BEGIN --- CUT HERE --- Cut Here --- cut here --- ati121.jpg ************** ** Hootmon, **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** 121 / / (oops, reverse that) / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / than two minute / increments. / - - - - - - - - - Not aNother Native Numbers ruN by aNarchist productioNs?!? Our Hopi Elders have gone to the UN "House of Mica" 4 times and their message still wasn't heard. More information can be found at:'s_message.html OK, here lie some non-native #'s, (or maybe less-native, eh?) http://www.xs4all.n1/~royce1 These two submarines walk into a bar, One says to the other, "Good thing I'm wearing this titanium helmut, Or else all my sea men would fall out." ***U R Tuned 2 KATI*** *** Radius Radio. *** *** 96 on your dial*** Prime here, with another issue of ATI. Actively Trollupping, Indiscriminately. #121. Saturnday. March 21, 1998. 10:07 pm. I'm going to begin with an essay I wrote my junior year of high school. I never published it because I thought it was one of the most hair-brained, stupid, unintelligent, dumb, idiotic, silly, (anyone got a thesaurus?) but then all of a sudden I started reading about what the Pentagon has been telling Clinton he should do about places like Iraq, Bosnia, Panama, Honduras, Cuba, etc. First there was M.A.D., then Pentagon's suggestions to Clinton last week, now this: EVERYONE CAN LIVE HAPPILY TOGETHER, HERE'S HOW. by Marco Highschooler. 1980. (and you don't even have to pay me for this idea.) No one listened to my first policy. (military passivity.) They all seem still to think a nuclear war is winnable. It is. But, a nuke-war is NOT survivable. Who's gonna give a toot who won? "Who won, Henry?" "I dunno, I can't see, Margaret. My eyes are ripped out of my head. And, all my skin is falling off my arms." I say we use a new policy. Instead of trying to send missiles with Plutonium and radium presents to neighboring countries; why don't we blow ourselves up. I don't mean literally. The threat itself is more than enough. Let's all agree to set all the nukes we have right now to blow up right where they set. (no travel time needed. No interception possible.) Then invite all our neighbors, enemies, friends, associates to come over and look at what we're ALL in for. We will be "those crazy Americans" again. Just like Nagasaki days. No one will have the guts to upset us in any way. If we think someone is being bad, we are prepared to destroy the entire planet. Voila, we are suddenly the World Power again. And if other countries are bright enough to catch on, "More the merrier." This is something that is no trouble sharing. There will be no need to spend another penny on defense. We can already destroy the entire planet at least three times by ourselves. The money we save on defense could be spent on education, food, housing, medical expenses, etc. Peace man, it can work. You're the only one left in the way of our plan. Please consider it. DRESSES UP HIS DECISION Reprinted from TAP magazine. Mount Clemens, Mic. Mar. 7 (AP) - Three youths who pleaded guilty to singing Christmas carols in the nude have been ordered by a court to clean up their act and do an encore next year. Putting aside the maximum penalty of $100 or 90 days in jail, District Court Judge Harry Burkart deferred judgement until next January, if the teenagers agreed to refrain from streaking during their probation and return to the same neighborhood next Christmas to do caroling, but this time in proper attire. FOR YOUR SAFETY VIDEO CAMERAS MAY BE INSTALLED ON THIS BUS YOUR PICTURE MAY BE RECORDED UNDERCOVER OFFICERS MAY BE RIDING THIS BUS. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUPERSIZE THAT? What Some Are Saying: From: Michael New York, NY USA I am new to the Internet and beginning to think of it as a vast, very vast waste land. I stumbled upon you by dumb luck and I made sure to add you to my bookmark so I would not lose you. Thank God I found like thinking people. Its easy to imagine myself spending hours at your site. Mike Brad Whitehall, Michigan Your site is organized in a way that makes it easy to use. Deborah Winder, Georgia USA One of the most informative websites on the internet. I check it daily since I discovered it about 3 weeks ago. Thank you for the "inside trek" to progessive thought in the U.S. Jenny Lindquist Allegheny College Meade, Pennsylvania This is just what we were looking for to keep our college informed about social justice issues. From: Herbert Gruber Rochester Hills, Michigan Get your thinking straight, man! Like so many utopians, past and present, you choose to blindsight yourself of one little thing: Human Nature! Forget your dream, especially the "common" part, and contribute to the real world. Peyton Chicago, Illinois Your website is truly a front page for the Internet -- hope to see what else you have to offer! ***U R Tuned 2 KATI*** *** Radius Radio. *** *** 96 on your dial*** Muzik muzk, mzk. The phollowing parody is brought to you by Band Width Savors, LLC. to the tune of WHEN YOU WORE A TULIP. (note only one word has been changed, shifting the entire meaning of the song...) When you wore a tulip, a sweet yellow tulip, And I wore a big red nose, When you caressed me, 'twas then Heaven blessed me, What a blessing, no one knows. You made life cheery when you called me deary, 'Twas down where the blue grass grows, Your lips were sweeter than julep When you wore that tulip And I wore a big red nose. VITAL STATISTICS PRIME ANARCHIST (reprinted from Telluscope Zine. 1986) Age: y Birthplace: Norwalk Marital Status: single Working On: y Worst Job: A toss up. Arcade at Misquamicut Beach, RI. Flipping cheesburgers and making change. My Worst Date: Ninth grade prom. Went to date's house and fell in lust with her thirteen year old sister. Last good movie I saw was: "Commando." I say home and watch: n The book I've recommended lately: "Cider House Rules" John Irving. Favorite Pig-out food: Vanilla milk-shake. Favorite Performer: Jesus Christ. Nobody Knows I'm: Lonely. I Wish I Could Stop: Masturbating. It saps my strength and motivation. I've Never Been Able To: Break up with a girl plain and simple. I'm a "beat-around-the-busher." I'd Give Anything To Meet: Rae Dawn Chong. When Nobody's Looking I: Scream raving mad nonsense. The Worst Part of My Job Is: The pay is so mild. Someday I'd Like To Teach My Child: To forgive. People Who Knew Me In High School Thought I Was: Obnoxious, Talked too much. I Knew I Was A Grown Up When: My mom told me I could go from the front yard to the back yard whenever I pleased without having to inform her. My Friends Like Me Because: I'm a good talker. Behind My Back They Say: "Will never understand him." If I've Learned One Thing In My Life, It's: The good Lord put us each here to "do." .. . BARBARY COAST Brand Gold Rush Style BEER. Iceless Fermentation. Since 1894 Brewed & Bottled by Tunner's Guild Brweing Systems, ST. Paul, Minn. .. . The Woman Who Pours The Ketchups. A Pome. Making 7 into 4. 3 empties. Chuck THEM. A butter knife to speed up the Process. Is this the end of the nite At every restaurant in the USA? Not the world? SPECIAL CALENDULA SECTION. DAYS IN THE LIFE OF ABBIE HOFFMAN. reprinted from the Abbie Hoffman calendar. March 16. 1941 Sister Phyllis born. Mar 20, 1969. Hoffman, Dellinger, Hayden, Rubin, Weiner, Froines, Seale, and Davis indicted, charged with an assortment, including conspiracy. 21, 1959. Fidel Castro lectures at Harvard Stadium, Cambridge. 22, 1968. Yip-In. Grand Central Terminal. 27, 1970. Abbie appears on Merv Griffin, wearing an American Flag. His whole torso blacked out for 35 minutes. 30, 1971. US Court of Appeals reverses flag desecration conviction. Apr 7, 1970. CSU. Fort Collins, CO. Blows his nose into an American Flag. 12, 1989. Dies. Autopsy results - "suicide," 15 minutes after he's pronounced dead. 14, 1969. Chicago FBI assure J. Edgar Hoover that Judge Hoffman plans to hold all defendants AND attoreys in contempt. 19, 1971. 8:30am Interviews for Boston Globe then hitch hikes to New Haven. Conn. State Police arrest him for jaywalking. 29, 1967. Abbie hands flowers to soldiers in a VFW "Support our Boys in Vietnam" march. Coins phrases: "flower power," and "we shall not wilt." Jun 8, 1967. Marries Anita Kushner (Prime Anarchist's aunt) Central Park, NYC. "Flower Child" style. Outside. 9, 1953. 16 year old Abbie agrees with Worcester Police Chief to distribute his father's drugs to the Red Cross, along with plasma, intravenous solutions, and cold compresses. 10, 1953. Returns to site of Worcester's worst tornado to help search through the rubble. Over 100 dead, thousands injured. Jul 2, 1965. FBI begins tapping Abbie's home telephone. 2, 1967. Abbie and Anita renew vows in a traditional jewish wedding. 3, 1967. Special Agent Lefkowitz calls to congratulate them. Gets mom. 15, 1971. NY Times finally reviews "Steal This Book." .. . The Chain Saw Shop 783-4654 NM Hwy 53 South. Between Mile Markers 57-58 .. . YOYO by Prime Anarchist. June '90. You cheer me up. Then you let me down. You leave me broke. But then you fix me up. You take me out But you never dress me in style. Play with me a while. I don't mind, Media -- mediums. Put me to sleep. You give me Republicans Take my freedoms (ed note: 8 yrs later it's demmicats too, huh?) Whip me, beat me -- Make me shoot Dissident Czechs. Your democrats -- English Kingsmen in disguise. Tax me to death. Represent me? Ha! How 'bout a new party? The all nite party. The No party. The Yo party. Just say No? Just say Yo. Yo. Yo yo. Up and down, down and up. You cheer me up, Then you let me down. Up and down Down and up. Up, down, up down. Up. Kinda Kinky. Yo. ***U R Tuned 2 KATI*** *** Radius Radio. *** *** 96 on your dial*** .. . Carpets today. Take up to 2 years To pay. I don't think they meant .. . that both ways, did they? Did they? Hmmm. Did they... .. . JUST A THOUGHT All classified ads Should be written in Haiku. Just a thought. .. . FLASK - Washington. DC (PAWN) wired by prime anarchist world news 2nite. IT IS NOW SAFE TO LOVE VIDAL. Gore Vidal addressed National Press Club yesterday in the "springtime of [his] senility." "Crisco Kid ain't no friend of mine," he warned them about Proctor & Gamble's abuse of everything from workers, to cows to Monopoly pieces. "If I were optimistic I would propose civil war," he said, "but I wont." "George Washington's sword would be half way through this pudgy prosecutor," he said, calling Kenneth Star a "tomboy." "I can't get her address," he said about some woman. I have no idea who he was describing. "I think she works for ITT. He was describing how difficult it has been for him to get ahold of the people who run ITT. AN OPEN LETTER TO GORE VIDAL: Hey bub. I can't find your address. I KNOW you don't work for schITT. Where are you Gore??? I want to write you and thank you for your very existence. Were it not for pundits like you, Howard Zinn, HST, and your cousin, er uh, I mean cousin-in-law, Tipper, I'd've slit my ankles so many years ago today. Amiga, amiga, fun for a girl or a boy. Did any of you catch the new Izuzu ad? They begged, borrowed or stole the Slinky (tm) commercial. Highly funny. Funny, funny. Catchy. Very. Almost seems like their response to Volkswagen's new improved Beetle. I'm not sure of this, just a gut feeling. And she came down out of the clouds in a silver 6-cylander Trooper, by Izuzu. She said "you shall be the Eagles, with an A." POW!!! kAbLaM. Flaming Pies everywhere. Prime bearing my soul. You ready? Wharl, tha's all 4 this week. Remember, Prime saying, Beware, the rhymes you bust. They'll all come true. send all contributions to: .