With Spain in chaos, only a Pablo Casals can bring us something to make sense of. U.S. Rep. Joseph Moakley was 9 parts human being, one part congressman. We lost another honest pol. What's there, like 10 left? 12? Moakley's dead, Long live Moakley! "The far more interesting question is not whether we have innate instincts for war and violence but why we put ourselves in the obedient service of "their" ambitions?" --Sean Gonsalves /\ / \ / \ / \ / wlcm \ \ \ / 2 / / \ \ t / \ i / \ Shoutouts to a Radio \ \ \ Man named Aries. \ ctvst \ \ tms nc\ \-------\ "Livin' on reds, vitamin C and cocaine," I sing to myself popping my "morning three": one grapefruit pectin, one cat's claw, one bayer aspririn. Way over yonder in the minor key, it's Activist Times, Inc. issue 277. Wasn't Pudge Fisk's # 27? Or was that Larry Czonka? The "Sportcoat and Tie" issue. 101% dressed up and ready to go. Or was that all dressed up and no where to throw? Glow? Grow. So Pearl Harbor didn't beat Vlassic Park, or Fission Impossible, eh? What does it mean? It means Drudge got his butt whooped, that's what it means. Alright! Issue 277. Love it or turn the page... OK, we'll start with our usual numbers run and then on and on... and on to prime anarchist world news tonite. #'s http://www.capsteps.com http://www.shundahai.org http://www.mchawking.com http://www.lovolution.net http://www.shadoweyes.com http://shey.net/niked.html http://www.cybertraveler.org http://g42.myip.org/index.shtml http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~cudigest http://www.crosswinds.net/~happyanarchy http://www.sacredcowproductions.com/hicks http://la.indymedia.org/strawman_01_05.php3 http://tao.ca/~wrench/dist/news/pultpics.html http://norman.lib.uconn.edu/NewSpirit/Redesign http://guest.xinet.com/rts/past_actions/mayday2001 http://buffalo.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=128 http://archive.showmenews.com/archive/2000/Apr/20000429News07r.htm http://www.irs.gov/plain/taxi/learninglab/history/travel_story.html http://www.savepacifica.net/strike/20010517_fsrn.html http://www.yaledailynews.com/article.asp?AID=12090 http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/19347.html http://www.nikewages.org/story_congress.html http://rita.thegourmet.com/computers.html http://www.lumiere.net/~j/earthlights.jpg http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~thirdway http://www.mchawking.com/music.html http://americanresurrection.com http://members.cruzio.com/~frsc http://morrock.com/newsdef.htm http://www.operatingthetan.com http://www.con.wesleyan.edu http://www.infiltration.org http://www.almartinraw.com http://www.bushorchimp.com http://www.cancelaol.com The statue of Mazariegos, smashed to smithereens by thousands of Indians armed with toy bows and arrows on October 12, 1992; was among many symbols and premonitions. ... or got spanish? El Mazariegos hecho anicos el 12 de Octubre de 1992 por miles de indigenas armados con arcos y flechas de juguete fue otro simbolo y otra premonicion [reprinted from the words and music] [of Francisco Alvarez Quinones in his] ["two-lingual" introduction to Antonio] [Turok's wonderful coffeetable book] [ "El Fin Del Silencio : Chiapas" ] ATTN: Neil Cavuto I must say that is the strangest toupe I think I've EVER seen atop a human's head. ATTN: JC Watts Are you the third most nazistic, fascistic but right-winged black man on earth? Or just the Untied States? ATTN: Ben Stein Schmenstein! ATI was "just trying to make it rhyme." Happy 60th Bob, you convoluted prophet you. FAKE OPEN LETTER FROM THE STATE DEPT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Say, can we time all the big court cases of bombing suspects so they're sort of back to back? PUBLISHER'S COLUMN Who really owns Snapple? Because if you go to four coffee shops and they're each trying to be "unlike" the other three; how different can they be if each has the official Snapple (tm) double-door fridge placed prominantly? More like "different within similar parameters." Who really owns Sisco foods? Do you frequent three different restaurants? Do you like them for the similarities or the differences? What really IS different? Cooking style? People who hand it to you?? What color the tables and wallpaper are??? There used to be more differences. Maybe the movie "Repo Man" was right all along? Profound in ways we never knew. You can buy Food (tm) from Restaurant (tm) handed to you by someone wearing a fancy purple T-Shirt saying Clerk (tm) on the front and T-Shirt (tm) on the back. Let's buy Gas (tm) at Gas Station (tm). I oughta spread this news so people know this before it's too late. Hmmm. Looks like I got two choices within two other choices. It could be CBS or ABC; and/or MSNBC or Fox, eh? Who really owns your soul? Because the army corps of engineers and library of congress own your body parts and your mind, eh? This is Prime Anarchist saying maybe next year I'll vote demo-publican-dependent instead. & this issue (ati277.txt) is brought to you by the letter C. AVAILABLE: Pseudonym. Clark Transfer. Why not? There's already a Ryder, and a Rollins. I was thinking May Flower if you were a girl, but it might seem a little too pornish. Maxwell House: "Spend extra time in the chatrooms." wha??? A Short Phreaker Haiku: POWER by Prime Anarchist 10,000 quarter inch plugs reached without getting Up out of your chair. ALL NEW! (well, not really.) First Check Home Drug Test Kit for Marijuana (THC), Cocaine (COC), Opiates (Heroin) and Methamphetamines http://www.webrx.com Keyword: PissTest Now you too can be your very own J. Edgar Hoover or Confidential Informant T-10. Mom's, dads. Turn in your kid. Kids, yup, you guessed it. Sneak in there and test that toilet. Get dad fired from his favorite job. Get 'em back for all that entrustment they've afforded you all these years. Have we got something on you. First Check (tm) because it's better to be a snitch. Prime Anarchist Paraphrase of the pWeek (the p is psilent) "Money isn't everything, it's the only thing." Fah-Q with a Hi-Q Yesterday it worked. Today it is not working. Windows is like that. ATI is proudly not dedicated to Phillip Morris, who bring you cancer, war, famine, and then all the Kraft products in your tent-city you could ever want. For free! And in the "you knew it had to happen" dept., daver sends in: http://www.nazi.org Sexy TV!!! You watch telly infrequently enough for days in a row and you notice things. "Where you'll see the biggest hits." Think about it orally... OVERHEARD ON THE BUZZ 3 - 5pm Nate Livingston If you're looking for Oprah, keep moving. Nate's afternoon talkfest is a blend of cutting edge debate, organized chaos, and entertaining discussion. - WHIRL - Premium Vegetable Oil with artificial and natural butter flavor Butter taste...and better! Net 7 fl. oz. Low Sodium Whirl is made from a unique blend of partially hydrogenated soybean oil, salt, soy lecithin, artificial flavor enhanced with natural butter flavor, Vitamin A palmitate and carotene for color. Natural butter flavor added...for creamy butter taste patented anti-browning formula...for eye-appealing food processed without silicone...for greater versatility "Whirl has been proven excellent-tasting and reliable among professional chefs in foodservice preparations calling for butter flavor." --The American Culinary Federation. [umm, who???] Use Whirl to: saute, grill, season, pan fry, baste, broil, bake. As a recipe ingredient: soups, sauces, roux, gravies and much more! No need to refrigerate Distributed by Proctor & Gamble [ok, this is starting to make sense now.] Made under one or more U.S. Patents. 4,385,076 4,384,008 JOURNAL POME 30 by Marc Frucht. reprinted from issue 101 of this same 'zine; and a couple other places. Quote: "I get to do something For a living that if I Wasn't doing it for money I'd do it anyways." -- Lyle Lovett Safe and warm. Fritos and popcorn entrenched In my couch. Nothing agrees with Stomach more than peanut butter And banana on toasted Whole wheat bread. Deli & Dawgs Diner -- would you eat there??? Violence impacted to society; Embedded in life. No capo, slide, fuzz pedal or Delay - no fingerpicks or Teleprompter, just play. Eugene O'Neill wallops the skipper With words and rocks the boat, Frank Sinatra "does it [his] way" Rooted in divine inspiration, He claims. Apple falls on head and Turns lightbulb on jouncing Thought, slurping coffee Like a pretentious snit. Jogging memory with a Jarful of Jolt cola. Orange lentils & linguini Lodged in a sore throat. Don't sop the heat of hot chili With cucumber; use bread: good buffer. Shelter Wagon is hospitality on a horse. Running from river to river Haven't seen hay for 30 miles: How come I have hayfever?? Run chasing your shadow All morning; then you can Chase it home all afternoon. ARMY MEMORY - AS ADDENDUM TO: http://free.freespeech.org/kokopeli/pu.html Oh, I'm so sad that this person has to go through this. I hope he can live on and fight long enough until there is some day some justice for all. ["this" being: http://www.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=44326 by the way] Of course I want him to live forever, but don't we all? I think the most horrendous crime is the shortened lives of people like him, and maybe people like me who handled a few of the 100 pound shells while they were "inert," (is that the right word?) I will never forget seeing depleted uranium shells on the same tanks in colorado springs that had to retrain constantly both there, and in fort hood, tx., because idiots ranking between E-4 and O-5 couldn't tell the difference between a 4 pound charge, a 5 pound charge and a 6 pound charge. If you've got no idea what I'm talking about I'll describe it like this. Members of units near me while I was stationed in the signal corps would give the fire command for say, a 4 pound charge and a 100 pound shell. With the angle of the turret and the poundage of the charge, you can schedule a bomb to hit say, the very base of a hill in colorado. If someone accidentally puts a 6 pound charge in instead of the scheduled 4, well, lets just say you accidentally kill a couple forward observers at the top of the hill. Has that happened a couple times while I was serving in Colorado? Well, does the fact that those units next to me had to go to fort hood to practice holding 4 pound charges in their hands and shout "four pound charge sir!" and then a 5 pound charge saying "five pound charge sir..." and so on, answer your question? OK, if it doesn't, then yes. Some forward observers were killed a few different times in the three short years I served. And that was "peacetime," imagine what chaos we allowed during our little wars on Noriega and Hussein? And the horror I face every night now as I try to dream instead of nightmare is as follows: imagine if some of these same idiots are required to chant "hundred millimeter shell WITHOUT uranium sir," and "hundred millimeter shell WITH uranium, sir!" four to six hours a day for a few weeks because of similar prior accidents? Yikes! marco Another Short Poem? Define "NOT." "We're not there to build astrodomes." Dov Zakheim Prepare for StarWars!!! Well, this has been issue 277 of the 'zine. Hope you liked it. Also, shoutz and greetz go out to the author of the book "Bolom, Jaguar Trozista." feedback? ati@etext.org get back-issues at: http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/cygnus.html or some other places maybe... \/a \/a \/a \/oom, it's \/ \/ \/ \/e \/e \/e \/erizon, no it's not. Yeah, yeah, yeah; what ever. i was prime anarchist and this was ati, activist-tough industries. happy juniper berry... a t i . . . t h e w o r l d ' s m o s t f o r w a r d e d & / o r c c : ' d r a g ! ! We end with a poem as per usual. And why? Because poetry is all that is left. You probably didn't even notice. And that's because as they say in SCHOOLS, "you's swimmin' in it." King Little A public domain poem There's something coming Together at 125th and Lenox And there's still something Comeing together at 125th And Lenox About a hundred million Dreams are still deferred That's what's still Waiting to Come together The rest of the way. feedback? again: ati@etext.org .