Staci's fake newz articles 4 ati 188 WORMS: GIVE US $ FOR OUR WORK! Normal, ILL - In the first ever suit filed by worms, the worms claim that they should be compensated for the work done by them to help humans catch fish and other such feats. There will be more details on this case in the next issue; this trial will be our feature issue for the next week. --Staci Charles for PAWN (Prime Anarchist World Newz) SEWER BACKUP SINKS 700,000-PLUS HOMES. (PAWN) New Fork, NF - In the suburbs around New Fork City yesterday people in their homes suddenly found themselves sinking. Reggie Smith came home to find that his house was four feet underground. "I just left for work in the morning, and when I came home I couldn't open my door." Rescuers are still trying to save some 20,000 people still stuck in their houses. Over 747,747 homes were affected. Investigators are blaming the growing use of hoses to keep lawns green, and the fact that several bears and other woodland creatures have been spotted relieving themselves in the sewers. "We've just taken away too many of the trees, their natural toilets," said Nancy Weildman, forest ranger. Weildman went on to explain that trees are naturally better processors of bear whiz than sewersystems. --Staci Charles, on location. .