***MAN EATEN BY LARGE CANOE*** (APWN)Quinektukut-- Holy Fuckin Shit! Those tiny little waves wailed on me. The boy scouts taught me how to paddle on a lake. I was NOT prepared for my canoe ride in Mystic Harbour this morning. Not at all. I think I travelled about 800 feet in an hour flat. My hands are still soaking wet. Wet from all the hard splash I had to do just to keep inside the Grumman. I'm facing away from this post I tied onto. I am going NOWHERE. Yet this landlubber still must look back behind him to reassure he's not going to smash into the pole he's tied onto. Pure science is that he's being pulled away from the post constantly. However eyes and settling stomach tell him the opposite. You look down beside you and you're travelling about 3 MPH backwards. Look anywhere else, you're going nowhere fast. Triceps are severely pumped. Feet and ankles are torn to shreds. Driving an '87 Chevy S-10, you dont know what a struggle is. Step onto the back of this Canoe and I will relax in front of you... watching. Waiting patiently as you throw your paddle around fighting the quarter-inch waves. Humbling. ***MAN EATEN BY LARGE CANOE (CON'T)*** (APWN)Quinektukut-- I lay back and sun myself. Close my eyes, I'm a Pequot. I haven't slept in 3 days. Her lady, Tracy, has teased me all week leaving me frustrated, blue, balling in my tent at night. A settler would cry himself to sleep. I cry long long enough 'til I am severely spooked. I close my eyes and see Her Lady standing in front of me. Not a thread of clothing. Only a tiny triangle of hair marking the place where she does not allow me to touch. Just yet. "Girls," you say to me; in your colonial tone of voice. "Can't live without 'em; can't live with em." "I cant live," I say so only I can hear. I will fast for three more days. I will weigh less than I did before. I will be weak, sleek, and slender, the sex god you want me to be, my Lady. I will return, we will feast. You will break my fast. You will adore me; I will return. I open my eyes, you are paddling down the Thames. We must go around the point and meet the eastern dark teenagers. They signalled us they have some killer tobacco, right from the Cubano's private stash. We will smoke, and dance, and talk of warring against the elders and their segregated style. Their bitter grudges on those who dont look or act like them. We all fall to the ground exhausted from our battle rehearsal. Smiting takes a lot out of a Pequot like I. But it must be tougher on you, my colonial friend. I wonder if the darks know about hatred; back in the Giant Island in the Orient's way. I ask of you. "Let's find out," you suggest. We turn toward our tobacco friends. "Do any of you hate," you ask them. Nothing but silence; suddenly 3 no's. "I know survival and pride," says one dark friend. "I cannot hate," says another. I tell you all WE CAN PULL THIS OFF. We will build a raft. I will teach you how to grab fish right out of the water. You will show us your medallians-- tell us of all the wrongs your father locked into your head. ***MAN EATEN BY LARGE CANOE*** (Con't) (APWN)Quinektekut--This is a continuation from ATI 15, and 16. That black and the Tan One and the one who is light from the far east will teach you to let go of your hatred. I cannot teach that. I cannot even learn it. All I can do is hold hatred deep inside my hollow. Inside-- where my stomach pits and aches. I hold it in and near my scalp there is an emotional brim where I can release it-- drop by insignificant drop. Her Lady pretended to be the one who will learn me to let go of my hate. "Don't touch," she said. "Not the time; soon." I wait for forever to finally come. Forever. We bid our dark friends "til next we gather". The witches in the sound by the race navigate us from the south; our left side. The westerly gods of wind push us back to the moutn of the thames. You tell me: I had my laugh; it's my turn to paddle. I smile, as I walk lowly to the back of our aguatree. I kneel and slice the wet ground with your dad's sanded and whittled two- by-four. You Swedish carpenters are all so pretty and finished. But the form overrides the function and I slow to start us up the bleeding Thames-- put my biceps and forearms and lower back into the act getting us almost to the plank that crosses over to the New Settlement. You lift the plank 3 inches, we float under. This is the Thames, remember. This is my vessel. I built her out of a sap. Carved her out myself, torched her up and waited for the Arsongods to finish. From the front you see, I have shaped her like My Lady... Tracy in all her frontal glory. From the back you will see the horse you rode in on. Little or no resistance, a tail to slice and keep us forward. She's our '87 beast. And she gets us from A point to B point. I turn her over and cover her with the quinektekut tobacco leaves. They are my padlock. I am a Pequot. I have hatred, but no mistrust. Night falls, "later", you tell me. You return. .