PRIME ANARCHIST SAYS SORRY AA TTTTTTTT IIIIIIII A A TTTTTTTT IIIIIIII AA AA TT II AAAA 1 TT 4 II 3 AA AA TT II AA AA TT II AA AA TT IIIIIIII AA AA TT IIIIIIII C I N T M C I E ! V S I S T ....... .Issue. .143!!. ....... That's it! One more download and I'll kill -9 you. <><><><><><><><> Hello there, Whereas, whereas, whereas & whereas, Be it hereby resolved, that I, Prime Anarchist, this week of Full Moon, September, 1998, turn over my weekly column to Subcomdante Insurgente Marcos: <><><><><><><><> "I do what I always do in these cases: I put the message in the bottle, put the top on tightly with some chewing gum of chamoy which the sea gives me, I plant myself firmly by the side of the ceiba, with all my strength, I throw the bottle with the message very far. A trail of cloud gets it and, navigating, takes it to-wherever- it-knows-to-take-it. There goes the bottle. Whoever finds it can, by breaking it, break the silence and find some answers and many questions. Perhaps he will also be able to read..." <><><><><><><><><><><> In the name of the 300 <><><><><><><><><><><> "The Ballad Of Kevin Mitnick: a parody." To the tune of Gilligan's Island By Deeply Shrouded And Quiet (206) "It started when they tracked him down, and threw him in a cell." The time he's spent, the years gone by, It's been a living hell. He sits in jail, without no bail. They say he is a threat..... The whole damned thing's political On that you can sure bet..... On that you can sure bet..... No phone! No 'net! No ISP! Not a single luxury! With murderers and psychopaths, He's locked up as can be.... In Sol-i-tary..... Now Bernie S. they let him out yes Bernie S is free.... While Kevin sits and rots in jail In Sol-i-tary.... In Sol-i-tary.... The movie that they want to make.... It is a bunch of lies.... But Mirimax don't give a damn..... If Kevin lives or dies..... If Kevin lives or dies..... So spread this song throughout the world.... And let the public see.... No speedy trial all three years...... Kevin should be set free.... Kevin should be set free.... #'s "If the shameful acts of the Mexican political class are merchandise for the powerful communications media, and whose successful presentation is measured in "rating" points, for the immense majority of those who struggle and die between the Rio Bravo and the Suchiate, they are only a continuation of the State crime which spans almost the entire century." -- Elisabeth (414) AND NOW, A LETTUCE TO THE EDITOR / ? / /send all lettuce 2 / ? / Eat bannanas much? I wouldn't suggest eating any of that loveable Chicitah Bannan Bitches food anytime soon. Havn't read about it? Thats because Chicittah has been suing anyone who even thinks of making any sort of "allegations" against that loveable 3rd world icon. God forbid your an ISP and you host this commie page!!! Read about the new FAQ on how to keep info like this moving faster than the lawyers can keep up. Its nice to think that geeks are keeping up with the lawyer scum who would prefer we live in a Prozac happy Gray world. ..... Ian (disadent) to: we used to write like 8 years ago. i didn't know ATI was still around and i don't know how i got on their list, but keep'em coming! where is she & what's she [GZ] up to? apollo... Dear ATI Marco Capelli, Here is a pretty intresting press release we think pertains to your ezine. For more information please contact Mike Kelum (702) or email: You can also preview the site at -- Actual outcall girls and guys are available for interviews or appearances. President John Zito is also available for comment. Press Release-For Immediate Release Internet Prostitution? LAS VEGAS, September 1, 1998 - The promotion of outcall girls is online. The controversial, newly launched website is the first collection of hundreds of professional outcall girls who are available 24 hours a day to come direct to your Las Vegas hotel room to strip totally naked and dance for you in the privacy of your own room. With both men and women available, nude photos are displayed with a brief description, including measurements, interests, and phone number. The site is run by First Class Incorporated (President, John Zito) which has been running outcall services in Las Vegas for the last 15 years. Police allege the site is nothing more than a front for prostitution. Zito denies those allegations. First Class Incorporated has dabbled in the adult 'online market' but never before were girls accessible directly online for in-room service. Zito, who is not only posting a large collection of girls from his agency, has added <...> (Rest Deleted Because Who Cares) [Editors Note: What on EARTH made your robot think this release would be "a pretty intresting press release we think pertains to your ezine." I published this just to show you all what kinds of silliness I put up with week to week. Ay yay, yay, yay...] Estimado navegante: US$ 120.000.000 lo esperan en: y un tentador regalo para el espiritu en: Nunca su bolsillo y su espiritu tan cerca de enriquecerse. Gracias por su atencion. R.M. [ed note: no gracias] ------ |MY ATI| ------ Hi! Don't stop at 12 awards, here is the 13th, the unlucky one -- the folks on the missing floor in the hotel award you a Grand Award for making people laugh while making them think and informing them. Consider this the smallest award that can be bestowed upon a man, but hey, it's better than nothing! ******************* *** A GRAND *** *** AWARD *** *** *** *** TO ATI *** *** *** *** FOR *** *** HUMOR *** *** IN THE *** *** FACE *** *** OF EVIL *** ******************* Sincerely, Russell D. Hoffman Carlsbad, CA "I have taken a shining to Zoot Suit Riot by the Cherry Popping Daddys (sp?) - a rivival of swing in the 90s. Who would of thought....." My son Brian sings the chorus to this (having seen the video on TV). We've even taken to calling him "Zoot Suit Brian." As in "Zoot Suit Brian ... BRIAN ... throw him in the back of the van ..." (to the tune of ZSR). 27 Aug 1998 04:18:49 GMT Greetings from Swiss exile! Billy Blythe a/k/a Bill Clinton, was ignorant to have an "inappropriate relationship" with the young, intern. You have to be ignorant to do something like that in such a public place while you're such a public person: the number ONE public person and the number ONE public place. He can't keep his pants on, just like the doll that's sellin' like hotcakes all over the world, the "Bubba" doll that you must have seen over there. He is, among other things, a sex maniac. He's also, as a major British newspaper recently pointed out, "stupid dumb SOB". Their Swiss counterpart plastered on their exceptionally large, boldface headlines: "The President Is A Fool!" He's pulling the USA even lower in the gutter than it's been the past few years that he's been in "office". The USA is now thought of as a world dictator, and the dictator snorts coke, murders his opponents and can't keep his sex organ in his shorts. The Swiss used to adore Herr Clinton and the country he presides over. No more. Like the rest of the world, they are beginning to nurture a hatred of the USA and their cokehead "leader" which will take many years to extinguish. The cover this week calls the USA the "World Dictator" and the extensive article tells how Billy Blythe a/k/a Bill Clinton is: "...everything from a sex degenerate to a cocaine dealer to a murderer." This is only one of hundreds of similar magazine/newspaper covers that look like this. If you'd travel a bit outside the USA, you'd be absolutely ashamed to see what the world thinks of America and Americans today. They're a laughing stock, especially El Presidente. When an America-loving conservative magazine like "FACTS" puts something on the cover like the mentioned picture, you know Billy Blythe's damaged the reputation of the country more than all the other presidents in history combined. He makes Georgey Porgy look like an honourable man, and he, too, was a sex pervert, but at least he raped and murdered six-year-old boys like "Brandon" behind-the-scenes, in a secret lodge in Nebraska, not in the Oval Office. In Liberty, MICHAEL BOREN WILLIAMS Freedom Fighter in Exile Marco, Thank you very much for visiting our e-zine and leaving a message on our guestbook. We apologize for not responding earlier but raising an infant, finishing law school and studying for (and then taking) the bar exam left us a bit frazzled. We sincerely appreciate your comments about our zine and hope to have the next issue out in a couple of weeks. Ray and Kim Goforth Social Justice / ? / /send all lettuce 2 / ? / (Prime Anarchist World News Tonite) VATICAN CITY--In a historic reversal of its nearly 2,000-year-old pro-meek stance, the Catholic Church announced Tuesday that it is permanently rescinding the traditional "blessed" status of the world's meek. "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ once said, 'Blessed are the meek,'"said Pope John Paul II in a papal bull read before the College of Cardinals. "However, there has always been a tacit understanding between the Church and the meek that this 'blessed' status was conditional upon their inheritance of the earth, an event which seems unlikely to happen anytime in the foreseeable future. Our relationship, therefore, must be terminated." "Screw the meek," the pope added. Citing "two millennia of inaction and non-achievement" by the world's impoverished and downtrodden, the pope contended that the meek's historic inability to improve their worldly status constituted "bad faith" on their part. "Twenty centuries should have been more than enough time for them to inherit the earth," the Supreme Pontiff said. "For years, the Catholic Church has made every effort to help them, but at some point, enough is enough. We are patient, but we are not saints." Catholic leaders around the world were vocal in their support of the pope. "The meek have abused their blessed status for far too long now," said Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston. "From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution to the current Global Information Age, the meek have always somehow managed to sit back and do nothing while others worked hard to make advances and improve their lives. They have collected the Catholic Church's spiritual welfare checks for long enough." "Everything about the meek, from their simple garments to their quiet demeanors to their utter lack of can-do spirit, goes against Church philosophy," Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte of Montreal said. "Sitting back and expecting the Lord to provide is not the type of behavior for which the Church should be rewarding its followers." The change in policy toward the meek is also rooted in financial considerations: According to Vatican statistics, though more than 80 percent of the world's Catholics live below the poverty line, the Catholic Church receives less than 2 percent of its annual earnings of $395 billion from such people. "The meek's blessed status was originally bestowed upon them by Jesus Christ Himself, but there is enough latitude in His gospels and teachings to allow us discretion in this manner," the pope said, "especially in light of the financial goals of the Church as it enters the 21st century. From this day forward, the Church position shall be, 'Blessed are the affluent, for they have indeed inherited the Earth.'" In an effort to move away from its traditional meek core demographic and attract more upscale worshipers, Vatican officials announced a number of changes for the Gospels. Among them: Christ shall be said to have been born in a rustic-but-spacious birthing suite and not a manger, with the amount of gold and frankincense bestowed upon Him by the wise men quadrupled and the amount of myrrh halved; it shall henceforth be as easy for a rich man to enter Heaven as it is for a camel to pass through a heated three-car garage; and the episode between Christ and the moneylenders in the temple shall from now on be interpreted as an internecine argument over appropriately aggressive fundraising tactics. According to Holy See spokesperson Salvatore Vittorio, a new Catholic Church payment plan has been established, with blessedness and God's everlasting love free of charge once a nominal baptism/membership fee has been paid. For an additional fee, Catholics can become "Gold Circle" members of the Church, entitling them to such perks as forgiveness, sainthood and special priority seating at the right hand of the Father upon death. "We do not wish the Church to become completely exclusionary,' Vittorio said. "If any of the former meek wish to change their ways, they may certainly do so. But it won't be the free ride they got before, I can promise you that." ------ |MY ATI| ------ OH! DO ME TOO. (PAWN)-Georgia. Borith Yaltsin admits publicly to an affair with Raisa Gorbachov. "I pointed my missile," said the President, but we did NOT, I repeat - did not have sex." The president said it's over, he made a mistake; he's sorry, and his people want him to get right back to work. At the end of the summit, Yaltsin taught Klinton the Russian tradition of hugging Hilary, Tiper and Chelsee. "It was awkward at first," said Klinton. "But I got better at it afterwards." Klinton said he's not as good as Yaltsin at putting his tongue in Hilary's mouth. Once he got better at that he was able to begin working at traditional family valves. Klinton blew sax, while Yaltsin wailed on the 3-string guitar. Both wore leather pants that show the entire butt. AS IF (An Activist Times Semi-Exclusive) - Sioux Falls, SD. "The question is whether the tribe has sovereignty over its own land." Tom Cook - in charge of the Land-Use association's hemp project on the Pine Ridge reservation. "I'm glad they're not asking whether they have sovereignty over someone ELSE's land, Tom," said Prime Anarchist. /I ' D R A T H E R/ /B E R E A D I N G / / A C T I V I S T / /T I M E S , I N C / As per usual, we end with pottery. Weird or Wired?? Washington & Cherry Brown library. Woman sits at the Microsoft Explorer box Constantly referring to a pocket PC. The one-line screen tells her What web sites to "go to." As she finds "of interest," Out comes the pen, and she's poking about the qwerty. Hmmm... Have a nice week, & If you don't want to miss a beat Send: SUBSCRIBE ATI (your name) to: Unsubscribing is just as easy; We won't insult your intelligence and/or further confuse you... Let The Phollowing Bee My Epitaf: Prime Anarchist 1964-20?? Composed in 2 Milleniums Decomposing for so many more. "No more MSG, please." a dress all lettuce 2: This has been ATI tell your friends .