Live, from right between michigan and minneapolis/st. paul, it's ATI. Activist Twins Illuminated. <><><><><\><|><><><><> <> <> <> AA TTTTTT IIIIII <> <> A A TT II <> <> AAAA TT II <> <> A A TT II <> <> A A TT IIIIII <> <> <> <><><><><3><3><2><><><><> 0211040822 hrs NUMBERS LETTUCE - You should read this! -- S JONES -----Original Message----- REPUBLICANS MORE THAN TWO TIMES AS LIKELY TO VOTE PRO-INTERNET Democrats want Congress to control the Internet! Their voting history backs up this claim -- as revealed in a new Congressional Scorecard! The most blatant congressional intrusion will be the enactment of a new tax on everything you buy on the Internet! Read the whole story ____[][][][]____ NEWS, October 31, 2002 Here is the latest news on upcoming Creativity Workshops: Creative Writing, Drawing, Storytelling, and Personal Memoir kbell ____[][][][]____ LINKS TO SPECIAL ARTICLES Crunch time at the UN. Bush pushes for GOP & War in Denver.,1413,36%257E53%257E955733%257E,00.html Putin's 9/11. Gary D. ____[][][][]____ PUBLISHER'S COLUMN Tuesday, 29 oct, 345pm. I'm in the "historic" third ward. What better a place to be in Milwaukee exactly one week before the off-season national elections. Yes, George Bush is NOT up for election. Pity, this is perhaps the lowest his polls are ever going to get. Maybe not, one can cross their fingers. A lot can happen in two years. OK, the task at hand. Giving the Fix, Jimmy The Greek style, on the upcoming elections. I've already predicted that the GOP is going to lose 5-7 Senate seats unless they can figure out a way to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they did NOT kill Paul Wellstone. No, I'm NOT saying I think they did it. They might have. I don't know. I can't know. I'm just saying that conspicionism theories are spreading faster'n zuccini squash over all the innuendo and coincidence. And let's face it. This hurts the Good Obese Party. Yes, America; all the toupes and male girdles in the world can't cover up that smell. It's just under the bulging belly. Just call it oil of consumerism. And how do I put that on Wellstone? I don't. How do I pin it on Bush? I won't. I'm saying that there's a slowdown brewing. People are making things. They're buying used, they're dumpster diving. It's 1972 all over again. Nixxon's going down. How long will it take? Certainly not 8 years like Clinton. NAFTA and failed healthcare couldn't take Clinton down, and neither could sodomy. So ok, Fritz Mondale will replace Wellstone. I'm 91% happy. Where's the other 9% go? I doubt he'll be voting repeatedly to CLOSE THE SOA, the way Wellstone did. I maybe be surprised, but I'm not holding out hope. He served listeningly under James Earl Ray, I mean Carter, and what do we know about Carter in the SOA? He wants it open. He wants it operating. Yes, love him to death, believe he deserves the Noble Peas Prighs, ten times more than a Kissinger or an Oliver North, and he verily was (how can I tell you) the real one who freed the hostages at the end of his administration, (trumped as he was by greedy sapsucker soilant greenwashers) lastly and thusly I must say he is definitely quite a peacenik, but there's two things wait three, that linger smelly about Rosylin's hubby. Ok, four things. I'll list them. 1) Delta Force 2) FEMA 3) blind obedience to SOA 4) Wife is part owner of Gannett Corporation So where was I? Carter wants the SOA to remain open, I don't expect to ever reach Fritz Mondale on THAT one. But try I will, you betcha. At any rate, he's going to kick some Repugnican butt, and there's going to be residual affects. 4-6 other seats. Lemme study the heck outa the roster and tell you what parts of the midwest and far west are going to crack. I'll get back to you tonite on that one. Now for the house. GOP will lose 10-12, the Demcons will gain 8-10. How can I say that? You betcha. Look for greens, commies, nazis and indys to start clamoring for a piece of the elitismo pie! Two years ago all eyes were on Wisconsin. It was the McCarthy renaissance. Now everyone's taking their calls from that big fat muscular baldheaded goatee-lookin weirdo, Jesse the Brain Ventura. You think he's gonna lose to a democrat or a republican? Not if he can help it. He'll usher in another weirdo maybe. Now, that's not necessarily a good thing, mind you. If American history plods on, "business as usual," either the dems or reps will dry up and fold into the older and newer one, and you'll be right back to a two-party choice. But it is a new Millenium for this nation. Not just the whole rest of the world. The USA has never HAD a millenium change before. Europe has, Mecca and Medina have, and so has mama Afrika. We might surprise ourselves afterall. So my fix so far? GOP loses House and Senate for a long long time, and they prepare to lose the Prez in a couple years. OK, remains to be seen, I know. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. So I'm in the Third Ward, typing on a laptop in a Starbucks on a Tuesday. (not fairtrade day). I asked for FT coffee, and here's my neat Odyssey. Ready? Francisco, the manager tallied it up and to french press me one, he'd have to charge me 3.95. Yikes. Gimme, non-FT and I'll complain later. Francisco asked me to please suggest rather than complain, pointing out two awfully valid things. It'll get me farther, and it got the movement this far. Yup, people just like me asking and asking is what got Starbucks to add some (yes I acknowlege SOME) FairTrade. So after I bought a small coffee, (1.40; if it were Monday I could get fairtrade for the same price) I sat here with my laptop and started plugging away. Francisco ground me up a pound of fairtrade coffee after first asking if my coffeemaker had a cone bottom or a flat one. He GAVE me a pound of fairtrade. THAT'll hold me over til next Monday eh? "On him." On the house, so to speak. Then a little while later he poured himself a small coffee and asked if he could take his first break of the day right next to me. I obliged, and he told me of his life. 8 years he lived in Washington (the northwest one) He's originally from either Oaxaxa or Chiapas. I asked him, he smiled and said yes but wouldn't specify. I knew better than to push. He got hooked up with Starbucks out there and has worked within the system ever since. He's part of the solution my friends, I can feel it, I can hear it. He's sincere. Way more sincere than I was when I was managing Subways, and certainly more than when I was assmanaging RadiosHacks. Venceremos. He wants me to harrass Folgers more than Starbucks, and understands that I still want to push his HQ for 2X a week fairtrade soon, and then all weekdays or something. Slow and steady, we're gonna rock this house. He told me how he's trying to make heaven on earth. I heard him. Thank you, Francisco. ************* GNU FEET YOUR ************* s.i.f.o.d.o.h. (NEW FEATURE) ************* SITTING IN FRONT OF DAHMER'S OLD HOUSE Michael Moore just helped me unwind a few things. I hardly know how to articulate this, but I'll try. I came out of the Oriental Theater here (the Violent Femmes' all-time fave venue) having seen "Bowling For Columbine." I left there feeling just a little less anti-social. I felt the whole audience breathe that same "I'm OK, are you? You'll be alright, we all will." It was weird given the topic at hand, right? Well there were two or three scenes where Michael Moore stroked the upper back of someone grieving, saying "it's ok." It is. He tells them, he tells us. He was telling me. I felt that. =30= [ ed note: this feature was conceived just a few weeks ago - shortly after a Milwaukee man was beaten to death by children ages 10-14 here in Milwaukee. Vigils began out in front of the house where the beating happened. Candles and prayer. Ummm. About 10 blocks walking distance from Dahmer's house? Perhaps an even more fitting memorial would be a weekly midnite walk from that house to Dahmer's; while addressing issues of nonviolence. Are we ready for that? How many decades?? ] THE GREEN CANDIDATE: A Kid Takes On The Machine (reprinted from some Chicago freeby shopperpaper) When diners at Wolfgang Puck's ask Jason Farbman about himself, most expect to hear that the 24-year-old is waiting tables while attending school or pursuing an acting career. They're no doubt surprised when their waiter informs them that he's running for state representative of the 14th district, and that he spends his spare time photocopying fliers or designing campaign buttons or chatting with constituents at the train station at 6am. A recent transplant from Connecticut, the former political science major moved here for the punk scene and wanted to campaign locally for Ralph Nader's Green Party. When Farbman realized there were no current party candidates in Rogers Park, he decided to run himself, campaigning for affordable housing, accessible healthcare, living wages, and budget accountability. He learned a hard early lesson about the nature of Chicago politics when Democratic incumbent Harry Osterman petitioned Springfield to get the wildcard candidate bumped off the ticket, even though Farbman and his team of volunteers had the required signatures. What has played out is a sort of David and Goliath story, with the food-server- cum-political-whiz-kid fighting back on his own turf, using a grassroots approach to campaign advertising that he learned pasting fliers for music shows, what he calls a door-to-door "DIY aesthetic." As a result, there was a large turnout at the debate with Osterman last week at the Loyola Park Fieldhouse. "It's drama. You have a kid and a Machine," says Farbman, who has recently cut his waiting-tables schedule to only a few shifts a week in order to gear up for the November primaries. (Lucile Scott) -=(===[ -=(===[ "Speech! Speech!!" ]===)=- ]===)=- Were Senator Herb "Coward" Kohl to Speak Truth in War. Mr. President, I rise today in defiance of my constituents. There is no more grave vote we Senators take than authorizing war. To do so, we must believe that there is great cause - a great threat to America. (or at least receive a heavy bribe from Pentagon interests) I cast my vote today going along with you and your people because I'm afraid. Afraid of the power elite, scared of you, and fearful of my own graft and avarice. It's not an easy thing going against my constituents. I do it less than half the time. That I do it that often even, leaves me feeling very bad. But more important than them is this war. War with Iraq, and the furtherance of war with Iraq is a good thing for America. Her economy hinges on it. I will vote for this authorization because I've been told that Saddam Hussein's acquisition of weapons of mass destruction is a good enough threat to justify war. I believe disarming Saddam Hussein is such a great cause that we should do it without first disarming ourselves. If we had time to think, to react, to consider alternatives, we might consider disarming ourselves, but there is no time. This tyrant must be stopped now. Or at least ASAP. I believe that stopping tyrants is the President's greatest goal. He read storybooks about tyrants when he was just a child and also ones about scarey monsters and for this we must come to the aid of the international community once again. America will once again be saving humanity. There is no doubt that some people around the world will call us beligerent, tyranical bullies, imperialists or something. For them I say we must fight fire with fire, beligerence with beligerence and tyranny with tyranny. That is why we have armys. These kids will get to go over there and kick some serious ass. And those who live will get money for college, and retraining in fields like blasphemy, junk bonds, stem cell research, and upper eschelon prison industry jobs. Mr. President it's a win/win situation. We get to do a little population control, while ridding our country of some surplus radioactive material, possibly even the smog will decrease some because dark-skinned people will be lowered in numbers. I did a study in Green Bay once, and it really is darkly complected people who cause smog. No one knows what to do about this. I say get rid of the Green Bay Packers and you get rid of smog. But getting rid of football players (I always liked basketball more anyways) is less important right now than getting rid of Saddam Hussein. There is no doubt that the threat Saddam Hussein and his weapons pose to this country and to world peace is real. More than a decade has passed since the last time we defeated Hussein, but he has not died. He is the same smug celebrity we can be sure will overrun his neighbors and launch weapons of mass destruction. We know that his regime has bought and produced, is continuing to produce massive quantities of Squibb and Warner Lambert products without a permit. We know much less about his current attitude toward clean nukes and smart bombs. He might even want to buy a few some day. We cannot and will not let him acquire the skills to make his own. That would be financially ruinous to our United States. He knows where to get it if he needs to, let him come to us. Mr. President, let me be clear on this point. My vote today is a vote for voting my conscience. Nothing else is clear right now in a world filled with gloom and dreariness. But my conscience is clear, once muddied by cards and letters, midnight phone calls, people visiting me telling me what they think I should do. But hearing from the Pentagon people set me straight. I now know what we must do, and do it we must. We just must. That has never been more clear. It is with the clarity of a thousand panes of glass that I speak clearly and clarify my point. My point that I must be very clear on. It is surely never before been more clear that we must go to war against Iraq. My vote is a vote for war, sure, but it is surely a vote for clarity more than that. Clearly you see I am speaking clearly. Let me be clear when I say that my point is. Overthrowing the Iraqi government would be wrong. But if it happens we must be ready to say we did it for all the right reasons. For that I am fully prepared to work hand in hand with the President, the Pentagon and any other people with the letter "P" at the beginning of their name. The President has vowed to seek the support of the international community against Iraq, and my vote today is cast accepting and supporting that position fully. I have always said we should not commit US troops abroad without first terrifying the international community into a frenzy where they demand that we act. This hasn't happened this time around, but I won't let it get me down. It's easy enough to psych myself up and see that people who aren't with us are with the terrorists. Mr. President, we must be ready to go this alone if we have to. Many famous people went it alone, and won. Look at Genghis Khan, or Empress Katherine the Great. In fact, look at Jesus the Christ or Dicky Nixon. These people had the whole world against them, and they took the noble path. Essentially, they kicked some serious Muslim ass. Mr. President, my vote today is a vote to support the President in his efforts to disarm Saddam Hussein. And if you can score his 1961 VW Beetle with the Porsch pancake engine in the back and it's not too damaged, I wouldn't mind calling it my own. My vote is NOT an endorsement of a preemptive war, unless the President sees fit. Then I'll have to say I'm for it. Hopefully it won't come to that. My vote today is to authorize the President to gather a world force against the threat of a dangerous regime who may or may not have nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and to disarm every regime that has them, even if we have to use some of our own to do it. And finally my vote today is to authorize the President to go to war in the hope that this strong statement of our commitment to violence will allow us to do so WITHOUT war. Wellstone, a song. by marco There was a wellstone by the lower spring I used to kneel there Had fallen outa the ring It was so old It never died It's probably still there Each time the rain subsides Is there a wellstone Where you can drink what's pure You better get there Rejuvenate for sure Wellstone, wellstone A wellstone can Invigorate you And energize you Like a catalyst do There was a wellstone In them US halls They call it congress And you can scale the walls Yeah right... Don't mourn too long; organize! God Bless you, Paul Wellstone [ref]=[] PREIM ANARKIST WHIRLD GNUS AOL To Do Away With All But One Pop-Up Onlineland, VA. - PAWN - America Online, Inc. said it will eliminate all pop-up ads - for the most part. The new policy will take effect as the company works through the inventory of ads and merchandise promos it is already committed to run. However, AOL said it will continue running the one pop-up it needs for its very survival. The login and general environment screen will remain. "For after all," said Tim Warner, of AOL Tim Warner, Inc. "what are we, if not one big pop-up ourselves." Asked about the one screen that periodicly takes over your computer showing a pointy-eared Bill Gates with a red tail, canine teeth and bloodshot eyes, Warner had no comment. PAWN, Primeval Arachnid Worm Noodles is a Holey Baloney Subsidiary of PAP, Prime Anarchist Products; NOPE, NoOne Particularly Edits; and ATI, Activist Times Innards. All rights remain equal and opposite to any lefts you will make, and don't 4get the lunch money's on the kitchen table under the mayonaise lid. Like What U C? Tell phriendz. Don't? Tell us, or: S U B M I T S O M E T H I N G B E T T E R ! ! ! SOACLOSINGTHESOACLOSINGTHESOACLOSINGTHESOA Happy birthday, Winona Ryder. I'm rooting for you. .