From Sun Nov 8 18:06:33 1998 Date: Sat, 07 Nov 1998 20:46:38 EST From: marc capelli To: Subject: 33pomes.txt Resent-Date: Sat, 7 Nov 98 19:54:22 CST Resent-From: Resent-To: JOURNAL POME 1 by prime anarchist. previously published in a 33-poem book of poetry entitled "I Slurp My Coffee." (c)1995 Fireguard schmireguard, I'm in the Choir. Colorado 1st impression: Kansas border from plane-- looks like a Rock; trees and houses stuck on it. Ski's suitcases like huge Musket carrying bags. Sight landing in plane? 300 miles of beach sand. Welcome to the semi-desert. Dry mouth, nose bleeding off & on For 16 hours. Short of breath On a 1 flight staircase. Sore muscles ail all morning. From walking?? Saltless water, oxygenless air; a Bouyanciless jellyfish float in a lake. Responseless foto-gray glasses just stay Dark. Closer to the sun? Crisp papertowels And toilet paper you can write on. Coffee houses everywhere. One 4 each 7-11. Aztec cooking all around. Empty rivers not Flowing under bridges; called a wash. Jasmin tea and onion bagel in Ice cream parlour; ice cream And coffee in bagelteria. Lemon Zinger tea in mason jar over ice. "ROCKY MOUNTAIN HAIKU: Or Sign On Wall": DON'T DRINK AND ROCK CLIMB-- YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO HOLD YOUR LIQUOR. GOOD DAY. This has been ATI 70. dedicated to James Ingram Merrill Dead: gone; still with us Poiesies In Our Pockets. JOURNAL POEM 2 I feel misplaced; My rock used to be in the bank. Now it's washed down the river, Maybe at the bottom of the sea by now; Or maybe on top of some mountain. Whatever happened to John DeLorean? That aluminum car - so costly. Maybe he Rusted, or washed into some sea. Of obscurity. Or invested. In fossil fuel. A miner's head-lamp, laptop and a Portable computerprinter -- never mind Walderness Pond; I'll go write in a Cave. Live on roots. You mean French onion soup's not Vegetarian?? Cheez whiz, gadzookamaluga. Prefix: Gad. Suffix: Uga. Root: zookamal. Do you remember cruisin' Main Street? Smaller towns still do it. Is this the 40's again: or what? They probably wear sharks tooths too. And fossils. With dry sense of humor; who needs a towel? Gadzookamaluga- Webster 1958. pg 569. (n) ((bad expression. from early bourgeois, Gadfly- annoying. from caveman, ugh- dunno. Middle american for doggeral, bad poetry.)) Someone who can't express himself well. "What a gadzookamaluga." Clinically a Writer's block. "I'm gadzookamaluga'd Now, go easy on me." Someone's rhetoric simply stinks. "Gadzookamaluga!" Great synonym for "Bullshit." "Dolapachont" is Navajo for "bullshit." I used to know it in Laguna too. JOURNAL POEM 3 by prime anarchist. previously published in a 33-poem book of poetry entitled "I Slurp My Coffee." (c)1995 Old Pomes. New Pomes. Borrowed pomes; blue pomes. Funny pomes, sad pomes; goofy and glad pomes. Pomes pomes. pomes pomes, eat them up - yum. Make alliteration instead of legislation. Ah, all's well that "and's" well- And all are about action. Skip, jump, lay there, run, smile, frown. Run around, skip the jumping; Lay there down. Who chewed a page outa my pomes? You're not s'posed to chew: Eat them delicately. Luscious, yummy, soft delicious yellow pomes. Moist, meaty, mysterious succulent pomes. Pomes about poets, presidents, pests And pomes full of juice. I eat pomes. Do you eat pomes? Red pomes, yellow pomes, green poems. Don't eat the blue ones. JOURNAL POEM 4 by me. Pictures DooDled -- Poor richarDs. Drunk as a skunk. Or was it Broke As a sPoke. A Piss test my Donation. Army Days, in harm's ways like a Drunken haze & some Prunk (*) with PeroxiDe Strawbery brown (can you say attemPted BlonDe??) hair goes and gets about Seven extra forks so her frienDs coulD All share her fettucini AlfreDo. They say Amerika is Dumming. Well it DiD take me five years on one Book. "But no matter," Kerouac says. "The roaD is life." Does every town have a flea-market now At their Dog track? Please tiP the street singer - he's an Out of work Physics teacher, you know. Diga, Oye. SPot me a Dollar, eh? PayPhone with a Phist Phull of coPPer. Postcard of a Doll at GoD's GarDen's TraDing Post. If you ran out of sPunk halfway uP the Rock woulD'ya Dangle uP there til 'ya MustarD more air or'D 'ya flail and Flinch 'til some guy with a winch Came uP and saveD 'ya before you PlummetteD DeaD in your Store-bought moccasins? Please feeD the Ducks. They're out of work sky tourists >From South Dakota. INTERMISSION: I think you'd have to be inside A wooden outhouse in January to See pearly white frost covering String of spiderwebs all around Filing a Pile of PaPers Some Don't go anywhere. DeaD letter file? Making a Place Just Doing it, keePing mouth shut. Playing Pen like a Piano. Please PheeD the Politician. He's an out of work rabbi. Graphical ziti on unisex bathroom wall: I shat in BermuDa I shat in France Before I shat here I shat in my pants. Please Don't feeD the Poet He's an out of work Street musician mythological PhilosoPhical Sky-Diver from Denver. *Prunk -(Pronoun) half-breeD of PrePPy anD Punk. JOURNAL POEM 5 previously published in a UCONN quarterly under a true name. fall '95. Woman wearing topaz bolo tie Dismantles her "NO TRESPASSING" Unfurls her new "NO SKATEBOARDING." Cooling off by a fake waterfall I watch lead, rhythm and bass Zylophonists play "Not what it used To Be," their final cut- Slices thru my heart like Swiss Army Sawblade thru sun-melted butter. Hold the Coke and smile, I want RC Cola and a wince. Slept thru half an Eagles song- Woke up; clock saying 1189 p.m.- 2 many people w/ fake black hair- 1st Ronald McDonald was vegetarian- Guess I woke up on the wrong side of- The driver's seat: damn those digitals. Dale Carnegie once said, "Plan for The worst -- and hope for the best." "This isn't a bagel," he said once Too, "It's white bread with a hole." Inchworms are the same, the world over: Just a little different in size. JOURNAL POEM 6 by Marc Frucht 50 mete(o)rs per hour; Quite a shower to see. Playing Celtic music; Drinking coffee at Java At the Hut eating the "Longest French fries in Colorado," I read "Continued On Back Flap," By Sue Dunham. Chapel of the Open Air uses the Thomas Jefferson version of The Bible. Pavilion protects Overhead, logs to sit on; Unfinished lumber lectern. Long walks in the park, just B4 dark, Married couple - listening to Seperate walkman stereos As they stroll the walkway. Who needs canteen hiking when 7-11's every hundred yards? Splast (n) from Coloradan - "blast" Early Rhode Islandan "splash," to Have a great deal of fun, wet. "Splastic," using rubber rafts in Said funmaking. "Splasm" having Simply too much water fun. Eg: "Bring your friends over to the Flash flood. We're having a splast." Thanks for the etymology Earl Grey. JOURNAL POEM 7 by Marc Frucht Write a song called "Parchese With Two Pieces Missing," just So the reviewer can say "And the band played Parchese with Two Pieces Missing." >From center lake the mountain Has powdered sugar on top: >From 7000 feet athlete's foot falls off. I just flew in from Aspen and boy are my lips chapped. Shopping for goods in a snowy sleeveless thing, Reagan shaves half his head; half for brain surgery, Half for the press. I just got a job in Aspen and boy, Suzy Chapstick Looks anorexic. Monkery is an only business. You ever seen a moose relieve himself? Cruising' Denver in a kevlar sport coat, the sassafras' mittens Make me homesick for Connecticut. And the band played Schmaltzing Godzilla. Papagayo's chilitos & cheese. Onion salsa's free too. Zing. During Dogma Doug's dobro solo, Hurricane Hugo Hit Havana hard. Thunder & Buttons eating a buffalo burger listening to Marley's "Buffalo Soldier" during thundershowers: veja du. I just rode a horse from Aspen and boy are my chaps ripped. Blue corn tortilla laced with saut_ed jalapenos- quite the bite. Like eating at the maco shark while he's still alive. And wet. A green card isn't white any more - it's pink. Only thing worse than "tennis elbow?" Bicycle-butt. Never mix Tang(tm) with water from a mineral spring... Explosive. 553 a.m. A cold peppermint moon, eating Cold pizza - pineapple and peppers. How many loggers does it take to build a cinder block house? Depends how many eagle nests. They're building a tunnel from Arizona to China. Called a strip mine. In a $185 leather day pack knapsack, I'll look really Bohemian, holy cow. I just rode my bike to Aspen and boy am I chaffed. JOURNAL POEM 8. PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN A FEW OTHER PUBS. (not sayin which) Laminated escapade on Land Canoe A 10speed. Same feeling from Biking as paddling: freedom. People-watching in Pueblo park. Peaceful people, Pueblo. Penciled onto pay phone: Lost- a profound piece from the Cake of liberty. Leftover Pineapple petroglyphs. MONAMI's the plate from El Paso county. Must've taken a wrong turn in Albuquerque. You know you're southwest when you Get the Espanol radio. Welcome to Pyebbelo. "Miami" es Cuban por "my friend." How do you say "move" in Cuban? Perfecto movado, doodo. The music's just right and the People are so dad bloomed nice & Warm to each other I'm about to cry. "3M-TA3." Write it down and Look in the mirror. What a Witty piece of grafitty. Homeboy holds up Motel 6: steals register, Cash and phone. Clean getaway. Smart. Only in Santa Fe. Bet I know who wrote "Eat-me" All over a bathroom mirror. Who knew? Only good thing Yale ever gave America Was fortress locks. pinon Canon petroglyphs of the people. Tiny writing; hardly see, Much less read it! Drink more coffee; you'll make it out. Well, that's about it for ATI 78. Tune in next week when we whip through the world of koolwip. Or was that horsewhip a whippoorwill? Or will we wind up a watermelon whistle? Nah, we'll just whistle Dixie. JOURNAL POME 9 Colorado Ave. drinkin tea Tasting of a rusty old sewer Sitting on Sitting Thinking Stone Thinking of places never been to. Strongest coffee north of Santa Fe. Bike lock cable wedged into spokes Like steel spaghetti: thief runs off Into daylight yonder. Rage, I think About, letting go -- unravelling Bike lock. Tightening spokes to Hand-true. A ruined cable, I ponder Too- a saved mountain bike. Haiku: Cap'n Crunch, walnuts, Gatorade and elephant Peanuts. Yummy. Huh? Take a load off your mind-- your Cerebral cortex, corpus collosum, Cranial cavity. Your canoggin. "They're not bald spots," says Zac Taylor. "It's worry skin." What a yutz. Lady with bouffant falls like President Ford Off a piper plane-- cologne smelling like It cost more than my college education. What a clutz. Rock star tries to "pick up chick." Spandex Shirt, leather pants, 5'4" with 5-inch heels. You know me? I'm with that band. I'm the Light man, take my hand. He looks down Her 10-year-old cleavage-less concert t-shirt. What a putz. Army wife tries to pick me up. Spandex shirt, Leather skirt. 5 foot 2 blond hair with roots. I know you. I sat at the corner with Mai Tais. You dance real good, she says. I wasn't even In whatever bar she's cornered. Who she thinks I am I wondered. I look down her arm at her ring Finger, glittering shimmeringly. Sorry, I say. I don't date sluts. And Sleeping Buffalo lays pensively, Vigilant; brown and gray with white Splotches marbled in. Hills can make You forget what ocean would look like. Mountains drive me nuts. JOURNAL POEM 10 by marc frucht Panamania Just Cause President says, "Operation." Why? "Just 'cause." New Years '90 my horoscope says I gotta make more long distance Calls. I wonder how much THEY Owe on THEIR telephony bill? Old man on a penny farthing bicycle Rides to work in a business suit Strokes waxed handlebar mustache Before waving. Is he the one who Sold me that motor scooter? Gweeb (n) from Youth Underground, "Dweeb," Dorky, with an element of gooberishness. IE: He's a gweeb for eating Raisonettes. (TM. Proctor & Gamble) Ate whitebread for the first Time in over a year. Like a Sticky soft sugary sponge. Dextromethorophan. Medicine heaD -- DM Wild Turkey & Grapefruit: Called a WeT GanJ. White woman from France, Wild wet and full of fun- Will wish for foreplay; Wishes to will her fifty-seven Ford; Wantonly waiting for free fantasy. Winners win fresh fone #'s: Dial 1-900-WILL WORK FOR FOOD. Rhyme schemes make 'em socially acceptable, Rhythm makes 'em flow; But alliteration makes 'em work, And metaphor drives 'em home. JOURNAL POEM 11 from the book "I Slurp My Coffee." "Crash," wakes the soldier Rushing outside with nothing On but dogtags & cockleburrs. Space shuttle goes up like a Sashweight; down like a Smashing window. She puts on clothes and Consequently consumes cocoa Crispies and canned apple Sauce for Breakfast. Same day, J's restaurant: Breakfast all day. The lard patty in toast With an egg on it; she Porks it down faster Than you can say Cholesterol. 2 nights jail for jaywalking That's for Miss Demeanor Fellow neonious jaywalking Carries the maximinium of Death. JOURNAL POEM 12 from the selfpublished (150 copies) "I Slurp My Coffee." by Marc Harry Ehrenfrucht. Our Revolution Seventeen seventy six: Merely a French coup? Dress loud and tip big. Waiting for payday for a Pepper pizza pie. John Waters says he Wants to be Walt Disney for Peculiar children. Vegetarian Chili is just perfect for Personality. Sometimes I put too Many haikus in each poem; sometimes I do not. Banana, cottage cheese, grapefruit, Tuna sandwich, homefries and coffee. Sleeping too deeply to dream. Airborne, infantry, cattle rancher Or rodeo clown? Woke up one morning Wanting to run away and Join the circus: Then I got in my Army uniform and Reported for work. I'll see that when I Believe it. A play on words; And also a haiku. Easter on the Pearl Street Mall, Rich carries a piano on his Back. 4 wheel dolly and a Shoulder harness. Upright piano on the Sidewalk for tips. JOURNAL POEM 13 from "I SLURP MY COFFEE: A Book Length Poetry Manuscript" by Marc Weisenheimer. "How Many Haiku?" Debbie Does Donuts HIRE OUR KEYS. POOP VAN SCOOP: PICKS UP WHERE YOUR DOG LEAVES OFF. For "Gross Encounters of the Turd Kind," The ad says. Claims To be #1 in the #2 business. More men would eat 'em if we Spelled Quiche with a "k." (keesh?) Treppy (n) a trendy hippy. Usually Found in coffee houses. EG: the treppy jumped over The moon. (pl) treppies. (adj) a style of hippy. (adv) treppyish. You mean I'll make twelve A day tax free singin songs On a sidewalk now??? I drank a bottle of acid Rain water -- how come nothing Happened except the mens room? Whatever happened To the Frito Bandito? "Homemade song," he says. I wonder why I Always look out a Window while I brush my teeth Wherever I am. Colorado rainbows are just Green, yellow and a lot of red. Your seat can be used as a Flotation device. Center yourself in the botanical Garden, hands in pockets, head Tilted back, eyes closed, staring At sun. Cures allergies. Ingredients: herbs, Rhubarb, strawberries, spices, Nectars and flowers. Perigree moon. JOURNAL POEM 14 BY MARCO Coffee buzz at Denny's 4AM. How do you outrun a storm on a 10speed? Ride really hard Buck, and don't look back. Ask a local ahead of time, when is Thunder's first most likely crack. Mexicali tofu and a hot potato salad. New England chowder and a quesedilla. Salad, soup & sandwich bar sumptous. Home of the perfect hummus. What's in a guacamole salad? Can I get my espresso in a to-go cup? A sagebrush tumbleweed Squeezes out under a Ford Falcon; Bounces up toward my face Then around over my head. Cripple Creek or Bust. If you don't want a watch tan: Then don't wear a watch. JOURNAL POEM 15 by Prime Anarchist aka Marco Capelli Hill climb. up a hill; up a hill; up a hill; up a hill; up a hill; up a hill; Up a hill. You can't find good clam Chowder up a hill. Great cod, but lousy chowder. 2 stroke oil: that'd get you Up a hill. Or take a cog. There's 575 lefts in 3/4 of a mile. Are there any fossils of people Up a hill? Or just fish? Blisters: Don't shoogoo (tm) sneakers If you'll be climbing up a hill. Red zinger iced tea. Throw these shoes to the rats. Sunset from a foothill. Setting behind the hill. Chapstick will be Crucial up a hill. Calves hurt: heels too. Blister the size of Boulder. NORAD's storming pretty Hard down there. Barr Camp -- 4 bucks a night In an A-frame, Half way up her purple Mountain's majesty. I'm so high it's Raining sideways. Up a hill. 2 miles. Barefoot. Both ways. journal poem 16. Cloudwalker's in Cripple Creek Co. I sit in Manitou eating Australian Hoki fish. Permanentate is a verb. Hey cullinder-brain, I say A toasted bagel and cream Cheese is just not complete Without sprouts and tomatoes. Wrist burns on motor scooter: Were not for wearing watch; Would've been way worse. And the gasoline was green; It's usually blue out here. You notice these things. Clam cakes will get worse And worse the wester you get >From Connecticut. Weather: Loaf-&-Jug Sticky bun: 69c Cold, Wet, raining, pelting. So real wet. Hurry gotta Make it to the shower to Beat those pneumonia blues. Snobbish canadians in Stonington, Salesman convalescing in Saybrook; Swedes congested in sarcasm. And Seaweed collecting by sewer-systems. JOURNAL POME 17 by Marc Frucht reprinted from I Slurp My Coffee, (c) 1929. "what if they staged a war and everyone was on triple-dip?" "23x23x23x23x23" For James Ingram Merrill Dead: gone; still with us -- Poiesies in our pockets. "Esconse," the Ultimate Lawmakers. Why do we insist on a terrorist In our tank, and a texan In our treasury; when we can easily Save our cents using common sense??? 10-piece celtic band in Poor Richards Coffee house, Colorado Springs. Peace Pole put up in Boulder. Esconse (v) tuck away in safe place. Pescado taco with turtle beans and Tortilla chips -- and blue corn too. Esconder (v) spanish. hide or conceal "Tipping is not a town in China," Says a jar at the cash register. Canopy forest. Snag, sponge, erosion Control, bugz, fog, forests are cool. & my guatemalan pincushions's a sick Cactus. Too much water? Not enuff sun? I titled my first book "By the Author Of" so my second book's Jacket says, "By the author of By the Author Of." We're in the age of overt covert Action, legitimate terrorism And organized anarchy. Ceremony - Dia De La Muerta, a Gigantic cloth mushroom on the Dance floor, dancing with a Road. Route 69, she has "Loose Curves," Is "Slippery When Wet," and has "Soft Shoulders." Angel drinks Cutty Sark slow dancing With Friar Tuckette: she has to take Off her wings to use the powder room. Dolphin turns to herring, says, "hey Little guy: next time playing against The odds? Win one for the Flipper." I got a Coca-Cola headache And a chainsaw buzz. "I Slurp My Coffee," which was dedicated: For James Ingram Merrill Dead: gone; still with us -- Poiesies in our pockets. JOURNAL POEM 18 And Maude Hadassah talks about Women's Anti High Price League >From atop an overturned Pushcart -- 1917. So my Gonzo pseudonym this Nite being paz O'Guerra I read "Mexico City Blues," by Jacky Kerouacky in the desert While my unit supports 2-7th Cavalry. Kept it in my cargo Pocket. Word pictures amazing Blazing, dazing, mezmarizing. He'll realize he's sucking on The clarinet before he chokes. Hey Steel Belted Tar Pelted: Would you like the laws and Liturgy or morals and myth? Walden Pond Condominiums says Come enjoy your individuality With us. Dial 1-900-NEW-GURU. Calls are just $35 a minute. Ask your parents B4 dropping out. James Ingoldsby invented vitamin C tablets, then years later?? Pop Rocks! "I tawt I taw a toffee mug," says Alvin C. Block, "I did I did, I Hallucinated a toffee mug!!!" Coffee grounds. Some spilled Coffee grounds. Do you slurp? Some finely ground spilled-on-the Ground coffee grounds. So Mecca and Medina join hands. JOURNAL POME 19. 9am: No Haiku. Bloody Marys and Darts in Manitou Pub over fried Hoki fish on whole wheat toast. It's said chewing ice means a lack of sex, or maybe just iron. Blackstrap molasses an aphrodesiac?? Sage. Dylan sings "Masters Of War," But hardly anyone notices the words. Who's boycotting Grammy's THIS year? Watching "Dobie Gillis" reruns from Atop mountain-bike in front of Wally World's window-front. Purple and blue dreams over hot Brown coffee at a wine-red IHOP; A majestic sunset out the window. Sunday sunrise reflects Cheyenne. Knee deep in reality; not weird Enough for me. Jello, cottage cheese, A pear and three Orange Juices - Talk about your acid... Then the "Ferret Crew" checks out Tunnels connecting from Cheyenne Mountain to Pikes Peak. Though... NORAD never blinks. Glutimus hurtimus maximus: & what Will help allay pain of bicycle Butt. Want of devil's claw, burdock Root and blackstrap molasses. C-130 slams into Angolan mountain. Cargo? CIA says TOP SECRET. Author suggests: Dead soldiers & dry ice. " that hide behind desks..." Dancing in snow on the foothills Making onkh, peace-sign, anarchy, Pentagram and snow angel. "...know I can see thru your masks..." 2-4am. Called "Owl's Hours." Not sure if 2morrow's 2day, Or 2day's 2nite or 2morrow. So Carl orders catholic Transvestite salad with The cross dressing, snickers - & Tells me about Wally wanker and The chippity doo da sarsparilla Root sodie pop factory. Techno check: Magazine rack Made of #SE-6 virgin vinyl. What-in-the-universe?!? 5-piece midi band. One canned Brushes, another synthed sax, Viola, cello and flute are Really virtually there. These guys wear black & white, Sitting behind sheet music. 1st #'s an instrumental: Vainright's "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road." What?!? Go figure. So Mecca absconds all of Medina's Funny looking grapefruits. Note on fridge: Ate 'em all. So green. Delisch . JOURNAL POME 20. BOOT HILL OR BUST Lunch; Castle Rock: Still Further sings for the dead. Pitch covers Yaw, and graveyard Sings back from across street. Boot Hill, Colorado: Wild Turkey, Water and wine. Almost poison. "Commentary vouz," says Chipmonk- Looking squirrel guarding his nuts. Why must prophets die penniless? Hotsprings everywhere. Dreams of Halloweens. "Do you have a Rainbow name?" Anna asks. "Information," I inform, "given by Tom Joad. Yours?" "Matteo gave me it. Spells Anna backwards." "Zhoinks!" says Scooby Doo. "A computerized washing machine's not Worth the tin it's printed on." Rapid City - You can read the weather off Jefferson's forehead and Lincoln's chin. Went sole searching, just got scrod. Newport, RI. Bought Birkenstock Arizonas >From Thames St. cobbler after chowderfest. Blood red moon drops in on Ocean Beach. 440 a.m. Grapeful Dead on FM. & no fog rolls up New London Harbour 2day. Moorehead, MINN. 2-masted Viking ship. Earl Eye In The Morning Tells jokes on FM radio. Fargo, ND. Might as well be Moorehead. Squash and Barq's root beer, then Minuet in G under concrete Buffalo balls. There's a box of buffalo Manure in Bismark and Mandan too. Ground Round, good coffee, great Cod, but blah chowder. 3.9 richter quake tremor for Danbury. Nervous, CT. Has a fault of her Own. Albany's fault too. "Seizmik," says Scooby Doo. She who takes limo to Dylan Concert Serves two masters. Radio station and cocaine. Zhoinks! A Beatrice New-Fig-Newton: car or cookie?? Medina parries; Mecca thrusts. Journal Poem 21 from "I Slurp My Coffee" by Marco Ram Dass and Denny's Dishwashers, Driving to Santa Fe. Hindi Hostel, Dine. A humungus stirfry. Hotsprings, headaches & Hindu hippies in a hogan. Dayglow Daisy's on a bus. Hootenany Green! Hibernating a Hurt shoulder; pickup hitchers: Duck & Lizabeth Santa Fe to Boulder. A Cochiti drum shucking corn all day. Frybread and honey, a des(s)ert of Pottery. Shards of southwest. Directory assistance, gas, Grapefruit and pomegranite In Hotevilla, Arizona. Red clay on a Black Mesa face. This particular medicine man Is a blind woman. She's quite Hard of hearing too & very aged. Canyons make great ampitheatres FM drops right out though. Wonder Is my guitar the only music this Canyon's heard in centuries? Mutton, noodles and potatoes in A broth & bluecorn frybread with Coffee. Out of honey; almost the Breakfast of champion Sheepherders. JOURNAL POEM 22 Army, the only place I know Where ladies room's nothing More than a men's room with The urinals duct-taped shut. Cedar wood and mud warm and Cozy... toasty dry despite Winter under and above clay. How do you reclaim a uranium Mine?!? City park? Golf - Course?? Sod farm??? Coffee and a warm sweetroll At Tuba City Truck Stop. If your herb garden grows Slow and late it's a thyme delay. Did you know that "wonton" Spelled backwards is "not now?" What d'ya call a whatchamacallit Shop? Just that. Last All-Hallows-Eve the baby Sitter went as a leather mouse What're you?? I'm a mud bog. Or was that a ground hog? Tse Bonito and Window Rock... Ancient tourist traps... Oraibi... the oldest... Taos, Tuscon, or Taylor... Which is trendier? Electric cello: like Woodie Guthrie Walking into Karaoke nite at Lulu's Luscious Locust, 14th and Ave. X. C&W music in a major way... Conway Twitty's where I get Off this ride. & change channels. 6-Foot Wedgie plays a gig at The Russian Lady restaurant. Que concept... like cranberry nut Frybread. Paul Harvey is like the Faded fotocopy of Will Rogers. Woke up with either pigsnot and Venom, vim and vinegar or Just A whole bunch of vigorous Vitality. Or was it just the Vidal Sassoon??? Homemade blood sausage. Takes guts To eat. Taste good, like a tender Spinach leaf. I'd try anything Once... that was my once, like a Sliced intestine full of leftovers. If squash is 1 of the 3 sisters, She must be the short one. Bacitracin can't compete w/ pinon pine sap. And JC Penier, clothier to the Mallrat knows nothing of KMarticus, The bluelight king of Upholstry; Neither knows thing of braintanning. So Navajo Nation's only radio station Plays hit kicking country. Western. You know you need a bath when The sheep won't let you in the pen if even 2 let them out. JOURNAL POEM 23 by Marco Capelli Pomegranite. Does anger have taste? Car's down 'til roads clear. December the freezin' season. 2-8 a.m. only good times to drive; Least bit of thaw slides you Off-road. Big Mountain, thrown off a horse; Hauling water & hay for the elders. Fixing hay shack, chopping wood. VW microbus' 1st gear freezes stuck. 'Til 10am or so. (so cold & dry.) Jan. 7, 1992. 9am. Lamb born to The sheep who looks like Don King. Denny makes coffee for wider eyes; And 85th monkey follows the wind Pondering the 4 directions. Red, White, yellow and black; Nevada, Mexico City, Washington, or Spain. James buys Edensoy in Winslow's Art Colony Fish Hatchery Homeless Veterans Shelter. Vanilla's good; Original's not. Run cooperatively Sells bikes and skateboards too. Customary cleaning woodstove each Sunrise. Ash is for the outhouses Always keep hot water on in case Company comes. And the door key Hangs from lower branch of a tree. What's yellow, black and white? Uranium. Headache and much noise. "Don't herd The sheep near the uranium wash," Auntie says, "makes them act wild." Well, you would too if you had those Headaches. Told my guardian angels are spiders, Whales, porcupines, buffalo, crows, Badgers, turtles, bats & dolphins. Roasted pinons; like chestnuts the Size of roasted coffee beans. "Nova" means food in Hopi. "O" is yes in Navajo. "Ba" is bread. Go figure. So what's red, white, yellow and black? Pomegranite in a wash full of Uranium. JOURNAL POEM 24 Cappuccino. Monkey and Bull make meal of Pomegranite, potatoes, pineapple & peppers. LL Zamenhof worked Pepsi's graveyard Shift til the day he died. Poetic. Death not for lack of irony. For growing calamity, asks Esperanza, Does one need fertilizer? Removes tongue from cheek. 1477. Chris visits Iceland inquiring As a wannabe Portugese picking up Waterfront gossip of "the NewFound Lands." Looks like Lawnmower Man on valium. Vacation - Grape Cod. Dwelling on payola, Punkrock, and plasma in Adobe Abode. Hystorically, a bladder bag full of bull. Mother Earth, you are beaux, bela, belle, Beautiful - Where's Dr. Esperanto When you NEED him?? Peabody Coal purchases Cavenham Forest for a copper penny. Mrs. Farthing leaves a pie on her porch for The plutonium miners. Make mine a strip so Rare IT'S STILL IN THE GROUND. Spineless as a Portugese Man O'War, now if That ain't the scumm calling the scummsucker scummy. Sage tea makes sore throat to merely a wet Groggy flemmy thing; yet Dire Wolf offers 12-page thesis on Yak semen. Can God hear you in a Hindu Ashram? "Yes," yells Yayo. She's 12 and SMARTER than you. Fiesta. Laguna March 19, 1992 They say you'll be led by children. Haiku: Zuni Moisture Dance Mudhead Kachinas - Laura, Yayo, HasKey Tso. Sweatlodge. Madrid, NM 2 FAS children flying a kite. Filthy fake fony false hair follicles Now fact thanks to Rogaine. Or was that Reagan?? Nancy's war-on-drugs: Rhymes with moron thugs. Open Mike is playing at the Chez What Cafe. Who IS this Open Mike? Just some honest Joe? Stench fries and fillet of potatoes at The Full Spoon Cafe. And Bo Diddley's cook wears wine-red Dingos pouring sherry in Mrs. Farthing's Chowder. Pampa, TX. Letting go of Police Brutality - Release, relax, relief. 2:30 a.m. Katy reads poetry for tips at the Omaha Greyhound. Makes 2-bucks on "Bernalilo Blues." Mytho-philosophical street poems. How do they make coffee in Nowata? Strong - same as Coffeeville. Trivia question: who's face on $5 Foodstamp?? Thomas Jefferson or Johnny Cash? Movado watch with moon minute hand, I straddle the corner of Florence & Normandy contemplating cops. A house full of cat-tails never falls; And Medina pours Mecca a 20 oz. cup of Mocha java. JOURNAL POEM 25 Pour you a cup of columbian in Coffeeville, Kansas; thinking, Now here's a town more worthy Of that "Beantown" nickname. Them badlands'll take your Feet if you'll let 'em. They call'm "El Morro." He's taken dogs, horses, Tiretreads & wagonwheels. So, watch your feet. Methodist pastor folds his feet Under his legs, smoking the pipe With the circle -- not preaching. With the people -- purely Prayerful purely fellowship. Powerful pipe that Chanupa. After smoking is almost always eating. Over frybread and milkweed greens, Zuni children teach me every swear They know from their own language. "OUR MISSION - YOUR FUTURE," warns Fort Leavenworth's front sign. Barely legible 'neath all those Wirebarbs. Hmmm, I think. Telling... JOURNAL POEM 26 Rosebud in July. Singing for the medicine man. Said it made his heart smile. Helped him think of other things. All the doctors know about is Transfusions and sharp stuff. Oh, and pharmaceutical Petroleum product pills too. Omaha medicine man plays my Guitar and makes it sing. Had a guitar, but gave it away Said to a young guy who needed It more: he's just beginning. Nice sitting back hearing my Guitar playing someone else. Black bean burrito at Red Herring Coffeehouse Champaign, Illinois. Black squirrel sits in front of Old Mother Hubbard's Cupboard And Liquor Cabinet; eating her Out of house and home. A black and white dog Pee-ing on your car-tire Is a Creator sent clown. Just say "Thank you." Black and yellow banana with Cuba sticker on Santee rez. Winnebego PowWow. 15 year old AT Red Cross booth oggles Smiles- A-Lot from "Dances With Wolves." I talk him into autographing her One dollar bill. Visiting her, Almost causes her a coronary. Bet he breaks a lot of hearts: Old Nathan, especially with his Big Lakota smile. Sing to a red-winged black bird- He'll follow from Dakota to Ohio. Guthrie, IA - Much Different from Guthrie, OK. (How? See for your self.) JP #27. by marco 1992 In The Year Of Our Kristoffer K. Kolumbus. Dupont Circle, Washington DC. Buying, selling, trading guitar licks. Nutty Buddy bar, banana and Milk is a late night snack. Passed out in a whirlpool. Driving into suburbia in a Subaru. Billy Crystal gets a laugh and a Cry at the same time, Clown-genius he; Like sea salt. So delightful. Washington DC. District of Chinatown. Hard Rock Cafe has no herbal teas. Camcorders are rude; here - lemme suck The whole world into my own eyeball. Alcohol-free vegan restaurant, activist Leaning - called the "Sober Black Indian," Buddhist nun makes salted plum tea; best PLUMbing cleaner in the hole wide world. & Navajo tea with a spoon of honey. Sal de mer, that sea salt. Mui delicioso. D.C. Capitol steps District of Collusion. Meeting Dan Quayle's page, petting his K-9 Unit MP dog. Tasked everywhere he goes. His buddy - so no one beats him up. Wild - wilding. District of Complicity. 1992 In The Year Of Our Knights of Kolumbus. Rowhouse First and Florida; First & P. Wash. DC. Tell me the difference between Hot-tub, whirlpool and jacuzzi. Chopping wood for sweatlodge. Waterman, doorman, drum man, medicine. Toxins clean: better meds than laughter. National Cathedral, Washington DC. Cosmic Conversations: Garden of Sweetgrass. A poem about people who wear purple; The Paternal order of Poorly Planned Pious E-Piscopal Presentations. Well, this IS Turtle Island's ass end. Yeah, right front foot - walla walla, WA Left front paw - sunny southern cali-farm-ya Right rear?? Kenny BushPort, Maine. Left rear foot divides Miami? Cuba? & Turtle takes another big tinkle on District of Kolumbus. JOURNAL POEM 28 Can something taste brown? Or does "Obla Di, Obla Da" Just mean life goes on? Some guitarist once told me "Silence is a part of music." Ate Mississippi Mud ice cream & Hot Cocoa awaiting sugar buzz. You mean a Boston creme pie Donut is NOT health food??? Midnite trucker's special: Coffee, Pancakes, scrambled eggs, homefries, Price? All-U-Can-Eat, for just 3.99 "Scallops aren't animals," asks The clueless waitress, "are they?" What's Guatema doing with ESSO Stations all over it? How many babies in strollers Parked on front porches 2nite? Abandoned - left 2 chance. Saturday, November 7, 1992. 8pm. I counted one here - Fuel of the revolution. JOURNAL POEM 29 Eggrolls - like crispy cooked coleslaw pizzas. 1950's nunnery - like army boot camp for women. "Earthquakes are allergic reactions to Condominiums," says Robin Williams On TV's Mork and Mindy show. Laughing, I purchase "A Cultural Study of America, 1993," by Frank Lee at ArtRock Bookseller in Denver. Was a blank book. Cantata with midi music - Like kareoke-4-Christ. Movement of the mall? Cooking canned cactus; Comedians R 2 meta4ical 2day. Where's rodeo clown college; Or can I just show up? Over haddock, coleslaw and coffee In Hartford Hojos, I read "EXTRA THICK SHAKE: Living In Balance In An Over-Do-It Society," By Mark Weisenheimer. I'm a gonna be sweatin' and jettin' >From this yabba dabba cuppa java. Quakers still swim upstream musterin' Good 'ol lonely only uncompromisingly Opposition to war - every and each. Will a bus transfer get me to Woodie Guthrie's or should I eat Ben & Jerry's ice cream instead? Fish-&-Chips'll be cod-&-fries: Douse with vinegar 4 remembrance. Cedar sage sweetgrass & tobacco. "All milk and diapers should be Free for the taking," says Vegan teetotaler from Atop Pickup truck, NYC. And Country 600 AM from Montreal plays "Grampa," by the Judds on my shortwave. Radio - like cabbage 4 rabbits. JOURNAL POME 30 Quote: "I get to do something For a living that if I Wasn't doing it for money I'd do it anyways." -- Lyle Lovett Safe and warm. Fritos and popcorn entrenched In my couch. Nothing agrees with Stomach more than peanut butter And banana on toasted Whole wheat bread. Deli & Dawgs Diner -- would you eat there??? Violence impacted to society; Embedded in life. No capo, slide, fuzz pedal or Delay - no fingerpicks or Teleprompter, just play. Eugene O'Neill wallops the skipper With words and rocks the boat, Frank Sinatra "does it [his] way" Rooted in divine inspiration, He claims. Apple falls on head and Turns lightbulb on jouncing Thought, slurping coffee Like a pretentious snit. Jogging memory with a Jarful of Jolt cola. Orange lentils & linguini Lodged in a sore throat. Don't sop the heat of hot chili With cucumber; use bread: good buffer. Shelter Wagon is hospitality on a horse. Running from river to river Haven't seen hay for 30 miles: How come I have hayfever?? Run chasing your shadow All morning; then you can Chase it home all afternoon. JOURNAL POME 31 Blue Moon 1993. Jogging: a fall, spring And Summer thing. Computers are so frustrating. Lemme quote "argh," from Charlie Brown. Having bought mushrooms fresh Right outa manure, my wife and I swear no mushrooms anymore. Smoking sage and tobacco Keeping allergies at bay. Awaiting my guitar in the mail. United Way reminds me Way too much of Amway. Freudian schlepp- (v) to go somewhere Not remembering why you got there. But staying to find out anyways. Which full moon do you like best? Avacados to break your fast. Almost full? Full full? Or the waney one?? Canoe-ing under the up to the Mystic river; drawbridge seaport. Hanuman Temple, Taos. Half Moon, October. Navajo tea; looks like Chinese twig tea. Tastes though, of lemon- Grass honey-covered. Defendant enters courtroom With bag of sage, Bible And a notebook. Maybe The DA has rabies. JOURNAL POEM 32 by Prime Anarchist. Harmonarchy, a house hoping For harmonious anarchy. Got a Christ room and everything. Waking up I ask my wife wonderfully, Is margarine magnetic? If you're quiet, you can hear The owls go to sleep. Just a random thought Happily hazarded. So there we were thinking "here we Are slapdash in an unplanned spot." Gentrification -- a $10 word. If you Can't afford it -- means racism. Will the Yucatan pope show up at the Vatican peninsula? Expecting him Is like Pope on a hope. 2 Heyoka moons each month. Sometimes 3. If you own a dish you might see Him applying his clown white, Or noxeeming it off. Dare I call it Papal soap? Hope not -- nope. Diet pancakes in New Rochelle reduces Stresses from NYC driving. Half moon, heyoka -- a spiritual slap In the face. More fun than anything Pious, pompous, or pathetically Prudish any day. Fact, a clown each day makes For a nice clean smile. Even better than soap. JOURNAL POEM 33 Dedication: Juan & Edgar: Father & Son. Nothing rhymes with viener schnitzel 3 turtles walk gardenward out Of the north seeking vegetation. Heyoka moon wanes. 3 questions: Must war tear every square Foot of the earth? When will the blood stop spilling?? Who left out Revelation to John 22:22??? So there we were thinking, "Here we are." Direct non-violent confrontation Door County should make Cherry flavored potato chips. Can't taste as bad as the trees smell. Cinco de Mayo Carbon monoxide Deisel truck drives by Jogger coughs once more; Rain makes it smell worse Sick to his stomach May 5th - his first run. Washing hands and face in the lower Spring each morning -- a good time To see animal tracks. Surely you share this spring. Turn thirty really close to the Vernal equinox while de-icing the Windshield at LaGuardia airport. Hyssop cleans the temples. Mall full of beer-bellied men & anorexic-looking women makes for Feeling sick and sorry for society. Mecca and mime sit silently saying, "..." Polka Haiku: Learning new songs on Accordian, guitar, voice, Reworking old ones. Gadzookamaluga! Chubbs says he's waiting For Vatican III in 3-D. "So what's a soy rabbi?" I ask Receiving lesson about the over- Specializing of everything american. "I'm in charge of health foods," He says, "herbs, anything to do with What's good for you -- shampoo's Soaps, etc." Oy, soy rabbi. Wisconsin. Like a borscht Without brussels sprouts. ___________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866] .