[title] Vote Repugnicrat! [/title] "I'm opposed to endorsing any political candidate so long as their agendas don't include living wages, health care for everyone, homes for everyone." -Zack de la Rocha. Rage Against The Machine **** ******** ******** ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ******** c i n t m k i e . v , i s t *********************************************** This organization has *extremely* limited means of publicity, and appreciates all e-forwards, regular mailings, published advertisements, radio announcements, etc, of our information. *************** THANKS!!! ******************* Hi there, Prime here, so don't go anywhere. I've got a book recommendation to pass along to you. "TRANCE Formation Of America," by some guy named Mark. I haven't read it yet. And it's probably 19th or so on my list. Anyone with time AND money at the same time wanna write up a review of the thing to help me speed things along? I'm told it's a very "pertinent" one. Let's see, what do we have this week? Some numbers, some letters a couple poems, and assorted others. Overall a good week. Oh yeah, the "george" is in the headlight to the motorcycle this week. In case any of you didn't get it. On to it, peeps... (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) ############################### # http://www.yakmilk.com # # http://www.sixties.net # # http://SpaceyIdeas.Com # # http://www.io.com/fnord # # http://www.mirsky.com/wow # ############################### http://www.buddharecords.com/noflash/pages/comps/20thmain.html http://digital.net/~cheshire/humor/nato.attacks.hackers.html http://www.chickenhead.com/features/nrakids/index.html http://www.users.uswest.net/~jbauer/internet.html http://www.thetongue.com/products/categories.html http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0899/jar.html http://mrshowbiz.go.com/games/linked/hi/62.html http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/grudge.html http://www.mcicet.com/welcome/SmallScreenb.htm http://www.fortunecity.com/tinpan/marimba/826 http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/414.txt http://www.clark.net/pub/artrocit/mojo1.htm http://www.totse.com/files/FA028/newone.htm http://www.bettybowers.com/indexshort.html http://www.lisn.net/home.htm#peltier-month http://members.aol.com/PoetUSA/home.html http://www.dct.com/~paulloeh/allies.htm http://www.mysteryguest.com/gateway.htm http://www.vanguardrecords.com/odetta http://www.thispagesucks.com http://www.getinyourcrib.com http://www.saranwarp.com http://www.infostry.com http://www.angrydog.org ------- LETTUCE ------- Thanks dude, what chair? What pile of boards? Flippin' (314) ----====---- Marco, Could you print this in your zine? It's upcoming clubdates for the Violent Femmes. Thanks a fan (414) //ed note: their email address had "go pack" in it, I just thought I'd better say that. // Nov 25- Rodon Club, Athens, GR Nov 26- Rodon Club, Athens, GR Nov 27- Mylos, Thessaloniki, GR Nov 29- 8 p.m., Vicar Street, Dublin, IRL, Nov 30- 7 p.m., Forum, London, ENG, Dec 2- Aula Magna, Lisbon, POR Dec 3- Coliseum, Oporto, POR Dec 4- Grosse Freiheit 36, Hamburg, GER Dec 31- Falls Festival, Lorne, AUS ----====---- Sup this is my first program to do this and it totally works its amazing it will scan for 1000 security holes on hotmail as well it will crack 90% of webpages so you can hack them its only half a meg big as well click here to download it: http://www.angelfire.com/ks2/Nate999/images/file1.zip //and of course, typical, he never gave his email addy// ----====---- Dr. Anarchist, I don't want you to be insulted that I chose not to read this book. I understand that you must work within a finite allocation of time. This will sometimes necessitate schedule changes. I realize that you needed to move the quiz date up in order to facilitate later class hours. I appreciate the situation and wish only that my schedule was flexible enough to accomadate that change. It wasn't. I understand that my grade is the victim and it doesn't matter all that much to you whether or not I read. I just want you to know that I hold no malice toward you and hope that the next reading assignment will be more easily fulfillable. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) ----====---- - \ / - ][ \/ The Uphill Playing Field a poem By prime anarchist Judge Sabo's court says, "We'll GIVE you the KILLing floor." LW asks for - begs for, Just a little more. Sabo says, "What?" "We've GIVEN you the floor." Justice, LW says, is all he would demand. Just Us says Sabo, pre-penned penalty in hand. Moses dead, Jesus forgotten, Jefferson nowhere to be found, In walks Elijah saying quietly," But ever so firmly, Let my fucking people go. (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) /-\/-\/-\/-\ /This anarcho\ \rant brought/ /2 u by ATI. \ \not just a / /news organ. \ \It's p'rhaps/ /the oldest \ \e-rag on the/ ...net! \-/\-/\-/\-/ |If ever you want a real indication, |and quick without a lot of math |what the minimum wage really |should be on any given year, |simply take UPS' (united package |senders) part-time hourly wage, |add some benefits and Voila! |There's your indicator. ------------------------ Ooga, ooga, now dig this: ------------------------ ---- This quotable quote bears "notable note." ---- He [kenny rogers] was a fraud...an old cowboy pretending to be a young hippie. And Charlie Manson? Well, if he only could get full credit for the songs he wrote, he wouldn't be in prison now. Prisons are for the poor... --anonymous-- SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: This site may cause large amounts of fun thus reducing boredom which could lead to world peace or random acts of kindness. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] []PARITY TIME, PARODY THYME:[] [] [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] Secret Agent Man's Son to the tune of the Johnny Rivers song. Em Am Em There's a man who wansa be president. Em B7 Thinks his rights as Skull&Bones are heaven sent. Em (Am) But there's this book that shows Am (Em) He stepped on a lotta toes Em Am Em Odds are he'll be leader anyway. (ch) Bm Em Secret Agent Man's Son Bm Em Secret Agent Man's Son C B7 They've given you a birthright, Em and your life is by the gun. I don't mind if you go doin' cocaine But not when-your-daddy-brings-it-in-on-an-airplane. While same time mom agrees It's a soc-i-al disease Odds are there's a little interest conflict. (ch) ----====---- TIDE - (n) from the consumo Ti, meaning pristine, and the naftic De, meaning dilute. Also an abreviation for Toxic Industrial-strength Deadly Element. ----====---- "Let's see, what's something I could say that, even if it's nowheres near my feelings at all, will win me poings - ah, I know -- the democrats are far too liberal this year, and the republicans are too far to the right. Yeah, that's the ticket, yeah, that'll work. Yeah, yeah. [teeth gnash, hands wring...]" --Donald Trump. ----====---- ---+==( PAWN (Prime Anarchist World News) )==+--- Belgium Hacker: Weather Controlled Pepsi Prices Not New. "How long are you Amerikans going to have your heads in the sand," says Light Knight, a phreaker who submitted this piece to PAWN Thursday. ATLANTA -- Soft-drink makers such as Coca-Cola are studying "smart" vending machines that would allow them to raise prices by remote control when it's hot outside, and cut prices when business is slow. Mr. Anarchist, that's complete bullshit. Coke and Pepsi have had their soda machines online for three years now out here and let me tell you they've been controlling more than the weather. Our people in general hate it, but of course we hackers and phreakers love it. We can hack into a mainframe and tell the thing it's 4 below zero in any given town, then go to the machine and buy a Pepsi for seventeen-cents. Then go back to the laptop and dial it in saying it's 85 degrees out and watch the next guy pay a buck-twenty. It's really funny watching the look on someone's face when they buy two, and their first one is a 50c and their second one is a buck- forty! You people have no idea what's going on in your own country, never mind the rest of the world. Coke has been able to do this for a long time. Just like the phone company, they're unveilling this ever so slow because they're downright paranoid they'll lose your slavish support. That's why in your papers you have to suffer Coke "investigating possiblities," and Pepsico saying "we're not sure if it's a good idea," when they know damned well they're going to do this to you in 5 or 6 months! Of course they are. They've been all over the world like DDT for years. And they're "ontheway- toyourhouse." I just thought you should know. -l8n8- .................................... .. . .. ATI: Like compost for your mind . .. . .................................... Poetical Ending: JARA OR BAEZ: A Letter "Home." by Marc Harry Ehrenfrucht dedicated to the Vanguard recording: "Farewell, Angelina" I'm in the city, but the country is near. Sometimes the river or the rain Smells like people feces. They say it's the mill upstream. I haven't any goats, Joan. But there's Plenty of brussels sprouts to last... Til me and the turtles and the deer are done devourin' them. I root for the same storm you do - I know it's on it's way, Just a matter of when... Lord Buckley's not nearly as profound As he used to be. Nor relevant! But it didn't embarrass me much, I love him, I love you, I love myself And I even love Jesus. I love Everyone. It was hard to get to that space, You put me there finally, but you had Help, didn't you? You've taken bigger risks than writing about Jesus, Angelina! Your voice, your guitar, your life. Wow, what can I say? I honor you. I adore you. I thank you, In ways I can't even describe. Jesus knows what's happening on earth these days, let me be the next to assure you, he sure knows. And sometimes I pray hard all night long that he'd march right up here from Chiapas and kick our Asses. "Because here we are, waiting on the eve of Destruction with all the odds against any of us Living to see the sun rise one day soon." I'll help you bring up the sun when it's Tomorrow. Angelina, would it embarrass you very much if I were to tell you... that I've loved you since I was nine years old? ----====---- PAWN, Prime Anarchist World Newz is a Holy Own Sub City Airy of PAP, Prime Anarchist Productions; NOPE, NoOne in Particular Enterprises; and ATI, Activist Times Inc. All rights remain equal and opposite any lefts you will make, and don't forget your lunch money is on the table next to the butter dish. http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist Like What You See? Tell Friends. Don't Like? S U B M I T S O M E T H I N G B E T T E R ! ! ! ----====---- ati@etext.org (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) .