BTN: Birmingham Telecommunications News COPYRIGHT 1993 ISSN 1055-4548 March 1993 Volume 6, Issue 3 Edition 1 Table Of Contents ----------------- Article Title Author Policy Statement and Disclaimer................Staff From The Editor................................Scott Hollifield Letters to the Editor..........................BTN Readers U.S. Robotics V.FAST Announcement..............U.S. Robotics BBSing In The Real World.......................Damion Furi Freedom........................................Lurch Henson Sysop >< Software >< User......................David Moss Local Music In March...........................Judy Ranelli Special Interest Groups (SIGs).................Barry Bowden BTN Profile: Billy Bob Crawdad.................Anonymous Known BBS Numbers..............................Staff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer and Statement of Policy for BTN We at BTN try our best to assure the accuracy of articles and information in our publication. We assume no responsibility for damage due to errors, omissions, etc. The liability, if any for BTN, its editors and writers, for damages relating to any errors or omissions, etc., shall be limited to the cost of a one year subscription to BTN, even if BTN, its editors or writers have been advised of the likelihood of such damages occurring. With the conclusion of that nasty business, we can get on with our policy for publication and reproduction of BTN articles. We publish monthly with a deadline of the fifteenth of the month prior to publication. If you wish to submit an article, you may do so at any time but bear in mind the deadline if you wish for your work to appear in a particular issue. It is not our purpose to slander or otherwise harm a person or reputation and we accept no responsibility for the content of the articles prepared by our writers. Our writers own their work and it is protected by copyright. We allow reprinting of articles from BTN with only a few restrictions. The author may object to a reprint, in which case he will specify in the content of his article. Otherwise, please feel free to reproduce any article from BTN as long as the source, BTN, is specified, and as long as the author's name and the article's original title are retained. If you use one of our articles, please forward a copy of your publication to: Mark Maisel Publisher, BTN 606 Twin Branch Terrace BHAM, AL 35216 (205) 823-3956 We thank you for taking the time to read our offering and we hope that you like it. We also reserve the right to have a good time while doing all of this and not get too serious about it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- F R E E B I E : G E T I T W H I L E I T S H O T ! The following boards allow BTN to be downloaded freely, that is with no charge to any existing upload/download ratios. ADAnet One Alter-Ego Bone Yard Bus System The Castle Channel 8250 Crunchy Frog DC Info Exchange F/X BBS Gateway BBS Hardware Hotline Homewood's Hell Hole Joker's Castle Lemon Grove Martyrdom Again?! The MATRIX Milliways BBS Night Watch The Outer Limits Owlabama BBS Owl's Nest Playground Safe Harbor Southern Stallion Starbase 12 Teasers BBS T.G.U.E. BBS Thy Master's Dungeon Weekends BBS (Please note that this list includes some systems which are not local to Birmingham and therefore not included on our BBS Numbers list.) If you are a sysop and you allow BTN to be downloaded freely, please let me know via The Matrix or Crunchy Frog so that I can post your board as a free BTN distributor. Thanks. SH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W S F L A S H NON-LOCAL READERS! Feeling isolated and alienated because you can't upload submissions or leave letters without paying long distance charges? God, I hope so, because if you have access to an Internet site, you can send me anything you want to through that method. My Internet address is: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Editor by Scott Hollifield Well, well, well, time for this stuff again already? Yep, past time in fact - BTN is late this month, partially due to a certain cycle of cosmic events beyond my portent or control, but also partially because I simply put off writing my editor's column until I just couldn't stand it anymore. That's right, whoever it is out there with the voodoo doll, you can stop now. Why is it so difficult for me to just sit down and crank this kind of thing out? I'm a champion procrastinator, true, as anyone who knows me even remotely will confirm (including the lady at the breakfast place every morning who stands tapping her foot while I fret over which precise combination of pocket change to give up). And yet, there's something else, something that's been sitting at the back of my brain, scratching and making little obnoxious comments, like Robin Williams as a cartoon bee. I think that this comes from certain vague guilt pangs I've been having concerning the end result of my efforts. Very slight, very vague, very marginal, but there nonetheless. I'm not talking about the task of filling Mark Maisel's shoes -- I got over THAT one the minute I volunteered for this job. And people have been kind; I was particularly pleased to see a lengthy positive review a few months back from Damion Furi, a relatively new local user of some opinionated note. (Of course, we're all now onto the real truth, that this was just buttering on Damion's part to smooth the path to becoming a regular BTN writer, but the joke's on him -- it's ridiculously easy to be a regular BTN writer, and I wish more people knew it -- but I'm glad he bothered anyway.) Still, take a steady gander at our tables of contents from the last few issues and you'll see a marked similarity. Not that I mind having guys like Damion Furi and Lurch Henson contribute regularly (in the sense that I wouldn't mind having ANYone contribute *regularly*), but I'd hate for BTN to devolve into five guys with five monthly articles entitled "My Opinions About Certain Things", "#1" through "5". And I know that more than once now, I've tried to make things seem a little more exciting by hinting of things to come, which haven't quite arrived yet (such as last month's hint of "a few [new] ideas" which were supposed to be in this issue). Truthfully, I DO have new ideas for BTN. It's just that I haven't yet found the time or energy to implement them. Rest assured, they are coming. Let's talk a little about what's in store for the BTN of the near future. Beginning next month, I'm going to drop my personal responsibilities concerning the much-loved "Known BBS Numbers List", and hand them over to a comrade. James Minton, current sysop of Outer Limits BBS and one of the longest-running, currently-serving sysops in Birmingham, has volunteered to take up this awesome duty (and unless you've ever called eighty bulletin boards in one evening, you don't know the meaning of the words "awesome duty"). I know that other people have volunteered for this task before, even back when I first became editor of BTN, and I do appreciate the thoughts of all who did. I'm not intentionally slighting anyone -- it's just that James happened to ask at precisely the right time, i.e. the time when I was actually beginning to seriously give the List to someone else. I hope he realizes what he's getting into with it. Also, something special is coming up soon: the fifth anniversary of BTN. That's right, it's been five years since that very special first issue of BTN, back in May 1988. We've been places, friends; we pre-date the election of George Bush, both Batman movies, and most of the Farm- Aids. So you can imagine that we must have a special issue to mark this special occasion, and that we must have a special number of special articles from our special friends. There are indeed plans in the works to make the May 1993 issue of BTN extra-special, but if you've got any ideas, drop me a line. Not only that, but I've gotten semi-solid article commitments from several people whose names are NOT Lurch Henson, Damion Furi, or Judy Ranelli. We love the members of our family, of course, but we'd like our family to grow! Isn't that a lovely metaphor? Ah, springtime draweth nigh. Well, I've beaten out my last column by 20 lines or so, and that's good enough for me. Let me remind you that if you're interested in submitting something for BTN, it's VERY easy -- just upload it as a private file to either the Crunchy Frog or the Matrix, and tell the sysop it's for me. Until next month, be kind to your fellow oxygen- breathers, and please use your turn signal when changing lanes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Letters to the Editor From: David Moss I've been meaning to take the time to write to BTN and comment about some of the conferences around town. My favorite, this last couple of months, has to be EZNet. In EZNet, you can find any topic of conversation you might want, anything from recipes to politics. The first of these, I won't touch with a ten foot pole. It is the second issue that I do wish to comment on. Primarily, "Gays In The Military". It seems to me, that with all the REAL issues facing this country, that the press could find a more urgent one to "sensationalize". But, since this topic appears to be the "hot potato", I'll take a shot at it too. There will come a time in this country, when "the draft" will have to be reinstated. With this in mind, how can we afford to have a system, by which, if a young man did not want to go, all he has to do is say, "Uh, gee Sarge, I'd like to, but I'm gay". I have a feeling that that line will be the longest at the recruitment center. For those who doubt a draft, remember this: man will always be at war with man. So it is inevitable that a war will flare up somewhere, a war that will require the young men and women of this nation to be called upon to defend it. I have heard all the hysteria about why homosexuals should not be allowed in the military, but I have not heard any REASONS, only excuses. There is no reason why a homosexual cannot serve a distinguished career in the military, if allowed to do so. If we as a nation attempt to take away fundamental rights, and I'm talking about "....and bear arms", then why not take away some more, like "taxes"? Considering the state of this nation, I feel there are a few more urgent issues that affect all of us. This issue will have very little effect on any of us. I am waaaaay past the age of serving, so it does not affect me, but I still find myself voicing opinions on it. Whichever side of the issue you take, then by all means, write your congressman and let him know. While you are writing him, ask what he plans to do about, unemployment, taxes, welfare, prison systems, social security, health coverage, drugs, children with guns, adults with guns, crime, stock brokers that bilk millions from us and walk away clean, Somalia, Cuba, Haiti, Bosnia, Iraq, and TV stations that mislead the public about BBS's. (I had to do that) There are many many more issues that face us (all of us) that, to me, should be acted on and publicized more so than this issue. This issue has made front page headlines across the nation. I ask you, is this a ploy to take our minds off the real state of this nation? I can be e-mailed at WEEKENDS, or any EZNet conference, and I should get it eventually. Congratulations to BTN for it's upcoming fifth anniversary. [David Moss is the sysop of Weekends BBS (841-8583) and is also a contributing writer to BTN as of this month, with an article you'll see later in the issue.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Editor's Note: The following article was scheduled to be included in last month's issue of BTN, but was accidentally left out.] Well, here is the U.S.R. announcement, in, I think, it's entirety, courtesy of the Internet: Following the anouncment is a discuession with US Robotics, Dale Walsh, one of the committee members of the CCITT study group developing the CCITT V.Fast Standard. U.S. ROBOTICS ANNOUNCES THE LAST MODEM YOU'LL EVER BUY Provides Migration Path to Forthcoming CCITT 28.8 Kbps Standard --------------------------------------------------------------- SKOKIE, Ill. -- June 8, 1992 -- U.S. Robotics today announced an upgrade program for the CCITT-proposed standard of 28.8 Kbps, previously referred to as V.FAST. The Courier V.32bis, Courier HST Dual Standard and Shared Access Modem Sharing Kits are the products currently included in the program. Field upgrades will be available for $299 as soon as the CCITT 28.8 Kbps draft recommendation is completed. Official approval of the standard is not expected until January, 1994. "The CCITT-proposed 28.8 Kbps standard won't be a reality for most manufacturers until 1994," said Jonathan Zakin, U.S. Robotics executive vice president, sales and marketing. "By offering modems ready for 28.8 Kbps now, we're providing insurance against technical obsolescence. Customers can purchase a Courier high-speed modem or Shared Access Modem Sharing Kit now and take advantage of the most updated technology available. When the 28.8 Kbps standard becomes available later, they'll already have a cost-effective upgrade option and won't have to re-invest in new equipment." "Key to the 28.8 Kbps program is the fact that the upgrade to the Courier high-speed modems and Shared Access Modem Sharing Kits can be completed by the end user at their worksite, which reduces their `down' time and eliminates excess costs like shipping and handling," continued Zakin. "You may hear about other 28.8 Kbps modems that are available now, but until the standard is defined, no one knows what hardware will be needed to comply. Our unique modem architecture makes future `field' upgrades a realistic and simple procedure." Because of U. S. Robotics' advanced modular modem architecture, the company's Courier V.32bis, Courier HST Dual Standard, and Shared Access modems are readily upgradable to 28.8Kbps. The modems are made up of a motherboard and a smaller daughterboard, which holds the modems' microprocessors and firmware. The current, high-speed daughterboard can easily be replaced with a new board containing the 28.8 Kbps CCITT standard. U.S. Robotics is the only modem manufacturer to implement this kind of flexible design. "In the CClTT, the previously called `V.FAST' standard has gained universal support at the 28.8Kbps speed," said Dale Walsh, U.S. Robotics vice president, advanced development and participant in the CCITT committee on the 28.8 Kbps standard, "This is how our modular architecture works. The data pump (which executes the modulation and demodulation of the data), and the key controller functions (which perform the data compression, error control and the AT command set) are on one board, making upgrades simple. We can easily make the data pump faster and upgrade the controller functions to keep up with the new speed. It's all in just one small plug-in card." Because compatibility with CCITT standards is crucial, U.S. Robotics' availability and implementation of the 28.8Kbps standard will depend on the CClTT's progress. At this time, the standard is expected to define a connect speed of 28.8 Kbps, two times faster than V.32bis, the fastest CCITT standard now available. U.S. Robotics is one of the first vendors to announce a program for 28.8Kbps compatibility. The company has a history of industry "firsts," including the first CCITT V.32bis modem from a major manufacturer, the first self-managing modem management system and the first portable CCITT V.32 modem. U.S. Robotics will upgrade any Modem Sharing Kit to 28.8Kbps. Current Courier models, which have the smaller footprint and a higher, 57.6 Kbps DCE to DTE (modem-to-computer) interface speed, are also upgradable. The company's upgrade program does not include WorldPort and Sportster modems. U. S. Robotics Courier modems offer a wide range of features, including fax, remote configuration, and synchronous capabilities. The Shared Access Modem Sharing Kits, which began shipping in March, 1992, allow for the pooling of modems on a LAN so that a LAN user can access them for dial-in or dial-out communications. The following products will be upgradable to 28.8 Kbps: Courier V.32 bis, internal and external (57,600 bps versions only) Courier HST Dual Standard, internal and external (57,600 bps versions only) Courier V.32 bis FAX, internal and external Courier HST Dual Standard FAX, internal and external Shared Access Modem Sharing Kit Single Port and Dual Port ------------------------------------------------------------------- BBSing In The Real World by Damion Furi :DISILLUSIONED I have a confession to make. I am a prejudiced snob. And a very disillusioned one, at that. Before those of you scenting blood attempt to charge for the kill, let me explain something. I am not your ordinary prejudiced snob. I care not a whit whether you are rich or poor, white or black, heterosexual or homosexual, male or female, physically handicapped or healthy, nor do I care about any other such label that normally attracts the prejudiced as sharks to blood. I am an intellectual snob, and I have a marked prejudice against the willfully ignorant and the arrogantly stupid. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Damion is going to rant. I am going to go on such a binge of ranting as you have rarely experienced. Allow me only a moment to pull my soapbox out from under my desk...Ah, much better. (I've always maintained that one simply cannot rant properly without a good old-fashioned wooden soapbox.) Now, where was I? Oh, yes; the willfully ignorant and the arrogantly stupid. I failed to recognize it until just very recently, but I realized that I suffered a severe disillusionment from the state of our BBSs. I did not - quite - expect an electronic ivory tower. But neither did I expect a digital reflection of the stupidities of the real world. For the most part, as I have said before, BBS users and sysops tend to be a breed apart, as helpful and generous as any you could wish to meet. And yet, they still carry over into our private worlds the attitudes of the outside world: the pettiness, the viciousness, and the unconscious lousiness of their small-minded prejudice and hate. It must be a lonely feeling, really, to be a two-cent Hitler from the warmth and comfort of their apartments and homes in the United States of America ("Land of the Free, Home of the Brave"). It must be a lonely feeling to be absolutely and unswervingly convinced that something must be "wrong" with "faggots," and that "niggers" are "so obviously" subordinate to "us masters," and that "bitches" are just "absolutely and unquestionably" good for nothing but "cleaning house" and doing certain other things that our Beloved Editor would be forced to censor if I were so crude and tasteless as to actually state the case in black and white in what is intended to be a "family" magazine (whatever that means). Am I really being so naive to expect better from a group that consistantly shells out thousands of dollars of hard-earned money to participate in a technological bonanza? Am I being so naive to expect intelligent, rational thought from a group that has spent millions of man-hours learning the various mysteries of a thing as opaque as the computer? So it would seem. I was naive, and now I am disillusioned. I have seen the nature of the beast, so to speak, and so walk on hurt, confused, and dazed. Please believe me when I say that little is so painful as having your illusions ripped from your mind and violently shredded in front of your eyes. I wonder how many share my views, and how many will continue to espouse the putridness of their souls? How many of you will continue to seek justification for your narrow-minded hate? How many of you will continue to harrass others politically, socially, or physically weaker than yourselves? How many of you will continue to voice of your despite of others that are, in the final analysis, as human as yourselves? And, regardless of whom you hate, they are indeed human. They bleed, they laugh, they cry, they fail, they succeed, they work, they play, they are members of families much like your own... They have human failings, human virtues, human goals, and human dreams. These whom you hate are as deserving of the chances you've had as you are now deserving of future chances - to do anything! Anything at all... ---- Damion Furi owns Freelance Support Services, an administrative and computer support service primarily serving other freelancers, which he runs from home. Services include OCR & color scanning, desktop & disktop publishing (including AutoDesk animation), managerial, and administrative services. For a current list of services, E-Mail your request c/o Nirvana, Owlabama, Teaser's, The Matrix, or Baudville. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Freedom or Will You PLEASE Grow Up?!?!?! by Lurch Henson I was laying in bed this afternoon, reading through the Sunday paper, when I found something that really ticked me off. I wondered why the comic strip that was usually on the last page was now on the second, and I certainly found out why..... Here's what I found when I turned to the last page of the funny papers..... "WE ARE OUTRAGED! And we're not going to put up with it any longer! We're a group of mothers, fathers, grandparents and other citizens who are outraged at how today's movies, TV-programs, music- videos and records are hurting our children, our families and our country. For example: We're DISMAYED that today 1.1 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 get pregnant each year. We're SHOCKED when we learn that two thirds of all births to 15 and 19 year old girls are out of wedlock. We're FRIGHTENED at the way violence and crime are spreading everywhere and threatening our children, our families and our homes. We say it's time to put the blame where we think it belongs: SHAME on the music industry for letting singers who are the idols of our children put out RECORDS and MUSIC-VIDEOS which blatantly encourage sex and 'say' to our children that sex is proper at any age...that everyone is 'doing it'...and abstinence is old fashioned. SHAME on Hollywood for an endless stream of films filled with PROFANITY, NUDITY, SEX, VIOLENCE and KILLINGS. For example, the giant hit "Basic Instinct" features murders during orgasms, setting a new standard of perversion even for today's movies. SHAME on NBC-TV for allowing "Saturday Night Live", which is a favorite with young people, to put on skits about masturbation, morticians having sex with dead people etc., etc., ad nauseam. SHAME on TV programmers whose desire for ratings and profits results in the average child of 16 having seen more than 200,000 ACTS OF VIOLENCE AND 33,000 MURDERS. Is it any wonder violence is epidemic? SHAME on the film industry which long ago stopped reflecting the values of most families and has now abolished the "X" rating, replacing it with "NC-17" so sex-filled, erotic, bloody films will no longer be barred from community movie houses. SHAME ON TV Soap Opera producers whose standards of decency have sunk so low that one of them tells his writers, "Hot, make it hot", and another admits they are trying to see "just how far they can 'push it' on daytime"...when they KNOW that during the afternoon hours more than two thirds of all TV viewers are children! Yes, we are OUTRAGED at all this...and a great deal more. We say the tragic price our children, families and country are paying demands something be done to end what's going on. Alone we can't stop it. But together we think we can. The REAL CAUSE of the sex, violence, filth and profanity is with the writers, directors, producers, singers, actors, etc. But THEY can be controlled. All it takes is for the Boards of Directors of their companies to order them to stop! Remember when movies were wholesome family entertainment? That's when people at the top SET STANDARDS AND ENFORCED them. We're going to insist that happen again." Well, I agree with them in one place.....but ONLY in one place. I DO think it's well past time to place the blame for all the problems in the USA today....but it damn well isn't with the entertainment industry. It rests firmly, and solely, with the PARENTS! Yes, you HEARD ME! It's ALL YOUR FAULT! Wake up and smell the garbage you're shoveling, people! Have you got ANY idea where your kid was last night? Are you SURE? I'll bet you're WRONG! And the reason is that the VAST majority of the parents would rather find some other reason, ANY other reason, for why their kids are turning out so badly than to admit the simple truth, that THEY SCREWED UP. Get off it, parents! Accept the fact that you made a BIG mistake, and FIX IT! Don't look for scapegoats in Hollywood, you are the ones that are supposed to be in charge of the developement of your children. YOU handle their education. YOU design their world view. And YOU are the ones that are FULLY RESPONSIBLE for the beings you are turning loose on the world when they turn 18 (and yes, in the state of Alabama you are LEGALLY obligated to provide for them UNTIL 18. If you throw them out before then, because you can't handle the RESPONSIBILITY, they can take YOU to court over it, and WIN. A girl in Lower Alabama did just that, and now she charges her parents rent in the house she won from them in the settlement). But, let's look at this tirade that was a FULL PAGE AD on the last page of the Sunday Comics section of the Birmingham News. First off, I'm REALLY ticked off because of where they put it. I can just see it've got a little girl that's just learning how to read, and is enjoying using the funny papers to do so. Into the kitchen wanders your little girl with the funnies, and sits down next to you at the breakfast table..... LITTLE GIRL: "Mommie, what's an ORGASM? And why do you kill somebody when they have one?" MOMMIE: "WHAT! Where did you hear THAT?!?!?" I'll tell you, Mommie....she read that out of her funny papers, right there on the last page, in the ad full of big words she was having lots of fun sounding out to herself a few minutes ago, where it was talking about a movie named "Basic Instinct". A movie which this little girl would known nothing about, because mommy probably didn't take her when she and daddy went to see it, before coming home and going to bed early and making all those nice, warm, loving sounds in the bedroom all night long..... But now, thanks to an ad which is trying to PROTECT this little girl, she wants to know from her loving mommie what an orgasm is, and why it's so bad that you have to kill someone that has one. Well, I don't know about YOU, Mommie, but I've NEVER had one that was that look what you have to straighten out. Little early for that "talk" you planned to put off until she was 18, isn't it? Secondly, it REALLY upsets me when someone else wants to tell me what I can and can not watch, see, or WRITE. Yes, WRITE. You see, I'm also one of those TERRIBLE PEOPLE that are destroying this country by writing "erotica". So what? I DON'T go stand outside of a schoolyard and grab little boys and girls and make them read it. I DON'T take mine, or anyone else's, to ANYONE of ANY age and force them to read or view it. I don't know of ANYONE that has been tied down, their fingers broken and the battery taken out of their remote control (because everyone knows there is no other way to change the channel than by remote control) so they HAVE to watch these TERRIBLE things that are broadcast on TV every day. And I DEFINATELY don't know of anyone that has been forced to watch a Soap Opera...... Not too many years ago a preacher did something I'm never going to forgive him for. Some preacher here in this great state decided that he didn't like a satelite TV channel named American XXX-tasy. So what did he do? Not watch it? No, that would have been the intelligent thing to do. Instead, he decided that he'd have to get rid of it. He decided, for you, that he didn't want ANYONE to watch it. Maybe he just felt that if it were still being broadcast to this state, he'd be too tempted to go over to his friend's house and watch it, I don't know. All I know is that this man decided that *I* could no longer watch that particular satelite TV channel, and he managed to get it blocked from reception to all of the state of Alabama. How, I do not know. The mechanics of it is something that I puzzle over even today. I would REALLY like to know how it's done, but no matter, it's done, and now I CAN'T watch it any more. He made HIS choice, he doesn't watch it anymore. But he ALSO made the choice for every other person in this state. NO ONE in this state can now watch it, except for those few along the borders that can barely pick it up where it's being sent to the states around us. These people are trying to do the same thing, but to EVERYONE, not just the state of Alabama, and NOT JUST ONE CHANNEL, but ALL CHANNELS, as well as ALL MOVIES, VIDEO TAPES, RADIO STATIONS, BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, in fact, ANYTHING that can be determined to be ANYTHING that THEY don't like.....which basically can be interpreted to be almost anything that *I* DO like..... Think about it for a minute, people. They are calling for an end to all of the things that make life interesting these days. They want all the movies that come out of Hollywood to be carbon copies of the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". You know the one....Jimmy Stewart gets to find out what life would be like without him in it....the one that plays OVER and OVER again every Christmas. How many of you get sick of it when you hear it starting up? I thought so..... What these people want is for all the people that are making so much money off of these movies to stop making them. THINK a minute. So much money. Hmmmmmm, well, where does the money come from? Someone must like these movies..... Someone must like these movies ALOT. It's these few that DON'T like them, or don't like US liking them. The mere fact that so much money is made from all these "destructive" things is because they are POPULAR. They are what people WANT. Don't think that just because SO MANY like it that it can't be taken away, though. People liked that satelite TV channel too, but a handful of people got rid of it. The ad that ran Sunday states that they have 738,983 petitions to put a stop to this entertainment, and it was far less than that that got rid of a TV channel. One of the last things in the ad is this.... "Spare us the censorship lecture - you in the entertainment industry. And this is not an appeal for prudery. All we want is to get the movie, TV and record industries to act responsibly. Our children, our families and our country are being hurt too much for us to remain silent." The movie, TV, and record industries ARE acting responsibly, it is YOU, the parents, that are not. Like I said above, quit trying to find a scapegoat and get to work RAISING your kids. It's YOUR job, YOUR responsibility, and YOUR children. In the end, you're going to be the only one you can blame if you screw it up, so grow up, and then help your children to do so. In fact, you might even want to go so far as to TRY and learn a little from you children. Chances are, they're a Hell of alot more adult than most of you..... Don't complain when they start lieing to you and blaming other children for their mistakes....after all, it's what you're teaching them to do right now....... 9303.1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sysop >< Software >< User by David Moss Recently, I made a flippant statement regarding the success of software being dependant on the user. The exact quote later. So, after a ton of messages, all of which is overwhelmingly against that statement, I wish for equal time for a rebuttal. Now for the (infamous and profound) statement that got me into all of this: "The success of the software is determined by the user, not the sysop." At first glance, it seems innocent enough, but, after a few messages to me on this subject, I started to do some thinking on it. You see, the statement was made in response to the controversy over the new Robo BBS software. It seemed an appropriate concept (at that time) that if the users took a liking to it that it would probably succeed. Before we go to far, keep in mind that I am referring to "software", and not a particular bulletin board. When a person sets out to start a bulletin board (after his or her analyst has prescribed proper medication), one of the first decisions he or she will be faced with is the selection of "software". Now there are other considerations (divorce lawyers, telephone lines, modems, computers, where you will leech your files from, and so forth), but for now, lets stay with the "software". Let's say you've got a catalog in front of you that lists every available BBS "software" on today's market. The first column your eyes may be attracted to is the price column. And that's okay, because everyone does not have an unlimited budget. What the average person may do here is set a limit, and attempt to get the most for his or her dollar. (NOT ME, I put mine on VISA and worried about paying for it later; I hid the bill, and told hun it was the "test drive version", but then you already knew I'm not average.) Now that you are faced with capabilities, what exactly will this "software" do? What do you need it to do? Do you need it with door capabilities? What about file transfer protocols? Does it support all of the standard ones in use today? Does it come with a mail door (for dummies like me who can't type)? Is it multi-node? (You may want this type; you can always hide the phone bill, and another modem is real easy to hide.) Does it support a front end mail tosser? What about editing options? How many users will the database support? Has it got graphic capabilities? Are graphics optional or mandatory? Does it come with a screen saver? What about maximum file areas? (THIS IS IMPORTANT for when you REALLY begin sucking files from other boards.) Okay, I think you've got the picture. You must agree that there are a plethora of questions for considerations on the "software" alone. You see, things like modems are easy to make a decision on. (Do like I did: have a "pair" of 16.8 "dualies" Fed-Exed in from U.S. Robotics -- Visa of course -- and tell hun they're "smoke detectors". After all, you will need two modems. You can't have the board down due to a lame modem. MAKE SURE that you are the one who gets the bill on this little stunt! One slip here, and you may need that attorney I mentioned earlier.) Ok, for some final conclusions, we finally come to setup. Is this software easy to set up? Or do you have to sit with the manual in your lap? Are you constantly on the phone to the author in Poland? Since you will be the very first person to USE this "software", it should be easy to set-up, structure the security profiles, conference definitions, door assembly, and leave a small "footprint". Now you should be ready for the first few callers. Here is where I originally thought the success was determined. And, there is some merit to the "Statement". Right here is where your USER takes over (although not entirely, so don't write me on this one point). If the USER logs on and has little or no trouble negotiating the "software", then can you say it will be a success? Not hardly! You see, when I "shot from the hip" with that statement I was thinking of the USER as the person who calls the board and logs on. And I was right to a certain degree. I only forgot one thing! And that is that the very "first" person that logs onto that board will be the sysop. If this "software" does not work for the very first user (which will be the sysop), then that user will determine the success of that particular "software". In closing, when I made that fateful statement, I was confusing user with sysop. In reality, they are both users; that particular "software" must function properly for both: the sysop, who will probably spend more time logging on than anyone else, and the user, who calls on occasion. Whichever side of the fence you're on, you must agree with that. "The User Determines The Success of The Software". ( period ) How was that for weaseling my way out of a fix? One final word: This is such an expensive hobby. If you decide to take the plunge, take the time to do a little research. Ask some friends for advice, ask manufacturers for pamphlets or even "test drive versions". Don't just plug a phone wire in and call yourself a BBS. You will find that it takes a lot of money and time to do this stuff, all with very little thanks from anyone. But, to me, it's the greatest hobby in the world! And if I ever get in a tight, I can always sell a couple of used "smoke detectors". See ya in a conference somewhere, I hope! ---- David Moss is the sysop of Weekends BBS (841-8583). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Music In March by Judy Ranelli Mon. 1 Celebrity Toast and Jam at The Nick What is the world IS this? I have no idea. One sometimes has to take chances. If it's awful, you can always leave. Tue. 2 ITCHY WIGS at The Nick Mark Kimbrell is one of those people who manages to keep revolving players in a band and still kick butt. Thur. 4 SPUNKADILLY at Flamingos They are from Huntsville and are one of the weirdest acts I've seen lately. If you're in the SCA and its ilk you probably would like them. Jury's still out on my vote. Fri. 5 SUGAR LA-LAS/PINKY THE STABBER at Louie Louie Wouldn't you know that two of my favorite bands are finally playing together! I don't have to work, so I'm going to have fun. Mon. 8 GOD'S FAVORITE BAND/BUMPING UGLIES at The Nick The Uglies are completely chaotic and anything with the name God's Favorite Band gets my attention, even if just for a brief visit. Not for Journey fans. Tues. 9 TOPPER PRICE at Oteys He has a penchant for pissing off club owners and plays music too. What more could you want? Thurs. 11 SUGAR LA-LAS at The Underground (in Montevallo) I point this out because I was unaware that this place existed, and I like the La Las, so it would be something I'd attend if I wanted an excuse for a short road trip. I might even get some free beer out of the La Las. Fri. 12 ELLEN JAMES SOCIETY at the Rock'n Horse Didn't know this band still existed. Have no idea what they sound like, but they are from Atlanta (oooooooh). Will write home soon. Sat. 13 PINKY THE STABBER at The Nick Okay, I already mentioned them earlier this month but if you missed that you should see this. Wed. 17 REMY ZERO at The Nick Their fabled contract, according to sources, is on Capitol. It appears they intend to perform live these days, so come check them out. Thur. 18 MAMBO COMBO at Oteys This strange mutation of the Ho-Ho Men rises again to surprise me. I enjoyed them years ago: if it's the same members I'll enjoy them now. Fri. 19 HO-HO MEN at The Nick Ah, I see the light! Apparently Ho-Ho Men reunions are going to consistently occur on my worknights. I'm jealous of you who shall attend. Sat 20 WEBB WILDER at Louie Louie He has been here many times and his shows are consistently fun. Thurs. 25 BISCUITS at The Underground (in Montevallo) Led by Will Kimbrough, of Will and the Bushmen. He is a very nice person, one heck of a guy, and I just may go down there and see his band. I expect they will be great. Sat. 27 DASH RIP ROCK/BARKING TRIBE at The Nick Do you like Dash Rip Rock? I don't, actually, but lots of people do. I'm just too cool to like anything that popular, you know what I mean? So I'll slink inside and lurk in a corner to watch the Barking Tribe. Then I'll leave and everyone else can dance and drink and have fun. Mon. 29 GRISTLE TWINS at The Nick There is NO band that I have heard more talk about lately then the Gristle Twins. Everyone who talks about them insists that they are great. If I were you, and you happened to be 21 or 22, and a "120 Minutes" addict, and you were bored and free this Monday, I would go check it out. After all, if you hate it, you can always blame me. The Nick is trying an experiment called "Saturday Night Six Pack" this March 20, which is rumored to be six little known local bands in a row. The logistics of this concept stagger me. First, they will have to fit six bands worth of equipment in the club. Then they will have to do six sound checks (poor soundman!) and each band will have to play a very short set. Finally, the bands will have to split the pay six ways. Will this work? I can't see how it would work *smoothly*. Will I attend? If I can, out of curiosity. Personally, I think that it's high time some lesser known bands got the opportunity to play weekends in Birmingham. Bands are in a Catch-22: they are expected to draw a crowd on a weeknight, when everyone has to work the next day, in order to earn a weekend night. The end result is a couple of popular bands remain popular and the rest spin their heels on weeknights. Then, when the popularity of a weekend band fades, there is nothing to replace them. I hope this changes. Louie Louie is making a sincere effort to book alternative bands. They offered Alice Donut last month and Suzanne Vega sometime soon (although I couldn't find out when.) ---- Judy Ranelli is a local musician who has started listing "BTN Music Editor" on her resumes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note from the editor: The following BTN ProFile was not submitted by our usual ProFiler, The Bishop, or anyone else on our staff, as far as I know. It was a private submission, and thus it shall remain.] BTN ProFile If you've perused the message bases (most notably the Baud Brothers and RoadKill Ralph's conferences) on Alter Ego, you may have run across a curious phenomenon who just burst on the scene. Not being one to deny your right to the latest breaking news, I have managed to catch this newcomer in our midst and grab him long enough to ask him a few questions. I know you're just dying for the answers, so without further delay, here's a: ProFile on Billy Bob Crawdad Age: I'm in my prime, son! Oh, you want an actual number? In that case, let's just say 40+. Birthplace: Nashville, TN Occupation: Homeless vagabond and one-time goat and pig farmer. My hobbies include: Trying to get my twin brother, Bob Crawford, to invite me over for Chili. I want to see if his recipe approximates that of our dear old mother. I doubt I will be able to make this comparison since he continues to deny my existence. Years telecomputing: Less than 1. Three days, actually. My oddest habit is: Herding all the goats into the barn, locking the doors, turning the lights down low and... No, wait. That's my brother's oddest habit. My greatest unfulfilled ambition is: To be accepted and loved by my dear brother, Bobbles! The single accomplishment of which I am most proud is: Finding the kind folks at Alter Ego who were nice enough to give me a forum in which to entreat my brother to open up his heart to me. That, and graduating the third grade. My favorite performers are: The Everly Brothers, The Bee Gees and the Smothers Brothers The last good movie I saw was: "Brother Rat" with Ronald Reagan, an actor's actor. The last good book I read was: "The Brothers Karamazov" If they were making a movie of my life, I'd like to see my part played by: Why, Bobbles, of course. There's such an uncanny resemblance. My pet peeves are: Being thought of as the figment of my brother's imagination. When nobody's looking, I like to: Herd all the goats into the barn, lock all the doors and...oh. I told you about that already. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SIG's (Special Interest Groups), Computer Related ------------------------------------------------- BEPCUG CCS Birmingham East PC Users Group Commodore Club South Jefferson Sate Jr. College Springville Road Library Ruby Carson Hall, Rm 114 2nd & 4th Tuesday (C64/C128) 3rd Friday, 7-9 PM 3rd Monday (Amiga) Paula Ballard 251-6058 (after 5PM) 7:30-10 PM BCCC BIPUG Birmingham Commodore Computer Club Birmingham IBM-PC Users Group POB 59564 UAB Nutrition Science Blg Birmingham, Al 35259 RM 535/541 UAB School of Education, Rm 153 1st Sunday (delayed one week 2nd and 4th Sundays, 2 PM if meeting is a holiday) Rusty Hargett 854-5172 Marty Schulman 967-5883 BACE FAOUG Birmingham Atari Computer First Alabama Osborne Users Enthusiast Group Vestavia Library, downstairs Homewood Library 2nd Monday, 7 PM 1st Saturday, 1PM Benny Brown 822-5059 Ed Purquez 669-5200 CADUB BGS/CIG CAD Users of Birmingham Birmingham Genealogical Society/ Homewood Library Computer Interest Group 3rd Tuesday, 6:30PM-8:30PM Birmingham Public Library Bobby Benson 791-0426 3rd Floor Auditorium 2rd Sunday, 2:30 PM Robert Matthews 631-9783 or Bone Yard BBS RAHSPCUG Ramsay Alternative High School PC Users Group Ramsay High School 1800 13th Avenue South last Wednesday of each month (September-April) from 3:02-3:35 Lee Nocella 581-5120 SIG's, Non-Computer Related --------------------------- BBC Birmingham Astronomy Club Blue Box Companions Subject: Astronomy Subject: Dr. Who Red Mountain Museum Annex Hoover Library 4th Tuesday, 7:30PM 1st Saturday, 2PM-5PM If you belong to or know of a user group that is not listed, please let us know by sending E-Mail to Barry Bowden on The Matrix BBS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Known BBS Numbers For The Birmingham Area NAME NUMBER BAUD RATES MODEM BBS SOFTWARE SUPPORTED TYPE 221-B Baker Street 856-7034 1200-2400 VBBS 5.6 [vi, al] ADAnet One (Nodes 1-3) 854-9074 1200-2400 PCBoard 14.5 [ez, fi, ad] ADAnet One (Node 4) 854-5863 9600-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, fi, ad] Alcatraz BBS 608-0880 300-9600 VBBS 5.6 [he] Alter-Ego BBS 925-5099 1200-9600 USR HST PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn] Asgard 663-9171 300-9600 V.32 WWIV 4.21a [ez, al, te] Baudville (Node 1) 640-4593 300-2400 Major BBS 6.02 [none] Baudville (Node 2) 640-4639 300-2400 Major BBS 6.02 [none] Baudville (Node 3) 640-7243 300-2400 Major BBS 6.02 [none] Baudville (Node 4) 640-7286 300-2400 Major BBS 6.02 [none] Bert's BBS 424-2872 300-2400 WWIV 4.21 [none] Bone Yard, The 631-6023 300-9600 USR HST PCBoard 14.5 [fi, ez] Bus System 987-5419 300-2400 PCBoard 14.2 [none] Byte Me! 979-BYTE! 2400-14400 USR HST WWIV 4.12 [ez, th, al] Cannibal Cafe 942-9576 300-2400 VBBS 5.52 [none] Castle, The 841-7618 300-2400 Image 1.2 [none] Castle Rock 995-9900 1200-19200 VBBS 5.6 [vi, al, he] Channel 8250 (Node 1) 744-8546 300-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, un] Channel 8250 (Node 2) 744-5166 300-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, un] Christian Apologetic 808-0763 1200-14400 V.32bis Wildcat! 3.55 [wi, bc, ru] Cow's Head 856-2465 1200-2400 Hermes 1.7 [none] Crunchy Frog (Node 1) 823-3957 300-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn, lu] Crunchy Frog (Node 2) 823-3958 300-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn, lu] DataLynx BBS 328-7688 300-2400 WWIV 4.21 [ez] DataWorks BBS! 664-0406 300-2400 PCBoard 14.5 [un, sm, dv, rf, rs, in] Deep Space 9 (Node 1) 980-1089 300-14400 Wildcat! 3.60 [di, fi] Deep Space 9 (Node 2) 991-2095 300-14400 Wildcat! 3.60 [di, fi] Den, The 933-8744 300-9600 USR HST ProLogon/ProDoor [ez, mn, il] Digital Publishing 854-1660 300-9600 V.32 Wildcat! 3.01 [pl] Drawing Room 951-2391 300-2400 Wildcat! 3.02 [di] EcoBBS 933-2238 300-2400 VBBS 5.6 [al] Family Smorgas-Board 744-0943 300-2400 PCBoard 14.5 [ez, fi, mj, bc, fa, ic, cf, cd, np, ag, ve, ad] Flip Side 798-3961 300-2400 Renegade 8.27 [none] Frat House 252-1274 300-9600 V.42bis FirstClass 2.09 [none] Gateway BBS 425-8772 300-2400 Image 1.2 [none] Genesis Online (Nodes 1-4) 620-4144 300-14400 V.32bis Major BBS 5.3 [mr] Guardian, The 425-1951 1200-9600 V.32bis VBBS 5.6 [vi] Hacker's Corner 674-5449 1200-2400 MNP4 PCBoard 14.5 [none] Hardeman's BBS 640-6436 1200-14400 Wildcat! 3.51 [wi, di, bc] Hardware Hotline 631-6629 300-14400 V.32/42 VBBS 5.52 [none] Headland, The 991-0947 300-14400 V.32bis VBBS 5.6 [he, vi] Highlander BBS 856-9391 300-2400 VBBS 5.6 [none] Homewood's Hell Hole 870-9067 2400-14440 V.32bis VBBS 5.6 [he] Hoots With Owls 520-9540 1200-14400 V.32bis TriBBS 3.3 [cc, tr] Illuminatus BBS 871-0489 1200-9600 VBBS 5.6 [vi, al] Infinite Probability 791-0421 2400-14400 VBBS 5.6 [vi, al] Intruder Enterprizes 969-0870 300-9600 V.32 VBBS 5.6 [vi, al] Joker's Castle 664-5589 300-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn, un] KickAxis BBS 733-0253 1200-14400 USR DS VBBS 5.6 [he] Last Word 663-4721 300-2400 VBBS 5.6 [he] Lemon Grove 836-1184 300-12000 V.42bis SLBBS 2.25 [fi, sl] Lion & The Unicorn 424-1599 1200-57600 VBBS 5.6 [ga, al, vi] Magic City 664-9883 300-14400 V.42bis Wildcat! 3.55 [cc, dx, tr] Magnolia BBS 854-6407 300-14400 USR HST PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn] MATRIX, The (Nodes 1-14) 323-2016 300-2400 PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn, th, il, in, al, sh, sc, gl, ic, ri, fr] MATRIX, The (Nodes 20-23) 323-6016 9600-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn, th, il, in, al, sh, sc, gl, ic, ri, fr] MATRIX, The (Node 25-26 458-3449 9600-14400 V.32bis PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn, th, il, in, al, sh, sc, gl, ic, ri, fr] MetaBoard 854-4814 300-14400 USR DS Opus [fi, ad] Milliways BBS 956-3177 1200-14440 V.32 VBBS 5.6 [he, vi, al] Missing Link 853-1257 300-16800 USR DS C-Net Amiga 2.31 [none] Neon Moon 477-5894 300-14400 TriBBS 3.3 [dx] Night Watch 841-2790 1200-14400 USR DS TriBBS 4.0 [cc, tr, di, fi, ez, ab] Nirvana 942-6702 300-14400 V.32bis VBBS 5.6 [al, vi] Outer Limits (Node 1) 425-5871 1200-14400 USR HST Wildcat! 3.60 [fi, do, ec] Outer Limits (Node 2) 426-2939 1200-14400 V.32bis Wildcat! 3.60 [fi, do, ec] Owlabama BBS 856-2521 1200-14400 GTPower 17.06 [gt, ez, mn, cc, tr, sc, ab] Owl's Nest 680-0851 300-14400 USR DS PCBoard 14.5 [ez, mn] Party Line 856-1336 300-14000 V.32bis TriBBS 4.0 [cc, tr, di] Penny Arcade 699-4625 300-2400 Running Force! 3.75 [none] Playground 836-4200 300-14000 V.32 TriBBS 4.0 [tr, di, cc, ez, al, fr] Posys BBS 854-5131 300-9600 V.32 PCBoard [none] Quiet Zone 833-2066 300-2400 ExpressNet [none] Razor's Edge 995-0412 1200-2400 VBBS 5.6 [he, al] Safe Harbor (Node 1) 665-4332 300-2400 GTPower 17.06 [gt, ez, mn, il] Safe Harbor (Node 2) 665-4355 300-14400 USR DS GTPower 17.06 [gt, ez, mn, il] Safety BBS 581-2866 300-2400 RBBS-PC 17.4 [none] Sleepy Hollow 970-0518 300-2400 VBBS 5.6 [al] Sperry BBS 853-6144 300-2400 V.32/42bis PCBoard 14.5 [none] ST BBS 836-9311 300-2400 PCBoard 14.2 [ez] StarBase 12 647-7184 300-2400 TriBBS 3.3 [ez, mn] Southern Stallion 699-4797 300-2400 V.32bis PCBoard 14.5 [ez, th, lu, an, pr] Teasers 987-0122 300-2400 WWIV 4.21 [al] T.G.U.E. BBS 681-0002 1200-38400 V.42 RoBoBBS v.108/ [ez, mn, rb] WWIV v.4.21 Thy Master's Dungeon 940-2116 300-57600 V.32/42bis PCBoard 14.5 [fr] Torch Song 328-1517 300-9600 V.32 Wildcat 3.55 [pr, se, st, do] Trauma Room 823-9127 300-9600 VBBS 5.6 [vi, al, ww, lo, rp] Weekends BBS 841-8583 2400-16800 USR DS Wildcat! 3.6 [none] Willie's DYM (Node 1) 664-9902 300-2400 Oracomm Plus [or] Willie's DYM (Node 2) 664-9903 300-2400 Oracomm Plus [or] Willie's DYM (Node 3) 664-9895 300-2400 Oracomm Plus [or] Willie's DYM (Node 4) 664-9896 300-2400 Oracomm Plus [or] Word, The 833-2831 300-2400 WWIV 4.12 [al, ez] Ziggy Unix BBS 991-5696 300-1200 UNaXess [none] The many symbols you see prior to the names of many of the bbs' in the list signify that they are members of one or more networks that exchange or echo mail to each other in some organized fashion. ad = ADAnet, an international network dedicated to the handicapped ag = AgapeNet, a national Christian network, multi-topic al = AlaNet, a local network, multi-topic an = Annex Network, uncertain at press time bc = BCBNet, a local network, religion-oriented bh = BhamTalk, a local network, multi-topic cc = City2City, a national network, multi-topic cd = CDN, a national Christian network for file distribution cf = CFN, a national Christian network, multi-topic de = DevNet, an international network for programmers and developers di = Dixie Net, a regional network, multi-topic geared toward the south eastern United States do = DoorNet, a national network for the distribution of BBS doors ec = EchoNet, uncertain at press time ez = EzNet, a local IBM compatible network fa = FamilyNet, an international network, multi-topic fi = FidoNet, an international network, multi-topic fr = FredNet, a regional network, political discussion ga = GameNet, a local network, uncertain at press time gl = GlobalLink, an international network, multi-topic gt = GTNet, an international network, multi-topic he = HellNet, a local network, multi-topic ic = ICDM, an international Christian network, multi-topic il = ILink, an international network, multi-topic ic = Intelec, a national network, multi-topic in = InterNet, an international network, linking businesses, universities, and bbs', multi-topic lo = LocalNet, uncertain at press time lu = LuciferNet, an international network, adult oriented ma = MAXnet, a local network, connecting WWIV and VBBS systems mj = MJCN, an international network for Messianic Jews mn = Metronet, an international network which echoes RIME, multi-topic mr = MajorNet, an international network, multi-topic np = NPN, a national network for new parents or = OraNet, a national E-mail network pl = PlanoNet, a national network, multi-topic pr = PrideNet, a local homosexually oriented network rf = RF Net, a national network for ham radio users and hobbyists ri = RIME, an international network, multi-topic rb = RoboLink, a national network, multi-topic rp = RPGnet, a local network for role-playing games rs = RoseNet, a national network, technically oriented ru = RushNet, a national network for Rush Limbaugh fans sc = Science Factor Net, a national network, science and technology oriented se = SEC, a regional network, homosexually oriented geared toward the southeastern United States sh = Shades N Shadows Net, a national network for role-playing games sl = SearchlightNet, a national network, multi-topic sm = SmartNet, a national network, multi-topic st = StudsNet, a national network, homosexually oriented te = TECHnet, a local network, hardware and utility oriented th = ThrobNet, an international network, adult oriented tr = TriBBS Net, a national network, multi-topic un = Uni'Net, an international network, multi-topic ve = VETLink, a national network for military veterans vi = VirtualNet, an international network, multi-topic wi = WildNet, a national network, multi-topic ww = WWIV-Net, an international network, multi-topic If you have any corrections, additions, deletions, etc., please let me know via a message on the main board of The Matrix or Crunchy Frog. The following BBSs appeared to be down or malfunctioning the last time I tried to verify their existence. If you have any information on their status, please drop me a line. Cow's Head Hacker's Corner Hoots With Owls Quiet Zone The Word -----------------------------------------------------------------------  .