/// / /// / ///// // / // // // // /// /// //// /// / / / /__ / / / / / /// /// // // / / / / / / / / / / / / / / //// / // // // // // /// / / /'' /// /// / //// / / / / ///// // // ///// // \ /// ///// // \ Your ALTR NATIV Information Source ------------------------------------ Issue No. 04 February '92 An INFOWORD Production. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These filez are for educational and informational studies only. The writers for Digital Murder are not be responsible for any use or misuse of information published in this disk-based magazine. The magazine and its contents are free to the public and may be freely distributed in any form as long as Digital Murder magazine and the author is given credit. ** The articles within Digital Murder are not necessarily the views of the Editor ** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Information is Power! /// / /// / ///// // / ---------------------------------- / / / / / / / / / Hoping we had died on our way home / / / / '/ / / //// / from XMASCON in Houston? Too bad. /// / //// / / / / ///// The magazine that put Elvis in his grave is back (Yes, he was reading // // // // /// /// //// /// the latest printout of D.M. on his /// /// // // / / / / / / / throne when he croaked) and in 3D. // // // // // /// / / /'' /// So put on your mirrorshades, crank // // ///// / \ /// ///// // \ up the radio blarring out doses of your favorite subliminal messages, Editor: Morpheus turn on, and tune in to this issue of Digital Murder. Writers for #4: Acid Rocker, Chizz, Guido Sanchez, Morpheus, Neuron God, and If only Walt Disney could see this Technysis. one. . . ---------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I N T H I S I S S U E File# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1 Editor's Notes 2 DM MAIL---(a few shits with something to say :) ) 3 Brainwashing the Goyim.-- Interesting.... 4 XMASCON Xperience--- by: Chizz & Technysis. 5 Subliminity for PHun--- by: Guido Sanchez. 6 INFOWORD---Direct Action. by: Neuron God. 7 Heaven's Trash--Final Words from Morpheus. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- E d i t o r s N o t e z -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ -/\-\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\-/\- By: MORPHEUS. . . -\/- //// // // -\/- -/\- // // /// /// -/\- -\/- // // // // // -\/- -/\- //// x // // x -/\- DIGITAL MURDER -\/-/\/\/\/Digital\Murder\/\/\/\/-\/- -------------- \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ U lyke tha ]<-Rad artwerk? PUKE! HA! \\ /\ // \\//\\// \/ \/ ell sorry this issue of DM is so sloppy but I'm probably going to jail soon (no shit). First things first..The BACKDOOR is DOWN. Technysis didn't pay his bill so the line is disconnected. Technysis says that the board WILL be going back up in the near future and will be ran on his new IBM. Several of us here at DM are currently under investigation by the FBI. Bell Labs has been mentioned by several feds and I'm sure it's being monitored somehow. I won't be calling it again anytime soon because I'm in enough shit already. If you want to take your chances, look through previous issues of DM and get the number. The NUP is now:ALTERNATIVEBELLING!. ********** NOTICE: SOMEONE FUCKED UP! (aka: Digital Terrorist) As of 1-12-92 we lost our Internet account. We may resort to changing to another system if all else fails. We'll keep you posted. ********** ********************************************************************** My apologies to everyone for this issue missing a few things but it is beyond our control. You'll notice no H/P type stuff in this issue and this is due to several major happenings (Technysis is out of the scene for a SMALL while & I am in deep shit and haven't called out to get some of the articles which are already completed for DM). ********************************************************************** Right now the only way to get ahold of me is to call me voice or leave mail at the following address (an INTERNET/USENET FEED I have access to on a local board). Actually I'm not sure of the exact address but it's one of the two below. . . sounds lame.. just try em both and I WILL send a reply. dmurder@homecare!amigapit or dmurder@amigapit.UUCP Finally, You can also write us at our P.O. Box!!! D.M. PO BOX 280363 Memphis, TN 38168 EPROM HEADS ----------- ////// // //////f anyone has been involved with or been busted for copying EPROMS or other types of chips for fun and/or profit, get in touch with me! I am working on an interesting article on this type of activity. Recently, I spoke with a few people that are heavily into this scene (and a few that have been busted from this) but I haven't compiled the information for publication. ..should be a good read. WHY SO LATE? ------------ As you can see, Digital Murder #4 is a few days late. This delay was caused by ANOTHER strange system crash. It seems that everytime I take my computer apart for cleaning it tries to stay in the lowest energy state and completely refuses to come back from the dead. However, the problem was solved by disassembling my computer and placing it inside a pyramidical shape where the energy levels of the pyramid's interior reflexed with the silicon chips basic atom structure. The energy fields of the silicon (sand) electromagnetically bonded with the fields within the pyramid, quickly bringing the machine back to life. Other less cosmic things have kept the magazine on hold as well such as a very beautiful female acquaintance, free visits to local clubs around the city, a hopeful new job at the coolest 'head shop' in town (they have the best stuph around), and my continued affiliation with the finest of our city's underground subculture. Since Digital Murder is coming out on time every other issue, we will have #5 out on time. It's a nice concept indeed. We like to give our readers time to recooperate from our magazine and any other subverse hobbies now and then. So by the time you sober up or come down off of that crystal meth you've been eating for breakfast, Digital Murder will be there for your reading pleasure. Enjoy this and future issues. . . XMASCON ------- Here comes my secretary hump. I'm gonna cram my dick up her rump. Then I'm gonna open her.. hey.. Okay, Just listening to some old Mentors I found digging through a dusty collection of cassettes but it somehow inspired me to write my part about XMASCON. You'll find more info from the others I went to the conference with (Technysis, Chizz, and Acid Rocker) later in the mag. They cover what all went down well but I'd like to mention just a few things about it before I loose this great inspirational writing moment. Friday morning we pulled into the glorious airport Hilton in Houston (where the maids 'no speak english') in out XMASCON OR BUST truck of doom (meaning it busted after we got there). The first group of ppl we met were a few local loozers of the greater Houston area. They followed us to our room and did their little k-rad speeches telling us basically who they are, all the great h/p things they've done, & generally showed us just how lame they were. A few minutes later, 2 dudes that looked similar to Laurel & Hardy meets the Cleavers came into our room freaking out about how Bruce Sterling and the guys of PHRACK magazine were a few doors down. Well we headed down the hall with this group of loozers behind us (making me feel really pissed cause I was trying to ditch these geeks) and went in to meet some people besides the geeks with the IQ of plants. At around 11:00 am my beer arrived so I started on that gig. The remainder of Friday consisted of drinking and hanging out talking (but mostly drinking). It was kind of interesting how easy it was to tell the ''geeks from the phreaks'' because all the local geeks looked like moma's boys and the ''phreaks'' looked just as that: Phreaks; those that were there to discuss computer security and such but looked like a bunch of punk rockers and ''devil worshippers (a common comment made by ignorant ppl about 'alternative' people)'' looking for drugs. I seemed to fit in comfortably since I look like your average punker and I was indeed in search of both. Saturday arrived and things were a little more formal. The conference started around 2:00 pm and lasted till around 7:00 pm. Those that spoke were: DrunkFux, Crimson Death and Dispater of PHRACK, Bruce Sterling (author of the fabulous Difference Engine), Count Zero of CDC, a very interesting guy from WORLDVIEW who spoke from a techno-hippie perspective, two guys from INFOMATIK, and the guys at Comsec. After all the speeches we over with, we opened our minds to interesting vid's such as Geraldo Rivera's comical episode ''Now it can be told''and the video of the CDC in the MIT tunnels. As I said before, The conference will be covered in more detail later in this issue by Chizz, Technysis, and Acid Rocker but here are a few of the more interesting things I remember: o The VooDoo Dudes under the LA bridges. o Our XMASCON OR BUST truck. o Meeting the people I've been reading about for years. o The 'No Speak English' maids in the Hilton. o Watching interesting videos in the Subgenious cult room. o Watching the loozers be loozers. o Crimson Death's interesting conversation on the Occult. o Smokin' herb w/ Crimson Death and others. o Getting drunk with everyone. o Technysis puking in our floor after drinking lots of Mexican Flags. o ''Vicious Butt'' o My sporadic invention: Marshmellow Hex (see CDC 200). o Helping write the DEMON SEED legacy (see CDC 200). o Doc Cipher's stories and great impression of Clifford STOOGE. o Someone mentioning a burning bible in the parking lot. o The Hilton's security gaurd. o The strippers (aka Cybersluts). o CyberWASTE! and Monster Trucks. o Jamming to Swap Rat of CDC's band. o Doing lotsa n2o w/ CDC. o Riding with ''crash'', the Hilton's bus driver. FINAL BITS AND PONDERINGS ------------------------- Since most of you loozers don't live anywhere near Memphis, Chizz had a great idea to print a few interesting notes that may interest the avid computer hacker/phone phreak from one of Memphis' finest news weekly's, The Memphis Flyer. NEWS of the WEIRD by: Chuck Shepherd (from the Memphis Flyer) o Federal Computer Week reported that software originally composed by the federal government to gauge the ''structural response of bombs'' has passed into the public domain and is now being used by Coors Brewing Co. to calculate the force required by a poptop to open the can. o In Tampa, Florida, in July, Michael Riley asked a 16-year-old girl several times when she wouold be finished with her call at a payphone. Finally exasperated, the girl grabbed a bottle, broke it at the neck, and slashed Riley three times on the arm. Riley clutched his wound and calmly responded, '' Now we have an assault here, '' whereupon the girl grabbed the bottle again and stabbed him in the stomach. When the police arrived, the girl was still talking on the phone. <> Here is a final added treat before we get to the brain quenching information of Digital Murder #4. I had the pleasure to receive the following email on Technysis' board, The Backdoor. I am sure reading this will take you back in time to the 'old days' when you were a sysop (and possibly remind you of the days when you were as lame as this guy!?!?!?). I have edited out a few things since I am not as cruel as I should be. The alias, however, is the one he used. |Message+--]2 |Name:Phreeze |Loca:<> |Time:2:17 pm |Date:12/24/91 [--]Subject +-->New User 98 Bytes Free! Well my references i could use <> who gave me this number and <> that's all I really know ͽсJ+)EKWF.h others one thMENET chat line.I have Gaet II ,Golden AXE,Pit fighter,and Altered Beast. Iam into Phaking and VOICE maiboxing andwn I am bored hacking and Karding.I am sorry about the line noise but this PBX is acting screwy todAlmost forgot I am on <> and <>. I am awaiting validation on the others.. That'S it.....C'YA........L8'z....... eply to User//dit Account {]=--> Hold Your Fuck Mail?: N +---------+ |Main Menu] - Demi-God |Unlt.Time+ - 8:31 pm Okay, I'll lay off exploiting lamers.. Press FnORdWARD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DM MAIL ------- by: Morpheus -------------------------------------------------- Message 1 ----: From: Morpheus --------------: To: All who sent thanks to DM. : Date: Feb 4, 1992 -------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the kind words about our magazine and our movement. Although some of the writers for the magazine tend to lean towards a totally anarchistic society, my personal views are slightly different. I beleive that there is a cultural, domestic revolution waiting to happen which will reclamate the social and economic structure of this country. I encourage all our readers to learn more about 'the terror of truth' in this nation and get involved. In future issues of Digital Murder you will see more of what I speak about and hopefully will reiterate these ideas in social confrontations whenever possible. The main thing is edification but our theories do go far beyond to promote awareness and a stronger mentality. You will learn more about InFOWOrd in time as we initiate production and distribution of our literature. Until then, keep your mind free and clean (but not washed!). Morpheus for INFOWORD and Digital Murder magazine. ------------------------------------------ Message 2--: To: Digital Murder Magazine -----------:From: Axe Man :Date: Wed 29-Jan-1992 1:30p ------------------------------------------ In early November I heard Krs-1 (Chris Parker) lecture. You may or may not be surprised, but he had some very good things to say. During the lecture he pointed out many of the problems in our society and government today. In the question and answer segment, I asked what actions he believed should be taken. I liked his answer which was ''organized revolution- not to achieve total Anarchy, not to topple our government and leave nothing in its place but I believe we should purge our government of politicians, and replace them with leaders.'' Right now, we live in a society that has vast amounts of data basically at every person's fingertips. I believe that there is NOTHING that cannot be learned and NO information that can be hidden from those who are TRULY dedicated to seeking the truth. I also believe this won't last long... As our technology grows, so does our knowledge of how to manipulate, and PROTECT it. I believe if we don't act SOON it may be too late. What I have said is based on my personal beliefs, and unfortunately, not enough from experience. Take it easy, Axe Man ------------------------------------- something funny I found the other day ------------------------------------- Message 3: Date : Tue 4 Feb 1992 4:07p Stat: Private From : Glok #26 (from Bell Labs) To : Digital Terrorist #2 Title: New User Application I am new to this field, but I have worked for the TelCo for about 4 years until I lost my speech, and they fired me. I have been looking all over for a BBS of this nature in order to get back at AT&T, I would be glad to give you any information to help you destroy AT&T. I got this number from a former fellow associate at the TelCo in security (My department) who had this number on bill evasion. I still have limited access to their computers, but not enough to do any damage to them. I am now suing AT&T on grounds of discrimination, but it does not look like I will get anything out of them for my job (They fired me after I had my larnyx broken on an ATV) Glok #26 ------------------------------------------ Message 3--:From: Patman -----------: To: Morpheus :Date: Tue 21-Jan-1992 12:53am ------------------------------------------ I have read issues 1-3 and must say I am impressed. I eagerly await the next issue! It seems that this 'zine and others like it are one of the few ways to see a bit of idealistic color in an otherwise drab and dreary society. Keep up the good work. The Patman ------------------------------------------ Message 4--:From: Digitek Phreak -----------: To: Digital Murder :Date: (lost it..sueme) ------------------------------------------ Dudez! Your magazine rockz!! You guys seem to be the few real cyberpunk activists out there among the many. There are so many posers out there and I'm glad to see a few that aren't. Morpheus. You remind me of someone I know... into everything..from knowing the truth and being firm in your beliefs as well as being into other cool social shit. As for Neuron God and Chizz.. you both know your shit! Write more stuph similar to what was in #3! Zapped.. I admire your persistance in scanning the 'old fashioned phreaker way' by hand but I think your article 'Scan 'o' de Month' is kinda lame. I hope all the DM staff doesn't get pissed but I think you should release your scans seperate from the magazine. Technysis: I was glad to see that info on the roadrunner system. I've found stuff about it but you cleared a few thingz up. A few of us around here in my area still remember that crazy "letter to Bell" in issue 1. Very trippin'. 'nuff for now... Digitek! --------------------------------------- Well thanks for the comments, suggestions, etc.. I have a letter that totally went off on the magazine and called us loozers, etc.. but I can't find it. I guess it'll be in #5. Press FnORdWORD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND, by Dick Sutphen Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today SUMMARY OF CONTENTS The Birth of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. The Pavlovian explanation of the three brain phases. Born-again preachers: Step-by-Step, how they conduct a revival and the expected physiological results. The "voice roll" technique used by preachers, lawyers and hypnotists. New trance-inducing churches. The 6 steps to conversion. The decognition process. Thought-stopping techniques. The "sell it by zealot" technique. True believers and mass movements. Persuasion techniques: "Yes set," "Imbedded Commands," "Shock and Confusion," and the "Interspersal Technique." Subliminals. Vibrato and ELF waves. Inducing trance with vibrational sound. Even professional observers will be "possessed" at charismatic gatherings. The "only hope" technique to attend and not be converted. Non-detectable Neurophone programming through the skin. The medium for mass take-over. I'm Dick Sutphen and this tape is a studio-recorded, expanded version of a talk I delivered at the World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although the tape carries a copyright to protect it from unlawful duplication for sale by other companies, in this case, I invite individuals to make copies and give them to friends or anyone in a position to communicate this information. Although I've been interviewed about the subject on many local and regional radio and TV talk shows, large-scale mass communication appears to be blocked, since it could result in suspicion or investigation of the very media presenting it or the sponsors that support the media. Some government agencies do not want this information generally known. Nor do the Born-Again Christian movement, cults, and many human-potential trainings. Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. I don't know how the misuse of these techniques can be stopped. I don't think it is possible to legislate against that which often cannot be detected; and if those who legislate are using these techniques, there is little hope of affecting laws to govern usage. I do know that the first step to initiate change is to generate interest. In this case, that will probably only result from an underground effort. In talking about this subject, I am talking about my own business. I know it, and I know how effective it can be. I produce hypnosis and subliminal tapes and, in some of my seminars, I use conversion tactics to assist participants to become independent and self-sufficient. But, anytime I use these techniques, I point out that I am using them, and those attending have a choice to participate or not. They also know what the desired result of participation will be. So, to begin, I want to state the most basic of all facts about brainwashing: IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF MAN, NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN BRAINWASHED AND REALIZED, OR BELIEVED, THAT HE HAD BEEN BRAINWASHED. Those who have been brainwashed will usually passionately defend their manipulators, claiming they have simply been "shown the light" . . . or have been transformed in miraculous ways. The Birth of Conversion CONVERSION is a "nice" word for BRAINWASHING . . . and any study of brainwashing has to begin with a study of Christian revivalism in eighteenth century America. Apparently, Jonathan Edwards accidentally discovered the techniques during a religious crusade in 1735 in Northampton, Massachusetts. By inducing guilt and acute apprehension and by increasing the tension, the "sinners" attending his revival meetings would break down and completely submit. Technically, what Edwards was doing was creating conditions that wipe the brain slate clean so that the mind accepts new programming. The problem was that the new input was negative. He would tell them, "You're a sinner! You're destined for hell!" As a result, one person committed suicide and another attempted suicide. And the neighbors of the suicidal converts related that they, too, were affected so deeply that, although they had found "eternal salvation," they were obsessed with a diabolical temptation to end their own lives. Once a preacher, cult leader, manipulator or authority figure creates the brain phase to wipe the brain-slate clean, his subjects are wide open. New input, in the form of suggestion, can be substituted for their previous ideas. Because Edwards didn't turn his message positive until the end of the revival, many accepted the negative suggestions and acted, or desired to act, upon them. Charles J. Finney was another Christian revivalist who used the same techniques four years later in mass religious conversions in New York. The techniques are still being used today by Christian revivalists, cults, human-potential trainings, some business rallies, and the United States Armed Services . . . to name just a few. Let me point out here that I don't think most revivalist preachers realize or know they are using brainwashing techniques. Edwards simply stumbled upon a technique that really worked, and others copied it and have continued to copy it for over two hundred years. And the more sophisticated our knowledge and technology become, the more effective the conversion. I feel strongly that this is one of the major reasons for the increasing rise in Christian fundamentalism, especially the televised variety, while most of the orthodox religions are declining. The Three Brain Phases The Christians may have been the first to successfully formulate brainwashing, but we have to look to Pavlov, the Russian scientist, for a technical explanation. In the early 1900s, his work with animals opened the door to further investigations with humans. After the revolution in Russia, Lenin was quick to see the potential of applying Pavlov's research to his own ends. Three distinct and progressive states of transmarginal inhibition were identified by Pavlov. The first is the EQUIVALENT phase, in which the brain gives the same response to both strong and weak stimuli. The second is the PARADOXICAL phase, in which the brain responds more actively to weak stimuli than to strong. And the third is the ULTRA-PARADOXICAL phase, in which conditioned responses and behavior patterns turn from positive to negative or from negative to positive. With the progression through each phase, the degree of conversion becomes more effective and complete. The way to achieve conversion are many and varied, but the usual first step in religious or political brainwashing is to work on the emotions of an individual or group until they reach an abnormal level of anger, fear, exitement, or nervous tension. The progressive result of this mental condition is to impair judgement and increase suggestibility. The more this condition can be maintained or intensified, the more it compounds. Once catharsis, or the first brain phase, is reached, the complete mental takeover becomes easier. Existing mental programming can be replaced with new patterns of thinking and behavior. Other often-used physiological weapons to modify normal brain functions are fasting, radical or high sugar diets, physical discomforts, regulation of breathing, mantra chanting in meditation, the disclosure of awesome mysteries, special lighting and sound effects, programmed response to incense, or intoxicating drugs. The same results can be obtained in contemporary psychiatric treatment by electric shock treatments and even by purposely lowering a person's blood sugar level with insulin injections. Before I talk about exactly how some of the techniques are applied, I want to point out that hypnosis and conversion tactics are two distinctly different things--and that conversion techniques are far more powerful. However, the two are often mixed . . . with powerful results. How Revivalist Preachers Work If you'd like to see a revivalist preacher at work, there are probably several in your city. Go to the church or tent early and sit in the rear, about three-quarters of the way back. Most likely repetitive music will be played while the people come in for the service. A repetitive beat, ideally ranging from 45 to 72 beats per minute (a rhythm close to the beat of the human heart), is very hypnotic and can generate an eyes-open altered state of consciousness in a very high percentage of people. And, once you are in an alpha state, you are at least 25 times as suggestible as you would be in full beta consciousness. The music is probably the same for every service, or incorporates the same beat, and many of the people will go into an altered state almost immediately upon entering the sanctuary. Subconsciously, they recall their state of mind from previous services and respond according to the post-hypnotic programming. Watch the people waiting for the service to begin. Many will exhibit external signs of trance--body relaxation and slightly dilated eyes. Often, they begin swaying back and forth with their hands in the air while sitting in their chairs. Next, the assistant pastor will probably come out. He usually speaks with a pretty good "voice roll." Voice Roll Technique A "voice roll" is a patterned, paced style used by hypnotists when inducing a trance. It is also used by many lawyers, several of whom are highly trained hypnotists, when they desire to entrench a point firmly in the minds of the jurors. A voice roll can sound as if the speaker were talking to the beat of a metronome or it may sound as though he were emphasizing every word in a monotonous, patterned style. The words will usually be delivered at the rate of 45 to 60 beats per minute, maximizing the hypnotic effect. Now the assistant pastor begins the "build-up" process. He induces an altered state of consciousness and/or begins to generate the excitement and the expectations of the audience. Next, a group of young women in "sweet and pure" chiffon dresses might come out to sing a song. Gospel songs are great for building excitement and INVOLVEMENT. In the middle of the song, one of the girls might be "smitten by the spirit" and fall down or react as if possessed by the Holy Spirit. This very effectively increases the intensity in the room. At this point, hypnosis and conversion tactics are being mixed. And the result is the audience's attention span is now totally focused upon the communication while the environment becomes more exciting or tense. Right about this time, when an eyes-open mass-induced alpha mental state has been achieved, they will usually pass the collection plate or basket. In the background, a 45-beat-per-minute voice roll from the assistant preacher might exhort, "Give to God . . . Give to God . . . Give to God . . ." And the audience does give. God may not get the money, but his already wealthy representative will. Next, the fire-and-brimstone preacher will come out. He induces fear and increases the tension by talking about "the devil," "going to hell," or the forthcoming Armegeddon. In the last such rally I attended, the preacher talked about the blood that would soon be running out of every faucet in the land. He was also obsessed with a "bloody axe of God," which everyone had seen hanging above the pulpit the previous week. I have no doubt that everyone saw it--the power of suggestion given to hundreds of people in hypnosis assures that at least 10 to 25 percent would see whatever he suggested they see. In most revivalist gatherings, "testifying" or "witnessing" usually follows the fear-based sermon. People from the audience come up on stage and relate their stories. "I was crippled and now I can walk!" "I had arthritis and now it's gone!" It is a psychological manipulation that works. After listening to numerous case histories of miraculous healings, the average guy in the audience with a minor problem is sure he can be healed. The room is charged with fear, guilt, intense excitement, and expectations. Now those who want to be healed are frequently lined up around the edge of the room, or they are told to come down to the front. The preacher might touch them on the head firmly and scream, "Be healed!" This releases the psychic energy and, for many, catharsis results. Catharsis is a purging of repressed emotions. Individuals might cry, fall down or even go into spasms. And if catharsis is effected, they stand a chance of being healed. In catharsis (one of the three brain phases mentioned earlier), the brain-slate is temporarily wiped clean and the new suggestion is accepted. For some, the healing may be permanent. For many, it will last four days to a week, which is, incidentally, how long a hypnotic suggestion given to a somnambulistic subject will usually last. Even if the healing doesn't last, if they come back every week, the power of suggestion may continually override the problem . . . or sometimes, sadly, it can mask a physical problem which could prove to be very detrimental to the individual in the long run. I'm not saying that legitimate healings do not take place. They do. Maybe the individual was ready to let go of the negativity that caused the problem in the first place; maybe it was the work of God. Yet I contend that it can be explained with existing knowledge of brain/mind function. The techniques and staging will vary from church to church. Many use "speaking in tongues" to generate catharsis in some while the spectacle creates intense excitement in the observers. The use of hypnotic techniques by religions is sophisticated, and professionals are assuring that they become even more effective. A man in Los Angeles is designing, building, and reworking a lot of churches around the country. He tells ministers what they need and how to use it. This man's track record indicates that the congregation and the monetary income will double if the minister follows his instructions. He admits that about 80 percent of his efforts are in the sound system and lighting. Powerful sound and the proper use of lighting are of primary importance in inducing an altered state of consciousnes--I've been using them for years in my own seminars. However, my participants are fully aware of the process and what they can expect as a result of their participation. Six Conversion Techniques Cults and human-potential organizations are always looking for new converts. To attain them, they must also create a brain-phase. And they often need to do it within a short space of time--a weekend, or maybe even a day. The following are the six primary techniques used to generate the conversion. The meeting or training takes place in an area where participants are cut off from the outside world. This may be any place: a private home, a remote or rural setting, or even a hotel ballroom where the participants are allowed only limited bathroom usage. In human-potential trainings, the controllers will give a lengthy talk about the importance of "keeping agreements" in life. The participants are told that if they don't keep agreements, their life will never work. It's a good idea to keep agreements, but the controllers are subverting a positive human value for selfish purposes. The participants vow to themselves and their trainer that they will keep their agreements. Anyone who does not will be intimidated into agreement or forced to leave. The next step is to agree to complete training, thus assuring a high percentage of conversions for the organizations. They will USUALLY have to agree not to take drugs, smoke, and sometimes not to eat . . . or they are given such short meal breaks that it creates tension. The real reason for the agreements is to alter internal chemistry, which generates anxiety and hopefully causes at least a slight malfunction of the nervous system, which in turn increases the conversion potential. Before the gathering is complete, the agreements will be used to ensure that the new converts go out and find new participants. They are intimidated into agreeing to do so before they leave. Since the importance of keeping agreements is so high on their priority list, the converts will twist the arms of everyone they know, attempting to talk them into attending a free introductory session offered at a future date by the organization. The new converts are zealots. In fact, the inside term for merchandising the largest and most successful human-potential training is, "sell it by zealot!" At least a million people are graduates and a good percentage have been left with a mental activation button that assures their future loyalty and assistance if the guru figure or organization calls. Think about the potential political implications of hundreds of thousands of zealots programmed to campaign for their guru. Be wary of an organization of this type that offers follow-up sessions after the seminar. Follow-up sessions might be weekly meetings or inexpensive seminars given on a regular basis which the organization will attempt to talk you into taking--or any regularly scheduled event used to maintain control. As the early Christian revivalists found, long-term control is dependent upon a good follow-up system. Alright. Now, let's look at the second tip-off that indicates conversion tactics are being used. A schedule is maintained that causes physical and mental fatigue. This is primarily accomplished by long hours in which the participants are given no opportunity for relaxation or reflection. The third tip-off: techniques used to increase the tension in the room or environment. Number four: Uncertainty. I could spend hours relating various techniques to increase tension and generate uncertainty. Basically, the participants are concerned about being "put on the spot" or encountered by the trainers, guilt feelings are played upon, participants are tempted to verbally relate their innermost secrets to the other participants or forced to take part in activities that emphasize removing their masks. One of the most successful human-potential seminars forces the participants to stand on a stage in front of the entire audience while being verbally attacked by the trainers. A public opinion poll, conducted a few years ago, showed that the number one most-fearful situation an individual could encounter is to speak to an audience. It ranked above window washing outside the 85th floor of an office building. So you can imagine the fear and tension this situation generates within the participants. Many faint, but most cope with the stress by mentally going away. They literally go into an alpha state, which automatically makes them many times as suggestible as they normally are. And another loop of the downward spiral into conversion is successfully effected. The fifth clue that conversion tactics are being used is the introduction of jargon--new terms that have meaning only to the "insiders" who participate. Vicious language is also frequently used, purposely, to make participants uncomfortable. The final tip-off is that there is no humor in the communications . . . at least until the participants are converted. Then, merry-making and humor are highly desirable as symbols of the new joy the participants have supposedly "found." I'm not saying that good does not result from participation in such gatherings. It can and does. But I contend it is important for people to know what has happened and to be aware that continual involvement may not be in their best interest. Over the years, I've conducted professional seminars to teach people to be hypnotists, trainers, and counselors. I've had many of those who conduct trainings and rallies come to me and say, "I'm here because I know that what I'm doing works, but I don't know why." After showing them how and why, many have gotten out of the business or have decided to approach it differently or in a much more loving and supportive manner. Many of these trainers have become personal friends, and it scares us all to have experienced the power of one person with a microphone and a room full of people. Add a little charisma and you can count on a high percentage of conversions. The sad truth is that a high percentage of people want to give away their power--they are true "believers"! Cult gatherings or human-potential trainings are an ideal environment to observe first-hand what is technically called the "Stockholm Syndrome." This is a situation in which those who are intimidated, controlled, or made to suffer, begin to love, admire, and even sometimes sexually desire their controllers or captors. But let me inject a word of warning here: If you think you can attend such gatherings and not be affected, you are probably wrong. A perfect example is the case of a woman who went to Haiti on a Guggenheim Fellowship to study Haitian Voodoo. In her report, she related how the music eventually induced uncontrollable bodily movement and an altered state of consciousness. Although she understood the process and thought herself above it, when she began to feel herself become vulnerable to the music, she attempted to fight it and turned away. Anger or resistance almost always assures conversion. A few moments later she was possessed by the music and began dancing in a trance around the Voodoo meeting house. A brain phase had been induced by the music and excitement, and she awoke feeling reborn. The only hope of attending such gatherings without being affected is to be a Buddha and allow no positive or negative emotions to surface. Few people are capable of such detachment. Before I go on, let's go back to the six tip-offs to conversion. I want to mention the United States Government and military boot camp. The Marine Corps talks about breaking men down before "rebuilding" them as new men--as marines! Well, that is exactly what they do, the same way a cult breaks its people down and rebuilds them as happy flower sellers on your local street corner. Every one of the six conversion techniques are used in boot camp. Considering the needs of the military, I'm not making a judgement as to whether that is good or bad. IT IS A FACT that the men are effectively brainwashed. Those who won't submit must be discharged or spend much of their time in the brig. Decognition Process Once the initial conversion is effected, cults, armed services, and similar groups cannot have cynicism among their members. Members must respond to commands and do as they are told, otherwise they are dangerous to the organizational control. This is normally accomplished as a three-step Decognition Process. Step One is ALERTNESS REDUCTION: The controllers cause the nervous system to malfunction, making it difficult to distinguish between fantasy and reality. This can be accomplished in several ways. POOR DIET is one; watch out for Brownies and Koolaid. The sugar throws the nervous system off. More subtle is the "SPIRITUAL DIET" used by many cults. They eat only vegetables and fruits; without the grounding of grains, nuts, seeds, dairy products, fish or meat, an individual becomes mentally "spacey." INADEQUATE SLEEP is another primary way to reduce alertness, especially when combined with long hours of work or intense physical activity. Also, being bombarded with intense and unique experiences achieves the same result. Step Two is PROGRAMMED CONFUSION: You are mentally assaulted while your alertness is being reduced as in Step One. This is accomplished with a deluge of new information, lectures, discussion groups, encounters or one-to-one processing, which usually amounts to the controller bombarding the individual with questions. During this phase of decognition, reality and illusion often merge and perverted logic is likely to be accepted. Step Three is THOUGHT STOPPING: Techniques are used to cause the mind to go "flat." These are altered-state-of-consciousness techniques that initially induce calmness by giving the mind something simple to deal with and focusing awareness. The continued use brings on a feeling of elation and eventually hallucination. The result is the reduction of thought and eventually, if used long enough, the cessation of all thought and withdrawal from everyone and everything except that which the controllers direct. The takeover is then complete. It is important to be aware that when members or participants are instructed to use "thought-stopping" techniques, they are told that they will benefit by so doing: they will become "better soldiers" or "find enlightenment." There are three primary techniques used for thought stopping. The first is MARCHING: the thump, thump, thump beat literally generates self-hypnosis and thus great susceptibility to suggestion. The second thought stopping technique is MEDITATION. If you spend an hour to an hour and a half a day in meditation, after a few weeks, there is a great probability that you will not return to full beta consciousness. You will remain in a fixed state of alpha for as long as you continue to meditate. I'm not saying this is bad--if you do it yourself. It may be very beneficial. But it is a fact that you are causing your mind to go flat. I've worked with meditators on an EEG machine and the results are conclusive: the more you meditate, the flatter your mind becomes until, eventually and especially if used to excess or in combination with decognition, all thought ceases. Some spiritual groups see this as nirvana--which is bullshit. It is simply a predictable physiological result. And if heaven on earth is non-thinking and non-involvement, I really question why we are here. The third thought-stopping technique is CHANTING, and often chanting in meditation. "Speaking in tongues" could also be included in this category. All three-stopping techniques produce an altered state of consciousness. This may be very good if YOU are controlling the process, for you also control the input. I personally use at least one self-hypnosis programming session every day and I know how beneficial it is for me. But you need to know if you use these techniques to the degree of remaining continually in alpha that, although you'll be very mellow, you'll also be more suggestible. True Believers & Mass Movements Before ending this section on conversion, I want to talk about the people who are most susceptible to it and about Mass Movements. I am convinced that at least a third of the population is what Eric Hoffer calls "true believers." They are joiners and followers . . . people who want to give away their power. They look for answers, meaning, and enlightenment outside themselves. Hoffer, who wrote THE TRUE BELIEVER, a classic on mass movements, says, "true believers are not intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but are those craving to be rid of unwanted self. They are followers, not because of a desire for self-advancement, but because it can satisfy their passion for self-renunciation!" Hoffer also says that true believers "are eternally incomplete and eternally insecure"! I know this from my own experience. In my years of communicating concepts and conducting trainings, I have run into them again and again. All I can do is attempt to show them that the only thing to seek is the True Self within. Their personal answers are to be found there and there alone. I communicate that the basics of spirituality are self-responsibility and self-actualization. But most of the true believers just tell me that I'm not spiritual and go looking for someone who will give them the dogma and structure they desire. Never underestimate the potential danger of these people. They can easily be molded into fanatics who will gladly work and die for their holy cause. It is a substitute for their lost faith in themselves and offers them as a substitute for individual hope. The Moral Majority is made up of true believers. All cults are composed of true believers. You'll find them in politics, churches, businesses, and social cause groups. They are the fanatics in these organizations. Mass Movements will usually have a charismatic leader. The followers want to convert others to their way of living or impose a new way of life--if necessary, by legislating laws forcing others to their view, as evidenced by the activities of the Moral Majority. This means enforcement by guns or punishment, for that is the bottomline in law enforcement. A common hatred, enemy, or devil is essential to the success of a mass movement. The Born-Again Christians have Satan himself, but that isn't enough--they've added the occult, the New Age thinkers and, lately, all those who oppose their integration of church and politics, as evidenced in their political reelection campaigns against those who oppose their views. In revolutions, the devil is usually the ruling power or aristocracy. Some human-potential movements are far too clever to ask their graduates to join anything, thus labeling themselves as a cult--but, if you look closely, you'll find that their devil is anyone and everyone who hasn't taken their training. There are mass movements without devils but they seldom attain major status. The True Believers are mentally unbalanced or insecure people, or those without hope or friends. People don't look for allies when they love, but they do when they hate or become obsessed with a cause. And those who desire a new life and a new order feel the old ways must be eliminated before the new order can be built. Persuasion Techniques Persuasion isn't technically brainwashing but it is the manipulation of the human mind by another individual, without the manipulated party being aware what caused his opinion shift. I only have time to very basically introduce you to a few of the thousands of techniques in use today, but the basis of persuasion is always to access your RIGHT BRAIN. The left half of your brain is analytical and rational. The right side is creative and imaginative. That is overly simplified but it makes my point. So, the idea is to distract the left brain and keep it busy. Ideally, the persuader generates an eyes-open altered state of consciousness, causing you to shift from beta awareness into alpha; this can be measured on an EEG machine. First, let me give you an example of distracting the left brain. Politicians use these powerful techniques all the time; lawyers use many variations which, I've been told, they call "tightening the noose." Assume for a moment that you are watching a politician give a speech. First, he might generate what is called a "YES SET." These are statements that will cause listeners to agree; they might even unknowingly nod their heads in agreement. Next come the TRUISMS. These are usually facts that could be debated but, once the politician has his audience agreeing, the odds are in the politician's favor that the audience won't stop to think for themselves, thus continuing to agree. Last comes the SUGGESTION. This is what the politician wants you to do and, since you have been agreeing all along, you could be persuaded to accept the suggestion. Now, if you'll listen closely to my political speech, you'll find that the first three are the "yes set," the next three are truisms and the last is the suggestion. "Ladies and gentlemen: are you angry about high food prices? Are you tired of astronomical gas prices? Are you sick of out-of-control inflation? Well, you know the Other Party allowed 18 percent inflation last year; you know crime has increased 50 percent nationwide in the last 12 months, and you know your paycheck hardly covers your expenses any more. Well, the answer to resolving these problems is to elect me, John Jones, to the U.S. Senate." And I think you've heard all that before. But you might also watch for what are called Imbedded Commands. As an example: On key words, the speaker would make a gesture with his left hand, which research has shown is more apt to access your right brain. Today's media-oriented politicians and spellbinders are often carefully trained by a whole new breed of specialist who are using every trick in the book--both old and new--to manipulate you into accepting their candidate. The concepts and techniques of Neuro-Linguistics are so heavily protected that I found out the hard way that to even talk about them publicly or in print results in threatened legal action. Yet Neuro-Linguistic training is readily available to anyone willing to devote the time and pay the price. It is some of the most subtle and powerful manipulation I have yet been exposed to. A good friend who recently attended a two-week seminar on Neuro-Linguistics found that many of those she talked to during the breaks were government people. Another technique that I'm just learning about is unbelievably slippery; it is called an INTERSPERSAL TECHNIQUE and the idea is to say one thing with words but plant a subconscious impression of something else in the minds of the listeners and/or watchers. Let me give you an example: Assume you are watching a television commentator make the following statement: SENATOR JOHNSON is assisting local authorities to clear up the stupid mistakes of companies contributing to the nuclear waste problems." It sounds like a statement of fact, but, if the speaker emphasizes the right word, and especially if he makes the proper hand gestures on the key words, you could be left with the subconscious impression that Senator Johnson is stupid. That was the subliminal goal of the statement and the speaker cannot be called to account for anything. Persuasion techniques are also frequently used on a much smaller scale with just as much effectiveness. The insurance salesman knows his pitch is likely to be much more effective if he can get you to visualize something in your mind. This is right-brain communication. For instance, he might pause in his conversation, look slowly around your livingroom and say, "Can you just imagine this beautiful home burning to the ground?" Of course you can! It is one of your unconscious fears and, when he forces you to visualize it, you are more likely to be manipulated into signing his insurance policy. The Hare Krishnas, operating in every airport, use what I call SHOCK AND CONFUSION techniques to distract the left brain and communicate directly with the right brain. While waiting for a plane, I once watched one operate for over an hour. He had a technique of almost jumping in front of someone. Initially, his voice was loud then dropped as he made his pitch to take a book and contribute money to the cause. Usually, when people are shocked, they immediately withdraw. In this case they were shocked by the strange appearance, sudden materialization and loud voice of the Hare Krishna devotee. In other words, the people went into an alpha state for security because they didn't want to confront the reality before them. In alpha, they were highly suggestible so they responded to the suggestion of taking the book; the moment they took the book, they felt guilty and responded to the second suggestion: give money. We are all conditioned that if someone gives us something, we have to give them something in return--in that case, it was money. While watching this hustler, I was close enough to notice that many of the people he stopped exhibited an outward sign of alpha--their eyes were actually dilated. Subliminal Programming Subliminals are hidden suggestions that only your subconscious perceives. They can be audio, hidden behind music, or visual, airbrushed into a picture, flashed on a screen so fast that you don't consciously see them, or cleverly incorporated into a picture or design. Most audio subliminal reprogramming tapes offer verbal suggestions recorded at a low volume. I question the efficacy of this technique--in subliminals are not perceptible, they cannot be effective, and subliminals recorded below the audible threshold are therefore useless. The oldest audio subliminal technique uses a voice that follows the volume of the music so subliminals are impossible to detect without a parametric equalizer. But this technique is patented and, when I wanted to develop my own line of subliminal audiocassettes, negotiations with the patent holder proved to be unsatisfactory. My attorney obtained copies of the patents which I gave to some talented Hollywood sound engineers, asking them to create a new technique. They found a way to psycho-acoustically modify and synthesize the suggestions so that they are projected in the same chord and frequency as the music, thus giving them the effect of being part of the music. But we found that in using this technique, there is no way to reduce various frequencies to detect the subliminals. In other words, although the suggestions are being heard by the subconscious mind, they cannot be monitored with even the most sophisticated equipment. If we were able to come up with this technique as easily as we did, I can only imagine how sophisticated the technology has become, with unlimited government or advertising funding. And I shudder to think about the propaganda and commercial manipulation that we are exposed to on a daily basis. There is simply no way to know what is behind the music you hear. It may even be possible to hide a second voice behind the voice to which you are listening. The series by Wilson Bryan Key, Ph.D., on subliminals in advertising and political campaigns well documents the misuse in many areas, especially printed advertising in newspapers, magazines, and posters. The big question about subliminals is: do they work? And I guarantee you they do. Not only from the response of those who have used my tapes, but from the results of such programs as the subliminals behind the music in department stores. Supposedly, the only message is instructions to not steal: one East Coast department store chain reported a 37 percent reduction in thefts in the first nine months of testing. A 1984 article in the technical newsletter, "Brain-Mind Bulletin," states that as much as 99 percent of our cognitive activity may be "non-conscious," according to the director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Psychophysiology at the University of Illinois. The lengthy report ends with the statement, "these findings support the use of subliminal approaches such as taped suggestions for weight loss and the therapeutic use of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming." Mass Misuse I could relate many stories that support subliminal programming, but I'd rather use my time to make you aware of even more subtle uses of such programming. I have personally experienced sitting in a Los Angeles auditorium with over ten thousand people who were gathered to listen to a current charismatic figure. Twenty minutes after entering the auditorium, I became aware that I was going in and out of an altered state. Those accompanying me experienced the same thing. Since it is our business, we were aware of what was happening, but those around us were not. By careful observation, what appeared to be spontaneous demonstrations were, in fact, artful manipulations. The only way I could figure that the eyes-open trance had been induced was that a 6- to 7-cycle-per-second vibration was being piped into the room behind the air conditioner sound. That particular vibration generates alpha, which would render the audience highly susceptible. Ten to 25 percent of the population is capable of a somnambulistic level of altered states of consciousness; for these people, the suggestions of the speaker, if non-threatening, could potentially be accepted as "commands." Vibrato This leads to the mention of VIBRATO. Vibrato is the tremulous effect imparted in some vocal or instrumental music, and the cyle-per-second range causes people to go into an altered state of consciousness. At one period of English history, singers whose voices contained pronounced vibrato were not allowed to perform publicly because listeners would go into an altered state and have fantasies, often sexual in nature. People who attend opera or enjoy listening to singers like Mario Lanza are familiar with this altered state induced by the performers. ELFs Now, let's carry this awareness a little farther. There are also inaudible ELFs (extra-low frequency waves). These are electromagnetic in nature. One of the primary uses of ELFs is to communicate with our submarines. Dr. Andrija Puharich, a highly respected researcher, in an attempt to warn U.S. officials about Russian use of ELFs, set up an experiment. Volunteers were wired so their brain waves could be measured on an EEG. They were sealed in a metal room that could not be penetrated by a normal signal. Puharich then beamed ELF waves at the volunteers. ELFs go right through the earth and, of course, right through metal walls. Those inside couldn't know if the signal was or was not being sent. And Puharich watched the reactions on the technical equipment: 30 percent of those inside the room were taken over by the ELF signal in six to ten seconds. When I say "taken over," I mean that their behavior followed the changes anticipated at very precise frequencies. Waves below 6 cycles per second caused the subjects to become very emotionally upset, and even disrupted bodily functions. At 8.2 cycles, they felt very high . . . an elevated feeling, as though they had been in masterful meditation, learned over a period of years. Eleven to 11.3 cycles induced waves of depressed agitation leading to riotous behavior. The Neurophone Dr. Patrick Flanagan is a personal friend of mine. In the early 1960s, as a teenager, Pat was listed as one of the top scientists in the world by "Life" magazine. Among his many inventions was a device he called the Neurophone--an electronic instrument that can successfully programm suggestions directly through contact with the skin. When he attempted to patent the device, the government demanded that he prove it worked. When he did, the National Security Agency confiscated the neurophone. It took Pat two years of legal battle to get his invention back. In using the device, you don't hear or see a thing; it is applied to the skin, which Pat claims is the source of special senses. The skin contains more sensors for heat, touch, pain, vibration, and electrical fields than any other part of the human anatomy. In one of his recent tests, Pat conducted two identical seminars for a military audience--one seminar one night and one the next night, because the size of the room was not large enough to accommodate all of them at one time. When the first group proved to be very cool and unwilling to respond, Patrick spent the next day making a special tape to play at the second seminar. The tape instructed the audience to be extremely warm and responsive and for their hands to become "tingly." The tape was played through the neurophone, which was connected to a wire he placed along the ceiling of the room. There were no speakers, so no sound could be heard, yet the message was successfully transmitted from that wire directly into the brains of the audience. They were warm and receptive, their hands tingled and they responded, according to programming, in other ways that I cannot mention here. The more we find out about how human beings work through today's highly advanced technological research, the more we learn to control human beings. And what probably scares me the most is that the medium for takeover is already in place! The television set in your livingroom and bedroom is doing a lot more than just entertaining you. Before I continue, let me point out something else about an altered state of consciousness. When you go into an altered state, you transfer into right brain, which results in the internal release of the body's own opiates: enkephalins and Beta-endorphins, chemically almost identical to opium. In other words, it feels good . . . and you want to come back for more. Recent tests by researcher Herbert Krugman showed that, while viewers were watching TV, right-brain activity outnumbered left-brain activity by a ratio of two to one. Put more simply, the viewers were in an altered state . . . in trance more often than not. They were getting their Beta-endorphin "fix." To measure attention spans, psychophysiologist Thomas Mulholland of the Veterans Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts, attached young viewers to an EEG machine that was wired to shut the TV set off whenever the children's brains produced a majority of alpha waves. Although the children were told to concentrate, only a few could keep the set on for more than 30 seconds! Most viewers are already hypnotized. To deepen the trance is easy. One simple way is to place a blank, black frame every 32 frames in the film that is being projected. This creates a 45-beat-per-minute pulsation perceived only by the subconscious mind--the ideal pace to generate deep hypnosis. The commercials or suggestions presented following this alpha-inducing broadcast are much more likely to be accepted by the viewer. The high percentage of the viewing audience that has somnambulistic-depth ability could very well accept the suggestions as commands--as long as those commands did not ask the viewer to do something contrary to his morals, religion, or self-preservation. The medium for takeover is here. By the age of 16, children have spent 10,000 to 15,000 hours watching television--that is more time than they spend n school! In the average home, the TV set is on for six hours and 44 minutes per day--an increase of nine minutes from last year and three times the average rate of increase during the 1970s. It obviously isn't getting better . . . we are rapidly moving into an alpha-level world--very possibly the Orwellian world of "1984"--placid, glassy-eyed, and responding obediently to instructions. A research project by Jacob Jacoby, a Purdue University psychologist, found that of 2,700 people tested, 90 percent misunderstood even such simple viewing fare as commercials and "Barnaby Jones." Only minutes after watching, the typical viewer missed 23 to 36 percent of the questions about what he or she had seen. Of course they did--they were going in and out of trance! If you go into a deep trance, you must be instructed to remember--otherwise you automatically forget. I have just touched the tip of the iceberg. When you start to combine subliminal messages behind the music, subliminal visuals projected on the screen, hypnotically produced visual effects, sustained musical beats at a trance-inducing pace . . . you have extremely effective brainwashing. Every hour that you spend watching the TV set you become more conditioned. And, in case you thought there was a law against any of these things, guess again. There isn't! There are a lot of powerful people who obviously prefer things exactly the way they are. Maybe they have plans for us? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Digital Murder Trip To Houston! We had finally decided to do it. Xmascon was going to become a reality. When I first got Phrack 35, I read the ad for Xmascon. I merely made a suggestion to Technysis that we should go. He immediately became serious about going. At first, i did not really think anything about it. but as time passed, I started to think about the means of getting to Houston, and surviving for three days. We considered everything, bus, plane, rental car, and finally decided to drive the 'trusty' (Yeah Right!) 83 blazer. School let out for Christmas, and I decided to go visit my parents for a little while. Christmas expenses being what they are, my money supply was running short. We had figured on a little over $100 dollars apiece for the trip, and it looked like i was not going to have that much cash. Finally on Dec 25th, we made up our minds and decided to just go. The plan was for Technysis, and Acid Rocker to meet at my house at 8:00 on the 26th. The 26th rolled around, I left my parents house and arrived in Memphis around 5:00 pm. Everyone showed up on time, and we packed the truck up with all of our misc shit and left to go pick up Morpheus in Mississippi. We arrived at Morpheus' house, and he was asleep at the time. While he packed, I was given a lot of well intentioned travel advice by his grandfather. I listened to his advice, but I decided it would be best for us to travel on our original path. At the very least I was somewhat familiar with the first leg of the trip. Everything was packed in the truck, and we were ready to hit the road. Before we could start though, Technysis whipped out a bottle of white shoe polish. We painted the truck's windows with our intentions; XMASCON OR BUST on the side windows. Our handles and the broken bell symbol was the decoration for the back of the truck. As we would find out later the XMASCON OR BUST would become REAL meaningful later on. The blazer set out into the dimly lit highway 55 South. We made it out of Mississippi and into the Cajun state of Louisiana. Morpheus, was trying to tell me and the others about the Hoo-Doo-Voo-Doo people that lived under the bridges and the hexes and spells that they could put on you. Out of Louisiana, and into the great state of Texas. We were surprised by a few of the drivers in the 'Lone Star State'. One guy, for some reason that still remains unknown. Pulled up beside us, rolled down his window, and held out a sheet of paper and started to wave his finger. He seemed to be pissed about something. Who knows? Maybe he was a bell employee, and was not to happy with our 'No Bell' sign on the back. We finally pulled into Houston, and ended up at the wrong airport Hilton. After asking for directions to the other Hilton we set out on the road again. After another 45 minutes of driving, we had reached our destination. We checked into the hotel. Upon arriving in our room, I hit the bed. I was awoken by the sounds of people talking in the room. It was the DM staff, and some of the locals that we had met when we first checked in. (Sorry, but I don't recall their handles). We thought that we were the only people there, but as it turns out Crimson Death, Disapater, and Bruce Sterling had checked in before us. We went down to their room and talked for a little while. As the day went on, more and more people arrived. Technysis and I went down to the local market and got a case and a half of beer, and brought it back to the hotel. By this time there were a few more people there, or at least they came out of their rooms. We drank a little beer, and looked at some magazines and newspapers that someone had brought. Friday evening, some people got together and decided to send out for some liquor. Everyone (well, almost) chipped in and they brought back cartons of all types of liquor. Luckily, someone there had a connection and bought the stuff at cost. The way that I understood it, we got $400 dollars worth of liquor for somewhere around $100. To say the least, Friday night was a good time to be an alcoholic. Everyone, including myself was drunk. Technysis, had his fill of liquor that night. While I was passed out on the bed, he was laying in the floor making recalling his dinner, all over the floor. That was about all that I remember Friday night. (My Bad Day Starts) (Hey what's wrong with the Transmission ?!?!?) Although I slept well that night, I woke up the next morning, to the smell of something rotten. Technysis cleaned up his mess, and we decided to go get something to eat. I went outside and started the truck, and discovered that the transmission had decided to die. Now you know why Xmascon or bust was meaningful! Needless to say, I was not in a very good mood. After all, we were 13 hours from home, and almost broke. I called a transmission shop and they dispatched a wrecker to come and get my truck. By the time all this had happened, the main conference had started. As I heard someone say, this was the only 4 hour period during the whole weekend when everyone was sober. I grabbed my video camera and decided to make the best of the situation. Down at the conf. room, I was surprised to find that it was standing room only. From what I remember, there was the EFF Lawyer, The Phrack Staff, Comsec, some MIT videos, and Bruce Sterling. Though not nessacairly in that order. After leaving the conf., I called the main desk and checked to see if the guy from the transmission shop had called. As it turns out he had called. I returned his call, and he informed me that it was not something simple. (Or as I interpreted it, not something that I could afford). Since there is some kind of law that states transmission shops can't be open on Sundays, we were stuck in Houston till at least Monday. Saturday night was a lot of fun. We all chipped in again, and ordered some more liquor. I grabbed the video camera, and went around to get some footage of the party. I found a few interesting things to film such as the 'worlds longest burp', and 'beige boxing by the Kodez Kidz'. There were also a lot of interesting people that I got interviews with. I interviewed the Hilton security guard, and he described some of the things that went on at the party. A couple of things that went on were the burning of a bible in the parking lot, and some of the plates covering the phone lines were removed from the wall. Anyway, if you want to see the interviews order the video tape. I decided to go back to the room and sit around and watch some TV. About 4:00 in the morning someone banged on our door and said 'Strippers'. We all ran down to the conference room, and met the girls. There were four girls in all, and two of them decided to dance. Acid Rocker had the video camera and filmed the whole thing. We saw one of the 'Kodez Kidz' apparently getting his first kiss. He had a kinda surprised look on his face. I decided to go back to the room and get some sleep. The girls did not come back that nite (THANK GOD! *Editor's Note*). Sunday, almost everyone had left. The CDC guys were still there, and some other people. Nothing much went on Sunday. Morpheus and I decided to start on out articles for the magazine. We typed them in on an Atari Portfolio. This is not recommended for long articles. Monday we were pretty much the only people there. I had the bank up here in Memphis wire some money to Houston. When we walked down to the bank to pick up the money, the bitch at the counter was throwing up a lot of attitude. She gave us a lot of shit, so we left and decided to come back later. When I got back to the hotel, I called the main branch of that bank. I finally got a hold of someone that knew what he was talking about. He said that the wire had come in, and I could go pick it up. I walked back down to the bank, and stated that I would like to pick up my money. The lady (bitch) still said that it was not there. I told her to call the main branch and talk to Mr. Doe. She then decided that my money was there after all. To this day, I can't understand this lady's problem. Back at the hotel, we called about my truck. The guy said that he would bring it by when it was done. About 7:00 the truck did arrive, and we packed it up and hit the road. We stopped at Taco Bell in Houston and then left for Memphis. We arrived in Memphis Tuesday morning about 8:00. ------------- Xmascon, The Video ------------------------ Copies of the video tape are avaliable to anyone that will send $10 dollars or some back issues of TAP, 2600 or some disks of text, VIRUSES, BBS software ,etc. to our P.O. Box. We will be glad to send you a copy of the video. It is not the most wonderful thing in the world, but it is something to look at once or twice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *************************************************************** * Thoughts from hell....An Overview of Xmascon 91 * * By Technysis * *************************************************************** Well, it seems as though everyone is writing their own account of the trip to Xmascon, so I guess I will join the bandwagon, plus a few notes and feelings at the end. Our trip was getting off to a good start. We all met over at Chizz's place, except Morpheus, and got ready and packed up the Blazer. When we got over to Morpheus's place, we were pissed to find that he was not packed and ready. While he was packing, his grandparents were torturing us with different ways that what we wanted to get to Houston. After a long 10 minutes, we were ready to start our voyage. However, while walking to the Blazer, I had an idea. We decorated the windows with messages of hope, but turned to dismay as you will see, but the highlight was the Bell logo in the middle, with a NO symbol around it, and most importantly the crack, the symbol of the hackers mastery over the phone system. Now that was out of the way, the long 13 hour trip was to start. Chizz driving, and me riding shotgun, Morpheus and Acid Rocker were in the back, doing God knows what, hehe. Everything was fine, and made a stop in Jackson, Miss. for gas and relief. But, the next part gets interesting. Once we get over the Louisiana border, Morpheus starts talking shit about voodoo magic, and the Cajuns and shit. I guess you would have to be there to really understand what all happened. ( By the way Morph., did you ever get to leave you house again? What else did they bury? ) Anyway, everything was fine till we hit Texas. This place had to be bridge hell. Everywhere you looked, just bridges, like they had no concept of what roads were. To make it short, we finally arrived at the Hilton, after clear across town we went to the wrong one, and crashed almost immediately in the room. After awhile of resting, we went roaming around the hotel. So far there was only 3 people in one room, and on down the hall, probably the first to get there, The Disapator, Crimson Death, and forgive me, someone else that I can't seem to place. After hanging out with them for awhile, several people start showing up, soon they just start pouring. Me and Chizz decide that the time has come, so we left to go find some Spirits of Intoxication. We ended up at some Arabian store and bought 3 12 packed of beer, let me remind you that the drinking had just begun. When we got back, someone had mentioned, "Hey, guess this is the first beer of the Con. ", so we passed him one. While talking for awhile, we decided to split up, and we left the beer in the room, which proved to be a big mistake when we later came looking for it. By this time, there was a considerable amount of people there, so since it was around 7:00 or so, (major time jump huh?), we decided to get something to eat. When we got back, there was a mention of buying some liquor, so everyone pitched in $5. Later when it came, I believe everyone got fucked up. As for me and Chizz, we decided that the Spirits of Intoxication were calling our names. I had been drinking heavily, Vodka, Crown Royal, Segrams 7, and various others, then it happened. Someone started making Mexican Flags, which will soon prove to be my downfall. After drinking one, which was sweet as hell, I filled my glass back up with Crown Royal and went back to he room where the others were. Let me remind you that these glasses were about equal to 5-6 shots apiece when full, as they were. At the room, me and Chizz start drinking the glasses like shots, and at that time I felt real good, and numb. I said that I would go back and try and snatch the rest of the bottle, so I left the room. Well, I never made it back to the room, instead, I have 3 more glasses of Crown Royal. Then, all of a sudden, Chizz pops in to see where I had gone. After drinking more in the conf. room, we get 1 final glass, and leave to go back to the room. There, we finish off the whole glass, and somewhere around there is where I lost it, and passed out. Later on that night, I woke up in the floor, next to a pile of underdone chicken McNuggets which I had eaten the day before, so I went to the bathroom, deposited more int the toilet, and sat down in the chair till the next morning. Later that morning, Acid Rocker was the first to wake up. I was sitting in he chair awake. After awhile, they filled me in on the nights events, which I didn't exactly like, but oh well. Everyone took a shower, and then it was my turn. We were going to get some breakfast. The meeting was to start at 12:00. While I was taking a shower, they all piled into Chizz's Blazer and started bumping some bass. Then it happened. While fucking around, he tried to move the car, but the transmission had done given out. Pretty shitty eh? About that time, here I came ready to go, but my plans were cut short when I heard the news. So the next logical step was to call " Fat Redneck Transmission Repair ", which was pretty expensive for way they did. ( Forward in time! ) Ok, it is now 2:00 p.m., and it was time for the conference to start. There were several speakers, including the two former members of Legion of Doom. Their lecture was the better of the ones presented. After all the lectures were over, there were several videos shown. One covered the steam tunnels under M.I.T., which was pretty funny. Several of the Cult of the Dead Cow members (!oooM), were involved in it. After that, the video of, "Now it can be told", was shown, and would have made any would be hacker laugh his ass off. The next were parts of the 2600 video of the Dutch hacker, which was very informative. All this lasted around 4 hours. After that, the conference was pretty much over. Everyone just sorta lingered around talking, looking over the visual aids, books, and shit brought by the various people involved with the Con. Now the real part of the Con was beginning to take place. the main part was the little groups of people, talking and sharing info among these separate groups. I learned more this way than any other. That night, even more liquor was bought than the previous night. I was cool. Even though that I swore I would not drink anymore, the Spirits of Intoxication called Chizz and I closer and closer until I was drinking some Tequila. Haha, so much for the AA class I was going to attend. Anyways, that night served at the ' Late Night drunk Cam ', going around and getting quotes and shit from various people. Probably the best, was the Clifford Stoll imitation by Doc Cyphir, 49 million bits per second huh? Anyway, we proceeded to tape fellow Con people getting drunk and all. We finally got tired and retired to our room for some time to ponder just exactly what had happened. While we were watching t.v., it happened. Mopheus bust into the room, saying that the strippers had arrived. We had heard some word about it, but didn't really believe it, but after some of the stuff had happened, there was no reason to doubt it. We headed to the conference room, where everything was being set up for the show. After a short while, it started. There was close to 30 people in there, and the two strippers up front. Everything went cool. It was extremely seeing people going up there with their money, and getting kissed for the first time, haha. Good thing it was caught on tape. Acid Rocker was doing the tape, but how he put up with the lighting problems, ( i.e. big objects, hehe ), I will never know. That is a story he will have to tell in his own way. Needless to say, after that, it was basically over. People continued to get drunk, and most left the next day, but there were still alot of cool people left to talk and hang out with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subliminality w/ Guido ---------------------------------------------------------- EDITORS NOTE: In our quest for certainty, we have found that we must invoke a humorous muse now and then to keep the left side of the brain active and distorted so the right side can be used to focus on this and other enlightening articles. Press Fnordward into the depths of D.M. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, the title of this little SA may sound confusing, fnord and forboding, but contrary to what you are thinking, it really is. The way I see and hear and in other ways sense it, life is meant to be subliminal. You can have fun and prophet throughout life if you just remain predominantly subliminal. Let me explain for those of you less enlightened fellows/fellaws. Subliminality is the characteristic(s) of influencing people/places/things without being noticed. I recommend the works of Malaclypse the Younger and film director John Carpenter for some wonderful primers on subliminality. Even more fun than invoking subliminality in yourself and others is subliminiphobia which is other people's fear of all things unknown and subliminal. Subliminiphobia can be fun and satisfying to you and your loved ones in many ways. Here are a few suggestions: 1) Write arcane symbols and glyphs in and around frequented locations. Some good ideas are "Jahbulon" "Fnord" and your favorite gang symbols. This always gets the desired effects out of those that view. 2) Carouse around the halls of your favorite public establishment chanting your favorite arcane incantations. Can't think of any? Just think of the strangest noun you know of, and add a couple of verbs and adjectives and TA DAA! Instant incantation! Examples : If you were'nt a kangaroo, you would be an excellent mailman. The lemon people! They're in my head! Those are some of my favorite, and they never fail to make people wonder why. 3) Carry strange artifacts around school, just barely noticeable. Some REALLY good ones are face sculpu]ture necklaces, drug paraphenalia as necklaces, and assorted canes & staves. The smaller and less noticeable the better as subliminaliphobia is best enjoyed when served unexpectedly. 4) Whisper unintelligible things into people's ears and other orifices often. This really gets them on edge, as they don't know what you're saying, and when revoked the privelage of knowledge, mankind gets quite peeved. Some fun examples can be taken from Monty Python names of people such as "Rupert Luxury Yacht" or "Throat-Warbler Mangrove". 5) The only reason there is a fifth reason is because of fnord and the law of fives. 6) Researching customs of secret societies and practicing them are also fun things to do. Practicing secret handshakes and the like on friends will be sure to jolt them up, until you run into a real member and the joke becomes upon you. In short, subliminality is fun to mess around with, but if you practice it too often, you're bound to be discovered by others. So have fun with subliminaliphobia, and beware of the mushroom girls. H A P P Y S O L S T I C E E V E R Y O N E ! Guido Sanchez Dec. 24/1991 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/ Neuron Rant #1: Words from the Cerebrum The InFOWOrd Primer By: Neuron God // Edited by Morpheus An InFOWOrd Production. ,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\ Msg #: [24/33] Base: Brainwashing/Persuasion/Sublim Date : Sun 2 Feb 1992 12:42p Stat: Public From : Neuron God #14 To : All Title: won't try Reply: This message has 1 reply I don't know who's worse.. people who can't understand or those who choose not to try. I tried last night to explain to two people I've known for a long time that there are no questions to which the only answers are "yes" or "no". I tried to explain to them that God, as in the Christian and other 'Religious' beliefs does not exist. I tried to explain why I can fly and I will never die, and why they could do the same. They simply told me that I was wrong. They never even considered that I might be right. How do I know? They never asked me the ONE question that would prove that they understood that I was even trying to explain anything at all. They never asked "Why??". They simply said "you're wrong" and proceeded to shovel bullshit at me. They stated all the old cliches about religion and life after death, and tried to avoid and destroy the argument that I eventually won. They could not understand, they could not avoid, they could not destroy, so they became AFRAID. They are afraid of me because I don't agree with them like all the other brainwashed sheep. They are afraid of my ideas and the truth that I have found because it means that their years of brainwashing were wrong. For example, I stated that if all questions were "yes" or "no" answers, what would be the answer to the question "What flavor Ice cream do you like?". That is certainly a question with more than two answers. If the question is "Do you like ice cream?" the possible answers become "yes", "no", "I've never experienced ice cream", "I like specific types of ice cream but not others" or "I like ice cream at specific times or after specific meals but not at others". I explained that I understand the concept of Infinity. They asked me " then what am I thinking?". I tried to explain to them that Comprehending Infinity and knowing everything were completely different. They wouldn't listen. I even gave the example " I comprehend the Universe, but I don't know every detail of it. I comprehend computers, but I don't know every detail of how they work.". They stuck to their monomaniacal quest to prove their point no matter how many times I disproved it. My argument never changed. My whole point was that each individual has his own reality. I can fly because the Mind does not know the difference between imagination and 'reality'. They wouldn't listen. So, I might as well have been talking to mindless, thoughtless, brainless OBJECTS. It would have made a better conversation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle on! fight the government, whoever they are! Defeat those who fear truth and reality! What is real is not what we live, we live that which others have made to seem real. Reality is Truth and Freedom surrounded by a sense of common purpose, and that common purpose is survival of the intelligent and death of the weak-minded. To learn is to live, to UNDERSTAND is to reign. By censoring our words and actions the weak-minded class have controlled the actions and experiences of us (the thinking class) so that we pose no (obvious) threat to them. The government is made up completely of the weak class and so is most of the rest of the world and it is only natural that they conspire against us. They are common, we are uncommon; "abnormal". When the mentality of the mob takes over, the first thing to be destroyed is that which sticks out, that which is different, abnormal, and yes, better. This is why all those who understand the cause, knowing that it exists and WHY, are in danger. It is not because we have done anything "wrong" or even broken any of the weak class's written laws. We have broken the unwritten law of the non-thinkers that states "No man shall be different or better, and no man shall tolerate anyone who is". With our superior understanding and mental skills we are better suited for life than they. Our numbers are increasing daily, and their numbers decrease due to their own ignorant stupidity. They kill each other in the streets over drugs and even shoes and jackets and then blame us because we should be helping them. They know that they are unhelpable but they can't admit that anyone is better than they because that would mean that they were wrong to begin with. The non-thinker avoids such thought-provoking situations at all costs, even to the point where his own life is given up for something as petty as a piece of clothing. Take my shoes; take my jacket; take my computer, my arms, my legs, my speech, my sight, but you can never touch my mind. We, the thinkers of INFOWORD, will survive forever because we are people of the mind. The mind is the one thing in this existance that cannot be truly controlled. Long live the thinking class! May we find yet more brothers and sisters among those who seem to be lost. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=+=-=-+-=-=+=-=-+-=-=+=-=- H e a v e n ' s T r a s h -=-=+=-=-+-=-=+=-=-+-=-=+=-=- Final Wordz from Morpheus. Are you the editor of a magazine and desperatly searching for more readers, submissions, and free advertising? Send a copy of your magazine to me (our PO BOX is listed at the beginning of this issue) and you will have all three! Whether it is a standard 'in-print' magazine, disk-based, or a magazine like this one, let us know you exist. Killer 'Zines for Your Intellect . . . -------------------------------- - - - - - Although I am not a big consumer in the visual arts world, I did recently pick up a copy of NUMBER: magazine (well, it was free). NUMBER: is an independent quarterly that focuses on the visual arts in the tri-state region of Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas. It contains interesting articles and essays discussing art education, the history of the art world, mind boggling information on the reality of illusions (my favorite type of reading--enhances my subliminity), and interviews of well-known artists around the country. It is the 'Digital Murder Magazine' of the art world (am I allowed to say that?). Its fabulous layout and mind- expanding photos <> make it a magazine worth checking out. Write them for price information. NUMBER: P.O. BOX 12226 Memphis, TN 38182-0226 ---------- Also check out THE FIFTH PATH magazine out of CA. It's a definite ''must read'' if you are into gothik and/or industrial music. Issue two contained interviews of Rozz Williams (ex: Christian Death member), Skinheads in Germany (yikes!), as well as reviews on a great assortment of 'alternative' audio, video, and printed material. THE FIFTH PATH---------[ $5.00 ppd. per issue. Make all checks, P.O. BOX 1632 money orders, etc. payable to Robert Ward. Carmichael, CA 95609-1632 ---------- ** Subliminal message: FEEL FREE to add your name to our list of writers! Send your articles now! ** BRAIN TEASER ------------ If train -A-, carrying a lot of passengers, leaves Los Angeles traveling ''very fast'' and train -B-, carrying a lot more passengers, leaves New York City traveling ''somewhat fast'' (but not as fast as the train from L.A.), in what city and at what time will trains -A- and -B- collide and how many people will die? INFOWORD -------- Would it be neat if we were all aliens taking over the planet?? what if real hackers and phreakers (the one's that look like they're either lost in the 60's or are lost in space-- see: Punk Rockers and 'Cyberpunks') were actually all the same race? Like back in Egypt when historian scientists say UFO's landed, this race of highly intelligent space beings put hundreds of their kind (our kind) on the planet (this planet). These aliens that were put on the earth were gentically altered to look like humans. As you can see by examining your average Joe Cyberpunk, they didn't have human genetics science down pat back then (or now). They all (we) are easily spotted in this planet because of our miscalculated genetic alteration- We have a strange habit of wanting to wear Leather Jackets with combat boots and a mohawk or little more 'mod' version of this is all of us that dress ''new wave'' and wear a lot of black. We are an expiriment of our celestial ancestors and a hopeful attempt for our race to take over the planet Earth. We need to come together as a unified organization and act as a catalyst and bring the day when our alien relatives come back to take the planet closer. We will be at peace as will the entire planet. Get involved and unite today. I will be your messiah. Morpheus Danger Kult/InFOWOrd INFOWORD. HOW THIS COLUMN STARTED ----------------------- I thought it would be ____ if I told everyone how this column got started, where I got the name, and other interesting details. Well here's ''the deal'' (see: Drunk Fux at XMASCON talking to me and Count Zero about schematics.) One night when I was just a young little cyberpunk I went out trashing with a friend. We hit the garbage cans of several different Southern Bells (The company--not 'southern bells' the women.) We decided it would be quicker if we just take the garbage bags and get out as quickly as possible then go through all the bags at my house later. It worked out we got more trash that way so I thought of it as if we were both Indiana Jones' of the techno world. Getting maps and addresses to bell buildings as if they were maps to ancient treasures. So I thought of all this junk (yes, we did some bags that were nothing but nasty, coffee stained JUNK) as a sort of treasure.. so I got the name Heaven's Trash from that and it went along well because I was a dedicated Skinny Puppy fan at the time. I would sometimes just type crazy stuph into the computer and save it to read later..and that's where ''the final words from Morpheus'' in Digital Murder came from (and still comes from there too!) passion plotting sinful disease lie. BE SUBLIMINAL- BE SUBLIME ------------------------- Experience the truth of INFOWORD. Let your senses wander and explore the wildest depths of your mind. See the way and discover yourself by joining together. Let the day be poetry. Let life be information and freedom. Imagine last night as a sensual exploration that helped build a free nation of information. ''Her legs wrapped around me slowly and pulled me closer-- it was like sculpture.'' Exchanging bodily fluids with a member of the opposite sex is slightly different than exchanging information electronically but is a form of physical/mental exchange of information that we promote. Learn the truths of INFOWORD through our electronic publications and future works of literature posted randomly on street-side light posts across the nation. Be subliminal. Let your actions speak louder than your words. Infiltrate and tantalize the minds of many. Spread the truths and help unite the planet physically and mentally. Be Sublime. Let your actions transfer energy of a natural, peaceful state. Let your words flow through the inner-conscious of society as words of illuminating intelligence. Experience the truths of InFOWOrd. INFOWORD. -------------- Well what a fine ending for Digital Murder #4. Next month we will dedicate a resonable portion of text to peruse at your own leisure as it will contain no real valuable information. What will this portion of text focus on? well. . . all I can say is ponder over the brain teaser for a while until issue #5 comes out and then you can find out for yourself. So until next month (or until George Bush finally decides we ARE in a recession), so long. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************** Last Minute Breaking News By Technysis ****************************************************** Well, as most of you know, my board, Backdoor, went down due to phone bill disagreements, and both my numbers were disconnected. The board was run off of a commodore 128, and since then I have upgraded to a IBM clone. The bill will be taken care of hopefully by then middle of next month, and Backdoor will go back up on the IBM, running either LSD or some other type of bbs software. Some people will think this is lame, but I may also put up the commodore board back up, possibly on my other line. I find it a waste to run a two node IBM board, becuase it would be too slow. Others may disagree, but you can go and fuck off. I also need a little time to save up for a high speen modem, because I will not put up an IBM board at 2400, that sucks. It will have to be 9600 at least, 19200, yeah right. Oh well, till this happens, kill all FEDS and burn a few flags. Backdoor/IBM 901.xxx.xxx Forming in a datacloud soon near you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .