: :::. : ____, In Memory, : :: : : |_ _; Karl Marx ,~~ : :::'istorted : `|| says: --)( : :::. :::: : || "Aufheben!" ()= : :: :igital ::. rection : [] HOOKAH! : :::' :::: : 30 March 1994 : Text File #22 Mongoloid Telecom ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ A compilation of poetry brought to you by the Duuk Tsarith. All poems are origional, but currently un-copy protected. If you would like to reproduce these in any form, permission is granted. However, please include the authors name (Eric Johnson). Thank you, and enjoy yet another entry to the subterranean.... \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Hate I hate love I hate life I hate pain I hate death I hate this twisted form of existance I hate this wretched man I've become I hate - I fucking hate! Anger It fills me inside I rebel With ruthless pride I laugh Despite my foes Conqueror I am Of nothing. Hate. ************************ Fool, You ask? Oh, yes! Many times over. I am forever destined alone. *********************** I try... Oh, but it's not good enough. I wait... Oh, but it's not long enough. I see... Oh, but it's not far enough. I love... Oh, but it's not strong enough. I fail. ********************** I was proud Once That I had a family It has come gone past To drift into that place Where it was dremt Long Ago. ********************* Reflecting back upon the past of a time where life was real and death was only once; a transition. But now I see a time where conformity to public opinion is the law. And I feel pain for a loss so great. Drifting, passing, fate. Come with me children for all hope is not lost. Never! ******************** If one wonders whether I care, assume the answer `no' and work up from there. ******************** A lack of action on my part does not necessarily indicate a lack of concern. Only a lack of importance to the persepective of life as we know it. If one asks himself the importance of a daily chore, in relation to death, one wouldn't deem it important. For, what else is there, but life, and death. And all else falls by the wayside. ******************** Pain Relentless pain I bleed A river running red Ripping, tearing, shred Ice Veins of frozen ice Stone Turning my heart to stone to prevent it's happening twice. Time Searching endless time To find the One. ******************** Take a chance they say Reach out only to have your hand slapped away. Hate This world is filled with hate And sometimes... I follow suit Perseverance We must hold on Until the end To a future world. ******************** Lie? What do you care, In this expediant existance? Truth? What is truth? Claimed by philosophers, and danced around by politicians. Search for truth? You will NEVER find it! Save in One. ********************* Brick wall. Do you care? Oh yes, I care, says the wall. Do you feel? Oh yes, I feel, says the wall. Do you forgive? Oh yes, I forgive, says the wall. Then why such anger? I am not angry, says the wall. ....as she walks away. ********************* I feel you So close But a canyon seperates us So far A wall Labled with ignorance Unknown to me Let us journey to it's base Let us bring knowledge to this place So we may be joined As One. ********************* Obligation Do you feel this to me For what I've done? Do not. For what I give Is done freely. And what I receive Should be likewise. Respond as you feel Respond as you trust Feel me. Trust me. Love me. ******************** `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' Distorted Digital Erection DDE is fully supported on the Necropolis BBS 216.PRI.VATE - subterranean telecom - All TEXT! vaginal yeast infections are worse, much worse.. Submissions are accepted. Send your t-file submission to Sorc, on the Necropolis. If using a new account, (I)nclude the file with the New User Application. CHECK for MORE Distorted Digital Erection in the NEAR future! TCC in CHECK! ... and assorted tales of erect rodentia!... NOW! Supported on Radio KAOS BBS - 216.830.4657 DDE e-mail should be directed to Amphetamine Gobbler on Radio KAOS `'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`'`' -eof- .