.. .MIDWEEK CRISIS, MIDWEEK CRISIS, MIDWEEK CRISIS. .. . . MIDWEEK - .. . . CRISIS .. . IN THE M U S I C H A L L (dateline - halfmoon, September. 1998) PRIME ANARCHIST GOES TO THE '98 MTV b l e e p AWARDS. OK, This one I had to watch on the BLEEP tube. I caught the last half "live" and only THEN watched the rest on VH-1, er, uh, I mean - VHS. Got home late because of a gig I played at. Some little dive bar out there in the midwest somewhere west of Chicago; but awfully east of Jennifer Loves Wycleff's crib. But hey, it truly WAS live; and 10% wasn't bleeped, blacked or otherwise networked censored. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED HOW CONTRIVED (and was Madonna's owner pissed out of his blockin' head??) ALL THE SPONTANIONIONIOSMS WERE??? Am I the only one who cares? This MIDWEEK CRISIS (trademarc) brought to you by: 1) 1 racist chi-wa-wa 2) two places to pay some "fairies with boots" twice what Cheryl Crow Magma deserves 3) three or four cars which even the welders and the tranny installation team members can't afford without a hefty employee discount 4) and a red, white and abusive blue designer who isn't known for anything besides underwear, t-shirts and some smell in a bottle that makes everyone sneeze half their lungs out before they begin feeling horney for no known reason. http://www.worstbuy.com http://www.chingordo.com http://vvv.tommy.com http://users.farfignewton.net http://www.generalelectric.com http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kokopeli/notbot.html .