Nine Minutes to Midnite, AAA It's ATI. T T Actively Trying to Initiate. I Issue 132. June 15, 1998 ATI ATI Hi there. Prime Anarchist here with a contest. CONTEST: Guess how many people are playing solitaire right this moment on a win95, 98, NT or Macintosh. 3.1 machines don't count. Send guesses to ATI employees are not eligible. Chances of winning are just 1011101000101 in 35. And here's a poem: Beantown T Blues Roland Tumble $8 4 a tape. Boston Subway. $5 I toss 4 his performance On slide guitar. Singing blues; Talking blues. His Gibson's older'n mine. And way more Duct taped. DEBATE OF THE DECADE: would be Drudge Report's Matt Drudge and Vanity Fair's Christopher Hitchens. (In fact, Celebrity DeathMatch. Go, go.) One thing I hope NEVER to see: "Hi, I'm Denis Rodman for the Money Store..." Here's a CLOTHING STORE REVIEW and then I hope you enjoy this issue of ATI. I was Prime Anarchist; good day... Gadzooks. When I was 15, I used to tear up old clothing and then sew them back together different ways, "anyhow I felt like." I didn't think much of it when people began copying me. Now you can spend $59 + tax for some of my old ideas! Who knew? 132 E T C N E T mid-june-98 C H A E I C C H A E E R A E E P E P R E C A N C I E I N C R E A C E T H E P E A C E Together we can learn to resolve conflicts peacefully. * Find out more about the nationwide effort to learn creative, nonviolent responses to conflict. Check us out on the Internet to see what the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program National Center, an initiative of Educators for Social Responsibility, has to say. Contact us at ()()()()()() we are ATI ()()()()()() AMERICA'S SECRET POLICE: FBI COINTELPRO IN THE 1990s _________________________________________________________________ By Noelle Hanrahan (212) Part 3 of 3. (other two were seen in ATI129 and ATI130) This report was written in association with the Redwood Summer Justice Project, which pursues Judi Bari's and Darryl Cherney's civil rights case against the FBI and Oakland Police. * * * FBI LIES EXPOSED It was in the context of such a massive undercover operation against Earth First! that the FBI terrorist squad responded en masse to the bombing of Bari and Cherney in May of 1990. Special Agent John Conway, who was one of the main case agents assigned to the bombing, had also handled the San Francisco FBI office's substantial field work on the Arizona "THERMCON" sting. It is striking that after failing in a major COINTELPRO operation to tie Earth First! with explosives in Arizona, the FBI again tried to smear and defame nonviolent environmental activists as terrorists by falsely charging Bari and Cherney with transporting the bomb that was meant to kill them. In his deposition in the Bari/Cherney lawsuit, Held insists that he was completely out of the loop and unaware of the case, even though other FBI agents contradict his testimony and have said that they briefed him on a regular basis. KEY QUESTIONS REMAIN Were Judi Bari, Darryl Cherney or Earth First! subjects of an ongoing investigation in "the terrorist field" as agents claimed in FBI reports? If so, where are the files? Was this investigation authorized? Were they under FBI surveillance when they were bombed? What does the FBI know about who bombed Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney? And finally, why have they never made any attempt to catch the real bomber? In search of answers to these questions, the Redwood Summer Justice Project will continue to expose secret FBI operations against Earth First! as we pursue the civil rights lawsuit against the FBI and the Oakland Police. * * * _________________________________________________________________ COINTELPRO: THE FBI'S SECRET WAR AGAINST DEMOCRACY _________________________________________________________________ This article refers to the actions of FBI Special Agent Richard Wallace Held. For clarification, his father Richard G. Held was Associate Director of the FBI. * * Between 1987 and 1990, in a conspiracy to entrap and "pop Dave Foreman [founder of Earth First!] to send a message," the FBI spent $3 million, used 50 agents and conducted more than 1000 hours of wiretaps. A key informant was paid a total of $54,000. * 1981-1990, activists opposed to the U.S. foreign policy in Central America (as well as a dozen U.S. Senators and Congressmen) were subject to FBI harassment. The FBI's "investigation" of CISPES (Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) involved 59 field offices and 200 incidents of death threats, intimidation, and break-ins. * In August 1985, Richard W. Held led 300 FBI agents and U.S. marshals in raids throughout Puerto Rico, trashing offices and homes and arresting scores of activists. The FBI's overall operations resulted in the creation of files on 74,000 individuals. * In 1975, Richard W. Held was involved in the FBI's cover-up of the 70 deaths of American Indian Movement supporters at Pine Ridge in South Dakota. On the scene after an FBI operation which resulted in the deaths of two FBI agents and one Indian man, Held helped lay the groundwork for the framing of AIM leader Leonard Peltier for murder. Peltier remains wrongfully imprisoned to this day. * On April 27, 1970, Richard W. Held requested and received permission from J. Edgar Hoover to "neutralize" actress Jean Seberg. Held placed an anonymous letter with a Hollywood gossip columnist regarding the parentage of Seberg's unborn child. On August 7, 1970, Seberg, nearly 7 months pregnant, attempted suicide. On August 23rd, she gave birth prematurely to a baby girl. Weighing less than 4 pounds, the baby died. Seberg's transgression? Her support of the Black Panther Party. * Beginning in 1970, FBI agent Richard W. Held, an architect of COINTELPRO vs. the Black Panthers in L.A., helped orchestrate the 25-year false imprisonment of Geronimo ji jaga (Pratt). Held and others engineered the frame-up of Geronimo by withholding critical information that the prosecution's key witness, Julius Butler, was an FBI operative. * On Dec. 4, 1969, Chicago police and the FBI assassinated Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. Hampton, who was alive but wounded after the initial assault, was then executed at close range. William O'Neal, an FBI informant, provided a detailed floor plan of Hampton's apartment; he was paid $30,000. * In 1963, the FBI turned their attention to Martin Luther King, Jr., and sought to destroy him through a campaign of wiretaps and harassment. In one incident, the FBI confronted King with a compilation of secretly recorded tapes, threatening to release them to the press if King did not commit suicide before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. * From 1943-63, the federal civil rights case Socialist Workers Party v. Attorney General documents decades of illegal FBI break-ins and 10 million pages of surveillance records. The FBI paid an estimated 1,600 informants $1,680,592 and used 20,000 days of wiretaps to undermine legitimate political organizing. * * * Sources available on request. To order more copies of "AMERICA'S SECRET POLICE," to be placed on the mailing list to receive updates on Judi Bari's lawsuit against the FBI, or to make a tax deductible contribution to help fund the lawsuit, please contact: contact Redwood Summer Justice Project. ()()()()()() we are ATI ()()()()()() #'s run. Brought to you by pap, Prime Anarchist Productions. /street muscians are/ /a treasure. Stop for/ /a moment and listen;/ / then leave a / / small donation. / / May 5, Tuesday / / from Life's little / /Instruction Calandar/ Life at 1579 Broadway On The Stage a "cyberpoem" transmitted via port 25 spoofmail. Geocities. How are you? Hope you like my links. A whole page o links. No more guestbooks, they all rot: Literally. Til I write my own, nothing new. And html? Nothing complicated. Just really cool poems. 1579 Broadway, NY NY. Sort of. (PAWN) Indian Protesters Fault Coke, Pepsi By Hemo Glukla Special to Prime Anarchist World News Thursday, June 43, 1998; 1:31 p.m. EDT NEW DELI, India -- Angry at Washington's attempts to check India's nuclear ambitions, young protesters here are targeting two symbols of America -- Cocaine and Pepto Bismol. At Deli University, the student association has demanded that campus cafeterias not stock Cocaine or Pepto Bismol, and given them until Monday to sell existing stock. "We want to tell (the United States) we conducted nuclear tests because we feel threatened as a nation. But you don't treat us as a nation, only as a market. If you impose sanctions on us, we will boycott your products,'' said Amal Jihad, president of Deli University Students Union. In the wake of U.S. sanctions for India's five nuclear tests last month, young people attacked and damaged a Cocaine dealer and a Sysco foods van delivering Pepto Bismol in the western city of Surfrat, local papers reported. And near India's financial hub of Bomb-A, a commercial association has asked restaurants to stop selling Cocaine and Pepto Bismol. Student activists said they would not use force to stop people from doing "coke or Pepto," but would try to explain the political relevance of consumption choices. American drug dealers have had their troubles in India; the government once forced cocaine out of the country for a time after the U.S. refused to divulge its secret formula. ()()()()()() we are ATI ()()()()()() OPEN LETTER TO ASSOCIATED PRESS: RE: your recent coverage of the Native American Music awards ceremonies. Is that the best you could do??? You shouldn't have even shown up. I see right through your attempts to make it into a non-story. It was a big, most "happening" event and if that's the best you can do, then stay home. In fact, I think I'll penalize you and make you sit out the next three United States war-interventions. You'll just have to wander around hospitals and try to eavesdrop on Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical warfare patients. Hope you get a story. AP sucks, Long Live AP. Long Live AP. Prime Anarchist Your humble thorn. Rocky millstone around your neck. Glad to be of service... "Given the magic which took place on the stage of the Fox Theatre it is simply not possible for Native music to be kept isolated in a backwater ethnic ghetto; the people want to hear more." --Doug George-Kanentilo Special to News From Indian Country, reprinted in Kalihwisaks, june 4, '98; now reprinted in ATI. (please forward:) OPEN LETTER TO KALIHWISAKS: Your June 4 story about the NAMMIES was the best I've seen anywhere so far. New London Day and Norwich Bulletin were especially bad. You did make one mistake that bothered me enough to pen this, however. You spelled Ellen Bello's family name "Beilos." She was the one who created this annual ceremony out of early ideas. After Joanne Shenandoah introduced me to her husband and also to her friend Ellen, I left the music awards wondering just who looked the most stunning in an evening dress that nite. Joanne or Ellen. A tossup as long as you discount April, this year's Miss Indian World. She'll be doing that for a living, so that didn't count. I still wonder as I write this from the Brown County public library, my second home. My first is the Thames River estuary in Groton, CT where the Mashantucket Pequots hitch their beautiful high speed ferries and mis-spell Sasakus' name every single day, for all the world to see. I take great pains to spell Joanne Shenandoah's AND Ellen Bello's name as they would prefer. Won't you please join me? Prime Anarchist (with two 'r's) ()()()()()() we are ATI ()()()()()() BAREFOOT ON BIG CITY SIDEWALK a POME by prime anarchist carry your sandals in your right hand the ancient ones finally say hello walking by. ME AND RC a prime song broadside. I drink Royal Crown Good ole Royal Crown You may think me colonial But I'm a loyal clown. I drink Royal Crown Good ole Royal Crown Be glad it ain't Pepsi. I'm a loyal clown. (alternate 3rd lines. 1,2 and 4 remain same throughout) Any chance to bust on coke. Royal Crown is less commercial. Look for less imperialism. Lettuce From our Read Us: Mad Bill Gates Is No Momma T Once again a follower of Ayn Rand has trotted out the tired argument of the self-centered. The writer, Joseph Kellard argues that humanitarians merely "dispense gifts" while "Atlases" such as Bill Gates and Henry Ford "made those gifts possible." In defense of humanitarians such as Mother Theresa who spend tireless hours attending to the suffering and dying while Bill Gates decides where in his mansion to install a Jacuzzi, humanitarians do not simply dispense gifts. They give a more precious resource -- their time. And they endure incredible hardship to make others' lives less painful. The error of Rand's devout followers is that they measure the quality of our lives by counting material goods and technological advances. Love and kindness are of the greatest benefit to our society, not smoother running automobiles. To improve the lot of human existence, give me a Mother Theresa over a Bill Gates any day. Bill McIntosh (414) To Prime: A poem called Scooter Skater To or from the laundromat; probably doesn't matter. Uses the hamper for handlebars; wanted to call him goofyfoot. Phrase from MY skaterdayz. Prob'ly a word, dead as OJ wheels Or Monster trucks. He's right-footed. Pushing off. Down the street. Scooting along. In stride. Full of laundry; hauling full hamper. Laundromat. To or from?? Laslo, (920) [][][][][][][][][][] POETRY A-Z "The Wrecking Crew" by Martin Musick. St. Louis, MO. "There it is." "Boy!" "We got Papers." "Wait a minute..." "Yeah?" "Think about it. This has been here More than a hundred Years..." "Come on, bud; I wanna catch the game On TV." Reprinted from: Poetry free of copyright. That's about all for ATI. Thank you for reading. Send all corresponding notes to: for subscribing, write to: .