: :::. : ____, In Memory, : :: : : |_ _; Karl Marx ,~~ : :::'istorted : `|| says: --)( : :::. :::: : || "Aufheben!" ()= : :: :igital ::. rection : [] HOOKAH! : :::' :::: : 21 February 1994 : Text File #8 Mongoloid Telecom ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Why don't we get the ball rolling with this little tidbit of news, hm? It is just so interesting and I found it during one of my nightly prowls on TCC: Date: Tuesday, February 15, 1994 8:25pm /Hello From: Bono Msg#: 144047 To: ** ALL ** Re: Kinky Sex (2 replies) (N)ext, (P)revious, follow (T)hread, or (R)ead this message? I had to have that kinda topic so that EVERYONE would definitely read this message! Sickos! heh heh heh 1st TCC Meeting of 1994! Basement of Fulton Dr. Mc Donalds / March 12, 1994 / 7:00pm! BE THERE!! ....Bono the ring leader 8) (R)eply, (E)mail reply, follow (T)hread, (P)revious or (N)ext message? Ok, so is anyone up for a little Necropolis get-together at McDonald's? I know ... its lame, but hey- what can you expect? Anyway, back to the fact. That is, this t-file. 'How to Smoke in Your Dorm Room & Not Get Caught' by Amphetamine Gobbler So you're sitting around your dorm room in a very lazy manner and reach for your Phillies box ... open it up and see a big, fat roach just waiting for you.. calling you almost. You want so much to smoke what is contained in that tiny piece of white paper, but- DAMMIT- you're at school. Here's what you do to not get caught. 1. Method of Choice. While it might be simply the God's way of smoking bud through a blunt, and you might be satisfied in a wonderful way by a nice joint... this is just stupid. These two methods let off an enormous amount of smoke. Remember that the walls in dorms aren't very thick to begin with. So something that keeps on smoking is stupid. I know some kid who dealt in out of his dorm room locally and one day he lit up a joint and smoked it then went down the hall to watch a movie. Campus security was there in no time. A pipe with a cap is good. A huge water bong is bad. Just find something that doesn't let out much smoke. 2. Prepare!. Also be prepared. First of all, you'll need blow tubes. These can be just tiny toilet paper tubes with a wad of fabric softener at one end. When you exhale your hits, exhale into the tube. The smoke will still come out but the smell will be mitigated. Second, put a towel over the crack in the door and DON'T FORGET TO LOCK THE DOOR. Third, this might seem self- explanatory or obvious, but maybe not. Also keep your goods and related tools in one spot. After three or four bowls, you'll be so confused you won't want to think about that. That's bad. Fourth, investing in a good potpourri spray or just a regular Lysol air freshener is great. Spray while smoking. 3. Keep things locked up. Depending on what school you go to, things are generally run this way: Campus security can look through anything that is 1. their's or 2. in plain view. For instance, we smoked bud down in Cincinnati and we always kept it in the refrigerator. Not only did it keep the plant fresh, it also was the property of my friend's roommate and therefore could not be searched by Campus Security. Make sure you know the penalties and procedure for this type of thing. Your dorm front desk should have all of this information. 4. Be cool. Make sure you're cool with your neighbors. A lot of people WILL make calls to campus security .. you'd be surprised. Some people want the excitement or maybe they're just assholes but they will call. Don't push your luck if you don't think that you can. All in all, smoking pot in a dorm room can be a real blast. Just be careful. Campus security isn't as lax as they might seem and the punishment is very real and very severe. One kid I know got busted with just a resinated bowl and an EMPTY plastic bag and he got his license suspended and also a big fine, plus a nice misdemeanor on his permanent record. That sucks. Until then ... Hey, you crazy cats: comin' up to the world of distorted penis excitement ... hacking Kent Stark LANs, TCC in CHECK!, and some other clever little productions. Also!- more MWF and fiction by Azathoth... and a first-hand glimpse at life in the Ku Klux Klan! ** WANTED! ** Submit your best scams, rip-offs, theiving tips, and generally anything else subversive to go in a future DDE t-file. You'll receive full credit. Check out how to get ahold of me below.. BTW- this was the start of a Distorted Digital Erection that just never got going. Its just here for trivial and nostalgic reason, and nothing more. Wow. We're sitting here listening to P.J. Harvey. I just got home. I spent the night taking shots of Absolut, Shnapp's Firewater and smoking just tons of pot - blunts and bowls. I'm still so blowed. Thought I would stumble in and call some boards. I just logged onto Cool Beans! in Berkely. I don't like it as much as I used to. Its getting too ... I don't know. Je ne sais quoi. I think I might vomit. I want some pizza ... but that might make me vomit. P.J. Harvey is impressing me. I've never heard the whole CD... just parts. Its not bad so far. So, here's the thing. I'm turning into an asshole. I mean - a complete asshole. Now, I've always been somewhat of a smart ass. I'm good at it. I can make any feel stupid any time. Its a talent. Anyway, this is when I noticed it. It was about two weeks ago. I was calling someone and on accident called the wrong number. I said: "Is George there?" The woman replied - rather politely - : "I'm sorry, you must have the wrong number." I replied: "Oh, DO I?" Anyway, thanks for reading. "Every single degrading aspect of capitalist society in decay - wars for profit and plunder abroad, race hatred dividing the working class, the slums we live in, the ruin of our environment, expensive, poor or nonexistent medical care, inadequate education, the second class status of women, drug abuse, riots, crime--in short, every one of those brutal, callous, cruel and desperate things which goes on every hour, every minute, in capitalist society, grows out of exploitation. If we want to stop the degradation, we must end exploitation. If we want to free ourselves from wage slavery, we must abolish the profit system." From _The Socialist Republic_, Winter/Spring 1991 `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' Distorted Digital Erection February 1994 Text File #8 DDE is fully supported on the Necropolis BBS 216.966.8970 - subterranean telecom - All TEXT! vaginal yeast infections are worse, much worse.. Submissions are accepted. Send your t-file submission to Sorc, on the Necropolis. If using a new account, (I)nclude the file with the New User Application. CHECK for MORE Distorted Digital Erection in the NEAR future! TCC in CHECK! ... and assorted tales of erect rodentia!... `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' -eof- .