DOWNSIZE CONGRESS! ----> DEPRESSION DENIAL! oh nooooooooooooo! it's... , _ || ' < \, =||= \\ /-|| || || full-moon early december 1998 (( || || || \/\\ \\, \\ Accurate Telephony, Issue 156. hola hermanobrothers and hermanasisters, happy fullmoon. as i say every bigwidemoon, "luna! i take no responsibility for the things i'm about to say and do. wet, tidal forces are upon me and i can't possibly claim to control any of it... i'm prime anarchist and rather than write a column for this week, i'll paste in a letter i wrote to my friend in Swiss Hell. It has wider appeal than just his inbox, so i figured i'd share. (alright, who sarcastically thanked me for sharing...) ====== - publishers column - numbers - letters - poetry - guest columnists - news - subvertisements - more poetry - assorted spammy stuff - more poetry === === SCHOOL OF AMERICAS NOTES by Prime Anarchist Hey There, If they used a wide enough camera to show a guy with a fugazi t-shirt and an olive drab kokopeli minnesota hat that was me. I saw that the next nite and I think CNN went narrow whereas Fox had me in there. So I was probably just "stage left" of him looking chubby, nervous and excited about what came next. That was perhaps one hour before we stormed the gates and pretty much busted down Jericho, Babylon and Bill Gates' house. OK, I exaggerate a bit, but it felt really good to watch them cave when we were three times as many people as they prepared to contain and ignore. > What's goin' on with Brian Wilson these days? > We saw Martin Sheen at the protest on > ClintonNewsNetwork for a few seconds. happy reading, marc myth of mothmouth ------------------ ATI - the rag read round the world... ------------------ U PROB'LY NO A BOAT R #'S RUN BYE NOW... -fun with food, by funtronix- take 6 loaves of wonderbread. moosh them down to the size of dice. Carve #'s with a ballpoint pen. Preserve with shellac. -?????Play Yatzee???!?!?!??!- PRESS RELEASE Online Ouija Board Session Friday, Dec. 11. (If you can't be there at 11:11 go late and see what happened.) THIS IS THE LETTUCE AND OP-ONIONS DEPT. Nice pages. I read them while I'm in the bathroom on my dad's laptop. Che (202) [ed note: no idea...] Dear SOA Watchers, I will be interviewed on Jean Ferraca tomorrow 11/2/98 (WED) from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. NPR on the SOA. It would be great if you could call in to share your experience of the vigil at Ft. Benning, why you went, what you learned and felt, and the energy/action plans you have returned home with. This interview is really for all of us, and I can use all the help I can get. Madison has gotten some excellent press coverage. In solidarity, Joyce (414) Marco, *blushing* Brett Axel (718) to Feel free to share this, add your own, whatever. Beth Newberry (541) ~Ode to Zeus~ by Beth Who let the animals loose oh hey no, it's only Zeus. Headphones hung living as he chooses. It's only orange juice cops thought is was booze. High strung Barbie heads in nooses. We give no excuses nor give you to Jesus. Far flung from this world's abuses. Adieu, Zeus. Zeus Haiku ibid. Xylaphone Cart crap cruddy snarl silk snap Chiffon Note: Zeus, who used to be a common sight pushing his cart around here in Eugene, OR passed away the other day from tuberculosis. We will "miss" him. to This is such a great story. Pat K (202) DC Coordinator, MSN >Hi there. >The week after next I'll be in Georgia playing guitar, and >protesting School of the Americas. >You're in my thoughts often ever since I met you >when Onessimo spoke in Madison. >I'm Geoffreys' friend. He's going to try and go >to Chiapas next week. >He's been active in getting Gustavo Castro Soto to speak here >in Green Bay area which is finally going to happen tomorrow. >This afternoon my new friend Eululia returns to Eagle Pass where she >raises children and bakes a madwoman's share of food for family and >friends and also to bring over to Piedras Negras to sell cheaply so that >"all may be fed." Most of her family are indigenous to Chiapas still to >this day. She's been here living at the shelter I help run, and working >at the pickle plant for the two seasons. When she's not working or >sleeping about 3 or 4 hours per day, she's cooking "lunchea," for >EVERYONE whether she likes them or not. What a blessed soul. We try to >wash our own dishes when she's not looking; because if she's anywhere >near the sink, you can't argue her out of it. But that's a whole other >topic for "anotra tiempo." She's also been working overtime teaching us >all to become bilingual creatures. She has the patience of thirty five >Jobs because she speaks no English whatsoever and has no problem just >repeating a spanish phrase calmly and quietly (perhaps five different >ways or more) until you figure it out and tell her that you "intiendo" >it. She's also accomplished something I've never seen another person do >in my 34 years on this earth. Some of the people who come through here >have absolutely no intention of learning a second language. They are of >the mindset that, well you know, if English was good enough for Jesus >than it's good enough for them. At any rate, some of them have left here >knowing enough Spanish now that they don't have to assume that just >because someone's not speaking English it doesn't mean they're talking >negative about them. > >Ah, the first step toward conflict resolution is actually listening. >What a brilliant thought. Who formed it first? >=) [and in the "we get all kinds" department:] HELLO YOU'VE BEEN LISTED BY AN INFORMATION BANK AS SOMEBODY WHO MAY BE A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR THE WINNERS ORGANIZATION. THE WINNERS IS A VERY PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE TO ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SOME SPECIAL BENEFITS. IF WE OFFER YOU A MEMBERSHIP AND YOU ACCEPT, YOU WILL RECEIVE A VERY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO ACTUALLY OWN YOUR OWN CASINO OPERATION... [ very own? Can I bet that you have NO IDEA WHO I AM???] Hi Michael, Lisa just gave me permission to put the entire poem in the 'zine, so I'll have it in this weekend. I'll type it in here for your enjoyment, and then I'll cut and paste it to notepad. [ATI. Sharing Freely, Openly of Inner Dynamic since 1888] I AM NOT THE K I N G O F B E E R S a poem by Lisa Martinovic So I need a little help understanding something a phenomenon that defies all logic yet one that's as common as dirt What am I talking about? average people - millions of them working ceaselessly in the employ of major corporations in addition to their day jobs - and without pay that's right, they're in our midst and you still don't know what I'm talking about, do you? well, maybe you're one of them maybe you're sitting in the audience at this very moment unthinkingly wearing a Nike hat or a Budweiser t-shirt maybe you never thought of yourself as a walking billboard doing the dirty work for some corporate ad man who makes more money in one year than you'll see in a lifetime and not only are you not getting paid you actually put out good money to BUY that cheesy billboard from that criminally rich corporation so you can walk around all day long doing Mr. Nike's job Beats the fuck out of me and what glorious benefits do WE receive in exchange for our role as foot soldiers on the front lines of the consumer wars surely no one is fooled into thinking maybe I'm one of the lesser known Olympic athletes who in fact DOES get paid to wear Reboks dream on, bubba I think it's a virtual drug for a nation of naked emperors trying desperately to find a ready-make image to step into so they don't have to bother with all the complicated and tiresome work of character building do I get that Pepsi feeling when I pull on the windbreaker am I identifying myself with rugged pre-cancerous individualism in the old West as I notch up my Marlboro belt buckle in my black Harley muscle shirt do I have the power to intimidate you letting you think I'm some crazed Hells Angel who might go off on a methamphetamine rampage if I caught you staring at my tattos and maybe I think I'm better than Mr. King of Beers because I'm wearing this ultra-hip Grateful Dead tie-died number cool, man, so, like, uh, I'm a counterculture shill for some monolithic record company that's also not paying me to advertise their product regarding my stone-washed silk Dallas Cowboys bomber jacket I'll leave you guessing either I am one or I'm FRIENDS with one or this purchase is my clever way of tithing to the Cowboy's cocaine fund you be the judge I like to think my Batman sweatshirt imbues me with an aura of mystery Will you ascribe to me superhuman powers and righteous dogoodosity in the face of a terminally evil world holy horseshit - you must be bat brain dead, buck-o surely it's different if I'm wearing a location on my back I just know I can impress you if I've ridden a mule on Molokai or skied Everest you may even fall in love with the spirit of adventure my garb suggests why bother with small talk when my t-shirt tells you right away the most exciting thing you'll ever know about me but for god's sake I don't even know Tommy Hilfiger why would I want him broadcasting from atop my tits? And for that matter I'm not the King of Beers, the Marlboro Man, the ghost of Jerry Garcia Troy Aikman or the Grand Canyon so, no, I won't advertise your brew or smoke, sneaker, album, haberdashery or concession stand not even if you paid me because I don't want to be part of any god damn corporation's master plan for mass inter-cranial penetration and global domination it just ain't gonna happen folks oh, my t-shirt? the one with the Full Sail Ale logo plastered on the back? this is from the 1996 national Poetry Slam you're goddamn right that's different! I mean, this really *is* good beer besides any corporation can buy a garden variety corn fed plumped up consumer unit It takes a micro-brewerey to buy a poet --- --- hi Marco, what a hoot! my King of beers in an anarchist zine--I love it! Please feel free to run the entire poem with my byline-- I'd be delighted. thanks for sending your zine too-- you've got some great quotes in there (I only just browsed it so far). noticed you had some comments about wal mart. I have a ha-ha walmart poem you might get a kick out of. lemme know if you wanna see it.. [YES!!] thanks for the acknowledgement! Lisa --- --- to ati: WE BULK EMAIL! MailCom is a bulk friendly ISP... We also provide bulletproof email acounts. [ed note: don't we feel safe now/though, couldn't U at least say "hello first???"] to ati: Sorry, but having the wonderful religious background that I have, I need to distribute something like this periodically.....SMILE! John (203) Top ten ways the Bible would be different if it were written by college students 10. Last Supper would have been eaten the next morning - cold. 9. The Ten Commandments are actually only five, double-spaced, and written in a large font. 8. New edition every two years in order to limit reselling. 7. Forbidden fruit would have been eaten because it wasn't cafeteria food. 6. Paul's letter to the Romans becomes Paul's e-mail to 5. Reason Cain killed Abel: They were roommates. 4. The place where the end of the world occurs: Finals, not Armageddon. 3. Out go the mules, in come the mountain bikes. 2. Reason why Moses and followers walked in desert for 40 years: They didn't want to ask directions and look like freshmen. 1. Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, He would have put it off until the night before it was due and then pulled an all-nighter. [ed note: I wasn't going to let this in ATI but Prime Anarchist lobbied so tirelessly on grounds that he's been a college student for 14 years "trust [him he] know[s]," and "look at # 9, that alone should rate on funniness." he had a point...] to > Country Joe's Place has a new guestbook entry: > > ------------------------------------------------------ > Joe, > I sang at Shutting the SOA Down. Amy from INdigo girlz was > there, so was Martin Sheen. Where were you? I half expected > you to just show... > marco capelli > konetiuk, na western > November 26, 1998 > ------------------------------------------------------ didnt know it was happening. i live a sheltered life. cheers, cjm "and it's 1,2,3..." to: marc/from: staci/re: tickets *****hey, marc, do you think this is true?****** >> Useful Info for Speeding Tickets - Read it and try it, you have >> nothing to loose but the points in your license. >> This procedure works in any state. >> If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light >> or whatever the case may be, and you are going to get >> points on your license, thenthere is a method to ensure >> that you DO NOT get any points. When you get your fine, >> send in the check to pay for it and if the fine is say $79, >> then make the check out for $82 or some small amount above the fine. >> The system will then have to send you back a check for the difference, >> but here is the trick! ---DO NOT CASH THE CHECK!! Throw it away! >> Points are not assessed to your license until all the financial >> transactions are complete. If you do not cash the check, >> then the transactions are not complete. However the system >> has gotten its money so it is happy and will not bother you any more. >> SOURCE: Thoonen Production Administrator RACV Touring Publications. [marconote: dunno. but we'll find out soon enough. i put it to the readers, like they used to do in the TAP/YIPL days. anyone know?] [second marconote: (beginning to sound like sup marcos) i also heard you can use your "keycard" from a grocery store at the local library for printing out and photocopying. it will register ninety-five cents forever and not deplete. anyone know first hand of a place it actually works? this might be a burban legend like the frozen shaving creme one...] --- ---- ----- -- ATI, NEWS RADIO 99 --- ---- ----- -- "I TWO" for Langston a poem by marc frucht Tomorrow isn't here yet, Hughes - You're still in the kitchen. Turn of the century, We're nowhere fast, man. Gentrification is still a $20 word I can't afford. Two Americas, Hughes - White and non-white. That's right, Outa sight, man. White And... not white. You two are America. Two Americas, Hughes. We're not outa the kitchen yet, NO! WHEN IS A PATRIOT LIKE A WOMAN TAKING OFF ALL HER CLOTHES: And Vice Versa. A Column by Steven Slosberg. What, precisely, is the difference between the two enterprises? Football and female exotics, cut from the same cloth, so to speak. Both feed on fundamental human sensibilities: Voyeurism, fantasy, lust and commerce, yet one is embraced and the other shunned. In one venue, men are paid to use their bodies to maim and crack one another and accomplish, in the end, precisely nothing other than crossing a line and entertaining a throng of goobers, many with painted faces. In the other, women are paid to use their bodies to hurt no one, cross the line and entertain a crowd of goobers, many with oily complexions. The ambiance in a football stadium is a red-blooded, boisterous crowd, much of it loaded, urging their esteemed 380-pound former scholar-athletes to bump and grind. In a strip club, the red-blooded audience, most of it loaded, is urgently rapt as their fallen aerobics idols bump and grind. The football crowd gets off watching men in tight pants and artificially enhanced upper bodies. The club crowd gets off watching women in thongs or less and artificially enhanced upper bodies. Football does what it can to objectify women as well. Pro cheerleaders, among our most prized embodiments of anonymous T & A, are out there showing adults and children what meaningful roles women can aspire to. Lap dancers, as ordinances will allow, do it indoors, out of sight from neighboring schools, churches and lottery outlets. So football gets embraced as an ideal, and gentlemen's clubs - take a look at just who owns pro football teams, by the way - are bashed. In both venues, owners make a bundle off the bodies of disposable hirelings: Men and women, in their handsome prime and exercising God-given (and often surgeon-sanctioned) talent to maximize earnings during careers of precarious lengths. For the social reformers, if nothing is more pathetic than an aging stripper with no future and a misspent youth, go to a reunion of pro football players and log how many can still walk, how many are free of dope, or, to be benign, painkillers, and, in fact, how many are on parole. Good neighbor? Surely the policing around a strip club is as vigilant as around any football stadium, all those two-fisted tailgaters included. Getting to and from the club in Pawcatuck, proposed for the former site of Rosalini's, a restaurant and then a nightclub, set back from Route 2 near the Route 78 connector, has to be more convenient than exiting any urban football stadium. The Rosalini's site could not be better situated for unobtrusive comings and goings. People argue how one show enhances a community and the other affronts it. Pro football, always a growth industry for office pools and Vegas oddsmakers, survives utterly on the public, desperate for something to do on a Sunday, standing around screaming and shivering. The strip club in Pawcatuck, or whatever the owners decide to have there, is in the shadow of the largest gambling emporium in the galaxy. So which one doesn't fit in? Again, one venue, built on voyeurism, fantasy and bodies in motion and pain for no apparent reason, gets sanctioned, while the other, selling precisely the same enticements, without the pain and in private, gets the bum's rush. Where's the harm in one and not the other? Where's the exploitation in one and not the other? Where's the fantasy fulfillment in one and not the other (Alas, the Patriots, as history shows, are not exactly the stuff of dreams, are they)? One gets the sloppy smooch and the other, a sanctimonious shudder. Both are unabashed primers in meat-marketing, no more, no less. Steven Slosberg can be reached via e-mail at: "...and in other news..." (PAWN) prime anarchist world newz 2nite: with Peter Lemmings. These Headlines did not appear. Too bad: EXON-MOBIL UNVEILS PLAN TO BUY CHRISTMAS FOR $1B EXON-MOBIL ANNOUNCES PLANS TO BUY VATICAN FROM BILL GATE FOR $23 EXOFF-IMMOBILE OFFERS TO BUY WALSTREET FOR $26M EXOFF-IMMOBILE OFFERS CLINTON DEFENSE FUND $1B LOAN MICROSLOFF BUYS OUT NABISCO-BISCUIT-CORP FROM GENERAL ELECTRON POSITIONS ITSELF JUST A TOUCH AHEAD OF EXOF-IMOBIL schITT ANNOUNCES IT WILL SELL OFF 12,000 SHARES OF ADOLPH HITLER, ENT. STOCK IN A RESTRUCTURING THAT SHOCKS EVERYONE AFTER YESTERDAYS BELL schITT CEO ROBERT SCHULTER SAYS IT'S SHEDDING A COLD-WAR DINOSAUR 10 YEARS LATE, BUT "THERE'S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT" film at 11:11 (or as soon as station ID is done) "THE BAD HARVEST" by alex2051 Video on Hunger in Chiapas Now Available [prime anarchist note: I've met some CMP people they're way cool, fly and rad.] A 17 minute video documenting hunger conditions in indigenous communities in Chiapas is now available. "The Bad Harvest" was partly shot and edited by youth from indigenous communities who are learning video skills through the Chiapas Media Project. The video explains the reasons behind severe food shortages in Chiapas, with particular emphasis on the impact of the government's low intensity warfare. "The Bad Harvest" also traces the impact of near-famine conditions on community health. "The Bad Harvest" is available for $15 from Chiapas Media Project, 4834 N. Springfield, Chicago, IL 60625. /\/\/\/\ ATI- two steps away from achey brakyism \/\/\/\/ REFRIED BEANS distributed by USDA in cooperation with State and local or tribal governments for domestic food assistance programs. NOT TO BE SOLD OR EXCHANGED inspected by US Dept of Ag. NET CONTENTS 16 OUNCES (453 GRAMS) /\ /Food guide /Pyramid / 2-3...\ /---------\ CARE OF PRODUCT CONTENTS INGREDIENTS (please recycle... usda food) To receive a copy of a nutrition education pamphlet, and be added to the CIA's trusty 16gigamegahertz database, write to: Food and Nutrition Service, special nutrition programs 3101 Park Center Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302 -30- As usual, poetry ends us. I'm writing this now, and I think I shall call it Hey Zeus. Hey Zeus by marco frucht I never knew you. But friends tell me of your TB. All the tines in the world can't keep truth at bay. And today, TB returns in vicious way. To every major city in the USA I have this to say. We'll have to call this one The "Greater Depression," Now won't we? ===response? === .