Ü ÜßÝ Ü Ü Ü ßÝ ßÝ Ý Ý Ý Ý Û Ý Ý Ý BLaH Ý ß Ý ÜßÜ Ý Ý File ÝßÜ Ý ÜÝ ÝßÝÜÝ Written August 2nd, 1992 #004 Ý Ýig Ýong ÜßÝ Ýnd Ý Ýairy Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý ÝÜß ÝÜÜÝ ßÜÜßÞ ÜÝ ÞÜ Presents Ú ÄÄ ¿ "Why Murder Really IS Fun..." ³ by ³ Chessman À ÄÄ Ù Wacky Fun For the Whole Family! Well, this is my first BLaH file and I figured what better way to start than give out a little of my own information. I'm not a hacker, phreaker, carder, or anarchist (in the real sense of the word). I don't know Pascal and Assembler, I have limited knowledge of virii, and I can't tell you the first thing about cracking. Now, I know you're thinking what a lamer... let's delete this file, and go get some 2 hour WaReZ so everyone will think we're so k-rad and give us lots and lots of file points so we can download some more k-rad WaReZ every 15 minutes. Or maybe you're thinking well, if he isn't a ZanY anarchist, and unfortunately almost everyone reading this is not, what does he bring to the modemming world? Well, as far as I know, I bring the most complete knowledge of mass murder that I've seen and a plain WaCkY sense of humor... Yes, that's right kiddies you don't have to be a groovy anarchist or k-rad cracker to write something. All you need to do is know something and know it well. Shocking, isn't it? Let the fun begin: What is attractive about murder? Well, what isn't? You've got the beauty of the twisted mind coupled with sheer terror and the erotic beauty of blood and violence. At this point you haven't even taken into account the fiendish motive of the killer or the question of, "who done it." For example take the fantastic case of William Herbert Wallace... To sum up: "Willie had a mistress Willie had a wife He only wanted one of them so, Willie took a life." -"Murder Can Be Fun" Issue 12 Willie's wife ended up dead, her head beaten in with a poker from the fireplace, but Willie had a decently established, but poorly executed alibi. The real beauty is that all the evidence the prosecution used against him, the defense used. There was no way around it... everything that could possibly be held against him, could also be used to set him free. What isn't great about that? The deed is done and there is no way to bring Willie's deserving of pain wife back so why not relish in the splendor of the crime itself? Imagine finding the wife of a mild-mannered, chess playing insurance agent naked in her living room with her head beaten in and her husband's burned mackintosh stuffed under her body... Imagine the devilish rumors that must have travelled through the town. After all, what brings people together better than a good murder? Was Willie innocent or guilty? I leave it up to those that truly seek that knowledge. So that is what I bring to BLaH... A fresh new face in a world of lamers and dreamers. Hopefully I be able to release a little fiction occasionally, so I'll start with a little taste of my world of violence: The Butcher celebrated within the saturnalia of blood. He danced upon the brains of the long dead children, and wrigled in the insides of the older ones who had not been so lucky. They hung upside down, completely gutted, hanging onto their last breath, and weeping at the sight of the dead. He had no remorse though. Long ago that had been erased from his mind by the evil women in his life. How glad he was that he had killed his grandmother and slaughtered sisters. They only held him back from his true goal of ultimate destruction and utter chaos in a world that he would reign over... Don't get the wrong impression, I have no desire to kill anyone. I write as a release and am working towards my goal of mastery of the criminal mind. Sometimes, the pressure gets to me and I feel the animal inside me clawing its way out, but I fight it, and I believe I'm able to control it (for now). But when that animal has to shit, imagine what it's like cleaning it up. I also get a little nervous when it gets gas... Long Live Caryl Chessman {---End of File... Safe-T-Nutz v0.90á says "5259 Bytes Total"-----------} BLaH is.. Chessman Guido Sanchez "Whenever I hear the name Guido Sanchez, I have to laugh, because who is that guy?" -Chessman BLaH ts: Nun-Beaters Anonymous | (708) 251-5094 | 110/16.8k Hell Bound | (708) 965-8965 | 2400/14.4k "If it says BLaH, it probably isn't...." {----------{Propaganda Line. Anything Below is Propaganda}---------------} {----------{Anything Above is Merely Suggestive}-------------------------}  .