H O R S E P U C K I E An Open Letter To Guild Guitars Great pictures of white people building D-55 guitars in your Westerly, RI factory. I saw them in your summer insert to Guitar Player Magazine. But I'm confused. How come you didn't photograph any of the Mexican people who work so hard in your plants? Sincerely, Prime Anarchist e&p ATI since 1988 ************** ** Ya Mon, **- - - - - - - - - - - -/ ************** 142 / / August 31, 1998 / / 243rd day of the year / /Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a / journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to help,help,/ send SASE? Guano! /help y'all, and us / stamps??? email?? SPAM?!? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI@etext.org than two minute / increments. / - - - - - - - - - Hello, and welcome to ATI. The EDLIN issue. That's right. Portions of this issue have been brought to you using the EDLIN command from (now get ready for this) DOS 3.3 Now if that isn't a blast from the past, eh? Got some really good stuff for you this week. It's late coming out, just because I was busy making "dinero" at festivals all weekend. So you probably get this early or late Monday. Prime. ..................... .. ALL BIKES NOT . .. PROPERLY LOCKED . ..INTO BIKE RACKS WILL . .. HAVE LOCKS CUT . ..OFF AND WILL BE PUT . .. IN STORAGE. . .. THERE MAY BE A . .. STORAGE OR . .. RECOVERY FEE . ..CHARGED. . ..................... HAPPY 40TH B-DAY CLIFFS NOTES (TM) All the tornados around the continental US that are hitting, yea devastating hectare after hectare of land that never saw funnels before might be explained by a 1975 speech that a Hopi man and a Navajo woman gave at an Arizona college. I badly paraphrase but the idea remains intact. "Keep pulling Uranium out of the ground and you will throw off the thunder and lightning and wind." That was the woman, the man was more direct. "Tornados, where tornados don't belong. People will die at the hands and feet of their addiction to technology." *ATI has received * * 11 awards in * * the last 12 * * months! * *but WE DON't CARE* * so you won't see* *medals, banners * * links or cutsie * *graphics here OR * * at the homepages* Red Wing Black Bird a song by Marco Red Wing Black Bird; Where are you. Are you out there, Beyond the blue. R W B B Near or far; Keep me guessing, Where you are. R W B B There you are; I can see you, From my car. R W B B Hear you shout, Cut the motor, Jump on out. pap #'s run http://www.promo.net/pg http://elnom.com/mahome http://members.tripod.com/~theshynessclinic http://www.webpost.net/tu/turtlesbook http://www.meer.net/~johnl/e-zine-list/zines/ati.html http://www.timesoft.com/hopi http://www.wolfenet.com/~tucker/z/spnism.htm http://members.xoom.net/bridget973 http://www.angelfire.com/ny/fasters/vent.html http://www.escape.com/~bobzark http://www.kmf.org/williams/bushbook/bush15.html http://www.kmf.org/williams/bushbook/bush7.html http://www.uxu.org http://www.cc.ukans.edu/about_lynx/www_start.html http://www.thepentagon.com/barataeletrica http://www.createpeace.com http://www.coyote.org http://www.infected.com http://www.boltreporter.com http://vvv.com/~weirdal http://www.host.net/cia C A L A N D R I A August 31, 1998. ATI142 hits presses. September 5, 1887. Crazy Horse assassinated. Sept. 6, 1998. Projected date for issue 143 or ATI. Sept. 9, 1828. Leo Tolstoy born. Sept. 13, 1916. Raold Dahl born. Sept. 17, 1883. William Carlos Williams born. October 1, 1976. World Vegetarian Day. Oct. 3, 1900. Thomas Wolfe born. Oct. 9, 1967. Che Guevera executed, Bolivia. Oct 12, 1492 Natives discover Columbus. November 2, 1812. Lord Byron speaks in favor of Luddites in Parliament. Nov. 12, 1974. Karen Silkwood murdered. NOV 28. Buy Nothing Day ADWATCHERS Subway's running a particularly evil campaign right now. At least their radio spots seem awfully abusive. If other people's foods make you drowsy after you eat a meal, come try their new chicken sandwich. Never mind that it's probably a poorly genetically engineered Louis Rich product that they likely offered to Subway "rather than throwing it all away." Excuse me, you don't need a PHD in nutrition sciences to know that a type of food has almost nothing to do with Subway's new Gingivita-halitosa-tarter. THAT DROWSINESS PHENOMENON IS CAUSED BY TOO MANY CALORIES NO MATTER WHAT YOU ATE. Oh well, their myth will work, they'll make a gazillion dollars and we'll still have just as many of our own people on a never ending quest searching desperately for something, anything they can spend money on and eat two-or-more-portions-per-meal-of that won't make them _______(fill in the blank - almost any adjective will work. =) /I ' D R A T H E R/ /B E R E A D I N G / / A C T I V I S T / /T I M E S , I N C / Hey Marco Polo: I think this is the last message I got from you. How are you? Where are you? No more online zine? Prime anarchist? Lemme know- Shawn (206) Why The English Are Superior To Other Races (Especially Americans!!!!!) 1. They speak English. 2. When they host a world championship they invite other countries. 3. Visitors to the Head of State are only expected to go down on one knee. Michael (617) To The Editor Of ATI: hey i tried to listen to it but i am on web tv and it would not let me hear it..sorry bob (718) Sam Nunn is a Bilderberger and is definitely not, IMO, a "good guy." Also notice that in the interview, he said "penetrate" three times and used the words "Boy Scouts" once after saying "penetrate." This is a Freudian slip, IMO. I will write no more on that particular subject. However, I was fascinated that he did seem to say (hallelujah!) that CIA employees have murdered while on the payroll. At least that much has now been admitted, publicly, by a man who has every reason to know the details of such operations. K. Sullivan (404) To ATI: "No question that an admission of making false statements to government officials and interfering with the FBI is an impeachable offense." Bill Clinton, ARKANSAS GAZETTE, August 8, 1974, page 7-A. The ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT, two days earlier -- August 6, 1974, page 10-A -- quoted Bill Clinton again talking about the need for Nixon to leave office: "Bill Clinton, Democratic candidate for the 3rd Congressional District, said, "There is nothing left to say. There's no point putting this country through an impeachment since [Nixon] isn't making any pretense of innocence now... This country has suffered so long." Cipher (whereabouts won't be known) interesting anarchist collum. at first i thought it to be spam but thought it nifty when i read some of it. howw did i end up on your list? i also run an anarchist publication go to: http://www.wolfenet.com/~tucker/z/spnism.htm to find out about it. ??? (???) Hey Hey Hey Can I be OUT of your mailing list? Please. Thank's in advance. Juan (MX) I gotta say, I hadn't really gone through your ATI letters before (from the UA list), but tonight I'm tripping and totally digging the whole thing. A bunch of BBSes got burned in my area when I was getting into the whole scene...snif...anyway, I wanted to say that this is nifty lil zene you have. Good stuff, man. Much better than some of these backyard highschool punks on the list. -jim (sf) <{;<)=!!!!!==={ George (860) "I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government, enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, and restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretense of governing, they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep. I do not exaggerate... Experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind; for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787. "The sheep are happier of themselves than under the care of the wolves." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XI, 1782. Michael (CH) : "Oh no, not again" Beep Beep Beep..... The website you have reached..... http://www.interactive.net/~bridget has been changed.... The new website is.... http://members.xoom.net/bridget973 Please make a note of it.... Some other thoughts..... Should CLINTON:(Certified Liar In National Top Office Now) be impeached? I think so. First off, he lied to the American people. Makes you wonder what ELSE he lied about. Now he isn't the first President to lie, but 4 years and 40 MILLION dollars.... 40 million TAX dollars just to prove that Slick Willie couldn't keep it in his pants? Shit, that could feed a lot of hungry people and sure help the homeless.... What about Billary? That blonde headed bimbo's face must be redder than Bozo the Clown on a bad makeup day. And Chelsea? Who gives a rats ass? Probobly getting drunk at frat parties. What the American people need is a President that is willing to stand up and let the truth be known about all things the Government knows. All the coverups, all the conspiracies..... The American people over the last 30 years have watched this country go downhill and downhill its gone. Enough is enough. Ground Zero should be president. A no nonsense president that would get shit done. Seriously. If you think about it, a woman in the White House that would cut the bullshit from government. Who cares why ketchup comes out of a bottle slow? Them $500 toilet seats aren't funny either. What is needed is a show on prime time showing exactly where our tax dollars go. (Hey GZ! Wanna host that one??) I know ABC news does something like this once a week. First an URL on conspiracy: http://home.att.net/~joserojas/conspiracy.html And another mystery: http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/hum/hum.html anon (???) /I ' D R A T H E R/ /B E R E A D I N G / / A C T I V I S T / /T I M E S , I N C / HOT NOCTURNAL ANIMAL: Mountain Bikers. (swiped-in * from RS 793) The new masters of darkness, night-riding mountain bikers are like goths with better tans. With major innovations in bike lights thousands of riders are now jumping on their bikes when the deer and ring-tailed lemurs play. In warm-weather areas like California, Arizona and Florida, nocturnal-riding clubs have sprouted like nightshade. Some have bumped antlers with deer. Others have looked into the crazy green reflection of a mountain lion's eye. Mountain bikers, who have a greater crossover with Rainbow Gatherers than with triathlon geeks, have begun to assemble, Woodstock- fashion, in fields across the country to enter twenty-four-hour races. Picture tent cities in red-rock canyons, wafts of sage mingling with essence of WD-40. There are also divisions for sheer masochists, but most join 4 or 5 person teams and ride alternate legs like relay runners. They spend the hours between excruciating laps sleeping, inhaling bean burritos, diddling with bikes or chugging beer. Where there was but one 24-hour race four years ago, there are now around twenty. The big ones routinely draw 1,500 competitors or more. But the mother of all night-biking events is still "Twenty-four Hours of Moab," which takes place in Utah every October. (* swiped in - "typed in" with/without permission - the t-phile's equivalent to: "could not be reached for comment. =)) Young People's Press in Toronto announced the launch of Equality Today!, an anti-racism E-zine. Among the contributors to this edition include a substantial number of Aboriginal writers. Check out http://www.equalitytoday.org (PAWN) TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - Christopher Columbus stands trial as his accusers say they still suffer from his alleged misdeeds. The Genoese navigator is accused of genocide, robbery and slave trading. The trial opened Monday on a national holiday honoring Lempira, the Lenca Indian leader who led resistance to the Spanish Conquest begun in Honduras in 1524. Columbus will be defended by former Honduran Culture Minister Rodolfo Pastor Fasquelle. If found guilty, Columbus may be exhumed, tarred, feathered and then flogged. His frostbitten toes will be imported to a bar in Canada to be mixed into martinis during happy hour. THE EZLN'S REVOLUTIONARY LAW FOR WOMEN The EZLN, in their revolutionary struggle for the liberation of its people, incorporates women in the revolutionary struggle regardless of their race, religion, color, or political affiliation, and with the only purpose of making theirs the demands of an exploited people and because of their commitment to bring to realization the laws and rules of the revolution. Further, taking into consideration the situation of the working woman in Mexico, their fair demands for equality and justice are incorporated in the following REVOLUTIONARY LAW FOR WOMEN: 1) Women, regardless of race, religion or political affiliation, have the right to participate in the revolutionary struggle in the location and to whatever degree their will and ability determine. 2) Women have the right to work and receive a fair salary. 3) Women have the right to decide the number of children they want to have and of whom they can take care. 4) Women have the right to participate in the community affairs and to hold political offices if they are elected freely and democratically. 5) Women and their children have the right to obtain basic health and nutrition. 6) Women have a right to education. 7) Women have the right to choose their mate and to not be forced into marriage. 8) No woman may be hit or be physically abused neither by her relatives nor strangers. Attempts to rape will be severely punished. 9) Women may occupy administrative positions in the organization and they may obtain military rankings in the armed revolutionary forces. 10)Women will have all the rights and responsibilities that the revolutionary laws and rules indicate. /I ' D R A T H E R/ /B E R E A D I N G / / A C T I V I S T / /T I M E S , I N C / ATI ends with a poem. RIPPLE - by marco 20 seconds of contemplative 21 seconds of Tibetan Singing Bowl 1 minute later I hear from my room An auto alarm Runs its sequence Silence 42 seconds more Again we sing Sequence Silence Repeat Fade Have a nice week, & If you don't want to miss a beat Send: SUBSCRIBE ATI (your name) to: listserv@intst.com Unsubscribing is just as easy; We won't insult your intelligence and/or further confuse you... .