***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .286. ... Issue #286 Aug-8-2001 Have you ever eaten an organic peach? Was it walnut in size? I'll bet you haven't. Some have, I hope you have, chances are you've never seen one, never mind popped one between your lips, chewed the pit toward the front of your mouth and swallowed the moist, meaty part whole. A real peach. Ever had one? They don't get bigger than that walnut-size I described without messing with all the rules of mother nature. What's this about? Nothing yet. Follow me, I'll be talking about missing interns, Presidents and systemic change, cowards and the distractions that people brave enough to make change have to undergo and seldom overcome. OK, maybe I won't discuss that, but still, stay with me if you can. Go with it, maybe it'll make sense, or at least maybe it'll help you make sense of something else out there in your troubled world. OK, perhaps it won't do a durned thing for you, but you'll feel it, and you'll say, "yeah, I feel that too, I know what he means. Well, sort of. Yeah." Alright. How come "Girl Interrupted" flopped or yawned at the Box Office? Nothing to do with the plot or the drama; nothing to do with the acters, OR the character development. You don't see much better than Vanessa Redgrave, Whoopie Goldberg, my sweetie Winona Ryder, and Clea Duvall. No it flopped because girls don't mean a damned thing in this society. They're for ripping to shreds, pushing their buttons, messing with them genetically, savoring sensitively for a second or two before you spit them out like an oversized woody seed you can't swallow whole. What does this have to do with peaches? Missing interns? Nothing, and everything. I'm talking to you. My society. Upper middle class united states society. I'm addressing you. Please forgive the swear and the bad pun; when I say fuck you. You fucking suck. Yes, you suck. Figuratively and literally. What you make me do to women, what you ask me to do to other men, what you call on women to do with me, what you make women to do to each other around me. You are all messed up, America. When can I go into a supermarket to forage for food with my frigging hands and eyes instead of my wallet and my penis? A shopping cart and stonewashed jeans? America, you are almost all that is wrong with the entire world, and I'm afraid after 37 years of my life so far, I've looked for someone else, anyone else, some other nation, or part of a nation. Something external. Something to indict that is not "america" or the "dream" I once believed in. Fought for, died a thousand times over, a thousand ways. A million deaths. 500 hands. Why can't I pay with my hands? But I digress. Or do I? The "Levy girl" is still missing because of Bill Clinton. Not him, himself. He's as much the victim as I am, or you, or your spouse, or your child. But I invoke his name because I wish to take you back to his four articles of impeachment. I'm sure it goes back before Ted Kennedy even, before Thomas Jefferson, and even before the Mayflower, or the Napoleonic code. I'll stick to Clinton's four because that's what I have handy at the moment. Four articles all to do with sex. I wanted the man impeached; I wanted him taken out for things that had nothing to do with sex. Conflicts of interest, abuses of power, stuff like that. But I've written about those things before so I won't bog you down with details there. I was doubly angered that the real issue was never addressed. Governors, Senators, Presidents, male and female alike, but more often than not, male will take an intern. Now I don't mean hire one. (at least not in the traditional economic sense) Yes, I mean have sexual relations with someone they're superior to. Conflict of interest? You bet. Abuse of power? Yupper. And where in Clinton's case did anyone discuss possible upcoming systemic changes? I'll suggest, NEVER and I'll say NOWHERE. So Condit takes an intern. She disappears. A hundred days later, we're still discussing whether he killed her, or has her hidden out and pregnant in France or Italy or something. NOWHERE and NEVER are we discussing systemic changes, are we? "Woman is the nigger of the world," said John Lennon in verse, in song, and many times in person. Shame on you, shame on me. Shame on all of us. Have you ever enjoyed an organic, untampered peach? Someone donated about 100 of them to the shelter I help run. He says his wife has donated over time, and he's had an unusually great crop this year, so he decided to pitch in some too. We got peaches, onions, green beans, corn, and one head of cabbage. All organic. Yum. Wait. She lead him? He was inspired by HER?? "Great woman he's got there," might be your first thought. "Let's memorize his name and forget who the heck she was beyond being his wife, when we tell the world who did great things," eh? Yeah, you get my wit there, right? "Girl Interrupted" was a great film. Two leading women and many supporting male roles. I don't have a problem with that. Do you? I was prime anarchist, and I said that. ====> #'s http://threadless.com http://www.nonogirl.com http://www.ariannaonline.com http://anarchosyndicalism.org http://www.overthrowthegov.com http://www.senaa.org/index2.html http://www.swizzletree.com/main.html http://www.google.com/chad_bikes_america.html http://sf.indymedia.org/display.php?id=101848 http://www.pbs.org/rogers/songlist/slindex.htm ====> - ONE LETTUCE - [would you just call that "lett?"] to ati@etext.org Sorry for this automated response to your e-mail. My former secretary, Ms. Bujold, left in mid-July. I rarely check my office e-mail myself since I'm in seclusion working on a book project this summer and fall. Hopefully, a new secretary will be in the office by late August. Rita Dove ====> OVERHEARD IN A GUESTBOOK This site is so cool! Believe me when I say it's cool that's major compliment! Have any of you cool people seen the Britiny Spears pepsi comercial! Talk about total disgrace to human's. She is walking porno. Well I go to Jr. high and during second period we have channel one for about 15 min. and channel one is nothing but a advertising channel for teens, it's stupid, anyhow for the past 2 weeks there have been this britiny spears pepsi commercial and it is totally offensive. So me my mom and my friends' parents are getting together to get off air because of the bs commercial and if any of you would be willing to help us out {ed note:} e-mail me [(we don't reprint addys unless asked directly)] and e-mail channelone at: http://www.channelone.com and http://www.neboschooldistrict.edu and help us fight aganist this porno thing because none of us need this. Thanx Love ya all Chelsea salem, ut united states ====> Styx. Who? ====> Hey Mitch Albom, What's up with that? I think I'll change my name to Marco 8trak. ====> TOP 2 AP Stories: 08 07 01 4pm Cisco Systems 4Q Earnings Plunge U.S. Planes Bomb Targets in Iraq [Coincidence? Don't go making conspiracy theories and blaming me, I just notice shit.] ====> OPEN LETTER TO ARIANNA HUFFINGTON My Dear Arianna, Thanks for such a toothy article of yours which I first read at: http://www.commondreams.org/views01/0807-03.htm Seeing Carter flip-flop like a walk at the beach or a trip to the local Waffle House, doesn't surprise me in the least. Many years ago I was starting a commitment to Habitat there in Americus, and my roomate the first three days while I waited for my cabinet making job (I interrupted the stint and flew home when my wife miscarried, but I digress) came back one afternoon and told me what a shit-head he thought Jimmy Carter was afterall. See, his job was photographing Carter's acceptance of a huge donation from Jane Fonda. She was going to pound a few nails, rub shoulders with mr. ex-pres and go on her happy way, probably writing off twice as much toward her taxes. It turns out his first words were something to the effect of "I'm not shaking hands with that commie bitch." His second words in front of my friend were "OK, but I will not smile at her and I will not talk." My roomie came home with a couple perfect non-telegraphing fotos of the famous Carter "forward smile" that almost looks like he's smiling at her, but he's really smiling at us. So I wasn't surprised. Thanks for your column, and thanks for reminding me of that day. marco ====> AND NOW, PART 3, (FINAL??) OF AARON KREIDER'S THERE AND BACK ....donated $6.20 to gas. He also didn't like to drive fast, arguing that the roads were only built to go 55 miles, but fortunately as we didn't have a speedometer - we were going faster than that. With all of the stopping, we averaged only 50-55 miles per hour. Remember that the speed limit was 75. I was a bit upset since if I'd have got a ride with somebody driving 75-80, I'd have done the distance in an hour or likely two hours faster. He let me drive twice. First because he was likely tired of doing so, and secondly because he wanted to drink a 40 oz beer. He had strange opinions, like he was into being nice to people (the whole peace/love thing) but he also thought that most people were stupid and wrote "be smart" on his car. So he seemed pretty cynical, but lacking in any political analysis which would be necessary to understand the problems of our world. He was somewhat hard to get along with, since I didn't want to argue with his strange ideas as it didn't seem that he tolerated disagreement that well. He left me off in Laramie at the first truck stop. There I waited an hour or so and got a ride from a Mexican-American driver of a small truck who gave me a lift to Olgallala (120 miles into Nebraska). He worked for the UP railroad. We talked a bit about hitchhiking and train hopping, but he wasn't too talkative so we listened to the radio (sports talk and a Spanish AM station from Boulder). Olgallala has a very good sized truck stop, but as I was about to hitch-hike a little past sunset I ran into two guys who were also trying to hitch-hike. They'd been there two days and were trying to get to Tennessee. This was a bit perturbing since by hitchhiker ethics, I should wait for them to get a ride before trying myself. Yet, I was likely to have a better chance since I was travelling by myself. I encouraged them to make a sign, and also suggested hitchhiking on the interstate. I guessed that much of their problem was that there were two of them, while most trucks have only two seats. They'd been going up to truckers to ask them for a ride (whereas I'm more shy and tend to use the "wave a sign" approach). I thought I'd see them again, but they disappeared. Hopefully they finally got a ride just after I showed-up. Since I wanted to sleep, I decided to walk to the rest area that was two miles away. Unfortunately it was very dark and I had to walk along the interstate so that I could find my way there. Since we had left Wyoming, the altitude was less and it was still warm at night (70?). So I walked in the grass by the interstate, getting blinded when cars approached. My flashlight batteries had given out a couple days ago, when I must have left it on all night by accident. After 30 minutes I gave up since I was being attacked by a very prickly painful plant that was getting stuck into my feet (I should have worn shoes), and also since it was somewhat dangerous and I was very hot. So I returned to the truck stop and went looking for the other two hitchhikers. They'd said that they stored their bags in a trailer that was used for Christian services for truckers, so I found the trailer with its door open but their stuff was no longer there. I sat down inside the trailer and realized that it was a good place to get some rest, so I meditated/thought/prayed for a while to see if anyone else would check on it before I crashed there. Someone came by, but left when they saw I was just meditating, and after an hour or so of no-one, I lay down on the carpeted floor and got around four hours of sleep just in my regular clothes. It got a little cold by the morning. I got up around 6am to the sound of a voice calling my name ("Aaron!") which must have been part of a dream. I walked out of the trailer without anyone apparently noticing. I cleaned up a little and then hitched by the truck stop for a couple hours before moving to in front of the interstate on-ramp where I soon got a ride from a Chinese-American truck driver who only had one seat in his truck. The other had been removed. This was actually rather fortunate, as I could lie down on the truck's bed and despite the bumpy ride (it wasn't one of those air-ride trucks) I managed to sleep a considerable amount of the time through Nebraska and part of Iowa. He wasn't that talkative and I was too tired to make much of an effort. For lunch we stopped somewhere where he made an oriental noodles soup and gave me a little. He dropped me off at the Iowa 80 truck stop, reportedly the biggest in the US (and possibly the world) which is near the Quad Cities on the border of Iowa and Illinois. I got there a couple hours before sunrise and figured that since it was the biggest truck stop I should be able to get a ride on I-80 all the way to South Bend. I had two offers of rides to Chicago, but much to my later regret I refused them since I figured I could do better. Later I accepted a ride from a couple that had two dogs, no driver's licenses, and were driving a car that someone had recently given them that didn't have rear lights. They were travelling folk, who'd walked around the US and had a trailer in which they pulled their stuff. Unfortunately, they wanted to veer south to go to Indianapolis, so I figured I was much better off returning and hitching at Iowa 80. So we only went a couple miles and then they drove me back. I gave them $5 since they were short on cash. I continued hitching at Iowa 80. I met a police officer who told me that it was illegal, but tolerated. The only main rule was... (CON'T Next Issue) [ref]=[http://www.etext.org/Zines/ASCII/ATI/trilogy/thereandback.txt] ====> NADER RALLY - A HARSH CRITIQUE by Marshall [reprinted from portland indymedia. Wow, what a rant. -ed.] Look, I enjoyed the day on the whole, but this totally uncritical applauding of a group of celebrity-speakers who basically SUCKED is depressing. Ralph Nader is who he is and I won't criticize him here, but if I hear one more person say that Jello Biafra was cool I'm going to BARF! 1.Vile appeals to nationalism (giant US flag behind all the speakers). 2. feel-good, it's-gonna-be-easy shallow reformist actvism advocated (Hey Jello- me and 8,000 other people didn't pay ten bucks to hear you say we oughta do so little as to vote to take Pepsi ads out of government schools made of cinder block walls, flourescent lights and a techno-capitalist plot to socialize the next generation of colonizers ---or maybe those 8,000 people did...frightening.) 3. As has been alluded to above, it was an incredibly commercial event. Basically, though Nader was good (for a Green Party Presidential Candidate) all the other speakers were uninspiring, uninformative, uncreative and apparently incapable of radical, or at least indipendent thought. Jello was out-right reactionary, with constant references to "realistic goals" etc. (not that realistic goals are bad, but a rhetorical fixation on them, beside an annalysis that's totally shallow- is super suspicious.) As he said in this week's Portland Mercury "I might catch shit from the More-Radical-Than-Thou..." Ya, well you deserve it, you fake. I remember seeing Jello in Eugene a few years ago and he had the attention of 300 people for 3.5 hours and talked nearly the entire time about how the corporate media is biased because of it's economic interests. Well NO SHIT, why don't you tell us something we don't allready know fer gawds sake. That night was an insult, intellectually and politically. Jello's P-town performance was at least as bad. I assume he'd never speak in front of a giant US flag in Eugene. When are we going to start holding people who do public speaking to a higher standard than this? Anyone who's vaguely Leftist and articulate get's uncritical aproval, when a whole lot of criticism is really what they need. Otherwise, loved the event, I met lots of cool, "real people" doing community activism. As an anarchist, I felt very welcome by the vast majority of participants - though an anti-statist perspective was totally shut out of the night-time event, (excluding Medea Benjamin's half assed attempt to make up for her post Seattle call for the entire Black Bloc to be arrested by saying in Portland that anarchists were on the list of groups that greens should form coalitions with. Wonder when the last time she talked to an anarchist was.) But I suppose that if we wanna get in good with a bunch of Holywood types, pay $2,500 to use a big screen TV and rent out the Rose Garden, THEN we can talk to 8,000 people. This event was about Democracy, Free Speech, and Ecological Sustainability- not Anarchism, silly! Alternative Media gathering was terrific, some panels too. Ugh, this is difficult. Overall, decent event though. Sorry for the bitterness, I just feel like numerous species are going to go extinct, indigenous cultures are going to be destroyed, numerous people are going to be murdered and tortured by the international financial elite, I'm going to have to live in a techno-industrial hell ------TODAY, tommorow and for a few more years till we're all screwed-- and I'd like to do more about it than "make sure ALL coffee farmers are paid $1.26 per lb.!!" (Benjamin) I believe that the industrial nation-state is inherently colonial. Frantz Fannon argues that there are two kinds of colonists, the "do-gooder" colonist who tries to go against the fundamental nature of colonialism (exploitation) and ends up just looking rediculous. Then there's the "honest" colonist, who knows the rules and takes what they can get for themselves. Everybody looks at them and thinks, well at least that makes some sense, that is how things are set up. Let's stop being "do-gooder" colonists, it makes us look rediculous and hardly does a damned thing. Let's get rid of the whole system and fill our own needs for ourselves. Marshall Eugene's Anarchist Action Collective http://www.cascadiamedia.org http://www.portland.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=2794 ====> Sh0utz and gr33tz 2 Metro Records, CBGB's, Ben & Jerry's Phish Stick, Kyle, Emma, Brenda and Randy, Carl, anyone opposing recombinant bovine growth hormone, and Kaustubh P. [oh, and a secret shoutout to my sister's voice coach. :) ] ====> comments? ati@etext.org .