Right about now, funk soul bro ****** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ** ** ** ******** c r n t y k i p . v t i o It's ATI 201*****s*******fan***************** This organization has *very* mild means of publicity, and appreciates all e-forwards, regular mailings, published advertisements, radio announcements, etc, of our info. *************** THANKS!!! ******************* I DID N O T APRECIATE LIBERTARIANS USING THE OLD "MARCO POLO" JOKE TO POKE FUN OF PROTESTERS' CHANTS THIS WEEK ON NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO. You've used my name in vein, (sic.) cut it out! [I'm not mad... just kidding...] Hi, I'm Prime Anarchist and this is Annotated Time, IzmSkizmWuzzmist. Issue 201. This week's zine is very short because there just weren't many newsworthy things happening around. Do you smell a certain "scathe" in my tone here? I hope so. Making connections. I hope I wan't catalyst for someone's going postal today; "Would you like any insurance or proof back of delivery?" my USPS window clerk asks me. "No thanks," I tell him recognizing he's not all that thrilled about having to ask us these obligatories. "But I sure could go for some fries right about now, or supersize maybe." Big grin I give 'em. He didn't reciprocate. Maybe he didn't like my funny? Have a nice day. Happy Chrizmakkah Feliz Complicitanos. Merry Guadelup, prime ------ FLASH! ATI Involved In Running Numbers. Film At 13. ------ http://www.salon.com/news/feature/1999/12/01/wtoprotest/index.html http://www.seattleinsider.com/news/1999/12/02/slideshow_5.html http://www.olywa.net/angels/120299.html http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati/ati195.html http://morehouse.org/hin/new.htm http://www.freespeech.org/senaa http://www.incognitocafe.com http://www.engleneck.com http://www.kaosradio.org http://www.fidonet.org http://www.dsl.org http://yawyl.claritas.com http://www.wafflehouse.com http://brasscheck.com/seattle http://www.fenello.com/wto1.txt http://damn.tao.ca/wtopage/wto.htm http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati/ati176.html http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati/ati198.html http://flag.blackened.net/asr/index.html http://www.tao.ca/~dennyhenke/msvoices.htm http://www.tiac.net/users/tobya/update33.html http://www.go2net.com/internet/useless/useless/auto-refresh.html HEAD LETTUCE: OPEN LETTER TO FATHER ROY, I attended the action in Georgia two days ago feeling very good about what I was a part of. I did not leave with the same feeling. Why? I believe that if the SOAW is going to use Gandi for non-violence training, then we must also follow his cocept of transparency. Secrets, apart from being potentially dangerous, take away from the feeling of unity and solidarity of the rest of the group. They also make it hard for one to prepare to partake in a high-risk action if they do not know what they are doing until the day before. I hope you will consider these points when planning your next action. morgenes (Garbanzo, Pennsylvania) /=.=.=\ to ati@etext.org great sites. you know of course that gandhi was influenced mostly by Tolstoy's book "The Kingdom of God is Within You" which is where Gandhi got the whole idea of non-violent resistance as well as his basic core beliefs and attitude toward the state. http://flag.blackened.net/daver/anarchism/tolstoy/iwu.html good to be reading ati again, btw daver (Whereabouts, Unknown) /=.=.=\ Marco, Unique Multichargable Firing Knife Inter Intellect introduces unique two-in-one self defense and survival weapon of GRAD Co. This hunting knife contains a firing mechanism, completely enclosed in its handle and capable of shooting six of 22 caliber long or short cartridges. It also has an artistic design that will make you absolutely amazed. Guaranteed! This beautifully crafted bayonet is ideal for collecting, hunting, safety, and firearms training. Are you intrigued...? Would you like to know more about this incredible technological hybrid? Then visit us at: http://www.inlect.com InterIntellect (818) [ed note: You thought I cared because?] /=.=.=\ what on earth is this??? concerning your channel 1 page............ http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati/ati192.html staci /=.=.=\ Marco, Could you please send me the e-mail address of the person who wrote this newsletter? I would love to subscribe and get back issues. Thank you very much Sabra (Wont, Tell) /=.=.=\ to ati@etext.org I found ATI mentioned in someone's master's thesis on the Computer Underground, have you been publishing since then? http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/Security/Hacking_cracking_phreaking/Net_culture_and_hacking/Hackers Anon (?,?) ps: FREE KEVIN! /=.=.=\ Marc, Fecal Choloform is the wave of the future. I plan to genetically alter it, harvest it and market it as blue green algae, display it in New Age health food stores and overcharge guilty yuppies. Retirement funding. Yummy. Thank you for ATI, I liked the pomes. ;}} /=.=.=\ Dear ATI People, Who is Billy Speer and why are hundreds of copies of his Christmas album which he made in Littleton, CO selling new in my local Goodwill store? Dave Letterman (no relation) [you got me. Makes me wonder why Goodwill's even selling new things? I thought they were a donated products type place. Oh well the word "industries" should give it away I guess. Do you think maybe they think they're manufacturing goodwill???] /=.=.=\ great article, can i forward it to some lists i'm on and the one i run? i have been busy running around between \---/ and \--/ and also end of the semester crap, spent thanksgiving in \-=-/... see ya soon! yael /=.=.=\ to ati@etext.org ....and you know, they need to be a little more careful with those plastic handcuffs. i STILL have bruises and the backs of my hands are numb. ugh. [ed note: personal stuff clipped out] /=.=.=\ Hi Marco, Thanks for the compliment and the URL. Why are you interested in plagiarism? I am going to browse your site closely in the next few days. It looks quite interesting. Rod (217) ---- ==== Dear Editor, ---- I, Karl Kanning a lifelong educator, have included an article for your kind consideration. I am certain that it will be a source of encouragement to all of your subscribers who are struggling to survive and hoping to succeed on the Internet. With the web being so impersonal, this may help people to connect and realize that we are all in the same boat, having arrived at different times from various and sundry backgrounds and ages. Please feel free to publish... Karl G. Kanning For educational products and services contact Karl at: http://skybusiness.com/karlkanning2 ==== [ed note: No thanks. I think we should start a ---- seperate section for people who try to use zine ==== submissions to get free advertising space] (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) "If I had my dream I would fill a hall and tell all the people tear down the walls that keeps them from being a part of it all 'cause they gotta get close to it all and accept and be a part of it all." --Melanie Safka Why I Write -- Marc Frucht 8th Waffle House from the School of the Americas When I was born, young american GI's shot and killed Panamanians who were demanding the canal be returned. When I was 1, our young CIA helped kill more than a million Indonesian people. By the time I was 2 or 3 young american soldiers were asked to kill 43 Afrikan Americans in Detroit. I probably heard Dan Rather's voice from my crib. When I was 8, no one told me we invaded Iran. When I was 9 I used to doodle the AIM (American Indian Movement) Four Directions symbol on my homework and sometimes into desks when nobody special was looking. Somebody tried killing my hero, Mark Spitz the following year or so. When I was almost 17 our proud navy blew two Libyan jets out of the water. I did not raise my hand, I was too young, I didn't know enough. When I was 19 friends of mine taught little boys in central amerika, sometimes as young as 12 or 13 yrs old to assemble and disassemble M16's and AK-47's. When I was 20 my taxpaying and voting allowed my country to invade a country the size of my leg. When I was 24 our proud navy blew two Libyan jets out of the water. I raised my hand half way - I was old already and knew too much. ...you read right... ...look again... Before my 25th birthday I participated in a war on an entire country who's only crime was telling George Bush they weren't going to help get crack cocaine into the streets of California anymore. Before that year was over friends of mine had to risk their lives in Oman, Quatar, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel and Colorado Springs. Shortly after my 28th birthday, military people I'd left behind to my new pacifist birth had to occupy Los Angeles for God knows how long. Will it be decades? I was walking across Nebraska when LA lay under siege. In Omaha my life was saved by one Crip and two Bloods. I fear that I hate my government. I don't wish to. Fault me - I'm wrestling with some forgiveness issues right now. "that non-violent warrior spirit." a kinder gentler overthrow. *&^%*&^%*%&^%^^&$$@$#%$$&*(*&)(&)(*^&$^& NEEDS NO EXPLANATION: (...if you don't know; don't ask...) [meta name=description content="Angels! Radio KAOS Homepage!"] [meta name=keywords content="chuck clare tate west sample om omar michelle wilkins donovan olympia real audio flu-like symptoms nikola tesla tate west meadows contrail chemtrail rods skyfish flash radar anomaly anomalies human genome nwo new world order"] ( <> changed to [] in an attempt to be kind to browsers.) (A)(C)(T)(I)(V)(I)(S)(T) (T)(I)(M)(E)(S) 172: UNDER THE INTERSTATE another marco poetic Can you walk a mile In Reggie White's running shoes? I ride 5 or 6 every day: And that many again - Home before I wake. By the water The yucky, muddy, Mucky Yuddy Fox River. Can you say PCBs??? (tho I must confess, cleaner than my home river) To my right - a wigwam - a short round wooden LONNNNNNNNNNGHOUSE A fence cordons between us - no reading of Plaques til next spring. Behind me? Prison - a big one. Bursting...seems...like a college or an ARMY BASE More will be built near here soon. To better accomodate than the CURRENT PLAN: Selling bodies to other states: potential labor? Or is this "in addition" rather than "Instead of" I wonder? To my left: bones of a walleye from Last summer or fall's run I'm sure. Above - Thousands of cars HUMMING East and West. Necessitating more jails and dead fish And wigwams ensconced in fences and plaques discussing PAST. Our past - your future - our future - your Past. I'm wearing Reggie White's sneakers BUT NOT HIS ATTITUDE. No, not me. I've walked more than a mile I've walked months' worth of miles In Reggie White's shoes. I've gotten more mileage out of Reggie White's Sneakers Than he ever thought those Cons could give! I guess I'm the master recycler, reuser Of Reggie White's black and white SHOES. The Rabbi of re-use. Perchance I could teach Reggie White a thing or two. SomeBody should. *&^%*&^%*&^%&^%^^&$%#$@$#%$$&*(*&)(&)(*^&$^& "New Hope East Garden." --Sun Myung Moon about Brazil "Same Stuff, Different Day." -- Prime Anarchist about SMM SPOOFING KIPLINGER Dear Client: The auto industry's screwed. Blame the internet. Trust me on this one, I can't explain, it's just true. Major upheaval, get out now. Buy Nothing Day kicked their butts this year too. Nail in the coffin you could say. The horse is already dead. Parking problems already. Who's going to buy more cars without giving used ones to the kids? Basically the AGE is over. We've sucked all the nectar we can from this tree, people. We've run out of consumers, we've run out of space, we've just plum run out. Some cities will try hanging cars by their front bumper, others will try the front tires. Buy extra damage insurance. College tuition will do what it's been doing since 1788. Hurt everyone, make everyone hate each other. Surgeons will use computer simulators instead of cadavers. Get out of India's dead-body market by the end of the year. People will spend their y2k safety cash on restaurants rather than putting it back in banks. Invest heavy in Taco Bell, McDonalds and ChiChi's about 15Jan. Iowa will give free tuition to college dropouts, hoping to build tourism from "slacker capitol of the world," philosophy. Senator McCain will flog a native american on national TV in New Hampshire hoping to win away some of the mean-people vote, and perhaps nose past Bush in the country's most important primary. Almost as big as the Boston Marathon or the first lady's dress size. Mexico will become more like the US. Courses in genocide, assassination and cocaine use have become very popular at Univeristy of Mexico now that NAFTA has allowed the US to market its franchise of SCHOOLS OF THE AMERICAS. Beijing will join WTO. I can't tell you here but you can find out which American companies make TV sets and invest for the long haul. Truly, Madly Deeply, Kristoph Kiplinger. *&^%*&^%*&^%&^%&$%#$@$#%$$&*^^(*&)(&)(*^&$^& Well, that's about it for the E-ZINE send any complaints or submissions to: ati@etext.org Go to all or none of our unofficial websites: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/ATI.html http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/grudge.html http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati Our http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist seems to have died out. I guess it was fun while it lasted. Thanks to Barata Eletrica for that one! Muchas gracias para todos, lo siento and a big "sorry" to anyone who thought we really WERE inside the pentagon. Only on Monday mornings, right Art? *&^%*&^%*&^%&^%&$%#$@$#%$$&*^^(*&)(&)(*^&$^& We end with a short poem. GAS I'm paying 132 Per gallon. How 'bout you? ---===--- Ok, another. I can't help it... Where's The Guy With That Bell? by marco Where's the guy with that bell? Need knows no season - 28nov99 The red kettle is there; So is the apron, And the poster. But no man, & no bell. Army. Are you running out of Conscripts? .