************** ** FTA!!! **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** 172 / / (oops, reverse that) / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a journalistic, causistic, / /cyberpolitical / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI@text.org than two minute / increments. / - - - - - - - - - PRIME NUMBERS http://yurisnight.com http://www.bartcop.com http://www.nonogirl.com http://www.canadians.org http://www.pornolize.com http://www.jasonschock.com http://kaybek.indymedia.org http://www.portalofevil.com http://www.drudgeretort.com http://www.toastedspiral.com http://www.crossingborder.org http://www.dorrk.com/cocktail http://www.politicalamazon.com http://www.mediawhoresonline.com http://www.radio4all.org/crackcia http://www.thewoodstockspirit.org http://hometown.aol.com/dummydown2 http://www.fray.com/drugs/letterman http://www.notbored.org/index1.html http://www.joygreetings.com/kungfu.htm http://flag.blackened.net/ati/pulitzer.html http://serendipity.magnet.ch/jsmill/post_1.html "one major thing is how impoverished the real world actually is--wealth and power but a veneer of that poverty." --John Lord Hello there, I'm prime anarchist and that was the numbers, this is my column and next up we have lettuce for your head. And then all the mad usualness follows. I mean the following usual madness, I mean follows, ah whatever. You mean what I know! This is ati 'zine issue 271. Late for last week; early for next. Yeah, we staggered it, why? Because things were just getting a little TOO regular around here. It's of utmost importance, we're dealing with volatile substance, this zine must come out whenever we feel like it. Or else. So enjoy the heck out of it. And what if you don't? So what. prime ps: this issue dedicated to Aaron Sorkin. ["say it ain't so, joe..."] "You should fix up your house with extra windows or something." --martha stewart LETTUCE ALONE : LEAF ME BE Hi ! I sent you the message below last week; I'm sorry if you visited my website and were turned away. It was shut down by the University of Texas - I should have known better than to promote energy conservation from President Bush's own back yard ! I suppose his Administration really does hate the environment . . . Be that as it may, I have downloaded all the files to a new business web hosting server. The new URL is http://www.inviticus.com Thank you kindly for your patience. Regards, Wm. H. Clark II, P.E. Bar X Software Austin, Texas ... martha stewart deserves the same treatment, as long as you're making a list of asshole celebrities ;) pomegranate ... Subject: Is ati@etext.org feeling under the weather? Date: 16 Apr 2001 22:47:19 -0000 From: RTMark Labor Fund News To: "ATI.etext.org" [ati@etext.org] April 17, 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Phone In Sick Day (http://rtmark.com/sick) has been moved to April 20 in Canada, to coincide with the Quebec City Summit of the Americas meeting that starts on that date (http://www.a20.org/). "Quebec has been turned into a fortress, to keep public opinion out of the decision-making process," explains Duane Dibbley, an RTMark member who will attempt to attend the Summit. "Since thousands of foreign would-be protesters have already been turned away at the border, we're trying the Trojan Horse approach: we're encouraging Canadians who might ordinarily work on that day to phone in sick and go to the protest instead." Previous Phone In Sick Days have been held responsible for the "sick-outs" of two thousand British Airways employees in 1997, and of thousands of Irish policemen in 1998 (http://rtmark.com/sick2000.html). And fifteen months to the day after etoy finally won its battle against eToys and Network Solutions (http://rtmark.com/etoynsi.html), Project ICAN (http://rtmark.com/fundquick.html#ICAN) shows Internet users how to challenge NSI's continued suzerainty over the "root zone" (the file that decrees what domain extensions are available), an arrangement that overwhelmingly favors big business. RTMark's primary goal is to publicize corporate subversion of the democratic process. To this end it acts as a clearinghouse for anti-corporate projects. Project forums may be found at http://rtmark.com/f/get/funds.html, and a list of just-added projects is maintained at: http://rtmark.com/new.html. # 30 # ... Figgered I'd do it for ya.... "Mr. Yak Milk" wrote: > > OK. I owe a poem, built on a metaphorical foundation. > A rock, a hill and a guy named sisyphus. > "THIS IS THE CONDITION OF US ALL." said Albert Camus from his Paris bistro or cafe or Algerian low-life dive. There's the guy, see? and like he dies, but there ain't no heaven nor hell no purgatory, nothing but the Underworld. And it's ruled by Pluto, like but he has a wife, Penelope? (Pandora maybe) But like this guy dies and goes there and runs onto the wife And like he's a real charmer and talks her into letting him go. So Wow Man! Like he's reborn, but not really to be born is to die, once you're here, you're here but he's got Everlasting Life! And like he's a young, lusty guy So he goes on a tour of the Greek and Agean island villages Having a good time, drinking wine smokin` hash talking philosophy into the pale lavender dawn mists Chasing ALL the ladies Having a good time. And what the hell? This can go on forever 'Cause Sisyphus can't die, he's already dead And every time some stray husband, jealous lover or just plain brigand does him in... It don't work! And Sisyphus continues on his Greek tour havin` a GOOD time But like Zeus and the boys hear about this And they ain't happy about it Because Like Man! only the Gods live forever Who IS this guy? This Sisyphus disporting himself like a mere mortal enJOYing life! Diggin` it grooving on it totally IN it and never dying so he revels in every microsecond ONLY GODS DO THIS! says Zeus and the boys So they go get Sisyphus Take him to this Mountain Give him this big old boulder, tell him Roll, Daddy, Roll And keep on doing it, you got eternity, right? Roll that rock up the hill, all the way to the top and when it gets there... well, you follow it down and start again You got eternity, right? This'll keep ya busy You ain't no god Remember that And ol` Sisyphus is still doing it Rolling that rock up the hill into eternity... THIS IS THE CONDITION OF US ALL! Said Albert Camus You can pick whatever piece of the story you want to say THAT'S the condition but remember... it's only a story ... Hello! I found your address on a site about wine and spirits, cigar and good living and I thought that you would be interested by the services that our site offers. Wine Alley is... [ed note: Uh, you did?] ... Hi We are responding to your request for FREE analysis of your site: http://www.cosmos.lod.com/~ati/ati85.html We feel there is very substantial potential to promote your site on the Internet. That is what we do - we bring traffic to our client's websites. We have proprietary software and assortment of other Internet tools designed to make your site popular and bring traffic that is interested in your product area. This can put dollars in your pocket. Many of our clients initially thought it would be better... [note: no thanks] _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ TIME, Ink., gets the big L on their forehead this week. They list MIT University in their "winners and losers" section for allowing course auditing online free. They joke about "can porn sights handle the competition?" But that's not why they get the "big L." No, they're all over Barbara Streisand for her memo that "W" stole Florida, and they claim the latest tally says he won. Yeah? Says who? "Foot in mouth not just Euro's problem," they go on to say. You're right, Time. If the shoe fits... ATI - Not brought to you by WIL-KIL Pest Control. HEADACHE a poem about pain, by marco Bertelsmann Alanissette Henley digital music hearing Napster EMI Warner Lambert Realcom Tollbooth AOL Sony Vivendi MTV.com, do you yahoo? MSN Music: Commodity or landgrab? Aimster Protecting copyright owners Did you say writer? Or owner?? "Singing the Senate blues." Musicnet; duet. Is music anywhere in this scene? THE BLACKBIRD a poem by Matthew Hewitt A blackbird with eyes of fire sings a song of death, Creating an image, an image lined with blood, grimy With blood. Darkness is strong in its sole, hatred Is burning like a huge fire in its belly, oh black bird, Beast of the skies, harbinger of death, free us, free us All show us the way, the way to the devils door, To be greeted by his crooked smile. And shake his withered Hand of blistering fire, and at last feel oh so secure, So secure. _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ Send nog, grog and glog to: ati@etext.org Grammy nominations and libellous gossip about musicians should be directed to: lutenist@geocities.com get the 'zine in marked up form (custom made - each one unique!) at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist WE end this zine with a poem by J. O'Nym William Stafford wrote A poem about a car, Surely I can do this. Of course, his car is Hope And mine is just a car, Thirty-six years old, rusted out And in the shop, and I am No mechanic. ....& again...this 'zine dedicated to Aaron Sorkin... .