aaa ttttttt iiiii a a t i aaaaa t i a a t i a a t iiiii Welcome to ATI138. You might think our opening logo looks a little Aug 2 or 3. different. You're right. We're just 1998 on a tight budget this week. "Pray for the dead, but fight like hell for the living" -"Mother Jones", union activist and all-arond hell raiser. Date unknown. =========================== = info following brought = = on by a need for more = = real information =) = =========================== ........... / from / hello there. For those who might not know / the / me. I'm prime anarchist. also known as /publisher/ marco. here u ........./ c another issue of ATI. ........... / from / activist time initiative. / the / i hope u like it. if u don't /publisher/ then blame me. ........./ I am my fault. ........... here r / from / some of Bill Clinton's pager / the / messages for last May. /publisher/ (about the same time I was covering ........./ the NAMMY's in Konetiuk.) I've selected a tiny few for here, because what was e-mailed 2 me took up about 50K. I know you don't want to plow through that. So I just kept in the ones that might have stains or cocktail dresses on them. 55736 MEET ROADRUNNER FOR PAGER AND SURV. KIT 52845 EAGLE CALL|MR BOB DOLE|HOLDING CALL|SWBD OP#103 55517 CALL TAMMIE AT 832-0200. SHE IS LOCKED OUT OF THE ROOM /NO KEY IS AT THE HOTEL 55532 YOUR CAR IS BEING TOWED FROM MC SITE. RETURN ASAP 55517 PLS CALL YOUR MOM 55363 CHIANG IS AT HOTEL 52034 DONT FORGET TO PAGE ME TONITE WHEN YOU WANT ME IN YOUR ROOM 55320 CHIANG NEEDS 1 MORE HOTEL RM FOR TRISHA ENRIGHT, HUD PRESS-ARRIVES TONITE 55381 SCHMUCK, HOW'S IT HANGIN??? TOOTLES... 54131 PAGE TRISHIA AT 800-800-7759 PIN 5669 (Yes, Current! I verified...) 52034 YOU ARE VERY CUTE!!! 54197 PLEASE CALL SSG COLE AFTER DEPARTURE, THANKS SSG COLE SENDS 54331 PLEASE CALL JENNIFER AT 202-293-7989 (not sure yet...) 52263 EAGLE CALL|2ND REQUEST|CHELSEA|CLINTON|HOLDING CALL|SIGNAL OPERATOR 142 52684 AND YOUR POINT IS? 11 UP 3 DOWN 52845 MRS CHELSEA AND MRS CLINTON TALKING AT THIS TIME -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Prime still here. The only other thing I have for you this issue is some notes from the Chiapas conference last week. I'll type them in raw here. Discernment will have to come some other (life)time. 3 states most oil, chiapas, tabasco, veracruz chiapas provides 52% of the electricity for all of mexico security police, military and paramilitary. (looks like stockwell's angola) uranium near tabasco. oil and electricity all to the western half of chiapas. foreign investment all along the southwest coast. chinese bananas and japanese shrimp and tuna. grupos platanos (the banana group) a new paramilitary group. (sounds like something newt and rush would found...) 22dec97 massacre acteal 2 goals for army to burn down chiapas' mountains 1) destroy economy 2) create hunger forcing people to rely on gov't assistance boycotts of mexican products. sistering, brothering with people who have gotten death threats lately. reconnecting people expelled from Mexico is "mui importante." we need an influence on the press in mexico. paper companies, paper companies. eucalyptus. 72,000 hectares. cellulose for paper, menthol for medicines and cigs. tricontinental project. rivers and trains. a couple new panama canals?? "slippery slope" Brian Willson this oct 4, elections in Mexico. "you are also a divided nation with indigenous, afrikan-american, and european." --chucho alveredez 3 fundamental lies form Zedillo's admin. by Tom Hansen. 1) peace accords were stalled. both signed. mexican gov't refuses to implement. 2) indian on indian. old struggle military moved in the last few years and orchestrated this. 3) army is there for peacekeeping. army trains the paramilitary groups. building schools in chiapas is now against the law. there is a larger punishment for stealing a cow in chiapas than for killing an indigenous person. 11 new prisons have been built in the last 6 months. "a real citizens education looking at new ethical values of respect for each other. Tolerance, inclusion." -onesimo hidalgo "Mother Earth" was mentioned in excess of 21 times throughout the conference. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ()()()()()()() and now a word or 20 from Hi folks, our former Please make a note of the new URL copublisher for Black Helicopters on the Horizon: ()()()()()()() OLD address: **NEW** address: Please make a note of it! :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <> a 5 mile commute by bicycle <> requires only 175 calories of renewable food energy. (from last month's The same commute by car "bike2workweek" requires a hefty 9,300 cals pamphlet) <> of fossil fuel energy <> ************** ** hey mon **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** / / / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / call (860)887-2600 /help y'all, and us / ext 5293 change the world / radically, in less / yadda, yadda, yadda than two minute / increments. / or email - - - - - - - - - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (NEWZ!!!) June 13, 1998. Union Progresso, Chiapas. The public forces took one dead, and seven wounded from here, according to the authorities of the Autonomous Municipality San Juan de la Libertad, last June 10, 1998. They "were taken alive and tied up by the federal soldiers and State Public Security forces. These companeros were executed" on orders "of the state and federal governments." Among the list of dead in the community of Chabajeval, where four were killed, one was "a one year old child who was disemboweled." Calle Ignacio Allende 4 29200 San Cristobal de Las Casas Chiapas - Mexico Tele & Fax 52-967-82104 Global Exchange 2017 Mission St., Rm 303 SF, CA 94110 USA To understand the continuing massa- cre and mayhem by governmental for- ces against the Native peoples of Chiapas, just remember that govern- ments in our lands, are the ser- vants of the corporations, politi- cians talk of good things, but pur- sue the wishes of the corporations. Remember Pine Ridge Territory. Study the Navajo/Hopi Joint Use Area. (reprinted from Shenandoah Newsletter 736 West Oklahoma Street Appleton, WI 54914 USA) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- as per usual, poetics to end. AMERICAS by marco How can I help you Understand that until Navajo are treated right in "My Country" I don't care Whether my president Slept with him or her or not. Also, until the people of Chiapas are allowed to Control their own Uranium's value (Which sits under their houses) I don't care about property values, Or whether Clinton slept with him or her or not. Mostly, while people starve in my own country I don't care how great NAFTA makes You feel, how property values are 2day Or whether he slept with him or her Or not. I understand that you care immense, about How things are, now that NAFTA makes 25% of us feel better, how wonderful it is that Property values are moving again Like seasonal-skirt-hem-lines, And whether he slept with him or her. Please at least understand my hurting heart for this... KEEPING "US" ALL IN BUSINESS by Ibid. How many people are making good money this moment, Each designing new and different ways to keep restrooms in two rolls of toilet paper at a time? All the time? New, new new. Old isn't bad... It's just not new. How many new toilet dispenser inventions will get patented the next year alone? If I told you you would (perchance literally) poop your pants. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- send all contributions, complaints and corrosives to check out our homepage at: subscribe or unsubscribe at: Call (860)887-2600 ext. 5293 to vent. touch your nose and your tongue. .