/\ /108 hej! \ / \/ here's the poem I just wrote (hope you don't mind my sharing it with you all): A lonely walk across the crowded beach. The laughing cries of playful children, Echoing in the empty recesses of my heart. Even the sea gulls avoid me, With my stigmata of the loner. A cure I sought, to this solitude. So I joined a club for people like me. Now I sit alone, In a place For the emotionally homeless. David Hullo, and wulkum to thu wuhldz furst e-zine cumpletely run by thu cuhntrubutorz. ATI issue 108. January 3, 1998. (just 400 shupping days luft untul thu yuh 2000 millunium cumputuh cluck prublum. ATI, your zine uv hope. unarchist tums, uncorporated. (why do I get the feeling he's making fun of John Entwhistle???) OK, Prime here to tell you -- another OpEd. "Uh oh," I say, "Clinton's got a new puppy named Buddy. He'll be impeached soon. "Checkers, Willie," I say. "You the man." Won't be anything the Republicans are doing. They keep failing to "nail" him like a CIA operative on Castro. Let's see. It took Nixon about 3 years to get impeached after he was "tooken" in by those cute wide puppydog eyes. Bill? In these high tech, quick-paced page-me-and-I'll-cell-phone-your-voice-mail times? A year. Two max. Start a pool? No pap #'s run today. And no Calendular. Get that mid-jan at a webzine surfshop near you. Tons of submissions today. I can glide. My dreams seem to be coming to fruition. Or at least multiplying, anyhow. I pulled all last month's submissions off the junomail system before NUKING it. So you're in for a treat today. Don't forget though, send all further contribs to ati@etext.org or leave it in one of the guestbooks. If you send correspondence to marco99@juno.com who knows who might get it now. Is there such thing as a dead-letter office in cyberland? Hmmm. Go to school on that one, eh? This one's called Prince Albert dedicated to the Royal American Guard. Written by Dwarka Chavez. Alexandra's hubby knew a joke or two they say. Both he told at court each time whilst Grampa drinks his Kurds and whey. First is the one about the road Crossed with an eyesore of chicken- Lastly he'd always take off his shoe and ask it: D'ya have George in a tin? He footnotes this: "Prince Albert and Princess Victoria were first cousins married 1840. George III was her father's father." -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- #19 ECO TERRORIZM Pay per view Who needs nature anymore Pay to poo Who needs to dig a hole in a forest Pay to chew Who needs plants to fill our bellies When we have irradiated cardboard crackers Made from cow guts, dung and chocolate flavored pudding. ...........Sacheee2/97#19 <> <> <> <> <> WESTCHESTER COYOTE by Jenny McBride reprinted from other zines. Came wheeling around the brick wall of the would be estate And I thought, "Someone's shephard mix coming to bark at us." But it ran sleek into Coyote, Was the ancient trickster Setting barbs of longing In my heart, The thrill of longing For the return of fleet feet To the plains. Coyote ran yet watched As we marveled, suburban scientists. He whet our lips We'll do the same for him. Wilder than road crowding deer on goose. He is running, yet Across a lawn And into the restored praire Triumph the moment. This space advertantly left B L A N K ! Velkomen to ATI 108 by the way. I hope you like it's spontane-80. Or whatever they call that. Prime proud to announce all this good stuff. That's about all I'll be doing this week. I oughta just "mc" each piece, huh? Maybe I'll submit a thing or two if I see a good spot to put one in, otherwise what you see is what a bunch of various sundries put in. Well, we're into another year. What ELSE can we get into -- we'll have to see. "Cross that bridge when we get..." GHW Bush. Was this New Year's "rockin" eve boring or was I the only one who slept through it? I woke up feeling such the old man I had to check my beard to see that it warn't the whole 40 days gone. There wasn't even water on the ground. Oh -- different 40 days... Well, listen I'm pretty glad I didn't take Amtrak into the City this year to be honest with you. Cutting in on Bob Barker's 19 year old G.F. during a Spice Girls lipsinc festival is just somehow not my idea of a good time. In fact the city probably looked more like a Star Wars alien bar scene than the movie itself! Freakazoids all over the place. Glad I missed it. Thank God for Memorex! Prime outa here. PAWN- (Rome Again) MICROSOFT AND CATHOLIC AGREE ON MERGER At a recent press conference Gatlin-Bill Guttierez announced a merger between Microsoft, Inc. and the Catholic (not to be confused with the catholic). "Well, said Bill, "I offered the Pope some of our cappucino and he traded half of Rome. You should've seen his eyes all mezmarized-looking. Bill said wait 'til we see what Italy's willing to fork over in exchange for Java. MACDONALDS OFFERS FREE SEATING (USA) - In Fierce grueling competition, Mackie D's offered free seating yesterday; not to be one-upped by Burger King with their free fries. "Free fries???" Quipped Ronald, of PlayLand, "Hah! What's that get you? 59c??? You can sit in any of our restaurants, for as long as you want. And it's absolutely free. Let's see THEM do that." (DC) - CHIEF JUSTICE GETTING SUPREMELY SOFT ON RACISM (By CB7. Special to Prime Anarchist World News) "He's alright for a colored," said Chief Justice William Rankin at a recent stop to a Washington DC, NW BK for lunch. Sources close to the Chief said William Jefferson, a recent George Washington University graduate was waiting on their table after this morning's C-SPAN debate implicating Pat Buckaneen and White House basement official Ann Neutrczisn when Jefferson asked if Buckaneen wanted coke with his free fries. "You know bi-partisan one-party world-democracy is on its way," said Neutrczisn," when the Chief Justice uses other than the 'N' word for a George Washington University grad." Rankin could not be reached for comment, but his answering machine did say that some of his best friends are nerds. TO THE EDITORS OF ANARCHY TIMES: Like, that 12 days thing man was really full of like, ya know, like wow, like stuff... A LETTER TO HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Dear Mrs. Clinton: I am told you are the most respected woman in the United States right now. Were I still a signal soldier in the US Army, I would honor you as the wife of my commander in chief. But I don't. I must say with all candor I only voted for you all because I was downright scared another four more years of Bush and Reagan would surely ruin this planet beyond repairable recognition. Now to the meat of this rhetoric and then I'll close with a poem. I will find myself able to have respect for you if and ONLY IF YOU FREE LEONARD PELTIER. I really don't know how you can handle the embarrassment of calling yourself an American while another brilliant mind sits tucked away behind nationally chagrined bars, imprisoned merely for his views. I'm sure you've got a handle on the concept "none of us free until all are;" I believe that with all my heart. Mrs. Clinton, I cannot find more than a handful of Americans who still want Peltier "neutralized." But then, maybe they're who run your life right now. So please Mrs. Clinton. Instruct your husband tonite to stop embarrassing me and finally command my respect by granting Peltier his freedom. We truly are related, Marc Arnold CC: Amy Carter Lisa Faruoulo HERE'S WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS: A Postscript Poem For My Country's Leader. by Marc Arnold Here, hear the music of an Auschwitz violin circle. Hitler loved his music; and so his assistant. So the jew played Beethoven for seven hours; Before the assistant killed each musician. Smiles were everywhere; the music was beautiful. The caged bird sings because he is allowed. What song would you like to hear? G --------------------------------- & --------------------------------- G --------------------------------- & --------------------------------- C --------------------------------- SONG-CIRCLE BROADSIDE by Marco Capelli F-Bb-C (Kingston Trio-ish) I was ridin the T this morning and I got bored And kind of lonely so I picked up a magazine So I could read it and it was filled with lots of pictures & words and words and pictures and pictures and typos galore. And pictures of words and words about pictures And typos and typos galore. So I did ride the T this morning and I got lonely and kind of bored So I had purchased a magazine and it was called STUFF And it was free so it was filled up with Stuff and stuff and stuff about stuff and it was pretty good and I liked it a lot But many may say that It was full of fluff. (ch) Stuff magazine Stuff was full of fluff Stuff magazine Stuff was full of fluff (spoken after each verse) (well it's not your Pheonix you know.) (Hey - it's better than the NY papes) (Well it was free so worth it.) (repeat choruses and verses til people are sick of it and then sing: ("AND THAT'S ABOUT ENOUGH")) TO THE TUNE O' JIMMY CRACKED CORN Hillary cracked up -n- I don't care Hillary cracked up... (x3) The water is white wally wally wally Newt's been after her for many years. Newt's been ... Since a King George inaugaural day Nafta passed and I don't care .... Our master's back to stay. Healthcare's dead 'n I don' care. .... We all get minimum wage My team chief's "bi" 'n I don' care. My sergent's bi 'n I don' care. My E-6's bi 'n I don't care. But never preach if you're gay. 'N if you teach any other way 'N if you teach... (x3) They'll burn your church today. Democrats 'n Republicans Republicrats 'n Demicans 3rd party cats and hooligans Duzzn't really matter much to me. This has been a PAP, (prime anarchist production) for a free subscription send: SUBSCRIBE ATI to LISTSERV@BRAZERKO.COM Get back issues at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html http://www.etext.org/Zines ftp://ftp.downcity.net/pub/ati send all contributions to: ati@etext.org and don't forget. If you have angst: http://www.angelfire.com/ny/fasters/vent.html /\ / \ / \ / ii \ \ / /\/\/\/\ .