2600 Magazine, posters, T-shirts, and more. One table was manned by people from a New York pirate radio station called "Steal This Radio." Another table manned by a very interesting fellow known as "Conspiracy Bob" offered information on New World Order conspiracies. Another room provided terminals for people to log onto systems, an area for people to plug in their laptops, and a huge sound system blasting nerve-frazzling techno music. I considered logging into my ISP to check my email, but decided against it. My suspicions were confirmed when, during the "Information for the Masses" panel, the speaker Steven Rambam advised a "roberto @ NEU" and anyone else using the terminals to log into remote systems to change their passwords. I won't go into much detail about the panels, as you can read about them in detail on Beyond Hope's website, http://www.hope.net , or Chesire Catalyst's web site, http://digital.net/~cheshire/ . You can also listen to some of the panels recorded in Real Audio format at http://www.hope.net . Briefly, here are some highlights of the conference: The Information for the Masses panel described the nature and scope of of information that businesses, governments and other organizations compile on individuals. Rambam, a private investigator, stated that private investigators and hackers share a common goal: the democratization of information. However, the amount of information available on individuals is astonishing: one's income, political and religious affiliations, spending habits, sexual orientation and more can be readily obtained using numerous sources described in the panel. The L0pht panel is worth mentioning, although I will let them speak for themselves at http://www.l0pht.com . All I can say about them here is that people such as those of the L0pht are the future of computing. An annoying panel member was Ira Winkler, part of the "Tiger Teaming" panel about people who are paid by corporations to hack into their systems and report security holes. Winkler stated that most hackers are "losers" who hack into systems to brag about their exploits on BBS systems, and such people are an impedence to Winkler. Winkler also hosted another panel by himself, "Where Hackers and Criminals Collide," where he administered his "Are You Clueless?" test to the audience. The test allowed points for dubious hacking skills, such as being able to have two or more platforms share the same printer, and deducted points for possessing a lineman handset. It appears that Winkler is the clueless one. An optional event of Beyond Hope was the TAP reunion, which I attended. Chesire Catalyst, some old TAP regulars, and a mix of other Beyond Hope attendees descended upon Eddie's Restaurant in New York. Chesire was a very interesting and personable gentleman, and welcomed me and the group of friends I arrived with. Another unofficial event of the weekend was my visit to a local bar called Milano's on Houston St. Entering the bar was like stepping back into history. The bar was established in the 1880s, and displayed its original tax stamp, along with countless photographs, newspaper clippings and other memorablia. I learned about the overly zealous punishment given to some members of the hacker community such as Kevin Mitinick and Bernie S. Any prosecution or imprisonment by the government is done in the name of its citizens. Those who agree with the government's excessive treatment of the above affirm the state's right to commit the same excesses on any other member of society, for any reason, at any time. I met some old friends, such as my friends at IIRG: Thomas Icom, Black_Ic, Mercenary, and others. I made some new friends, and met a lot of interesting people. In the aftermath of Beyond Hope, there are reports that are troubling. There are unconfirmed allegations that I won't repeat here until some corroborating information is received, and other post-conference issues, such as 2600 Magazine staff posting on the internet what is claimed to be White House Communication Agency pager transcripts. But despite all that, I must say that I gained new insights, some new ideas, and learned a lot. Events such as Beyond Hope are worthwhile, as they help define a sense of community and reinforce the positive aspects of hacking: the creativity, the energy, the desire to discover, learn, grow and challenge. And that always has been, and always will be required of civilization. [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] FROOKIE'S #'S RUN FOR ATI ISSUE 95: Tuesday, New Moon October Almost by Bookie (tm) OK. The only # we're gonna run for this issue - expect a biggie next week - is http://www.suite101.com /really good stuph/ [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] CALENDULARIA Sep. 30 1882 First hydroelectric plant, Wisconsin. Oct. 1 Free Nigeria Movement "Day of Fasting for a Free Nigeria" The fast seeks to increase awareness of the brutal Abacha regime, to pressure for the use of sanctions and to get our communities and schools NOT to use the products and services of corporations that do business in or with Nigeria, most notably Coca-Cola, Shell Oil, and Motorola. Contact: Nasiru Ikharo, 317-216-4590 or PR@FreeNigeria.Org web site: www.FreeNigeria.org Oct. 1 NEW MOON ROSH HASHANAH WORLD VEGETARIAN DAY Oct 2. Ghandi was born Oct. 1-12 Peoplesfast. Http://members.tripod.com/~fasters for more information. Oct. 2-16 The Foundation on Economic Trends, the Pure Food Campaign, and activists from around the world "Global Days of Action" against genetically engineered foods, life patents, and factory farming. Simultaneous demos are planned in 40 different countries. Contact: Ronnie Cummins, 218-226-4155, email: alliance@mr.net web site: http://www.geocities.com/athens/1527 Oct. 4 Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice protests the proposed Cassini plutonium rocket launch in Cape Canaveral at 1pm, with vigils around the clock. Solidarity actions called for at Lockheed Martin branches and all aerospace/military sites. Although the planned Oct. 6th launch date is likely to be delayed, protests will not be postponed! Contact: Bruce Gagnon, (352) 468 3295, email fcpj@afn.org web site: www.afn.org/~fcpj/space Oct. 6 Free Burma Coalition demo against Unocal in El Segundo, California to protest the human rights abuses and environmental degradation in Burma. ******************************************************** ******************************************************** Oct. 8 Big Mountain Support Network's Peabody Day of Action. Also targeting Hanson, Energy Group and PacifiCorp. Contact: Jason, PO Box 3412, Tucson, AZ 85722, e-mail: granmonta@hotmail.com or Turtle, tortuga@sw-center.org ******************************************************** ******************************************************** Oct. 9 HALF MOON Oct. 11 "Kids Against McDonald's Day". Contact: U.S. McLibel Support Campaign, Phone/Fax 802-586-9628, PO Box 62 Craftsbury, VT 05826-0062, dbriars@world.std.com or McLibel Support Campaign, Tel/Fax +44-(0)171 713 1269, mclibel@globalnet.co.uk web site: http://www.mcspotlight.org/ Oct. 12. Columbus discovers the brand new world order. Before that all the people who lived there didn't live there. Oct. 12 "Day of Solidarity With McDonald's Workers" Contact: McLibel Support Campaign Oct. 13 Dia de la Raza/"Columbus Day" Oct. 13 Indigenous Environmental Network "Unplug America - Give Mother Earth a Rest Day" UNPLUG! from all our electric, battery-operated, fossil fuel conveniences, and spend a day off the "grid." Contact: Tom Goldtooth c/o Indigenous Environmental Network, ien@igc.apc.org web site: http://oraibi.alphacdc.com/ien/a-unplug.html Oct. 16 "World day of action against McDonalds" Contact: McLibel Support Oct. 16 FULL MOON. HOWL. SMOKE SOME SAGE AND TOBACCO. PONDER YOUR NAVEL. EAT AN ORANGE. PAINT THE TOWN PINK AND PURPLE WITH A BROOM. Oct. 17 PACT (People Against Corporate Takeover) action against Monsanto in Springfield, MA Contact PACT, Bob Spivey, 413-625-0141, POB 601, Northampton, MA 01061-0601 Oct. 18 "International day of action against Nike" Contact: Campaign for Labor Rights, Trim Bissell, Coordinator (541) 344-5410, email: clr@igc.apc.org web site: http://www.compugraph.com/clr Oct. 18 "100th birthday "celebration" of Shell," part of the 100 days of action against the oil industry. Contact: Corporate Watch email: mail@corporatewatch.i-way.co.uk mid-Oct. The Corporate Planet: Ecology and Politics in the Age of Globalization, by Josh Karliner of Corporate Watch (USA) will be published by Sierra Club Books in October, and he will be touring the book around during the last half of October. Oct. 22 Bobbie Seale born, New Haven CT. Oct. 23 HALF MOON. SMOKE HALF A SAGE, GIVE OFF A QUICK YELP, PONDER SOME ORANGE JUICE. OR AT LEAST ASK FOR YOUR GLOVE BACK. Oct. 31 This Halloween's going to be the NEW MOON! Tha's meen, dark. Yeah. Nov. 2, 1812 Lord Byron comes out as a Luddite. Nov. 7 HALF MOON. THAT KEEPS HAPPENING A COUPLE TIMES A MONTH. WHY IS THAT??? Nov. 9, 1965 The lights kinda just all went out in NYC for a Lonnnnnnnng time. Nov. 10 Anniversary of the execution of Ken Saro-Wiwa, an international day of action against Shell. Nov. 29 Abbie Hoffman born in Jack Kerouac's house. Just kidding. (not about the date though) NOT A JOKE by James Merrill. Sept 19, 1997. How many websurfers does it take to sign a guestbook? The current statistic is one for every 50. LETTUCE PHROM OUR READERZ, (Sponsored by the committee to remove the letter 'F' phrom our alphabet phorever) cool site. very non-linear. -Micah-(414) WHAT THE HELL R U TALKING ABOUT??? BUBBA (718) I like what you've done to the place! http://members.aol.com/Zubin143/Index.html ..s zubin (143) Hi Marco, My name is Nate and I am a student at Fairhaven College in Bellingham, WA. I am working with a group of students on a school publication. Our editor, Samantha, is on the can-aj list and forwarded your post to me. We are interested in learning more about how to use the internet as a means of publication. Could you please forward me a recent edition of ATI? Thanks in advance! -Nate (912) Dear Friend: Thank you for writing to Vice President Gore via electronic mail. Since coming on-line, vice.president@whitehouse.gov has received thousands of messages from people all over the world. Although the volume of mail prevents the Vice President from personally reviewing each message, be assured that your concerns, ideas, and suggestions have been read carefully, and a detailed report of the mail is provided to the Vice President on a regular basis. Your message will be brought to his attention as part of that report. We currently are working toward a system that will allow us to respond more specifically to your messages. In order to do so, your help will be needed to ensure that we can read and record your message clearly. Please try to write short and concise messages, address only one issue per message, and send only one copy of your message. You will receive one automated response per day. On October 20, 1994, President Clinton and Vice President Gore acted to improve the accessibility of government information by opening a service called "Welcome to the White House: An Interactive Citizens' Handbook" on the Internet. This new World Wide Web service provides a single point of access to all electronic government information on the Internet. By using a free Web-browsing software program such as Mosaic or Cello, the user can access a multimedia interface to information from the White House and the Executive Branch of government, including White House documents, a virtual tour of the White House, and detailed information about Cabinet-level and independent agencies. This interface includes photographs, audio, and "hotlinks" to other government Web sites and services. You should check with your service provider for instructions on how to browse the Web. "Welcome to the White House" can be accessed at: http://www.whitehouse.gov publications@whitehouse.gov In the body of your message, type "Send Info" (without quotes); no other text should be included, specifically message headers or signature lines (.sig files). The instructions will be sent to you automatically. faq@whitehouse.gov All of us at the White House are excited about the progress that has been made with this historic project, and we look forward to future developments. Your continued interest and participation are very important to us. Sincerely, Bill Mason (202) <>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<>*<> PAWN WORLD NEWS TONITE -- WASHINGTON, District of Columbus. IRS AGENTS, HIDING FACES ALLEGE ABUSE OF SHEEP. Janet Reno Blames Syphilis On Taxes. Sheep Are Often Abused, Senators Told. "Sometimes we would tie their legs," said a faceless IRS agent. "Sometimes we even manipulate their you-know-whats," outbursted one without a spine. The taxman further expounded that unfair cash collecting or bribery, as they say in other countries has been practiced by representatives of the US Government in both the census bureau AND the IRS. "Sometimes you count their children and their livestock," said a high level official who asked to remain spineless, "and sometimes we screw them. It's like 'poetry-in-taxation,'" he said. He went on to share that it shouldn't surprise OR bother anyone. In fact, any families willing to pay their taxes early enough to not need such abuse will be given two US made Claymore anti-personell mines. They're new and improved -- now with even more C5 and less rocksalt and steel shavings. ENGLAND AND WASHINGTON -- US DEPARTMENT SPOKESWOMAN MARGARET THATCHER ANNOUNCES DEFCON 3.5 DUE TO RECENT DEATHS OF PRINCESS DIANA AND MOTHER THERESA. "People are going to take sides," Said Maggie "Juevos-the-size-of- church-bells" Thatcher in a press conference at the FTC building. "They're drawing straws already." Irish Catholics are expected to believe Mother is most important, while Protestants are expected to take the Queen's daughter's side. Pope John Paul the 13th has announced an official British World-Soccer- Grudge-Match to be held this Saturday in an effort that people would do in sports what they should NOT do in civil unrest. The state department is downright mortified over this. All military personell the world over are on hyper-alert. It could go to DEFCON 3.6 any moment, according to Thatcher, "Or, Queen forbid, DEFCON 95, 97 or 98 or DEFCON NT." "They should do football, oh that Papal grandson pisses me off. All we'd fear there is broken necks. People get KILLED in those English soccer stadiums. Everyone from the fullback to the hot-dog vendors. Thatcher should know, she's related to everyone in rows 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 all the way around. The state department is worried that should a ground war begin before a proper airstrike could be implemented, 15,000 relatives of George Bush could be lost and it might take the Republican Guard 6 months to die off. "That's OK though," Maggie was over-heard via telephone with former president Ronald Regan (sic), "We could always WIN-NUKE them with a PenPal greeting or a Goodtimes virus." I end issue 95 of activist times, inc. with a poem. It's journal poem #23 and I dedicate it to Harrison & Dorothy, son and mother. JOURNAL POEM 23 by Marco Capelli Pomegranite. Does anger have taste? Car's down 'til roads clear. December the freezin' season. 2-8 a.m. only good times to drive; Least bit of thaw slides you Off-road. Big Mountain, thrown off a horse; Hauling water & hay for the elders. Fixing hay shack, chopping wood. VW microbus' 1st gear freezes stuck. 'Til 10am or so. (so cold & dry.) Jan. 7, 1992. 9am. Lamb born to The sheep who looks like Don King. Denny makes coffee for wider eyes; And 85th monkey follows the wind Pondering the 4 directions. Red, White, yellow and black; Nevada, Mexico City, Washington, or Spain. James buys Edensoy in Winslow's Art Colony Fish Hatchery Homeless Veterans Shelter. Vanilla's good; Original's not. Run cooperatively Sells bikes and skateboards too. Customary cleaning woodstove each Sunrise. Ash is for the outhouses Always keep hot water on in case Company comes. And the door key Hangs from lower branch of a tree. What's yellow, black and white? Uranium. Headache and much noise. "Don't herd The sheep near the uranium wash," Auntie says, "makes them act wild." Well, you would too if you had those Headaches. Told my guardian angels are spiders, Whales, porcupines, buffalo, crows, Badgers, turtles, bats & dolphins. Roasted pinons; like chestnuts the Size of roasted coffee beans. "Nova" means food in Hopi. "O" is yes in Navajo. "Ba" is bread. Go figure. So what's red, white, yellow and black? Pomegranite in a wash full of Uranium. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phor a phree subscription to Activist Times, Inc. send: SUBSCRIBE ATI as the message to: listserv@brazerko.com Back issues can be had for the asking at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html As always, send all contra-dances, contrabassoons, corresponding train- spottings and assorted other ramblings to: ati@etext.org .