Ü ÜßÝ Ü Ü Ü ßÝ ßÝ Ý Ý Ý Ý Û Ý Ý Ý BLaH Ý ß Ý ÜßÜ Ý Ý File ÝßÜ Ý ÜÝ ÝßÝÜÝ Written August 8th, 1992 #018 Ý Ýig Ýong ÜßÝ Ýnd Ý Ýairy Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý ÝÜß ÝÜÜÝ ßÜÜßÞ ÜÝ ÞÜ Presents Ú ÄÄ ¿ "Satan n Stuff" ³ by ³ Phritz À ÄÄ Ù _____________________________________________________________________________ Greetings to all those who read BLaH. In the tradition of Chessman, because this is my first official BLaH I'll give y'all a little background. I supose I am what most would call an anarchist, but my intrests in anarchy are for the short term only. I do belive in a violent overthrow of our goverrnment, as that is the only forseeable escape from its self serving manipulation, endless bureacracy, and lethargic complacency. If this revolution could be achieved I would condone a form of government. (One that exists to serve the people and is controlled by the people. Unlike ours today which controls the people to serve it.) This makes me a non-anarchist. Well 'nuff said 'bout dat shit. lets git it on with SATAN hehehe..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Satan. Ahh yes, Satan. What is the purpose of Satan worship you may ask. Well, let me explain. Most Satan worshiping, or psuedo-satan worshiping Joe Average will see is executed by social outcasts who really don't take themselves or Satan very seriously. The social outcast, a person labled as a freak for one reason or another, may turn to Satan to boost thier self-esteem; to feel in some way associated with a part of humanity (one that they think cannot turn them away). Well I say PHOOEY on that. There IS a place for Satan in mainstream culture. To worship Satan (whether you really belive what you're saying and doing or not) is to shit on everything you have been brought up to believe. In my oh-so respected opinion I think the protestant church could stand to have a massive piece of shit (the kind that festers in your body for days while you are constipated) dropped all over thier load-o-bull bible and crock of steaming frothing shit beliefs. The worship of satan also denotes a passionate yet healthy hate for the human race. And why not hate humans, they are responsible for the rape and plunder of the worlds resorces. And if we were to kill all of the humans there would be.. umm.. HEY WAIT !!!! If we killed all the humans there would be no one left to have circle jerks with !! Ok screw Satan. Worship Me. Just think of Me as the new Satan. I condone shitting on the moral fabric of the world, but hey, there is an added bonus. Think of me as Satan with the biscut game... Yea thats right ... I could just be called "Phritz the Jerk-Off God of the Abyss" _____________________________________________________________________________ Yea and while in the topic of shit. Couldn't you go for a warm mug of diahrea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------- ----------------BLaH Application----------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- | My brother cold distant | | holding the sharp steel | | pressing it deep into his flesh | | hoping to hurt those who neglected him | | more than he hurts himself | | hoping that they would feel as empty as he | | death washed through him | | a single convulsion | | darkness | ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------------------Phâitz--------------------- -----------------BLaH Productions---------------- ------------------------------------------------- {---Gweed's Turn-------------------------------------------------------------} Ok, all, this is the first tfile from our newest member, Phâitz, Phritz, Bobo the Quail Hunter, whatever you wanna call him. Included with his satan text is the poem on which basis we admitted him to BLaH. The members are : Guido Sanchez, Chessman, Constantine, and now Phritz. If you'd like to join BLaH, you probably already know how.. so BLaH. {---End of File... Safe-T-Nutz v0.90á says "5623 Bytes Total"----------------} Phritz Says : "With Cocaine and a Word Processor, What Power We Could Wield" BLaH ts include, but are not limited to... Nun-Beaters Anonymous | <708>251-5094 | 110/16.8k The Melting Pot | <708>965-8965 | 9600/16.8k The Insane Asylum | <305>927-3028 | 2400/16.8k The Realm Of Death | <419>475-3089 | 2400/16.8k {---Eye Liner--/\/\/\/\/\/\/---uh huh.. for lack of anything funny-----------}  .