"In the 1960's the police used to talk about "outside agitators" causing problems in otherwise peaceful demonstrations so that they could justify riding in on horses clubbing young people whose only crime was opposing the war in Viet Nam. The strategy of creating the evil few to repress the many is a very old one. Don't buy it." --Judy Rebick ************** ** FTA(A)!! **- - - - - - - - - - . ************** 272 / / (oops, reverse that) / / / Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a - - journalistic, spazzstic, / /mega-anti-plastic / /organization, / 4 more info? /trying to / send SASE /help y'all, and us / stamps??? change the world / to: radically, in less / ATI@text.org than two minute / increments. / - - - - - - - - - "Thats when I worked for a different sort of media company now I work against all that work I did" --Some Techy Named Micah Hi, I'm Prime Anarchist and this is the news you need: Apparently, there is a court order suppressing Idependent Media Center from broadcasting or posting anything about the FBI raiding the Seattle IMC on Saturday evening while Quebec is in choas. Hey you constitutional attornies. Get out of bed and march over to the fbi or supreme court and let em know that these rights will not be suppressed. [Reprinted from: http://www.dc.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=8261] I had some other things I wanted to compose for this issue but they'll have to wait. Time is of the essence, they always say. venceremos, prime -={ LETTUCE }=- to ati@etext.org Dry throat, burning eyes Air, polluted Water, inaccessible Pull me away, I want to stay I haven't really had my say.... pasquali ... to ati@text.org Today, Snowhite was turning 18. The 7 Dwarfs always where very educated and polite with Snowhite. When they go out work at mornign, they promissed a *huge* surprise. Snowhite was anxious. Suddlently, the door open, and the Seven Dwarfs enter... [oy m'shug! Not you again, he said kicking the entire mailbox into the ravine...] ... to Prime Anarchist at the very last minute the management of the slipper room has informed us that they have canceled this sunday's klong show because they had a more lucrative offer to rent out the room that evening. so, there is no klong show tomorrow, sunday april 22. additionally, we are putting the klong show on hold until we can find a venue that is a bit more supportive. please stay tuned for the imminent re-launch of The Klong Show. Stephen ... to Marco Got Portugese? http://www.azine.org az ... -={ NUMBUCE }=- http://www.kife.com http://www.uberzine.com/hax http://thehacktivist.com/a20 http://www.welcome.to/justified http://www.stephansmith.com/songs.html http://www.surveillancecameraplayers.org http://www.dc.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=8112 http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~atman/attention-fat-bastards.html http://www.thecapitaltimes.com/2001/04/16/news/street_music.php a poem for the corporate media by Oak Warrior Poet Society - Planet Earth You heard it here first: [editor's note: well, second. This is a reprint from Vermont Indy] Why allow the mainstream media to set the limits of debate or coin our phrases? We say: the light at the end of the corporados global tunnel is the oncoming train; a train WRECK IN QUEBEC ! WRECK IN QUEBEC a poem for the corporate media the mainstream tabloids must get hemmroids from lifting all that hype, here in the trenches beyond the fences we're compelled to take a swipe, at network boardrooms endless hair grooms and your basic corporate type, so what the heck a wreck in quebec was not the time quite ripe? BAGHDAD, Iraq (PAWN) -- Iraq has warned Iran that its missile attack on eastern Iraq risked a revival of 1980-88 when Reagan and Bush bombarded each other with epithets, swears and bad language like, "Voodoo Economics," and "Damn Yale Bastard," "Nice Toupe, Rawhide," and "Dumb Yankee Bastard." Iran has acknowledged its armed forces attacked Iraqi bases of the rebel Mujahedeen Khalq on Wednesday morning because they "miss that old Ronnie Reagan guy, maybe W Bush will respond in kind." The acknowledgment came in a letter delivered to the U.N. Security Council in New York late Wednesday. The attack killed three people and wounded 23 others, Iraqi official media and the Mujahedeen Khalq said Thursday. All but one of the casualties were Iraqis. "His name was Truth," said Ramses Clarkent. Iranian state television reported the attack Thursday, but gave no word of casualties. A Parody Ending To Help Keep You Going. by Robert Cox To the tune your "National" Anthem And the the teargas canisters, Water cannons everywhere, Gave proof through the night Revolution's in the air. O say, does that red-black banner yet wave O'er the land of the free And I mean it this time; free. We end with a folksong. [ed note: it's always nice when we can get all "broadsidish" on you.] With Wall Street on our Side Original words by Bob Dylan New words by Doug Wheeler C F C F C F G F C C F Em F C Oh my name it is nothing' my age it mean less F C The company I work for is in the Midwest F C I'm forced to agree there the policies to abide F G F C And that company I work for has Wall Street on its side. Oh the Journal it tells it and it tells it so well The stockholders sniffled and the workers all fell Yes, the stockholders sniffled and morale all died And that company I work for has Wall Street on its side. Oh the lowliest workers all had thier day And then middle management was soon laid away And the names of the CEOs I was made to memorize With a bonus in their hands and Wall Street on their side. The First Quarter came, boys it closed out its fate The reason for the layoffs I never got straight But I learned to accept it, accept it in stride Oh you don't count the missing when Wall Street's on your side. But now we got workers left standing in the dust If fire them we're forced to, then fire them we must One click of the mouse and emailed the world wide And you never ask questions when Wall Street's on your side In a many dark hour I've been thinking' about this That Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss But I can't think for you, you'll have to decide Whether Judas Iscariot, had Wall Street on his side. When the Stock Market Slide comes to an end We'll forgive the bosses and call them our friends Though they fired six million, on the dole they all dried. The new bosses now too have Wall Street on their side. I've learned to trust no one, all through my work life If another crash comes, It's them we must fight To hate them and fear them and in my cube hide And accept it all bravely with Wall Street on our side. So now as I'm leaving', I'm weary as hell The confusion I'm feelin' ain't no tongue can tell Who words fill my head and fall to the floor If the Street's on our side then just shut the door. _____ (_ _)_ | | (_) ___ ___ __ ___ | | | |/' _ ` _ `\ /'__`\/',__) | | | || ( ) ( ) |( ___/\__, \ (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/ Send nog, grog and glog to: ati@etext.org Grammy nominations and libellous gossip about musicians should be directed to: lutenist@geocities.com get the 'zine in marked up form (custom made - each one unique!) at: http://www.thepentagon.com/primeanarchist .