MARY FINDLAY'S POEMS -------------------- Various minimalist poems on various subjects. The poetess, age unknown, lives in or about Ottawa Ontario Canada. Mary is represented on this server by her agent Her agent is the producer of Cropduster, a zine also available on this server. Steve, Here is the blurb you requested. Re: myself As a child, I was frequently told that I would "sup sorrow." Personally, I can't think of a better start for a poet than guaranteed sorrow (with time-out for braggadocios). 3. A Corner Yesterday, we worked the light to paradigm, a bead furnishing a corner. Then darkness rolled the premises, work to light extinguished. 33. All Fall Up Fidgets swelling craws. Riverwinds gone to heaven. All fall up. 4. A Lullaby for Chaos When chaos builds and babies sleep through riddling times like these, could there be a pause between eternities? 5.A Smile To close the tiger's mouth, put your feet straight down; feet to mouth, mouth to feet. Document a smile. 7. Celestial Toys My neighbour sat in his kitchen, facing me. Behind us was a wall calendar, well- marked. Though my neighbour's days were devoted to celestial toys, he kept them in a golf cart. So rumor concluded. Doggo Bags The crowd paused, leaving the route to him, to her, and their lovely things: doggo bags and candy stores. - Then darkness came and love became a mound, jelly to the touch, sticky hands or raisins 34. For the Giantess For the giantess (now immobile), an extended berth is a drop from daily ironing boards to her nearby tooth: majesty, largely in its own time.10. Holey Gunk Wash to bow, out we pop. Fronting squalls- Grounding land- Outside- pop to squeals, we audition gunk to holey gunk, beyond bubble lake. Residence6.Homely Light The child folded green. Over green, crisscross; flip-flops to homely light. Square to floor employed. To encourage controversy, the child paused- in mischief lay safety. 23. I am the Tour Because the tour didn't come, I am the tour- wheeling the ever- no-never, not quite. 21. IS BEANY BACK FROM THE MALL? Somehow, this question (carefully printed on an envelope) deserved another. ROLLED OR NOT? There was a pause (for vodka) then INTER STATE (for the envelope). Correspondence completed, the writer slid the envelope down the scarlet gullet of a mailbox, dedicated to loose ends- posted INTER (kiss) STATE. 14,000 rather brief poems First, corners where there were no corners. Then, apples for Dandy, plus stories for the first 100 children to surround the house. The poems? Ben and I divvied them. Fortunately, we think alike. 27. 1.a.m. in T...... The conjuror's tale began when donatives, L.....s - (3); E........s - (4); M......s - (2); R........s -(5); appeared on warm spots, freed from mice. 20. LLaP Behind me, early shade left no flare for L A A P - L A A A P _ Freeze. River playing ice. 8. Local Galaxies To transmit, or not to transmit- To come or to go- Within our universe, darkness has expanded a lack of address.1.Lunar Exploration Entail the silver. Candle my sisters, one by one. Slide to grace. 13. News of the Lake Just past fingers and ripples, their shadows furled ringers- News of the Lake- News of the Lake. 28. O to N On the golden way, the afternoon burns a whisper for first times, memories without owners. To clarify, I am now in a hotel pool, adjacent to one fence, and a freeway. Answer me soon. Sniffle by sniffle, merman to merman. 22. Out the Door First, your ringlets bind- ageing a dutiful heart. pause- Wind and cold fall home. Catch- catch- can't- catch-up. 24. Palaver Back then, there was palaver, and there was marriage. Not until no.3 (spouse), was good news within her reach. Pre-Checkout List 3: a.m. The sweetest pillow fibers make strawberry molars. 5: a.m. I pour baby powder on a 24 hour- teal blue rug. 7: a.m. The better day is powder. And of course, still accountable, only to me.17. Radio-Off Dim-Dim Dim-widdy-boom. radio-off. 0 news (silent) My love and I are . ------- . by windows and a yard. 0 news (silent) He is in his room. Here, a fly blips our space. Somewhere, life goes on. 30. R. meet R. Red-bender meet Red-bender- Is this a shifty, faster you? Back- time; red past red; Tomorrow's sorrows in yesterday's bed. 26. Shall We Shine? Answer me soon. In time to dance Big Bear's starry, starry babies. 31. Spell Cow. To read their history- Spell cow. Spell vanity. Unfortunately, our editor kills all 3 and six- letter words. Can we catch up? Delete the editor. Spell cow. Spell vanity. 18. THE END? Did we weep for our star? Affirmative. Obviously, the little angel had just enough strength to die on Sunday School property. If Grampy's back forty (empty) was THE END, what use was our angel's calling? 25. Time by Chance Bounded by giants, by bridges, by lovers, by mourning- an elephant screams time by chance. 29. Time on the Wall After they left, shadows collated silence. Later, silence remained an event: highlighted by dust to dust, porcelain on a wall. 16. The Top of the Hour I mean rock- hard, from oogle- boogle to cosmic sink. Meanwhile, the lakeshore's black slick pitches the top of the hour. Gravitas. At the top of the hour, the ice packpacks. 12. Untitled As usual, we parted ways. No mystery there. His circle led north, mine, south. When the merger closed both, something strolled home.2.Voyage Beyond the reef we sunk color. When azure dropped, cobalt followed. Then deep water darkened to voyage. Behind the outriggers, a sheeny wake passed yesterday. 11. Webster By lamplight, I observed descent, a transaction between voyage and diet. Voyage; Wheelings; Homely meals; To close, I will sign: webster's big night, secund.9. What Moved the Stone Between the stone and the milk, is a hiatus: ten million years, less than my dates, more than my debits. As archival neighbours, we include everything.15. When Shadows Fall You asked about our body politic, taxable Princess, Elsewhere. Elsewhere. This isn't called the punishment capital, for nothing. After, happily ever after, restrictions apply. 32. A Whisper for First Times What did I hear when I closed the hotel door? A whisper for first times- irretrievable experience, lost without amendment. .