---------------184---------------------- "I've been waiting 20 years for a chance to you use that word." --Jesse Helms (R. NC.) ---------------------------------------- "Little birdie in the sky," "Why'd you do that in my eye;" "Holy Cow!" It's... **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ******** c i n t m k i e . v , i s t *********************************************** This organization has *extremely* limited means of publicity, and appreciates all e-forwards, regular mailings, published advertisements, radio announcements, etc, of our information. *************** THANKS!!! ******************* Telemarketing: Subtle Form Of Daterape? "No thanks, I'm not interested." "Well, Mr. Anarchist, can I call you Prime? Before I worked for this company, I had the same concerns; I'm sure I can..." "Do not try to handle any more of my objections. I'm not interested, thank you anyways." Short energetic pause. "Well Prime, if you ever are interested in MCI hush service feel free to call me back at 1800-yadayada." Does that sound familiar? "Oh come on. Just let me nibble a little NEAR your you-know-what, what could it hurt?" "No." "Do you mean 'no,' no? Or 'no' maybe and perhaps yes soon?" GO AWAY. I might have to play rough, if any of you think my little "don't handle any more of my objections" tool doesn't go far enough (it works wonders on most fonerapists) you might follow me on this next one. "may I interest you in..." "How do you expect me to teach your children nomeansno when hordes of vultures like you are making 5 bucks an hour molesting 58 people every hour by fone?" -click. Perhaps I'm a dreamer but if 2/3 of these schmucks quit over it, the world just might become a safe warm huggy place in our lifetime! -30- Welcome to ATI184. Hot enough for you? Allouez, WI. August 1, 1999. 3am! We got some groovy submissions this week. I think you'll really like this issue. Something for everyone. Icons for nothing and your clicks for free... Hey Kinko's: I hear you're hiring third shift copy consultants all over this country of mine. I see it's a great job that enjoys competitive salaries, medical bennies, 401K, advancement, and performance incentive pay programs. Hmmm. Are we guaranteed a job 120%??? Well, 2 quick things: 1) If you stop banning sights like http://www.freespeech.org perhaps younger people who share my concerns might actually apply. 2) You're asking for resumes. I trust you're offering $13 / hr or more, right? Anything less warrants an application and an interview. NOT A RESUME. -=- PRIME -=- .................................... .. . .. ATI: Like compost for your mind . .. . .................................... Do The #'s Rumba http://www.newspoetry.com http://astro.temple.edu/~sanjoy/calpap.html http://members.aol.com/wolfheart9 http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/2940 http://www.io.com/~Vitale/ban http://www.badi.com/CREATIVE.htm http://www.etan.org http://burn.ucsd.edu/~mai/activist_kiosk.html http://www.lizbekistan.com http://www.geocities.com/~simsimon http://www.synapse.net/~kgerken http://members.xoom.com/patrontest http://www.vida.com/speakout http://www.jessklein.com http://members.aol.com/berrymanp http://world.std.com/~bbrigade http://kafka.uvic.ca/~vipirg/SISIS/SISmain.html http://www.usu.edu/~cnr/quinney/jan-lib.htm Lettuce From Our Eaters SF Mayor Willie Brown proclaimed at WEBZINE99 that July 24th, 1999 was officially "Internet Independence Day" in the city and county of San Francisco. http://www.webzine99.com/proclamation.jpg what do you guys think about that? - ryan j. [ed note: luv-it] to ati@etext.org I'm not sure if this counts, but I smoke winstons. They claim and I believe that there are no additives (besides paper and filters, duh). So pure tobacco is mere mm from me at this very moment. Adam (all around nicafiend) to ati@etext.org In case you were wondering, "Packet Radio" is the data communications service of Ham Radio. There are PBBS (Packet Bulletin Board Systems) on various frequencies in the 2 meter (and above) amateur radio bands. you need a ham radio license to transmit, and while anyone can receive ham radio transmissions, it's rather tiresome to spend the money for the gear to decode the stuff if you can't fire up the transmitter and join the fun. You can usually hear what it sounds like on 144.390 MHz on any "police scanner". On this frequency, people are taking the output of their GPS recievers, and transmitting their location. With software freely downloaded off the net, you can receive the data, and have the fellow show up on a map generated on your PC screen. Even a 386. The trick is, you can get a ham license by simply reading a book, passing a test your local ham radio club will give you for about 5 bucks, and you no longer need Morse Code to get on the air. Anyone who wants more info can drop me a line. Keep Smiling, Cheshire http://digital.net/~cheshire The Cheshire Catalyst mailto:cheshire@2600.com "I *must* be a 'Patron Saint' of hackers. Wired Magazine said so!" - The Cheshire Catalyst http://digital.net/~cheshire/beyondhope/#wired To: kokopeli Thanks for sending your stuff! Keep them coming! refugio to ati@etext.org THIS IS A TEST,THIS IS ONLY A TEST Mice and monkey,wheel in cage test you until you're trained toxic rodent losing rat race tastes like chicken, fed to the snake infectious disease research cell freezing lost in a maze cheesy albino with lesions Rat brain in space, satelite reception double dose of cloned mutation microscopic study prevention genetic strain of humane intervention from the brain and seminal fluid of the rat comes acid phosphate dying in a rat trap, last in the rat race not really giving a rats ass I smell a rat in space domestic lab rat died here insane rat pack, rat patrol, rat breath, cat bait dying of strictnine poisioning rat acid, rats bane Travis .................................... .. . .. Your E-ZINE May Be Used . .. As A Floatation Device. . .................................... On Mythology, Civilization, and Star Wars By Carl Franklin Email: carl@franklins.net July 25, 1999 (continued from last week) ....the fountain that is the soul of the artist (however shallow) and the fan. It is both at once intimate and universal. This is a quality of the spiritual experience. Personal and Universal. A good Christian's relationship with God is very personal. There is the one-on-one dialog of prayer, or the confessional. And then there is the sensation that God is a part of every living thing. That God is something bigger than ones self. Here is an excerpt from a favorite song of mine by the Grateful Dead, Ripple: Reach out your hand if your cup is empty If your cup is full may it be again Let it be known there is a fountain That was not made by the hands of men There is a road, one simple highway Between the dawn and the dark of night And if you go no one may follow That path is for your steps alone Ripple in still water Where there is no pebble tossed Or wind to blow A simple observation really. There is a fountain that was not made by the hands of men. This is what I'm referring to. This is the fountain from which the wisdom of the past flows forward. It exists. We did not create it, or at least, not intentionally. Choose your own path. No one may follow you. It is for your steps alone. This is so important. It does not matter how you get to the fountain. Just get there. You can call it whatever you want. It will always be what it is. What do you think of when you hear "Ripple in still water where there is no pebble tossed or wind to blow". The water was undisturbed by humans, animals, and the forces of nature. Yet, there is a ripple. I don't know, but it feels like "This wisdom ripples forth whether or not you are there to observe it." Or to quote George Harrison of the Beatles, "Life flows on within you and without you." I'm sorry if this stuff sounds corny, but the gist of it is that there are certain essential pieces of knowledge that we all must learn. If we do not learn them from religion, then we must learn them from our parents, books, our schools, movies, rock stars, or some other source. The Hero Story Every culture has a hero story. The oldest surviving epic in British Literature is a poem called Beowulf, which was written in Old English about 1100 AD, It describes the adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century. Basically, a monster attacks the castle and Beowulf comes to the rescue. He then becomes king and goes on to fight the dragon, a battle which he loses. Long before that, there were stories of heroes that stole fire from a deity or some such thing, Prometheus for example steals the fire and brings it back. A fundamental aspect of the hero story is the completion of a deed, a venturing forth and a returning - victorious. The hero story is still with us in the form of movies like Star Wars and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. They endure because they are worth writing about. The wisdom that is imparted just by being in the presence of a hero is instructional and inspirational. We look up to heroes and identify with their powers and their shortcomings. We emulate them in our meager lives. They give us the power to persevere, to always do the right thing, etc. We hang all of the virtues we value on our heroes for all to see. This is essentially a spiritual experience, just as I've described before. George Lucas' Star Wars is full of this essential diet of wisdom, yet it is cleverly masked as a shoot-em-up space opera. This is a classical hero story. The first movie released was called "Star Wars: A New Hope" although most everyone just calls it Star Wars. For sake of argument, I like to refer to it as "The Fourth Episode" because it is the fourth movie in a series of nine. In Star Wars, young Luke Skywalker awakens to the idea that he must save the world from the Empire. He ventures forth on a journey to Alderan with the Jedi Master, Obi Wan Kenobi. In most of these hero stories (as in life) there is a mentor, and older wiser one who imparts his or her wisdom on the young apprentice. Well, we all know what happens. Luke finds himself in the middle of it. The embodiment of evil turns out to be his father. He must face him. There are so many aspects to this movie that warrant attention, but I want to focus on... (CON'T next week) Final Part. If you're in a hurry to see the rest of this, you can get it at: http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/franklin.txt ATTENTION AT&T CUSTOMERS [PAWN] - Murray Hill - Effective August 1, 1999 AT&T made various price and application changes for the following types of calls: Incoming, Outgoing, Just holding the fone for a little while and not calling anyone, Handing people cards with your # on it, and allowing the fone to just ring and ring. Also effective September 1, 1999 AT&T will add a surcharge for all customers who receive chiropractic care, run airconditioners more than 30 minutes at a time, insult Madeline Albright, or rent RV's. This will allow AT&T to support the troops in the last few wars and of course the few we've got in the wood shed ready to go. Please call your AT&T service representative at 1-800-for-wars (or 1-800-367-9277) for more info. ....and now... A Prime Anarchist Opinion Quickie... The charge for raping a poor person in the US has gone up to $90,000. We need to consider voting down the $200,000 presidential salary increase for that reason alone. That would give the Commander-In-Briefs an unfair advantage over Senators and Congresspersons. Walk-Mart Targets Everyone. ---- PAWN ---- BENDERVILLE, Ark - WalkMart Stores Inc, the world's largest public nuisance, has offered to buy Proctor & Gramble, Unilover, Revloon, Fnord, Amerika On KLine, Old Naval, and Grrlman Sacks for an undisclosed item. "If P&G lets us buy them," Said Britt BMW, a resale acquisitions consultant, "then we can easily clean up all the others." He said if they are successful they could move into other household cleaning products too, such as DOW/Cornea, Hair Force, and General Pneumatics. .................................... .. . .. ATI: Like compost for your mind . .. . .................................... .................................... . . . TIP: Your ATI Zine Printout . . Will Keep Well In the Fridge . ................................... "That's it; no way. You're _not_ naming my street after _him_ he's a nerd. Rename everything up to my block, I don't care but if you add my block I'm goin' off." --roughly what the people of almost every Arkansas city block said about the first philanderer. Living on the Railroads a poem by John Labovitz If I lived here, in the lonely old railroad yards, I'd plant lettuce between rail ties, tomatoes along the sidings, beans on the roofs of switch houses, eggplants in the rusted hulks of old cars, strawberries in the roundhouse. If I lived here, in the stations long abandoned, I'd invite deer into freight warehouses, skunks into depots, snakes into mail-rooms, crows into signal towers. If I lived here, on the railroads left for dead, the grades would turn to rushing streams in the spring, fish would gather in switchbacks and side spurs, and the railroads would live again. [16 Sep 94, Amtrak, north of Philadelphia] John Labovitz http://www.meer.net/~johnl/writings ============================ (yes: the word "rape" shows up too many) (times in this zine this week! What do ) ( you want?? We missed Woodstock99. ) "With no plowing for the first day after a snowfall. Let the city shut down and enjoy a day of calm." /recent greens platform/ /for a northern US city/ We end ATI Zine #184 with two poems by Travis Ray Cole "Pain of love" variation without a theme stealing away my dream loving just to see what is left of me it will never be theres no nothing for me you dont want me you dont want me ITS NOT ME Its not me its you its not me its you its not you Travis Ray Cole "AND IF THERE IS" And if there is a you there is a me And if there is love I am free and if there is an end I will die not me And if you want me come get me and if you know say so and if we cant make it work there is no answer because no one else is for you as noone else is for me and if I was then I am and only you can make me who I really am and if theres noone we are still we and I do love you I want to hold you with every line you put a hold on me and if there is freedom there is a lie only because you are really mine written by Travis Ray Cole oeoeoe@usa.net Send all gripes, naipes & handiwipes to ati@etext.org The Zine's semi-official website is at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli for all things reconsidered. ----------------------------- floccinaucinihilipilification ----------------------------- .