T H E P R I M E A N A R C H I S T I N T E R V I E W I S F I N A L L H Y E R E ! ! ! MARCO THE WALKER an Interview with the Prime Anarchist by David Fischer. May 1993 from Infinite Onion magazine. Issue 8 Today Marco the walker is in Washington DC doing some advance activism for the walk which is right now in Columbus, OH. They expect to arrive in DC October 7th. There is a homeless occupation from October 3rd to November 3rd (election day) and also Veterans for Peace are on a 42 day hunger strike on the capitol steps. Another walk that's meeting Marco's walk started in Panama. Also there are many caravans, runs and walks throughout Turtle Island. Most are expected to converge on the Nevada Test Site... which rightfully belongs to the western Shoshone people. AIM is calling for October 13th to be "unplug America" day. Marco is hoping that everyone will spend the whole day riding a horse, reading a book, walking around or just relaxing. No appliances please, and hopefully at least no television. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WALKING? I joined up on February 28 in Black Mesa, AZ. DO I NEED TO ASK WHAT COMPELLED YOU? YOU'RE GRINNING. I was in a sweatlodge ceremony and Husky Tso came in for the 3rd round sharing info about the walk. He spoke to me in prayer and I found myself dropping everything else in my life to begin my walk from Arizona to DC. WHAT IS THE WALK ABOUT? We are people from all the 4 colors from all the four directions gathering to speak out against the last 500 years of genocide, repression, racism and continued injustice toward my native American brothers and sisters. Being a black Russian Jew, a white Russian Jew and a Swedish Christian, I have nothing but compassion for the victims of the last 500 years of American holocaust. There is nothing I can do about the past except smile warmly and say sorry; but for the future I will not tolerate another 500 years of this shit. Not while I'm around anyways. WHAT'S A TYPICAL RESPONSE WHEN YOU DRIFT INTO TOWN? Wow. A typical response. I hate picking on rednecks, but there's been a few in every town we went to through OK, KS, NB, SD, IA and IN. "Where are you walking to?" they say as we hand them a flyer that says we're walking to DC. "What are you walking for?" they say as they read the only 2 paragraphs that describe why we walk. After we tell them about it, they usually just say "Wow, that's a long way." We ARE seeing a lot of people waking up everywhere though. Today Elad and I had an Amway looking guy tell us our presence took him back to his younger days when he drove around in a VW bus during college. We figured that was before he met Tom Hayden and Jerry Rubin and found he could get himself lost in network multilevels and stuff. Our convoy made him late for his appointment. Who knows maybe he'll tell his boss where to stick it and we'll see him in short little dreadlocks throwing his shampoo bottle from the world trade center or something. IS THERE A CONNECTION TO BIG MOUNTAIN? WHAT IS IT? CRAZIEST STORY? WHAT CONVINCED YOU TO JOIN THE aRMY AND WHAT CONVINCED YOU TO GET OUT? WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE RIOTS STARTED? WHAT IS THE FUEL OF THE REVOLUTION, IS IT RICE? (CON'T NEXT ISSUE...) [ed note: there seems to be no issue 112 on the etext server. and this story doesn't continue on to issue 113. We'll try to find this some other way. (May take a while!)] .