Sunday. April 5, 1998. Thomas Hobbes was born 410 years ago today. Hello and welcome to ATI issue 123. I'm Prime Anarchist and here you have my edited addition to prosterity. Or was that additive edition for posperity? Prosperity? Posterity. Yeah. An edited edition of popularity. OK enough already. You want numbers. You want parodies. You sent stuff in. Here goes. http://www.xs4all.n1/~royce1 Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, so remember to check your hands for hair. No, don't set your clocks back, you missed it. Nice beard, Mr. Hirsute. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ / / /You are tooned / / 2 wATI. zine / / radio 93. / / / \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Letters From The Editors: It has come to our attention that many hackers, for everything else they know, do not know how to strip away part of a URL. This seemed strange to us because, well, you know. Never mind. Here's a quick tutorial so you can recite the famous hacker mantra, "I knew that." The quicker you say that at the end of this t-phile, the better a hacker you are. This idea spawned by Barbizcon School of Hacking. Be a hacker, or just look like one. shows you a page. will show you a different page. For this t-phile we won't go into the diff between /Lab and /Lab.index.html ok? Get that somewhere else. will show you an entirely different page as will Get it? That should save wear and tear on your back key and your clicker finger and once in a while you'll stumble on extra neat elite things that "no one else" knows about. Sometimes not even the webmaster!!! In case you don't here's another example: will let you finger our editor. will let you finger prime somewhere else. Put another addy where the space is. lets you finger someone else. Try yourself, you egosurfer. lets you... hmmm. I'd better not say. shows you a bunch of other stuff. Get it? Got it? Good. Those who don't, go to ************** ** Hootmon, **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** 321 / / (oops, reverse that) / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / than two minute / increments. / - - - - - - - - - PAWN (prime anarchist world news tonite) Packistan. Packistani officials claim to have sheeped their first clone. "Actually it was not dificult to sheep," said spokesperson Mod al Muslix. "You put it in thee box and dee man come gets it." Muslix says Packistan plans to make big waves in the sheeping industry. SAN FELIPE a Poem by Jaime Gutierrez. Submitted Mon, 30Mar98 at 11am. (See? Aren't we fast.) Full moon across the gulf of Baja, sacred mountains and hills cradle the smooth sand and calm waters, an ancient white pyramid stands in the distant water as a reminder of our splended immortality and eternal dreams, subtle settlers rent and buy friendships and loyalties with their mighty dollars, like their ancestors the colonizers currency rules immaculately, bus loads of buegie spring break students from the U.S.'s shollowness training grounds, come to see and be seen, never really enjoying themselves or living the real dream. Lone Xicanos in search of salvation, in a distant homeland only to find it's the same; NAFTA turned all Mexicanos into Chicanos and Mexico into the largest barrio of the U.S.'s colony. Betrayed love haunts my mind and unfaught revolutions calm my soul. Aho El Super Xicano MOVONICIPAL BEVILDING Sorry, architects. You keep putting V's where the U's go and I'll keep picking on you. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ / / /You are tooned / / 2 wATI. zine / / radio 93. / / / \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Last Gasp has the Crumbs. Go get 'em. OK here's a parody. To the tune of John Prine's Paradise Actually, it's more like additional verses. Prime plays it all around one into the other. Look it up, you'll see. Then the Peabody shovel drove to northern Arizona Where Navajo and Hopi were farming the land. They're diggin for coal and uraniium (u-rane-ee-eye-eye-um) Assumin' dead Indians'll just understand. And Daddy won't you take me back to th'sacred 4 mountains Dinebeto Wash where the Black Mesa lay. Well I'm sorry my son but you're too late in askin' Mr. Peabody's coal train is haulin' it away. (There's other verses, butcha not gettin' em.) This one's to "Love is a Many Splendered Thing. Cash is a many tendered thing. It's the only choice of them that don't have everything. Cash is nature's way of saying A better way of paying Can not be found by even he who's king. Once during 9:30 coffee break. In the morning mist two schmoozers kissed And the world would quake. Then they each decided to capitalize on it and sing. Yes cash is a very, very splendid! Well tendered, splendorific thing. .PMI. Since there's no words to The Alley Kat I put my own in. There was an alley cat in my garbage H'ate up all a my trash. Stuck his head down my out house Gobbled up all a my ash. I even tried geraniums in my garden But he ate up everything. Now we have no food to eat. W'have to go grocery shopping. We hate that cat. He's such a fat cat They even wrote a song about him, And that's that. .PMI. OK. This one I didn't write. Carl Sandburg claimed that Mary Had a Little Lamb was a parody of this song sung to ukelele or lute in the halls of congress. Mary had a william goat, william goat, william goat. Mary had a william goat his stomach lined with zinc. One day he ate an oyster can, oyster can, oyster can. One day he ate an oyster can and a clothesline full of shirts. Oh the shirts can do no harm inside, harm ins... Oh the shirts can do no harm inside, but the oyster can. .PMI. This one I changed just a tiny bit. Dorie Ador. Don't spit on the floor. Spit out the door, that's what doors are for. Or use the cuspidor If you cannot find the door. Overheard in the all new Spam-Free Usenets... Article Segment 3 of 9 (Get Previous Segment) (Get all 9 Segments) The makers of ATI would like to thank, Brother Jack, Dr. Timothy Leary, Jello Biafra, Johanna Lawrenson, Spin Magazine, Spy Mag, Ronald and Nancy Reagan, Dirk Hitler, Manuel Noriega, Saddam "sodom" Hussein, The 1910 FruitGum Company, Samuel Clemens, Jim and Tammy Baker, Oliver North, Ferdinand and Imelda and her shoes, and all the little people Leona Helmsley talked about. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %Moderators' comment: ATI is a nice antidote to those who see no political consciousness amongst the CU. Like most e-mail mags, the substance has slowly changed and matured over the years, and it is becoming a nice mix of political, technical, and other information of relevance to computerists. Thanks to Ground Zero and Prime Anarchist for putting out a nifty publication. *************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << (ed. if we ever get jailed for our *************************** views, kindly please bake us a cake with this inside?) Greetings: I was "browsing" when I happened along your very nice website. You may be interested in viewing my site: (ed note: see #'s run this issue) since the site is intended as a resource for writers, artists, publishers, editors and agents. In addition to providing advertising space to businesses I allow visual artists and poets to display a single sample of their work at no cost to them. Regards, Ron Turan. Found Somewhere In a Unix or a Vax: I Don't Remember Exactly. (Plus statute of limitations limit us. (tic.)) /Press ENTER/ / To EXIT / AS PER USUAL AD HOC, AD NAUSEUM, AND HEAVILY ADVERTISED, please send all love letters, hate mail and boosts in my credit rating to: for back issues goto for i=1 to 30 for those wishing to subscribe goto alt.society.ati or alt.society.anarchy for now. 99 end I end with a poem I wrote called Machinos. Because after all is gone, all that is left is Myth. I only like Connecticut At 2:30 in the summer morning. When there's no traffic And you can hear some birds And they're saying I only like Connecticut At 2:30 in the summer morning. When there's no traffic And it doesn't matter If someone's playing three machines at a time, and I don't care Because I'm not there And you can hear some birds And they're saying I only like Connecticut At 2:30 in the summer morning When there's no casinos. Traffic. .