_______________________________________________________________________________ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= : May 1994 - * ____ \ / _\._______ BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : / | \ __* __ || | ______| BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : The Brotherhood | o / ___| \ / | -++- | |____ BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : Speaks Yet | \/ \ | | | -++- |____ \ BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : Again. Phear. | o ) o | .o / || _____) ) BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : : |___/\___/ \/\/ |______/ BRoTHeRHooD oF WaReZ : -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________________ [the BoW squirt gun of death is coming for your pets!] BoW BoW +-- picture of your BoW BoW BoW / favorite pet here. BoW BoW B/W BoW BoW / BoW BoW BoW / BoW BoW BoW / BoW BoW BoW |/_ BoW BoW +---------BoW---------+ BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW | BoW | BoW BoW +---------BoW---------+ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW _______________________________________________________________________________ Brotherhood of WaReZz -BoW- Brotherhood of WaReZz -BoW- Brotherhood of WaReZz _______________________________________________________________________________ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD+--------------------------------------+KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| Oh No!! We still haven't gone away!! |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR| Hold on to your space bar, for here | WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ| comes.... |AREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR| |Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD| 1) Introduction to BoW #5 |KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| 2) The BoW Member list |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR| 3) How to join the Brotherhood | WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ| 4) Eubercrackers get BoW |AREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR| 5) The Prophecy of [GLuE] |Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD| 6) WaReZz d00dz get a CLuE! |KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| 7) The Felis-Mortisikon part I |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR| 8) The Felis-Mortisikon part ][ | WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR D WAREZ KRAD WAREZ | 9) Bong Filter |REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR| 10) Hacking ATM's |Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD| 11) A Song |KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD W| 12) The Official BoW SiTE List |AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAR+--------------------------------------+ WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE Z KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KR AD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WA REZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WARE ______________________________________________________________________________ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| Introduction to BoW #5 |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: pluvius *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== WoW WoW WoW WoW, 'ere be BoW #5. After much hate mail, and narc attempts, we are still alive (barely).... there's been a bit of a wait since BoW #4, but too bad for y00. We had alot of negative feedback on #4, but fortunately a few people gave us some real praise, and a will to go on... we thank those people from the bottom of our code-books. -----BEGIN SAMPLE ADMIRATION----- Version: 0.31337K That BoW magazine iwthteh *worst* rubbish I've seen in a long time Looks like it was written by 10 demented 13 yearolds. > mind if I quote you on that? Nope. /whois Proff *** Proff is proff@suburbia.apana.org.au (proff) *** on channels: #apana +#eYePHeARBoW *** on irc via server jello.qabc.uq.oz.au ([babel.cltr.uq.oz.au] HulkHoganised + Server, Queens) -----END SAMPLE ADMIRATION----- 10 demented 13 year olds? How generous! And to think I was starting to get dis-heartened! Now I have the will to go on forever! The last issue was a bit large, so we have decided to trim down the newsletters a bit... keep them within reasonable size, so as not to have to couriers tie up their lines for too long... we do not wish to impede the progress of zero day rdist exploits, sendmail DEBUG exploits, or other eleet aych pee warez. I hope that you enjoy BoW #5. If you wish to contribute, do not hesitate to send hate mail, death threats, or BoW submissions to my email address (provided below). That's about it for now.... and remember, it's better to fade away than have a hole in your head. NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE: Due to some of our hard core fans being a bit obsessed with us (they sometimes like to clean up our accounts file space, and read our mail for us) it is requested that all email to us be PGP encrypted. My PGP key follows, please us it when sending mail. In addition, all further newsletters will be PGP signed, as there have been alot of partially edited news letters circulating, as well as copies that are missing certain articals, or every 10 lines or interesting other cyberspace anomilies. - pluvius [BoW Gnusletter Editor] - Fan Mail / Hate Mail / BoW Submissions to: pluvius@io.org Narq letters / Lawsuits to: /dev/null -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.3a mQCNAi1EYFYAAAEEAMgGdr1Tn04DCsXqC9ukWxq/gsTJpSwKx+ScfjOcTEW5N7+f ibpS8GGGvEJXFUsZAeZCjjWUZC6DGhKO7Kligy6X/Ogy97iQBXPSZEfhMxN3mxqH qO9Ubbh/p1PfApNcgbahnSrd7wtEvUXl1/b3LJBIRxPZPUBthJ5YFngY1yg9AAUR tAdwbHV2aXVz =klyu -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- PS PS PS PS: GnU ADDiTiOnZZ 2 ThE BoW CoLLeCTiON oF .GiFz oF AyCH-PeE d00dz (aND D00d-eTTeZ) iNCluDE: - yyZ (cygnus) - lemon (ladyada) - n0elle (s00pah-phed) ReMeMBeR, iF y00 aRE n0T iN BoW, We HaVE yOUR .GiF!!#$!#$&$! [oR SooN WiLL!!#!@(&*^@)@$*^)&@!$^)&^!@$#*^!@)$*^!$@(*&] - SuBMiSSiONs To ThE .GIFs oF AyCH-PeE d00DzZZ (oR d00DeTTeZ) NoT iN BoW CaN Be EmAiLeD (y00-y00-eNCoDE FiRST!) To m3 (pluvius@io.org) oR CaN Be UpLoADEd To TwIliGHT oF ThE iDOLS [see add appended to this issue]. To GeT YoUR GRuBBy HaNDS oN oNE OF Th3 .GiFz iN oUR CoLLeCTiON, SiMPLEE KaLL ThE BoARD aND LeACH!!!! PPS PPS PPS PPS: For BoW #6 we need your ASCII art!! That's right, show off your artistic skill... we are seeking submissions in the following categories: 1) Mangled farm animals 2) Mutilated Pets 3) Squished Rodents 4) Geeky SysAdmins If you think you have the power, then get out your friendly text editor, and put together some fine artwork, when completed, email to pluvius@io.org +++ ATH0 OK ATDT*67,911 CONNECT 31337/ELiTE BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW + BoW MastHead Thingy + BoW Magazine is an electronic magazine published whenever we feel like it, specializing in Computer Deviency, Software Piracy, Computer Insecurity, Telecommunications Fraud, and other nasty things. The telcos phear us. BoW Magazine is KopyWrong (K) 1994. Any unauthorized distribution is not krad, and we will get Cliff Stole to track you down, using his Very Krad(tm) hacker-tracker paging equipment, in addition to his alpha copy of HaQR-LoC, if you distribute these electrons without prior consent of God. God can be reached in New York City, at the brothels. Drop by and ask him... then it will be ok. You can also distribute this magazine in an unauthorized fashion if either a) Your Kid Sister, or b) A Real Cyberpunk [in the event you do not have a Kid Sister] say it's ok. Real Cyberpunks can be reached at the following email addresses: idol@well.sf.ca.us, president@whitehouse.gov, root@cert.org, and root@wired.com. If you don't have access to email, then call up a cyberpunk at the following phone number: 911. Ask them... they will ask you your name, and the nature of your emergency. Tell them you would like to distribute BoW magazine in an unauthorized fashion. They will be able to give you permission. BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Submissions can be emailed to me, at pluvius@io.org, or can be uploaded to our SUBMISSIONS BBS, Twilight of the Idols, see add at the end of this issue. Alternately you can look for me on IRC, I have no life, I will probably be there. A couple of words on submissions: They must either be amusing, or related to either hacking or phreaking, or preferably both - articals on computer security, or telecommunications security are also welcome. No "I GOT YOUR INFO" submissions please, and no more hate articals, they are not nice. NOT MUCH CARRIER ______________________________________________________________________________ 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| The BoW Member List |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: The BoW Staff *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== Phearless leader: U4EA Newsletter editor: pluvius Members: Maelstrom, Th3 V3lkr0 K0d3 \/\/aRRi0R, Carsenio, Ron Post, Hackle-b3rry phin, VOiCE MAiL HaQR, Lister, TH3 PHR3SH PR1NC3 0F B3LLC0RE, The Cyberspace Warrior, |NFo Ma|L iVAN, Freff, Mystic Ruler, Three-way Jay, The Code Slayer, Doctor Dave Token WaReZz d00d: Valgamon [formerly of RiSC] Honourary Members: Cliff Stole, Eugene Spafford, Gerry Garcia Submissions: freff, shatter, Herd Beast, Wild Child, remj, Scorch, glasshead Auxiliary Members: Danny Diveter, Centagram Sam, *67-Kevin, Aspen Extreme, Call-return Vern, The 300 baud bandit, *70-Hero Telephone Tony, PBX-Pat, Speaker fone Jone, Trever Trunk, Line Man Stan, Call Display Faye, Kordless Karl, Dial Tone Don, Pirate Pete, Conference Call Paul, Blue Box Bart, The Call Block Jock, The MCi Sprinter, Datapac Jack, The Delphi Guy, Compuserve Connie, AntiChrist Affiliated Groups: GLuE, ANuS, DOH/H ______________________________________________________________________________ 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| How To Become a BoW Member |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: U4EA (Y00-FoUr-EEE-AhH) *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== Her maidenhead bursts, the virgin has been torn tenderly from the age of innnocence and she bleeds illumination through every pore of her body. She feels the helplessess of spirit trapped in it's mortal coil, she bares it's pain as it gazes from the eyes like a prisoner from its cell window. Transcendence.. Stigmata..... She has experienced BoW and found solace... THERE ARE OTHERS U R N0T Al0n3 The BrotherHood Awaits... How to apply: *()**()**()* Applications to BoW are made informally by way of submitting articles for upcoming releases. Release dates are the 1st of every month and if we use your article then you automatically become one of the kewl kidz.. You become BoW... Articles: *()**()* While BoW does not adhere to any guideline when evaluating submissions, we do ask that you observe the following: 1) Lame "I've got your info" articles will not be released. The unauthorized release of #2 is a good example of this sort of stupidity and will not be tolerated in any way, shape or form. 2) Do not send us k0d3z, password files or any form of deviant inph()... We phear HaQr'z and will not print such evil. 3) Each submission should include a .gif of your g1rl13'z and/or m0ther... Ascii depictions of farm animals doing weird things are also acceptable. Once You Are a Member: *-()*()*()*()*()*()-* Once you have been accepted as a BoW member, your only requirement to maintain membership is participation: - each member must submit at least once every second issue... Support Sites: *()*()*()*()* If you are a sysop and feel that BoW is worthy of your HD space, you can become an official BoW 1nph0rmat10n s00pah- h1ghwaY m3mbah by either contacting pluvius or myself on irc or by mailing interest to: pluvius@io.org Parting Wisdom: **()**()**()** "Pink Lemonade... It's all I want... really... not that pale citrus poser shit.." _ - - / B \ Y00 + FoUr |+-+-+-+0+-+-+-+| EeE + AhH \ W / - _ - ______________________________________________________________________________ 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| Eubercrackers get BoW |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: pluvius *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== Oh no! Eye phear! Kids with scripts get BoW! Help! Help! They were too elite to notice the TCP wrappers, or even erase their wtmp entries! (note the blanked wtmp entry.. half way there guys, try harder next time!) They even left logs of them running rdist -Server, they must be elite to have gotten the secretive 8lgm advisories. Eye phear them. I lie awake in bed at night cowering in phear. Included below the log is a step by step guide on how you too can become an eubercracker with scripts! pluvius-1> ls -l total 1 -rw-r----- 1 pluvius 121 Apr 9 19:04 BoW_WoW_WoW_faggots pluvius-2> cat BoW_WoW_WoW_faggots bl0w me, and tell u4ea he's got some paybacks comin too.. keep up the elite warez attitude on irc, and we'll keep comin pluvius-3>last | grep pluvius | head pluvius ttyqa acadvm1.uottawa. Tue Apr 12 20:17 still logged in pluvius ttyq7 acadvm1.uottawa. Tue Apr 12 18:04 - 18:10 (00:05) pluvius ttyu2 acadvm1.uottawa. Tue Apr 12 15:21 - 15:39 (00:17) pluvius ttyrc Sat Apr 9 17:57 - 19:04 (01:07) pluvius ttyrc faramir.ori.org Sat Apr 9 17:57 - 17:57 (00:00) pluvius ttyr5 acadvm1.uottawa. Sat Apr 9 11:05 - 11:06 (00:00) pluvius ttyrc acadvm1.uottawa. Fri Apr 8 21:10 - 21:10 (00:00) pluvius ttys9 acadvm1.uottawa. Fri Apr 8 17:15 - 17:17 (00:01) pluvius ttyp5 acadvm1.uottawa. Fri Apr 8 08:47 - 08:47 (00:00) pluvius ttysa acadvm1.uottawa. Fri Apr 8 01:24 - 01:25 (00:00) pluvius-4> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the steps to becoming a uebercracker. Step 1. Relax and remain calm. Remember YOU are a Uebercracker. Step 2. If you know a little Unix, you are way ahead of the crowd and skip past step 3. Step 3. You may want to buy Unix manual or book to let you know what ls,cd,cat does. Step 4. Read Usenet for the following groups: alt.irc, alt.security, comp.security.unix. Subscribe to Phrack@well.sf.ca.us to get a background in uebercracker culture. Step 5. Ask on alt.irc how to get and compile the latest IRC client and connect to IRC. Step 6. Once on IRC, join the #hack channel. (Whew, you are half-way there!) Step 7. Now, sit on #hack and send messages to everyone in the channel saying "Hi, What's up?". Be obnoxious to anyone else that joins and asks questions like "Why cant I join #warez?" Step 8. (Important Step) Send private messages to everyone asking for new bugs or holes. Here's a good pointer, look around your system for binary programs suid root (look in Unix manual from step 3 if confused). After finding a suid root binary, (ie. su, chfn, syslog), tell people you have a new bug in that program and you wrote a script for it. If they ask how it works, tell them they are "layme". Remember, YOU are a UeberCracker. Ask them to trade for their get-root scripts. Step 9. Make them send you some scripts before you send some garbage file (ie. a big core file). Tell them it is encrypted or it was messed up and you need to upload your script again. Step 10. Spend a week grabbing all the scripts you can. (Don't forget to be obnoxious on #hack otherwise people will look down on you and not give you anything.) Step 11. Hopefully you will now have at least one or two scripts that get you root on most Unixes. Grab root on your local machines, read your admin's mail, or even other user's mail, even rm log files and whatever temps you. (look in Unix manual from step 3 if confused). Step 12. A good test for true uebercrackerness is to be able to fake mail. Ask other uebercrackers how to fake mail (because they have had to pass the same test). Email your admin how "layme" he is and how you got root and how you erased his files, and have it appear coming from satan@evil.com. Step 13. Now, to pass into supreme eliteness of uebercrackerness, you brag about your exploits on #hack to everyone. (Make up stuff, Remember, YOU are a uebercracker.) Step 14. Wait a few months and have all your notes, etc ready in your room for when the FBI, Secret Service, and other law enforcement agencies confiscate your equipment. Call eff.org to complain how you were innocent and how you accidently gotten someone else's account and only looked because you were curious. (Whatever else that may help, throw at them.) Step 15. Now for the true final supreme eliteness of all uebercrackers, you go back to #hack and brag about how you were busted. YOU are finally a true Uebercracker. ______________________________________________________________________________ 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| The Prophecy of [GLuE] |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: BoW associated staff *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLUE (G) (G) (L) (L) (u) GnU LeGiON uv EleeT'neZzz (u) (E) ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ (E) (*) -=pReZeNtZz=- (*) (*) (*) (G) THE PROPHECHY OF [GLuE] (G) (L) (L) (u) -|- Leach And Distribute EveryWhere -|- (u) (E) (E) GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE*GLuE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Important: This file is r0dentware, mass distribute for file points, print it out and send it to a loved one, send it to your local newspaper, fax it to Burger King, encrypt it and send it to the NSA, rename it as a yer Zero Day Ware of preference and upload it to PiR8'Zz, mass dcc it on irc, make a dictionary out of it, print it up roll it up and smoke it, use it to wipe yer ass, JUST DISTRIBUTE IT #!@! - Introduction - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This zine is the product of a few chemically enhanced, sensory depraved, ascii slurpin' , deadhead modem junkiezZz. It is not our purpose to intellectually stimulate you nor are we attempting to entertain you in any fashion. This ascii you are about to partake of exists for therapeutic purposes only, our brainz have dumped core and this is the product. Warped is the thought that ends in a file, doomed is the rodent that upon reading that thought, rethinks it as his on... "It's Better To Burn Out Than Fade Away.." - TaBle Of KontentzZz - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1] THE PHROPHECY oF [GLuE] [2] GrEeTzZz.. [3] <-- ThE EnD The Prophecy Of [GLuE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bY: dEWMeD R0D3NT The Ascii Illuminati, whose werdz echo in my mind.. Lone r0dent, controlled by sekrut masters, eye hear the werdz, my body and soul a vehicle of their divinity.. In a single thought, eye am transformed from flesh to ascii.. WERD.. EYE AM DiVINE. Eye am the procurer of dreams, eye am the krist krucified, eye am a kourier and my ware iz PHEAR !@#!@ O puny r0dent, heed ye my warning, seek not to break open the gate to troo el8'nEzZz. Few there have succeeded in passing the barrier, to the greater planes of d0oditude as eye have.. The sekrut circle of el8'zZz is small compared to the numberz who have lOst their souls to f1nd uSs.. Heed well my werdz, ascii iz divine... An immense pyre, prepared f0r t0rture iz h0st t0 those that oPpose mY werdz, phear well the illumination eye kast.. iF mY shad0w faLLs upon you, you r dEwMed as eye.. ................... w00p t0 th3 w1ze: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALPHABET GANG / KRAP, BoW, aLL memberz 0f [GLuE].. =============================================================== THiZ QUaLiTY G-PHiLE HAZ BEEN BROUGHT TO Yoo BY THE LETTER 'E', THE NUMB3R '9' AND THE WERD 'w00p'.. THiZ G-PHiLE iZ DEDiCATED To ALL THoSE WHO HAD THEiR HEARTzZz UNANAESTHETiCALLY RiPPED OuT BY CoLD HEARTED BiTCHEZzZ iN '94... r0dentware iz a trademark of [GLuE].. kourier it everywhere @!#!@ A BiG PHUCK Yoo GoEZzZ OuT To TH0SE [PaSTE] LAMERZ !#@@! WERDWERDWERDWERDWERDWERDWERDW -=- [GLuE] iZ BETT3R THAN [PaSTE] -=- WERDWERDWERDWERDWERDWERDWERDW ______________________________________________________________________________ 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| WaReZz d00dz learn to haq |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* submitted by: Herd Beast *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== Oh no... the warez d00dz have a clue... watch out, soon they will be coming for you! Script started on Wed May 4 19:15:07 1994 Executing ``/bin/csh'' ... root: [pansy] /users/pansy # cd ~dist root: [pansy] /usr/local/dist # ls -la total 28 drwxr-sr-x 3 dist 512 Aug 12 1993 pc/ drwxr-sr-x 2 dist 512 Aug 25 1993 lib/ drwxr-sr-x 2 dist 512 Oct 27 1993 mac/ -rw------- 1 irc 21625 Jan 16 19:38 note drwxr-sr-x 2 dist 512 Apr 18 23:14 bin/ root: [pansy] /usr/local/dist # ~haqr/.gopherrc -P ~dist/note Executing ``cat /usr/local/dist/note'' ... uMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwX XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu MuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMw wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvM vMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuM XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuM /--------------------------------\ wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuM | THE FINAL PLAN | wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuM | | wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu vMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMw | (Draft IX) | XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMwX vMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMw | | XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuM wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu | by Condom T0M | MwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvM uMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXv | | MuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwX vMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMw \________________________________/ XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuM uMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwX XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvM wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvM XvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMu wXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvMuMwXvM W0RNiNG: Do NOT spread this file. If at all possible, do NOT keep it anywhere but on your PC. If you must have it online, encrypt it. Use PGP!! Use a key with many bit thingies!!! Use a super secure password!!!!!! With lots of numbers!!!!!! On pain of a viral infection, *** DO N0T (with a capital zero!) HAND THIS FILE TO ANYONE *** 10Q. -T0msky '94 Introduction ............. This plan is to be distributed among the most elite of the wares community in the world (and France). As you might have noticed, a lot of people do not take kindly to our wares. They make fun of us, they annoy us, THEY PISS ME OFF, they use their illegitimately gained techno-knowledge to wreck havoc on the net-community (read that in a book heh... not sure about the spelling tho). Just last night someone applied to my board looking for info... again! Obviously someone is hacking... uh... cracking the NUP. Anyhow, it's time we fucking fought back. I seriously think that the pirate world has grown. We have a place in the computer underground and I don't mean an IRC channel! We have government agencies against us (dammit!). S0 D3Y WR1T3 L1K3 D1Z. Ha ha. No one writes like this coz if they do they look lame! And they don't get validated! So occasionaly a 'Z' gets in there somewhere. Big deal! I was talking with some coders last night, since they quit their group and were looking to join mine but they tried to ditch the $50 donation hah that's some fucking joke it's not as if they are too elite for me or anything they didn't even gimme sources to see what their shit was worth and skipped some lines in my application file but they thought that since they got the old prez pissed they could score good points with me well GUESS AGAIN JOEY heh now he will probably rag on me on Ding-A-Ling for using his real name hahahahahah good one narq so anyway we agreed on $25 and some orios but that's not what I was talking about. They said that since some pirates can program too - which reminds me I put my .BAT file for passwording my computer against my piss ant brother for ftp and dcc and http and gopher and www and tcp and udp and nfs and rpc and lots more. Well anyway we can fuck them too. Actually joey (narq!!) suggested calling up 911 and giving their info but I told him no since A: we aint got no info (i don't like that w0rd) and B: 911 has ANI! (I also don't like talking to people... it's scary. I get all red). So we decided to search the internet and kick some ass. ANALyst said we should break into Tymnet and monitor passwords but I wasn't sure what that meant so I told him to shut up and kicked him off the conference. (Which is why Ill be leaving the scene for a while since my calling card supply has suddenly run dry). Anyway, we got some interesting shit. The plan comes to this: we got the info, we are the world. The old hackers can go scroo each other. Wait and see. This file is being constantly updated. Get this shit, read it (it's not much complicated than an .nfo) and use it. Just do it. I put the stuff real nice in here. 1. Information Sources Pigpuss reports: I was scanning FTPs some day for cool stuff when I came upon a wide open system. I'll cut a long story short but I got the 411 on lots of cool stuff about security and shit. I'll sum it up cause it's big and complicated like. You know the Internet (that's where IRC is). Well it's possible to get into other systems on the internet (that's called telnet -> telephone + internet). But you can go into systems that aren't yours. Well that's illegal (like pirating but not so bad) and there are some groups that deal with that. First there is USENET where there are many cops and they catch hackers and they trade porn stuff (kinda like Rusty 'n' Eddy but smaller). Then there are HP groups, but not lamer groups like on IRC but elite groups. They find security holes (or "bombs") and spread them all around the Net for anyone to abuse! Anarchy Rules! SEX PISTOLZ!! So there is CERT, and CIAC, and FIRST. Well CERT is the best cause they made really detailed shit (more on that later). CIAC is like a little CERT (you know like the THG -> USA split but that's old hat) and FIRST sucks, but they have many international HQs. Mo' next time. 1.1 Bombs Fuckin' Hacker reports: 'Puss passed the CERT info to me since I'm the best painter in the group, and I digged some really cool ANSiS for them (like the great big "thanks to Gene Spafford" one!). But I scanned the files and I learned the bombs, and I'll give a short list here. Short cause I don't want no lamers to format systems!?! One of the files talked about a /dev/audio hole... well if there's one thing I know it's audio! We are not working on some MODs that will kick UNiX apart. Might come with a VGA or not, depends on how much time I have. Next, there are unpassworded accounts. What this means is that if you log on a system and type in an account and it doesn't ask for a password, that account is unpassworded and you're in! It's difficult to find them (sysadms scan for ppl who are accessing the password files and they are protected) but if you do... you're in luck! Try sync. It worked some places but I'll have to see it to believe it. 2. Security News Back to Ol' T0M: Dudes, get this: some guy just crashed the internet! Wow! I remember I had problem crashing ViSiON-X a while back... shit. It's like this. He is the kid of a guy from the CIA, and he wrote a program that goes from machine to machine and crashes the machine!! The whole internet is collapsing. I read a file about it just a couple of minutes ago. That program is a virus but I checked and it wasn't in no virus mag. More info on this as it comes in. 3. Self-Security News I think it's important to encrypt stuff. So call up my BBS and download PGP (Pirates Give Parties... just a wild name I came up with after finishing that bitchin' program). It's pretty complicated so you'll have to read the docs. Use it. 4. That's all for NOW. The next issue will be better. Stay tuned, and remember, if you don't contribute or are not elite - you're out! --- Last access/change times updated. root: [pansy] /usr/local/dist # exit haqr: [pansy] /usr/local/dist % cd haqr: [pansy] ~ % setenv ISSUX cleanup; ./.gopherrc -T 5 You have 5 seconds to logout or the ``cleanup'' procedure will fail. You have new mail. haqr: [pansy] ~ % grep T0M /var/spool/mail/haqr fork(): cleanup(): shell pid alive & timeout exceeded: Aborted. haqr: [pansy] ~ % ./.gopherrc -T 10 You have 10 seconds to logout or the ``cleanup'' procedure will fail. haqr: [pansy] ~ % logout byebye haqr... script done on Wed May 4 19:26:12 1994 Herd Beast ______________________________________________________________________________ 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| THE FeLiS-MoRTiSiKoN |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: BoW associated staff *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== (#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#) (#) (#) (#) /|narkiztik / \ ^ / ONE OF THOSE GREENPEACE OR SPCA FAGGOTZ THEN PHuCK YEW | | PANZIE, GO WATCH 101 DALMATIONS OR SUMTHING @!!@# / \ ====================================================== | . . | (" " ) ONE OF MY FAVOURiTE METHODZ OF KAT EXTERMINTATION IS A PLAY ON THE OLD HOCKEY KARD IN THE SPOKES OF YER BICYCLE TO MAKE A KEWL SOUND THING, IF YEW HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE WHAT ESSENTIALLY YOU DO IS AFFIX A HOCKEY KARD TO YER SPOKES AND AS YOU PEDAL IT MAKES A KEWL KLICKING SOUND.. WELL THIS IZ FOR PANZIE FAGGOTZ #@!@ IF YER KEWL WHAT YEW DO IZ TAKE A LiVE KAT aND AFFIX IT TO THE SPOKES OF YER BIKE AND PEDAL AROUND TOWN VIGOROUSLY, NOT ONLY DOEZ IT SOUND KEWL BUT ALSO YOU GET SUM CHOICE LOOKZ FROM ANYONE YOU HAPPEN TO PASS BY !@#@! [NoTe: Thiz method will not work on bikes without spokes, ie: big wheels, if you own a big wheel: get some skipping rope and tie one end to the kat and the other end to the back of your big wheel, position yourself at the top of a big hill and pedal downward vigorously] ANOTHER FAVOURITE OF MINE REQUIREZ ACCESS TO YER SCIENCE TEACHERS STOREROOM OR SOMEPLACE WHERE YOU KAN AQUIRE LARGE AMOUNTS OF PURE POTASSIUM. BASICALLY WHAT YOU DO IS SHOVE LARGE AMOUNTS OF PURE POTASSIUM DOWN THE CATS THROAT AND THEN ONCE IT IS SUFFICIENTLY STUFFED WHIP IT INTO THE BATHTUB WHEN YER MOTHER IS HAViNG A BATH OR EVEN INTO A PUBLIC SWIMMING POOL. YOU WILL REVEL IN THE XPLOSION OF KAT FUR AND INTESTINES THAT WILL RESULT FROM SUCH ELEETNEZZ.. IN KASE YOU DONT KNOW, POTASSIUM + h2o (water) kauses a minor xplosion. THE MORE PURE POTASSIUM YEW STUFF THE KAT WITH THE BETTER THE BOOM. [NoTe: Another play on this method iz to stuff the kat with the potassium and then remark to your mom that the kat looks like it needz a bath, when yer mom immerses the kat in water *B00M*.. hehe If you want to be elaborate, talk to your mom alot about spontaneous combustion, fill her head with lotz of horror stories about it then proceed with the plan... it will take her weekz to recover from the shock when FeFe goez BooM-BooM] [NoTe#2: ThiZ meth0d iz loadz of fun when you employ one of th0se panzie 'throw in yer quarterz' publik fountainz as yer detonator] DEW YEW HAVE A MIKROWAVE ?!?!? iF SO THiS NEXT MeTHOD IZ DEFINITELY THE THiNG TEW DEW ON THoZE RAiNY SUMMER DAZE WHEN YEW R BORED OUT OF YER MIND @!#@! EYE AM SURE BY NOW YEW R BORED OF MERELY JAMMiNG YER FAVOURiTE FELiNE iNTO THE MiCROWAVE ON HIGH FOR 10 MiNUTES, WELL HERE iZ A METHOD WHICH ADDZ SUM EXCiTEMENT !@#!@ WHAT YEW WiLL NEED BESiDES THE OBViOUS KAT AND MiCROWAVE iZ: a) YER MOTHERZ FAVOURiTE PEARL NECKLACE. b) A SHiTLOAD OF POPKORN KERNELZ !@#!@ STRiNG THE PEARLZ AROUND THE KAT, THROW IT IN THE MiCROWAVE AND THEN FiLL THE MiCROWAVE WiTH POPKORN... KLOSE THE DOOR, CRANK IT ON HIGH AND RUN LiKE HELL #@!# THiS METHoD iZ VERY MESSY #!@# THE RESULTANT EXPLOSION WiLL B MAMMOTH SEW MAKE SURE NOONE IZ AROUND BuT YEW WHEN YEW DEW THiS ONE !@#@! THiZ ENDZ PART ONE oF THE FELiS-MoRTiSiKON #@!# PHUCK YEW !@#@! WATCH FER MORE QUALiTY [ANuS] PHiLeZ KUMMING YER WAY SooN !@# GREETZ GOEZ OUT TEW: SKAR-TiSSUE, MuTiLaTeD-KaT [FEaR] SPECIAL GREETZ GOEZ OUT TEW ALL [FEaR] MEMBERZ @!#@! FeLiNe Exterminatorz/Anarkistik R0dentz 0H SHiT!@# THAT REMiNDZ ME, EYE FORGOT TO MENTION ANARKYKON @!# OK: ========================== = ANARKYKON '94 = ========================== EYE ARRiVED AT THE CONVENTION CENTER AROUND 5PM JUST AS SEVERED LiMB AND DEMONiKiZT WERE HEADiNG OUT TO GO TRASHiNG AT SMITH AND WESSON, LUCKiLY THEY HAD ROOM FOR ME, SO OFF WE WENT.. THE THREE OF US SPED OFF TOWARDZ THE SMITH AND WESSON BUILDING IN DEMONiKiZT's VAN AT QUITE A FRANTiC PACE ONLY STOPPING AT A RED LiGHT ONCE TO PuLL OVER AND MaCE AN OLD LADY WHO WUZ STaNDiNG ON A KURB.. OK, WE ARRiVED AT SMiTH AND WESSON JUST AZ THEY WERE KLOSING SO WE WAiTED OUTSIDE IN THE VAN UNTIL THE LAST EMPLOYEE HAD LEFT, AT WHICH POINT DEMONIKiZT LEAPED OUT WiTH SEVERED LiMB AND EYE IN TOW, WE MADE A QUIK B LiNE TO THE DUMPSTER AND EYE LEAPED iN.. SEVERED LiMB LiT A SMOKE BOMB TO PROViDE US WITH SUM DEGREE OF COVER AND QUICKLY JOINED ME iN THE DUMPZTER @!# WE SiFTED THROUGH THE MEZZ AND ALL WE GOT WERE A FEW SHELL CAZINGZ AND EYE FOUND SUM PRiNTOUTZ FER A LAZERSKOPE PLANS OR SUMTHiNG #@!# OK BACK TO THA KONVENTION CENTER #!@# WHEN WE ARRiVED WE WERE GiVEN OUR NAMETAGZ AND SHuFFLED OFF TEW A ROOM WHERE A FEW TALKZ WERE GIVEN ON TERRORIZM AND A FEW BORING LEKTUREZ ON SNEAKING INTO BUILDINGZ AND LOCK PICKING #!@ EYE RAN INTO RANCiD MEAT AT THE LEKTUREZ AND HE INVITED ME UP TO HIZ ROOM TO LOOK AT HIZ CHEMICAL WEAPONS, WHEN WE GOT UP THERE HE SUGGEZTED WE TEAR GAZ THE LOBBY, WHICH WE DID... NEEDLEZZ TO SAY THE POLIZE SHOWED AND THA KONVENTION ENDED EaRLY @!#!@ PHUCK YEW !@#@! EYE GOTTa GO NOW.. D-CeLLeRaTiON TRaUMA [ANuS] '94 $@#!$#@$@$ ______________________________________________________________________________ 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| The Book Of Doomed Feline |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: BoW Associated Staff *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== (#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#)(#) (#) (#) (#) /\__/\ /|narkiztik /, a/\/d wriTing mail Through it is 1i/\b13 T0 g3T y0u sCr3am3d aT. begin 600 bongfilter.tar.Z M'YV03<*L*6,F#9LR !(J7,BPH<.'$"-*G$@1 (B+-F# &$1Q P;-FAPO A" MQHP9(TF2C"$#QHV+-6K8. 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Need some quick cash to pay to be a distribution site for one of the latest hot courier groups? Need some quick dough to get that 28.8 modem for faster transfers? Need some green to pay off your phone bill due to getting back billed for third party billing your ex-girlfriends new boyfriend? Well, have no phear, BoW will show you the fastest, easiest, and safest way to gleme yourself a few easy grand. What is your target? It is the defenceless Automated Teller Machine. In this artical, we will step you through a painless way of obtaining all the pocket money you need. First of all, you need to find a suitable teller... find one without alot of people around it... far away from police stations, strip bars, bingo parlors, head shops, or other popular places.. the ideal location is in a deserted park, beach side cave, or a back alley way. Scope out this ATM day and night for approximately two years, keeping track of when it is refilled/emptied and when there are the least amount of people around. Once you have decided on the best day and time for your 'hit', you must prepare. The following materials are necessary for ATM hacking; 1) An 'I PHEAR BoW' T-Shirt 2) A large weapon, preferable a shotgun. 3) Ammunition for the above weapon 4) A large sack or handbag 5) A can of blue spray paint 6) A crow bar. Now once you have all of the above items, you must follow the steps provided below. a) Put on your 'I PHEAR BoW' T-Shirt, this is probably the most critical step, as people will see it, and phear you immediately, seeing the word of BoW printed so clearly across your chest. In the event that there are any witnesses, they will be so overwhelmed by your flashy apparel, they will not remember your face. b) Put the can of spray paint, and the extra ammunition (make sure you fully load the weapon first) in the large sack or handbag, put this over your shoulder, and grab the crow bar in your left hand, the weapon in your right (opposite ofcourse if you are goofy handed). c) Now take a bus to the location of your previously picked out ATM. *DO NOT TAKE YOUR OWN VEHICAL, A STOLEN VEHICAL, OR A TAXI*. Public transport is much more environmentally sound. You may want to bring this up at your trial. d) Get off the bus atleast two stops before the ATM, and procede to walk toward the ATM. Keep your eyes straight ahead, look no one in the eye. If there are any parked vehicles on the way to the ATM, enjoy yourself, use the weapon to convert them to convertables, or rid them of excess glass. This is to maintain a high level of phear in the surrounding neighbourhood. (make sure all the vehicals you liberate of roofs and/or windows *DO NOT* have people in them. This would not be good). e) Now once you are in range of the ATM, take a couple of shots at it to let it know you mean serious business... take out the frount panel (two or three blasts... assuming a narrow spread high gauge shotgun blast) and the console display (one blast assuming above weapon). f) Now that it knows you mean business, introduce your crowbar to it's front panel... there may be a bit of confusion in the surrounding area by this time... but pay no heed... remember that God(tm) is on your side... (make sure to bring this up at the trial also). Once you have the front panel removed, locate the cash dispenser.. this may require a couple of exploritory blasts, but have no phear. (tell the jury you were simply curious). g) now remove the extra ammunition from your large sack or handbag, and reload your weapon, and put down the crow bar, and hold the blue spray paint can in your left hand (blue is the manditory color.. there are special chemicals in the blue paint that are necessary for this operation). h) Put down the weapon, and with your right hand, fill your large sack or hand bag with the cash from the dispenser.. this may take a while depending on how much money is contained at the time of the operation. i) once all the cash has been removed, spray paint on the wall next to the ATM your real name, your phone number and address, as well as your occupation (if any) and employer/school (again, if any) - the theory behind this is that the police will assume that no one would be foolish enough to perform such a stunt, and leave such obvious clues behind, you can claim that you were setup. j) Now wait for the return bus home, maybe stopping along the way for a beer (assuming of course that you are of legal drinking age) to cool your nerves. k) Bask in the pleasures of your trade. /------- WaReZ D00d on his way / to gaining a bit of extra |/_ pocket money. High Calibur _\.//|/._ Semi-Automatic > < "I PHEAR BoW" T-Shirt Weapon @ o O @ / _ | | ^ | / \\ | \ <_> / / \\ \|/ -___- |/_ __ \\ ___| |___ // \\ / X --- \ // <-- Crow Bar \ \ / /X \ \ // o o______/ /XX|I PHEAR| \ \______ /o (o\ \______/ XXX| BoW | \----- /ooo | \ XXXX| | // \ \ XXXX|_______| // \__| /|\ |___0___| // $$$$$$$$$ | /) | (\ -- $+-------+$ Large _____________/ | . | $| MONEY |$ Nap-Sack | / \ | $+-------+$ Containing Extra | | | | Target ----------> $$$$$$$$$$$ Ammo and Spray Paint | | | | ATM $$$$$$$$$$$ - enjoy. ..oO0()0Oo. .oO0()0Oo. .oO0()0Oo. .oO0()0Oo. .oO0()0Oo. .oO0()0Oo. .oO0()0Oo. 0-DAY OR NO DAY 0-DAY OR NO DAY 0-DAY ___________________________ HaQ HaQ HaQ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW | Hackle-b3rry phin [BoW] | aQ HaQ HaQ H KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD +-------------------------+ Q HaQ HaQ Ha \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ______________________________________________________________________________ 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| A Song |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: Voice Mail HaQr *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== I WANT MY 0-DAY.... Now look at them couriers.. that's the you do it... Use the k0d3z, courier the 0-day. that aint working, that's the way you do it. all the latest warez get to come your way... Now that aint working, that's the way you do it. Lemme tell ya, them guys get the thrills, maybe get a few duplicate releases, maybe get a few back bills.. We gotta run a zero-day board we gotta use the 0-day speak... check all our users acronyms, make sure our board's r eleet. See the little faggot with the v.terbo and the k0d3z yeah buddy, he is eleet.. that little faggot's got gigs of warez that little faggot's got cracks and cheats We gotta run a zero-day board we gotta use the 0-day speak... check all our users acronyms, make sure our board's r eleet. I shoulda filled out that RiSC application I shoulda applied to P-W-A look at those warez, just in one directory, man, we could get some 0-day And look over here, what's that? FSP site lists? and FTP sites too to my dismay that aint working, that's the way you do it. all the latest warez get to come your way... We gotta run a zero-day board we gotta use the 0-day speak... check all our users acronyms, make sure our board's r eleet... that aint working, that's the way you do it. Use the k0d3z, courier the 0-day. that aint working, that's the way you do it. all the latest warez get to come your way... all the latest warez get to come your way... KRAD WAREZ KRAD WAREZ KRAD W Z BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW B A E VOiCE MAiL HaQR R R Comin' at your Meridians, E A and your Centagrams in 94 Z W DARK ZERAW DARK ZERAW DARK ______________________________________________________________________________ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 ______________________________________________________________________________ BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo| ThE OFFiCiAL BoW SiTE LiST!! |BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo W BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* + ------------------------------ + *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo* by: BoW STaFF *BoW BoW BoW BoW BoW Bo ============================================================================== Status Name Baud Login/NUP Number ------ ---- ---- --------- ------ WORLD HQ -none- 0 -none- 911 iNET HQ D:\pub\BoW really fast anonymous enigma.rhn.orst.edu x25 HQ Secret Tectonics 2400 bbs 2624-5400050045 US HQ Paradise Lost 1200-14.4 -none- [414]-476-3181 CAN HQ -none- 0 -none- 911 EURO HQ Secret Tectonics 300-16.8 bbs +49-TO0-KRAD-4U SUBMISSIONS Twilight of the Idols 300-14.4 -none- [613]-NO-NARQS A DOS FTP site is currently setup to distribute BoW on a 0-day basis, check out enigma.rhn.orst.edu D:\pub\BoW - this one should stay up until GrayArea calls up her lawyers as it is run on a BoW members PC. Until then... I'm still not sure if this has gone through yet, but we are in the process of having a new site setup on internet, you can pick up back issues of BoW at sun4.mfp.com /pub/mags/BoW and we (not sure of this part yet) might have a mail alias setup at BoW@sun4.mfp.com There may also be a mailing list setup at this system, however we are not sure of the details yet. Stay tuned. Grip your seat. Cower in phear. [note: this site recently got smoked by evil HaQrZ, so it may be a while until it is back up again] This one we had nothing to do with, but it seems you can pick up BoW at etext.archive.umich.edu /Zines/Brotherhood.of.Warez and also /Zines/BoW however their collection there is not quite complete. 0-DAY: IF YOU ARE ON IRC, YOU CAN SMAK YOURSELF A COPY OF ALL THE BoWS FRoM ThE VERY EliTE 'ANTiB0T', TYpE '/MSG ANTiB0T HELP' ON EYE-ARE-SEA FoR iNSTRuCTiONz. 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY WELL, WE WERE GOING TO HAVE A FTP SITE AT cyberspace.com, 0-DAY 0-DAY HOWEVER OUR GREATEST FAN, GrayArea, THREATENED TO BLINDLY 0-DAY 0-DAY SUE THEM IF THEY DECIDED TO PUT BoW IN THEIR FTP ARCHIVES. 0-DAY 0-DAY NO MATTER, WE NOW HAVE SEVERAL DISTRIBUTION SITES ON INTERNET 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY 0-DAY W00D YoUR BEE B3e eSS LiKE To Be A BoW DiSTRiBuTiON SiTE? iT iS NoT DiFFiCUlT. aLL YoU HaVE To Do iS To KaLL TWiLiGHT oF ThE iDOLs BeE BeE eSS, AnD uPLoAD YoUR aDD To THe 'BoW SuBMiSSiONS' AReA, aND DRoP A NoTE To pluvius. oR YoU COuLD eMAiL YoUR aDD To pluvius@io.org oN THe iNFOrMaTiON S00PAH Hi-WaY, aS WeLL aS DRoPPiNG uS a LiNE oN WhaT YeR BoARD iS aLL aBoUT.. MaKE SuRE YoU LeAVE A valid ReTuRN aDDReSS oN YoUR eMAiL HeADeR, aND aLSO GiVE uS ThE nUMBER 2 YeR BoARD (PGP KeY aT Da BeGGiNiNG oF THiS MaG.) -- BoW$ telnet cert.org 25 Trying Connected to cert.org. Escape character is '^]'. 220 cert.org Sendmail 4.1/cert-5.2 ready at Fri, 22 Apr 94 22:13:31 EDT HELO BoW.org 250 cert.org Hello BoW.org, pleased to meet you DEBUG 200 DEBUG command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/motd1. _________ __ __ \ > _(__) ___(__) _ ______ ____ _______ \ / /\/ /_ / /____ ____| \_\___ > ___/ __| \___ >\__ ____ \/\ ( / |/ /\| |/ _ | __ \/ / < __ > __| / / __ \/ __/ \/ \/\/|__|_____)__(___ /_|)_/__/ \__/\__\ (__/|_|)_(___( / ) / SYSaDMiN D00D: RGSysop \___/ CoMPuTeR iNTRuSiON / CoUNT3R-iNTRuSiON ReM0T3-SyS0P: pluvius _ - aYCH p33 - N0 WaR3Z - n0 k0d3z - c0-SiSoP: Maelstrom (_) /| ___ - n0 LiMitZ - n0 RaTiOz - __ __/ |___ / / _____ - N0 aNSi - kaLL N0W B-4 THe iNFoRMaTi0N / |/ _ | _ X /\( ___/ Hi-WaY 0VeRWh3LMzZ YoU aND (___(_____|___/____)__ \ F001 aCC3SS 1zt Ka11 MaK3zZ y00 ThR0W uP. \_______________________) 4 3133t d00dz ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ |___ | __| __ |___| | | __ |___| | ||___| LOOK MA! |___| | ___| ___| | | ___| | | ___| NO BRAINS! (S1X 0N3 THR33 - N00 NaRqS oR - FeDzZ EYE PhEaR ThEM) cDc Global Domination Factory Direct Outlet / -+ TEXT +- Distribution Site - CoTNo Northern Distribution Site - DFS Canadian HQ - BoW Submission Site - 226 Transfer complete. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/motd2. ________ For all your H/P needs... / ____ \ \ | | | | |__| | _ _____ ____ | ____/ ___ ____ |_| / __/ | ___| | | /^ | _ \ |^\ | _ \ _ | |__ | |- | | / | ||_|/ | \ | | | | | | |___ \ | _| / \ / /| | | _ \ | |\ \ | |_| | | | ___| | | |__ |_____ | /______| |_||_||_______\ |____/ |_| /____/ |____| ________ |\ /| \ / | \_____________________/ | | | | __________ _________ | | | |/ ____ | | \| | | ____ / __/ | | | | / \ | |__ | | | | /^| | | | | |___ \ | | | |_________/ | | |_| | ___| | | | /__________________| \____/ /____/ /_____\ Paradise Lost - DFS WHQ, CoRoSiON Member, BoW USHQ Over 2400 H/P/A/V files in over 29mb (414)476-3181 Crappy ascii by Incarnate/DFS 226 Transfer complete. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/motd3. this file comes from the great H/P/A/V collection of ... ... yer favorite BoW distribution site in Europe ... ... yer favorite BoW distribution site on x.25 ... ________________________________________________ /~ .~ / _ . ~/~ _ . |~ __ ~| _ . \~ _ _ ~/ // ____/_ |_\__/. | \__|. |__| | |_\__/\/ | | \/ /____ ~/ _|__|| | __|: _| _|__ || | // . //: |_/. \: |_/. || |\ \\: |_/. \ |: | /_____ /|________\______|__| \__\_______\ |__| ___________________________________________ ___________________ \~ _ _ ~/ _ . ~/ _ .\~ _ _ ~/ __ |~ ~\ |~~|~| _ . ~/~ .~ / \/ | | \/ |_\__/ | \__\/ | | \/ / \|| \| || || \__// ____/_ || | || _|__| | __ || | \\ \ /|: \ \ :| || ______ ~/ |: | |: |_/. \ |_/. \ |: | \ \/ || |\ .| ||_/. \/ . // |__| |________\______\ |__| \____|__| \___|_|______\___ / USR Dual 16.8: +49 2 31337 4 U x.25 NUA: 026245400050045 login: bbs Info: sec@escape.com Sysop: Seven Up ... bringing you the best files for free ... 226 Transfer complete. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/csh. # whoami root # hostname cert.org # echo "+ +" >> /.rhosts # echo "+ +" >> /bin/.rhosts # echo "+" >> /etc/hosts.equiv # echo "we phear BoW" > /etc/issue # exit 226 DEBUG out. QUIT 221 cert.org closing connection Connection closed by foreign host. BoW$ EOF --- This file leached from: WaReZ MaH WaReZz - 206-911-9119 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ZeR0-DaY KoURiERzZ - We/HaVe/No/BRaINzZ - We BRiNG YoU PhResH WaReZz | | -Bored- - SySoP - SPeeD - NUMBaH - | | WHQ - WaReZ PaLaCe - CaPTa1N KoURiER - 28.8 - 503-663-1337 | | EURO-HQ - PiT oF WaReZz - DaRK DeM0N - 300 - 916-666-3636 | | US-HQ - 0-DaY HeLL - BaCK-D00R JiMMY - 1200 - 209-555-1212 | | MARS-HQ - PhReSh TrAnSFeRZ - DoCTaH PhReSH - 0 - 805-202-1345 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ NO RATIOS - NO PCR - 25 GIGS ONLINE - TOWER OF WaReZ - 509-PRI-VATE -- from the archives of: FAST WAREZ - 208-392-1842 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - THe KoALiTiON FoR FaSTER WaReZz - | | FaZT FiLeZz..................................................702-565-2878 | | PiRaTeZ HoME.................................................801-492-2945 | | LATE-NIGHT-TRaNSFERS.........................................602-669-3139 | | THe ELiTE BBS................................................619-848-9823 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--- | KiLLeR BaUD - QWERTY/DoRK WHQ/Ge3K SiTE - 308-923-2391 +--- -- FRee WaReZ - 303-911-9119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Great File Leached From: HoME oF THE ZeR0-DaY - 25 Node ringdown - DoRK site/NO-BRaINS - 505-GO-AWAY! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== [ FAST WAREZ Network ] [ NO OLD WAREZ HERE - FaRT/CeRT - 13 gigs --------------------- 806-NOL-AMRZ ] [ CHeAT CiTY - FaRT/aCK/PDPVIMW - 360k ------------------------ 405-YOU-SuCK ] ============================================================================== [ MeTAl BRaINzZ - FaRT/BuRP/FLaTuATE -------------------------- 316-XXX-XXXX ] [ KRaD D00dZ - FaRT HOME -------------------------------------- 913-NOT-4YOU ] ================== [ 0-DAY OR DEATH - FaST Home board - 715-245-2367] --- leached from: KODEZ 'R US - 319-SCAN-4IT +=============== From the archives of: LoTs 'O K0DeZz line 1 - 314-329-1259 LoADz of k0d3z, LoADz 'o WaRez - kall now line 2 - 417-983-3285 +=============== ==== LEACH HEAVEN - sysop: LEACHER BILLY - leach line: 501-829-8244 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - KoURiERZ FoR JeSUS / THe APoSTLES oF APoGeE - | | WHQ ....... THE SHAO-LINE TOWERING CASTLE OF CODES ..........301-FUQ-OFFF | | EURO-HQ ... KODEZ OF DooM ...................................502-429-2482 | | US-HQ ..... TEMPLE OF Zero-DAY ..............................615-2EL-EET! | | CAN-HQ .... TREMBLING SANCTUARY OF SoFTWaRE .................205-245-2346 | | AUSSI-HQ .. ALTER OF WaREZ ..................................706-932-3285 | | CHINA-HQ .. HeAVENLy K0D3Z ..................................704-832-3255 | | RUSSIAN-HQ. APOSTLES oF THE ABySS ...........................703-PRI-VATE | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ --- Leached from - 0-DAY NOW! - Sysop: QUICK DICK - 717-N0W-AREZ  .