040320001812 The floods didn't get this issue of... , _ || ' < \, =||= \\ /-|| || || MM (( || || || \/\\ \\, \\ You read right...Issue MM! (a Dizz-Klame-err: We are not affiliated with M&M/Mars. Nor would we want to be.) Whereza other issues? Well, Prime will be bustling with new ideas when he returns from WDC. He will let you, dear reader, know what's on his mind in subsequent issues of ATI. So there ya go. OK, buoys and gulls, time for an old-fashioned #'s run: http://www.reverendbilly.com http://www.revbilly.com http://www.mcspotlight.org http://www.mojonixon.com http://www.krrm.com http://www.savepacifica.org http://www.foxy.com http://www.soaw.org/Articles/spring2000press1.htm http://www.frucht.org http://www.sinkers.org/SOAdemoApr0200 http://marco.franklins.net ------------------------------------- ATI: Real Newz For Real Pholks. Available at a computer near you. ------------------------------------- LETTUCE FROM THIS ISSUE'S EDITOR: Hi there. Prime is on a mission. Not just any mission, mind you. As I type this, he is in Washington, DC protesting the School Of the Americas. Now, those of you who read ATI regularly will know what the SOA is. If not, then a brief explanation is in order. The School of Americas is a school operated by the US Government to train Latin American soldiers and Government officials in military/counterrevolutionary tactics. Over the past few years, evidence has surfaced that the SOA has taught terrorism tactics to its students. Among the SOA's nearly 60,000 graduates are dictators Manuel Noriega and Omar Torrijos of Panama, Leopoldo Galtieri and Roberto Viola of Argentina, Juan Velasco Alvarado of Peru, Guillermo Rodriguez from Ecuador, and Hugo Banzer Suarez of Bolivia. SOA graduates have also participated in the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the El Mozote Massacre of 900 civilians. Each year, there are protests at the US Capitol and the school's home at Ft. Benning, GA. The protests call for the closure of the school: an idea that has recieved some congressional support. "There can be no mistake that the School of the Americas has trained some of the most despised and corrupt military officers in Latin America." Rep. Dan Hamburg, D-CA, debate to close the US Army School of the Americas, US House of Representatives, May 20,1994. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (I know it's been in past issues of ATI, but it's worth another look.) SOA (Marc Frucht) Just got back from the school today, mama. Didn't learn a thing today, mama. Stuff you said about the golden rule Never shows up at that evil school Ain't goin' to that school no more. (chorus) Ain't goin' to that school no more, mama Ain't goin' to that school no more, mama Don' worry mama I'll be OK They got nothin' I can use anyway. Ain't goin' to that school no more. Marched right into that school today, mama. Told them to put their toys away, mama. All they taught me I don' need. Glutton, stealin', corporate greed. Ain't goin to that school no more. (Chorus) This is School of Americas, mama Hate & Conflict 101, mama Programmed rage from the butt of a gun Sold their soul to Channel One. Ain't goin to that school no more. ------------------------------------- BONUS IN THIS ISSUE: Music! Records The Big P recommends. "Kristofferson" by Kris Kristofferson ("Blame It On The Stones" and "The Law Is For Protection Of The People" are worth the price alone.) "Honky Tonk Heroes" by Waylon Jennings "Unplugged" before MTV got hold of it. Great guitar work. Great lyrics too. Any David Allan Coe Lp. Coe made a reputation of telling Nashville where to shove it. And he had the cajones to back it up. Plus a few #1 records didn't hurt. "Prairie Home Invasion" by Jello Biafra & Mojo Nixon Biafra and Mojo? It happened. One of the first alt.country records...and still one of the best. "The Cold Hard Facts Of Life" by Porter Wagoner. Before Dolly came along, Porter made some of the most haunting and explicit records in country music history. "The First Mrs. Jones", "Julie", and "I Just Can't Let You Say Goodbye" would have likely been banned if released today. ------------------------------------------ FFFFFFFF RRRRRRRR EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFF RRRRRRRRR EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE FFF RRR RRR EEE EEE FFFFFFFF RRRRRRRRR EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE FFFFFFFF RRRRRRRR EEE EEE FFF RRR RRR EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE FFF RRR RRR EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE Our New Low Subscription Rate! ----------------------------------------- Well, folks, Hope this holds you over until Prime gets back... pmoore@intop.net (hopefully Prime won't kill me!) ati@etext.org .