\____Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow__\ /Creeps in this petty pace from day to day\ \ To the last syllable of recorded time, / /And all our yesterdays have lighted fools\ /The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! \Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player/ \ That struts and frets his hour upon the stage /And then is heard no more. It is a tale \ /Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,/ \Signifying nothing______________________/ Live! From Marco Island Securities and the Destin Country Club, It's ATI! Activist T-Bills Interdependent for the week ending 0110211744 hrs ***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times! ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .296. ... > From the Executive Editor Alert! Cover Was Previously Opened I drummed the balls of my feet on the carpet about forty times, covered my mouth while laughing out loud for at least 30 seconds, and then fell off my chair and rolled around the floor giggling. Oh my God, I just finished watching the short movie Woody Allen made for VH-1's "Concert for NYC." It was the closest to an orgasmic experience I've ever had out of bed. OK, closer than that place too. Yup, that too. Well, not on there, no. But all the others. Yeah. That was funny. I laughed so hard I nearly got goosebumps. Listen, Woody is such a genius, it scares me to say this, but I'll bet I would raise my fist in the air and yell "heil woody," if he asked me. j/k Oh wow! That was funny. No I mean really funny. You didn't see it? What are you dumb? Why would you miss such a thing. Oh my god. Words could never describe it. First there... No never mind. I'm not gonna recount it. Let's just say it was a trip. Put down your cellphone and set your pager from 'vibrate' to 'off,' and watch it if you ever have the chance. Dear J.D. Powers and Assoc: Here's the $50. Please have it say "The best weekly 'zine that comes out sometime between Friday and Monday just whenever the publisher feels like it, going out in electronic form but only holding to the ASCII character set as its "pallet." So does John Mayer sound exactly like Wayne Newton or what? You know? Someone should hook all 6 of Matt Lesko's cassettes to line in and soundforge 'em into .mp3 and scan his entire 1,100 page book to .jpg's and mark it up on HTML all copyleft for everyone to share. That'll fix 'em. "I need a Powerball," I overheard for at least the seven-dozenth time this weekend at convenience stores all around the U.S., "a Megabucks and two packs of Camel Lights 100s." Is that all that's left? Tobacco and gaming? Ryan Adams - yeah, I know. I'll call myself Ron Lennon or Benny Kravitz. That'll get me famous whether I'm talented or not. Oh No! They got Alan Dershwitz too. He's for state- sponsored assassination and roving wiretaps. Says they're going to improve human rights. Huh? Crouching Tiger, hidden soft drink. George Bush has already used "crusade," and "evil ones." How far do you think he'll go? C'mon Georgie, say it. You know you wanna. Can you say "unbelievers?" Sure, I knew you could. What held you back, afraid to go from 90% support to about 9??? Nazi. Usually it takes a citizen about a week to see all the real reasons his nation wars. This "war on terrorism" doesn't appear to be that at all when you look at it with less a nationalistic and more a world view. Sure, the "flag" of terrorism is draped all over it with enough pomp and circumstance to keep someone from the likely conclusions for as long as possible so the hawks can get themselves fully engaged before it's too late. This appears to me nothing more than a plain old ordinary CIA/State Dept/Pentagon attempt to overthrow one government [Taliban] and install an underdog Northern Alliance. We're elevating a middle-intensity civil-war to all-out war for our own perceived potential gain. Last August USAma Bin "Heavy" Laden became Commander- In-Chief instead of his earlier roll of plain old ordinary upper brass. We could NOT have that, now could we? All the new Goodwill Industries retail stores seem to be opening up across or next to Wal-Marts. Yeah, just outside of each "city proper." Zoning woes? A response maybe to economic frump. I was listening to a Christian PunkRock show on the low numbers of my car radio the other day for a couple hours and one of the most wack lyrics sailed out at me. "Tender as a booger in the microwave." Huh??? Hey, someone tell Lorne "SNL" Michaels that the Nelly Furtado impersonation last weekend of the "Oompa Loompa" song inside Drew Blythe's Willy Wonka skit was his high point for sure. Hmmm. The "fall retooling NBC Neilsons rating" thingie was pretty good too. But let me assure you, none of this can best Woody Allen last nite on VH-1! That was the bees' knees. ]_Outa_[ Prime_/ \_Here NUMBERS: (Even The Odd Ones) http://www.rawilson.com http://www.bairdcreek.org http://emperors-clothes.com http://www.halturnershow.com http://chaosn.com/verbalattack http://www.mp3.com/thetraitors http://blather.seekersguide.net .-. _ == .-. http://www.dieoff.org = = = \ `.'___|__\______ http://submediatv.com >-, o o o o o o o L`. http://www.de-lete.tv = = '-'`.___.---,_______.' http://www.stallman.org / .' http://blackblock.da.ru = = /_.' http://www.gonzo.org http://www.mihra.org/2k/cia.htm http://www.web.net/~blcr/links.htm http://www.en.monde-diplomatique.fr http://www.notbored.org/the-scp.html http://www.zinebook.com/resour1.html http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/war.html http://struggle.ws/ws92/columbus35.html http://members.aol.com/vlorbik/zine.html http://www.brianwillson.com/awolwakeup.html http://mcgames.mclink.it/MDG/descrizioni.htm http://www.cato.org/pubs/briefs/bp-069es.html http://urbana.indymedia.org/library/webzines.html http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=74014 http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=75772 http://www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=75743 http://brasil.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=8700 http://www.citypaper.net/articles/101801/news.godfrey.shtml http://www.stbasilcollegesem.net/temp/clan/other_voices.htm AND A WEBSITE THAT WAS: http://osama-binladen.cjb.net [vanished, right before our eyes...] LETTUCE FOR READING With my own two eyes. Right before a gig. Nothing like a little Packers spirit to put some bang in the rock and roll. The Green and Gold are looking like contenders. Off to the dome for some sweet divisional satisfaction. I am digging your writing and the football season. How cool is that? I am not digging Shrub Jr. and the bombing season. Gag me with a flag. Peace, md ----- Original Message ----- Subject: Re: [ATI] issue 291 > we won in the rain and hail. > did you see it? > > marc To ATI [ http://www.gotlaughs.com/funpages/bin2.cfm ] I'll bet you got this alot this week. Keep Smiling, Cheshire [ strangely enough no! I saw a snippet about it on TV, but not a single person before you had sent it our way. Usually I've received 5 or 10 of something before an actual friend sends it along. This time you're the first Cheshire!!! Wild. ] DEAD LINKS TYPE STUFF Hey Prime! Your "No More Pencils" site at http://www.freespeech.org/kokopeli/schoolclose.html http://cosmos.lod.com/~ati/schoolclose.html http://flag.blackened.net/ati/soawisc.html Don't all jibe with each other. That looks really sloppy. Get with the program! Yusef PRESS RELEASISH THINGIE - There is no other place on earth quite like the rolling tundra, rugged Brooks Range, boreal forests, coastal lagoons and barrier islands of the 19.6 million-acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Alaska. Within the refuge, the 1.5-million-acre coastal plain is often referred to as "America's Serengeti" and like its African counter-part, it sustains an immense herd of large migratory mammals. The House of Representatives recently voted on legislation that, if passed, would open the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and other fragile wildlands in the U.S. to oil development. To learn more about this issue and what you can do to help read: Too Wild to Drill, The Wilderness Society's report about what could be lost if the House bill is enacted: http://www.wilderness.org/listservs And, we encourage you to urge Senate to oppose any efforts in opening up these areas-at-risk for drilling. The take-action page can be found at: http://tws.ctsg.com/wac/index.asp?step=2&item=529&ms=listservs The Wilderness Society works to protect America's wilderness through public education, scientific analysis and advocacy. Kathy Kilmer, Manager, Electronic Communications The Wilderness Society http://www.wilderness.org .--. | "..CB1 this \ C \ ___A___ is control, \ B \____________________.--. -gulp!- ////X\\\\ you just ~ ~ .\____ _________ `. o".--. \\\\X//// lost half ~ ~ ~ (____) O O(_________) O O `--' )=- `-.-.-' your landing ~ ~ ' \____________________________.' |\| gear..." | | |/| (o) (O) klr |\| /./ |/| / ,.,.|,|,.,, klr | (O) [ref]=[http://www.kersbergen.com/flump/klr-ascii.html] The station, constructed from all donated and found materials, features Catlin the Destroyer (a 2-yr old Web Jockey), songs played on a Fisher Price record player, and other kickass audio. http://www.notowar.com/blastfurn.htm SCENE REPORT - Wed 17Oct01 - Somewhere in Wisconsin You ever been in a mall that wasn't even at 10% capacity anymore? Very spooky. Almost eerie. I'm in one right now. I don't think I'll say the name because suddenly I felt uttering it was tacky and mean- spirited to all the losers. Yeah, the anchor-store(s) who knew they shoulda got while the getting was a go. And the smaller stores sticking it out thinking maybe a 5th try might be the charm. Yeah, is there a mall version of "Urban Renewal?" Get it up in here fast. I've been here two other times in four years and it looks like they've already tried all the usual tricks. You know, everyone moving into each others' floor- spaces, using empty windows as display ads, sample-products you can purchase from them that remain, etc. They've tried it all - two or three times even. There's LLC's and LLP's here now like you wouldn't believe. Yeah, give it a year or two, no commitment? Good. There's escalators in here humming along for hours on end with no one using them. I took one to the highest level where a food court used to be. Yes! Like "Planet of the Apes" or something. The only reason there's no spider webs or iguanas, bats and purple loosestrife is just because the first payment each month probably goes to a janitorial service or two. "Sure, I know nobody goes up there, but keep it shiny just in case, ok? Maybe someone'll move in. Give it that lived-in look." There's five or ten CareerDevelopment/HumanResources companies making offices in these spaces now. And almost as many telemarketing companies. The only place really happening - buzzing actually - is across the hall from where I sit writing this scene report. Creation Station it's called, next to Kids Alley and some kind of Childrens Museum. A whole row of family oriented attempts at bringing a little traffic. And it took. Parents sit outside waiting while little girls and boys take dance, karate, homemaking and whatever other lessons are going on in there. Takes up about 5 store-fronts. There is free babysitting. Muzak of Santana's "OyeComoVa" is blaring out of the ceiling speakers. I think I'm the only one who notices. I think of these things while at the same time letting it sink in that the DOW went from 60+ (futures at the opening bell) to 150- at the bell close, 160 of which was after Merrill Lynch announced they'll be laying off up to 10,000 of their least essential personell soon. (Maybe some of them will be filling this mall's Human Resources/CareerDevelopment offices getting themselves retrained, eh? You ever been in a mall that wasn't even 1/10th full? What did you tell yourself on the way out? What's that song at the end of "Boys In The Hood?" Something reggaeish about things are gonna get better and easier. ~30~ "When I pray for peace, I pray not only that the enemies of my own country may cease to want war, but above all that my own country will cease to do the things that make war inevitable." --Thomas Merton \"\ and now here's Tommy "Toxic" Thompson and Tom "ToolOfLaw Ridge at the Fema Trough, er, uh, I mean feeding trough. /"/ Right between The ATHENE Amateur Creative Writing Magazine (1989-1990) and the Anti-Warez Association (1993) It's ATI. Actively Toothbrush Impaired. .--.--------.--. | ._. ._D90| | ((_)) ((_)) | | `_______-' | [()/o o\()] "-'--"----"--`-" hjw We end up with a poem Check-mate Marceline Lasater reprinted from Map Of Austion Poetry Cybermagazine Six children played chess at three boards. Yours at one Mine at another The Big Boys grabbed the globe. I saw pitiful moves with paltry pawns gearing up for action. In none of the games did I ever see a queen consult her king match her stride to his limitation spread her legs or scream I saw freed Queens scatter strategy enjoin advance with presence. I saw kings cowered in corners safe in squares wet with fear and Queens quietly took over. ..____________________________________________. ...This newspaper is NOT advertiser supported.. ....so please don't try supporting all of our... .....advertisers. Find one that is, and maybe.... ......consider supporting THEM instead, ok?..... ..____________________________________________. Copyleft MF 2001 PAP, Prime Anarchist Productions, LLC and ATI, Activist Times, Int. LLP. All Rights, Lefts and Mids balanced out with highs, lows and mids. Some reverb and delay may have settled during rewinding. The characters and events depicted in this 'zine are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Or at least buried so deeply in literary tools that you won't possibly win a lawsuit over it. got feedback? ati@text.org Good day. .