Ü ÜßÝ Ü Ü Ü ßÝ ßÝ Ý Ý Ý Ý Û Ý Ý Ý BLaH Ý ß Ý ÜßÜ Ý Ý File ÝßÜ Ý ÜÝ ÝßÝÜÝ Written September 29th, 1992 #031 Ý Ýig Ýong ÜßÝ Ýnd Ý Ýairy Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý ÝÜß ÝÜÜÝ ßÜÜßÞ ÜÝ ÞÜ Presents Ú ÄÄ ¿ "A Misanthropic Monster Speaks" ³ by ³ IT À ÄÄ Ù Watched T.V., lately? IT has. IT has been watching some pretty interesting stuff. Talk shows, game shows, "soaps." Interesting shows, if you like to explore the human mind, as IT does. Somewhere, for some reason, there is a burning contraversy over flesh. How much do we have, and how much can we show. Talk shows seem to like this topic. IT would suppose that's because such contraversy gives them a chance to show scantily clad females run around their monitors. Strange, IT remembers talk about something called decency. About talk of how scandalous it was for a woman to show someone her ankles. And, when IT remembers such talk, IT can sympathize with those who find it so horrendous. But IT also remembers classes about things like freedom of expression, speech, religion. Isn't it a shame that our "founding fathers" never put in an amendment about dress? About the rights we have pertaining to our bodies? Wasn't there something somewhere about liberty? IT forgets. Perhaps IT should bring that up to someone, a new amendment saying we have the right to use our bodies. That would certainly end a lot of contraversy, wouldn't it: abortion, thongs, drugs, homosexuality. Wait a minute! What is IT thinking? If our founding fathers didn't say anything about it THEN, obviously we don't have the right to do so NOW. No wonder IT is such a monster... But this is all far from the topic IT wished to write about (or is it?). It is too clich‚d to say that the only reason talk shows address such issues as socially-acceptable apparel is to show off women in bikinis. IT would prefer to think more... sociologically. Sure, the talk shows show it. Showing it is their job, if we want to watch it. And that leads IT to an interesting question. Freud (god rest his theories), believed that there is a strong conflict between what people think and what people say: The Id-Superego clash. In this theory, he supposes that a man spending his life denouncing nude sculptures as trash will put himself on a commitee to review pornography for possible banning; thereby satisfying both the good-samaritan aspects of what he says, and yet still let him get hold of "nudie magazines" to satisfy what he needs. Society disapproves of nudity and near-nudity. They'll watch talk show after talk show about it, just to condemn these people they've never listened to as trash. Is that so different from the man who reviews pornography for banning? Are WE so much better than him? IT truly wonders... This is the end of IT's article. This loathesome reptilian creature is too base to offer you any insight into a possible solution. IT won't give you any easy, three-step answer. IT won't even tell you if this is a real problem IT is giving you. There are many problems in the world today, and IT really doesn't see any ONE of them being solved. IT can't really foresee anyone showing enough chutzpah to do anything that might, god forbid, help the world. Help the WHOLE world. Anger and hatred are integral parts of humanity, aren't they? Humans find it somehow COMFORTING to dislike others. A young child once asked IT why there were different colors for people. Knowing the kid was a religious little brat, IT told him, "Because God loves everybody. And since most people want to hate someone, God thought he might do something to make finding excuses for hate easier." Perhaps now you understand why IT considers itself such a monster. ÍÄÄÄEnd of File... Safe-T-NutZ v0.96 says "4935 Bytes Total"ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄð Welcome IT to the blah family, all BLaH ts <708> 251-5094 Nun-Beaters Anonymous - BLaH WHQ [IL] <708> 965-8965 Carbon Nation [IL] <305> 927-3028 The Insane Asylum [FL] <419> 475-3089 The Realm Of Death [OH] <819> 778-0454 Brain Damage [QC] and of course.. <708> TMP-DOWN Freematrix [IL] BLaHFest 92 : For those of you who got lost on the way to HoHoCon. ¯ÄÄÄPropaganda Line : Call NBA for details on getting "BLaH : The Movie"ÄÄÄÄ®  .