HOMEMADE LINER NOTES FOR A TAPE I'VE MADE FOR MY CYBERFRIEND STEPHANIE marco capelli frucht. 3jul00 The Other Side - Orig. I usually sing this as a duet with my friend Staci. There's parts where she sings higher than me but another spot where she sings lower than me and it turned out to be a good effect. I wish I could share the whole song with you, but I haven't been able to get into the studio to record this yet. That NAFTA Label - Parody Talk To The Computers - Par Paradise - par I wrote the parody at the Hopi Cultural Center. They usually let me camp out over nite in the back lot and take a shower in one of the checkouts for $4. When they got used to me they said they didn't mind me watching some of the music channels from the room for a few hours as long as they still had other rooms to clean. Then they'd kick me out when they needed to gussy up the last room. John Prine was singing this for some special and it came to me that the Peabody shovel he was talking about moved to just 10 miles down the road from where I was sitting. Beauty Way - Orig Wrote this in Camp Ana Mae. What If God Had A Job - par Making fun of the song that Joan Osborne got a hit for. The Vatican put out a lot of garbage about her song being blasphemous. I remember thinking anything that gets young people to think about God in any way shape or form is cool by me. Strange Fruit - cover I've never heard the original of this except in snippets during documentaries. I try to do it my own way from beginning to end. Wordless Song - orig Hey Mon - orig I co-wrote this with my friend Carl. That's him singing every other verse, and the piano solo done up just like a guitar riff is him also. Plus he engineered this song and a bunch of other stuff including the 6 classical recordings you're going to hear later on this tape. Short Song - orig This might be the shortest song you've ever heard. One More Song - orig Everything but the drummer dying is autobiographical. Konetiuk - folkified cover of a hundred year folksong (would you call that a parody or something else???) Based on "the Hunter From Kentuk'" from Carl Sandberg's "American Songbag." Old Folksinger - cover (but I have no idea who the author is.) I've played this song all over the US and at every performance the past 12 years or so I've asked out loud if anyone knows where it's from, "please tell me so I can give the writer credit." Frybread - orig Dedicated to Roberta Blackgoat and my Swedish Nana, Gladys Oberg. Philosophical Song - orig Little Things - orig I left a girl when I signed up for the army. But we weren't going out, just sweethearts and friends. We stayed penpals for years. She married me seven years later, divorced me four years after that. Maybe I should have gone into CountryWestern music instead of folk, ennit? Swedish Folksong - cover/standard I got the lyrics and the chord structure from an ethnomusicology book in '92 in some library somewhere in the middle of the US when I was walking 18 miles a day protesting the 500th anniversary of Kolumbus slaying America. Song Song - orig. (sorry about the skipping at the beginning. I thought CD's were never going to do that???) Short Song - orig. (more apologies, this is a repeat. Not intentional. I wasn't paying attention.) How Come - cover (c) 1927 Marion Harris. That's my friend Carl on the lead guitar, thinking he's BB King or something. All the percussion is done from a rainforest rainstick. Carl's mom had an exchange student from either Sweden or Norway who came over to Carl's house for the day and one of my recording sessions was planned that day, so we included him. Song Song - orig I've told people this is the closest to "gospel" they're going to get out of me. Church isn't something I do on weekends or on vinyl. )side b( Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms - old folk song (public domain) Extra verses are mine. The chorus and main verse is a very old song. The first time I've ever heard this was in Colorado Springs at a place called Poor Richards that specialized in Independant films, used books, awesome coffees and sandwiches and folkmusic. I've never been to an open mic that influenced me more, before those or since. The banjo player presenting that song also used to sing Draft Dodger Rag and a song about "Sarah Sitting in a Chevrolet." By day he was a 5th grade English teacher. Go man go. No! - orig I wrote this about the Honduras invasion in the early 80's that the US government still won't admit fully. Ask the lady who lives upstairs from me right now who quit Chiquita after 16 years and no workmens comp. We definitely warred on her people. One More Song (another spaceout. sorry) Boceto Andaluz - Bartolome Calatayud Calatayud's from Spain. Born in the late 1800's and composed up til the 1950's or 60's. He's about my third or 4th favorite classical guitar composer of all times. I think it goes Fernando Carulli, Johan Sebastian Bach, Bartolome Calatayud, Fernando Sor. I like Manuel Ponce a lot but he was much more of a pianist than a guitarist. Estampa Gitana - Calatayud Minuet I - J.S. Bach Habanera - Calatayud Vals - Calatayud Lamento Gitano - Calatayud ---------- End of Marcomusic -- beginning of CD's and Albums Another Man Done Gone - Odetta Oh Freedom - Odetta's famous medley. Little Boxes - Malvina Reynolds The first time I saw Pete Seeger perform this live was in Providence Rhode Island. He was doing a tribute to Malvina Reynolds who he credited for his first hit single. It was an evening of folk music that was a who's who of "Pete Seeger & Friends." Each did a song or two that she'd written, and then they ended the show with a stage full of people singing Little Boxes for a very long time. I was in heaven. Not for the fame around me, but for the mass of people we were, singing together. It was something I can't describe in words. Greater than his banjo playing and his beautiful voice that to this day remains clearer than a bell, Pete Seeger's gift really IS his ability to get an entire "room" singing together. What Have They Done - "ibid" It Isn't Nice - ibid DNA - Annie Humphrey Based on a John Trudell poem I'm told. That's Trudell reading it in the background. She's friends with him. My friend Hippie Rick a poet from Milwaukee bought me her CD. He met her at one of Trudell's performances. Paradise - performed by John Denver, written by John Prine. I just bought 4 Chad Mitchell Trio albums. I didn't realize John Denver toured with them for a time. I also never knew how topical they were. Much deeper than my childhood favorite folksingers, Kingston Trio. Little Boxes - performed by Pete Seeger, written by Malvina Reynolds. I wish there was time on the tape to share a lot more Pete Seeger and Odetta with you. Let me know if you're interested, I'd be happy to fill that other tape you sent me with that and some other things. Beginning of Pete Seeger teaching the Wobble. Cuts off at the end. Steph, Seeger's the real deal. I used to love reading his column in "Sing Out!" magazine called "Appleseeds." Now would be a good time to lift the blacklist, but when I was 8 or 9 years old would have been even better. Seeger makes 10 of Bob Dylan and 50 of Jewel Kilcher. (not a slam on either by any stretch) Peace to you, thank you for taking an interest in my music. Marco http://www.frucht.org http://www.mp3.com/MarcoCapelli .