Live, from right between Miller and Pabst breweries, it's ATI. Activist Too-hip-gotta-go Idioms. <><><><><\><|><><><><> <> <> <> AA TTTTTT IIIIII <> <> A A TT II <> <> AAAA TT II <> <> A A TT II <> <> A A TT IIIIII <> <> <> <><><><><3><3><0><><><><> 021019422 hrs Hello, I'm Prime Anarchist and here's some numbers and stuff.,1283,55536,00.html = C = = O = = L = = U = = M = = N = Woah, network troubles everywhere. You'd think it was the millenium change or something. Three servers were down to me the past week or so, including one with a shell so a goodly portion of my mail dumped. And it wasn't bouncing so most people didn't know I was losing what they'd just sent, yikes. That's a lot of downage. A record maybe. Anyone else out there noticing as much trouble this past week? Maybe the worst since right after Enron tanked, eh? Or the time when AOL slash-n-burned... Well, just as it was all going back up, my favorite, and most robust and stable server took half a dive. was down for a while... almost a full week. You could get to all the pages, but you couldn't update or add to any. So the first point of receiving new ATI's (and most notably the newest - 329) was absent from last Sundayish 'til just now, Saturdayish, Fridayish. Yuck. In 6 years I've seen it down maybe 15 minutes at a time twice total or so. Oh well, that's how it goes I guess. We were down, but not out. Well, as promised, here's two new sections. 1) Sitting In Front Of Dahmer's Old House each week, and 2) MY LITTLE LAPTOP III in 3-D. That's right. I'm typing this moment on a brand-new-to-me, adopted Extensa 510 laptop. It's got just under a gig in HD, 16 in RAM and win95. I'll play around a while before putting in freeBSD or mandrake or anything eh? Especially because it's ver 4 which I've never worked with before. It seems a little better than ver. b or the original which I've nursed along manytimes. And now that all the servers and etc., are working fine, guess what happens right here??? I've got 7 dial-up adapters loaded into this thing and I still can't get it online. Oh well, no hurry there. I'll use the desktop for that. Maybe instead of a better modem, I'll save up for a network card, eh? That's what I hate about Word (TM). You know what I hate the most about Word (TM)? It makes no sense. 2.0 was o.k. I can't speak for 3-5 but 6 sux0red bigtime. And the one with Office 97? Yuck. Big trucking yuck. Hate it, hate it hate it. No, there's not a new one since that's worth even 8 bits. So you're still wondering what I hate the most. I'll give you an example to give yourself. Write 10K or so into notepad, or edit or something. Paste it into your late model of Word (TM.) Now, save it. See what I mean? You don't? OK I'll describe it. A dir read shows it as 16K or so. Now, save it to C: and also save the same exact file to A: One's about 16K and the other's 14 or 18K, huh? Yikes. Now forget that for a second. Type about 1700 words into Word (TM) How much K does THAT take up? About 14K. FOURTEEN THOUSAND CHARACTERS TO STORE UP ABOUT EIGHT THOUSAND CHARACTERS? WTF??? DOES .DOC STAND FOR DOCUMENT OR dOS-ENCRYPTED-WASTE-OF-TIME-AND- SPACE-CONTINUEUM-oVERLOAD-cODE??? What a pain. And you thought Word Perfect was kludgie??? Yikes. Wait'll .NET finishes trying to take over the world. Wow, there's a hand hammered steel shield about 25" in diameter with a brass centerpiece and it's on the wall above the coffeemaker in this Chicago Swedish restaurant and I can't stop looking at it. But I digress. Those two columns await us, and I noticed at midweek that many issues have come and gone without bringing you our favorite feature column, GATT. Guitar Anarchist Tips and Tactics. So let's start with that and onto everything else. //// \\\\ \\\\ GATT //// \\\\ //// f. Guitar anarchy. What can I say? They go 2gether like ramalama and ding l. dong. Like Art and Garfunkle, I mean art galleries and cheese; or oil a. and vinegar. m. Yeah, so why? i. Who knows. n. I do, sort of. Guitar just gets in your head better. From Phil Ochs g. to Andres Segovia; Joan Baez to Billy Bragg. You say something with a ... guitar behind it, and people listen for an extra millisecond. And that l. makes all the diff- i. Try it for yourself. p. Next coffeeshop you're in, turn to someone and say, "George W Bush s. really friggin' sucks because he stole the election and now he's taking !. us to war every Christmas." See how many (or few) people take note. How many reply, how many shrug or react in ANY way. Now try the following. G Em George W Bush C Am D Really friggin sucks G Em Cause he stole the last election C Am And now he's taking us D G To war every Christmas. See what I mean? -#- Which leads me to this: Notas PrimAnarkos: ATI is Phree!!! if anyone charges you for an ATI, please either: 1)let us know. 2)ask them to knock it off. or 3)pay for it and ask them to send a portion here. \ For any of you \who always look \ for misteaks \ we put a \phew in \hear --===-======-====-- fvrt scrbbl f th wk --====-======-===-- DARTH MAUL DIED FOR OUR SINS ---------- -FOUND POEM- ---------- Andersonville I wonder what she thought As she stood there, strong and tall She couldn't turn away She was forced to watch it all Did she long to offer comfort As her country bled? With her arm forever frozen High above her head. She could not shield her eyes She could not hide her face She just stared across the water Keeping freedom's pace The smell of smoke and terror Somehow reduced her size So small within the harbor But still we recognized How dignified and beautiful On a day so many died I wonder what she thought And I know inside she cried. ************* GNU PHEETYOUR ************* (NEW FEATURE) ************* SITTING IN FRONT OF DAHMER'S OLD HOUSE I contemplate non-violence. I think about why it's so important right this very moment. I think about visioning out conflict resolution. Wow, what a place to ponder these things. I think of cemetary grass, and other grasses all growing where Dahmer's house used to be. I think about the big high fence around the grasses, and the old garbage bags and beer bottles that blew their way into the grass. What else is in there? Feelings, vibrations, smells, noises, I'm sure. But I haven't been here in the quiet yet. Each time there's still a buzz. Someday it'll be quiet enough to feel all that. Then I can seek what I'm finding here. Yes, you heard me right. Seek what I'm finding. I already found it, that's why I keep coming here. I'm seeking what I found elsewhere in this town. In the center of canibalism, pedofilia, violence, death and destruction, there sits something very American. Something criminal while confusing; insane yet sensible, something so gruesome, but at the same time so very very sublime. It's where we come from and where we're going. Do you have the courage to go here? I don't but I keep trying anyways. Whenever I feel just a little bit of courageous energy, I go here, and then I skate right away skittish the moment I feel the fear. It's so tribal, yet so icky. How can that be? There is a dance here. I can see it. I cannot hear or feel it yet but I can see it. In the wind, when the grass blows back and forth, gentle but rough at the same time. A wind that can blow you away, or could carry you home. This is some of what Dahmer left behind, and what none of us have ever been ready to discuss. This column is about all this and none of it at the same time. It will grow into something that will hopefully help anyone trying to study violence. Timothy McVeigh, Unabomber, George W. Bush, the DC Sniper, Madeline Albright, Saddam Hussein, Jeff Dahmer, the WTC pilots, Harvard and Yale University. Besides skulls, what are these people all trying to tell the world? [ed note: this feature was conceived just a few weeks ago - shortly after a Milwaukee man was beaten to death by children ages 10-14 here in Milwaukee. Vigils began out in front of the house where the beating happened. Candles and prayer. Ummm. About 10 blocks walking distance from Dahmer's house? Perhaps an even more fitting memorial would be a weekly midnite walk from that house to Dahmer's; while addressing issues of nonviolence. Are we ready for that? How many decades?? ] -=========- jOuRnaLnOt3 -=========- x Pumped up my front tire this a.m. - It was all the way flat. I'm wondering if it'll m hold air now while I'm coffeeshoppin' or not. It a held up for the whole ride. (14 minutes all out, s how many miles is that? check someday...) We'll see. i If it's what I think - it's the weirdest most n unexplainable phenomenon in the world. t [ed note: 3 days later - YUP, what you thought.] h e Once or twice a year in the spring and fall, I lose all the air in a car, bike or motorscooter g tire. I've confirmed all three over the years. u And Conn, Colo, Wisc all confirmed too. l Is it the temperature and barometric pressure f maybe? Does it rise or fall just right and make a tire porous for a few minutes and then back to a normal right away? No idea. That's my only guess. g I've asked many different people in many different a cities and states, from many different countries i and cities and that's the best any of them could n come up with. So that's MY guess too. \\\\\ ///// -------haiku------- ///// \\\\\ [potent: packs a wallop too. read this one twice over two different days...] Jeffery Dahmer (had) Way too much in common with George W Bush. OK. This is about all for ATI330.TXT. I'll leave you with this poem dedicated to the revolution in Barcelona. Or wherever else it manifests. THE OIL MYTH. (c) 1998. Prime H. Anarchist [rprntd frm ss 87 f t] Wars and rumors of war Oil and rumors of oil I've got a girl for you tonite, I tell Dennis Rodman; After the game, You know You and her... "Is she UGGGGGLY?" is his Only question - For beauty, is an asset. Can be measured, manipulated manhandled & capitalized upon. Mr. Speaker, I say, Mr. Prez, Mrs. Prez: I yield my thyme and beg to reserve It back just long enough to Tell you about a New small country. Looking for democracy, freedom, Help from US, advisors, politicians, Maybe help to someday grow big and S T R O N G Through open, American monitored Elections. Are they oil-less, you ask me. They ask me, she asks me. Mrs. Speaker, for oil is an asset. Can be sized, sounded for, measured, Sucked, raped and capitalized upon. 'Cause if she ugggggly--- Won' give her my time no how. For if they LACK oil, We're JUS' nah INTRIST'D. Oil And rumors Of oil. Got feedback? dedication: Las Ketchup .