=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pity the Cynic -------------- I am a cynic. In other words, I have been disappointed by the people around me and society in general often enough that I have lost all faith in the American system, and am now doomed to amuse myself by griping about and poking fun at everything and everyone I see. My philosophy is this: Expect the worst. That way when it happens you won't be surprised. I hate television. Every single show is designed to get the most possible amount of people to watch regularly, and yet so much of it is completely inane. One would assume that people and companies dumping so much money into television must certainly know what they are doing. It frightens me that we Americans are so easily entertained, so easily entranced for hours by an electronic glass breast that feeds us nothing but utter garbage and bad news all day and all night. Hell, those of us who have cable are actually PAYING for it. I hate politics. American politics in particular. A big huge room where a bunch of overpaid, underwaorked, behind-the-times old farts are supposed to be trying to fix the country. Problem is, they rarely show up for work, and even if they did, they would most likely be too stuid, sleepy, or drunk to get anything accomplished. I hate people. Yes, even people. I can count the people on the face of this planet that don't drive me nuts on one hand. Everyone in my family is either a completely irresponsible moron, or a meddling twit who wants to run my life for me. All of my "friends" have alterior motives and hidden agendas. Maybe I am just being paranoid, but I really think this is true. It's so rare to find true friendship anymore. True love is pretty much extinct, I think. They say that people need people, but I think that's bullshit. There is not much that I don't hate. But who can blame me? I live in a fucked up little West Texas town where high school boys aren't allowed to wear rock and roll T-shirts, where 99 percent of the black citizens seem to be kept out of sight and out of mind. I live in a world where even if I DID bust my ass in school for 4+ years and get a degree, I would still have to work at Burger King. Most of the time I wish that I wasn't so cynical. Sometimes I wish I could just blindly mesh with the herd, mindlessly follow the line all the way to the end, not seeing, not thinking, not speaking. Hell, pretty much everybody else is doing it, and they seem so darn happy. Is ignorance really bliss? If so, why have I been cursed with the ability to see through all of the nauseatingly tremendous piles of socal trash that cover our everyday lives like shit from some monstrous bird? Why do I scoff at everything I see and hear? It's no fun, I tell you. So, the next time you're sitting there in front of your television watching that NIFTY new show with the oh-so-cute little child actor whose every action recieves roars of laughter from a canned audience, think of me. More than likely I'll be doing the same thing you are, except I won't be laughing. Thank you for your time. -U.E. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, comments, bitches, ideas, etc : z3mar@ttacs.ttu.edu : FUCK = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Official F.U.C.K. Distribution sites and information = = Board Number Other = = ----- ------ ----- = = Immortal Hate 806.745.8879 World HQ = = Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Eastern HQ = = PCI 806.794.1438 Dist. = = Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Dist. = = Celestial Woodlands 806.798.6262 Dist. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Accounts NOT guaranteed on any F.U.C.K. distribution site. If you are = = interested in writing for, or in becoming a distribution site for = = F.U.C.K. call Immortal Hate, and apply for an account, or mail Dam = = at z3mar@ttacs.ttu.edu or on Immortal Hate. Knowledge is power... = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .