ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pyro's Anonymous "Chaos Chronicles" Issue #3 Author: Inphiniti Co-Author: Decibel Title: Credit Card Fraud Tutorial All Rights Reserved (TM) of Chaos Chronicles (c) 1990 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Credit Card Fraud: ------------------ This the art of getting stuff for free. There many variations in ways you can get credit card information and ways you can get the stuff you want with the card. I will go into an indepth look at these ideas. General Knowledge: ------------------ Visa : 4xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx/xx Master : 5xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx/xx That is basically all you need to know. Getting Cards: -------------- There are several ways one can go about getting credit cards. There are good ways while there are dumb ways. Ideas: ------ 1.) Watch a street. Wait for the UPS man to come. Watch him closely. After he drops the package off at house where there is nobody home go and investigate the package. First off, open the invoice on the outer shell of the package. Right down that card number. Read the invoice. If its something you want, then snatch it. If not have a scotch stick'em pad and write. (Rather un-neatly) Invoiced open to get address. And then leave the package un-harmed. Also wright down the address and nam also. Now you know the four basic thing you need. 2.) Call people on the telephone and sound professional and say. " You have won a prize if your MasterCard (or visa) begins with a 5 (or a 4)" (Note Visa and 4 go together). And Say " You need the complete card number and expiration date to confirm that they have won the trip...." And ususaly 1 time outof ten somebody will give you the card number. 3.) Become a salesman where you work. Get to a position that allows you to be in contact with credit cards. Write them down when no one is looking or just plain and simply, memorize them. 4.) Goto K-Mart or some other stupid store. At the return center there is usually a book (with all the previous months canceled card) and a shoe box or box that has all the carbons in them that have yet to be shread. Grab those items and dash out of the store.. 5.) God! Use your own head. Using Cards: ------------ The safest way to do this is to sound real. Like an adult. I mean don't change your voice to too deap or there know for sure your fucking around. Talk normal and ask alot of questions about the service. Explain that you need the equipment for your cooreration but you are being payed extra to try the product first before the coorperation gets their product. Or. Order something stupid like Starter Jackets.. Sell them at school and buy what you want legally. Make sure when you give the card number out and say the name to sound sincere and not choak or studre over the name. Say the name in 4 digit sets. Recommend Way to Get Cards: #1 #1 is the most full-proof method. If you got the persons real address and its around you then bingo you got the shit you need. Order it to that address and just pick it up. Its on there bill and it will come because even if they check it good, its the correct house and name and all that shit. Pyro's Anonymous "Chaos Chronicles" CALL Inphiniti's Edge BBS (216)662-5115 Home of the Chronicles H/P/A/T/V Board! No fucking PDers or Warez doodz! Ohio's First ACS Bulletin Board System. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ  .