=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sloth ----- Wasting time can be a creative, meaningful, and even time-consuming adventure. One must be dedicated to Sloth in such a way that almost every effort in daily life is centered on how to make the next moment go by with hardly a remembrance of the previous minute. Needless to say, this is easier said than done; wasting time takes almost as much effort as actual productivity. Why would one engage themselves in such in such a time-consuming activity dedicated to doing absolutely nothing? Simply answered, it is mere apathy. But, why apathy? Apathy, for me, comes from the realization that the Baby- Boomer Ideal is, was, and has always been a farce. Our parents procured an odd set of beliefs that were garnered from the "Protestant Work Ethic" of THEIR parents, and mixed into an unbalanced concoction with the Idealism of the '60s. These two approaches to life are in complete contradiction to each other. Our parents believed that you grew up, went to college, married your Sweetheart, and lived happily ever after. They even believed in this order of events so deeply that popular movies, television, and radio reflected the culture of those times. The '60s partially shattered that illusion, however. The Viet Nam War, the social and political protests of the day all came to together to force cracks in The American Dream. Americans finally had the chance to face reality. But, our parents failed us. They flat out fucked up. So, that brings us back to doing nothing. Doing nothing as a protest against today's society. Doing nothing because success cannot be measured under our parents' terms. Doing nothing because it SIMPLY DOESN'T MATTER. For those of us that are too lazy, or too apathetic to give a shit about forming any other kind of legitimate protest- let's face it- it's much easier to do NOTHING. And, with all the modern conveniences that we now have at our beck and call, we can easily find ways of doing something else to pass the time without actually having to do anything at all. I think this is great. Computers, video games, cigarettes (who gives a fuck if smoking causes cancer?), CD players, and, of course, television are but a few of the multitude of vices to which we now have access. And, thanks to the Gods of Technology, it's only going to get better! Our generation has the greatest opportunity of any in history to completely fuck off. And, why not? Technology doesn't ask for more of our free time, it demands it! And, wouldn't we be fools to not embrace our opportunities? The answer is a dignified "Yes." Maybe we HAVE learned something after all. However, we, The Generation of the Young and Bored, have cleverly twisted our parents Puritanical Fancy with Accomplishment, into a mutation of Working For Nothing. Let our parents tell us we are good for nothing; we will nod our heads and THANK them for giving us a world in which we can completely dismantle every ideal they stood by. What an achievement! Who cares if our parents won't be proud? Did you really ever believe that you were going to somehow please them? Is that what your were really concerned about all along? I didn't think so. What you really wanted was to get out of under their thumb, so you pretended to follow in their foot-steps by going to college (or planning to go) and pretending that you were really concerned about your future, when in reality, you only truly cared about learning the fatality moves in Mortal Kombat, or having that spiffy new record by Nirvana or Rage Against the Machine. You might have even told yourself that if you worked real hard, and got that Holy Diploma, that some company would come knocking at your door begging you to work for them, and THEN, you would earn the money to have all the free time to do what you really wanted to do in the first place- NOTHING. And, even have all the groovy toys to do NOTHING with. What a fucking lie. Truth is, our generation is used to getting what it wants right this minute, and basically, it is just too much of a pain in the ass to wait. Hell, if we wanted to wait, we could go to McDonald's after all the bars shut down. Sloth is a way of life for our generation. The realization of this fact is the healthiest thing we can do for our own mental stability. And, don't let those around you who cling to our Parent's Dreams thwart you. It's our duty to each other, and to ourselves to make the Art of Fucking Off into something that OUR children will loathe us for in the years to come. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, comments, bitches, ideas, etc : z1max@ttuvm1.ttu.edu :FUCK = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Flatline 303.466.5368 = = Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Culture Shock 717.652.5851 = = The Keg 914.234.9674 Red Dawn ][ 410.263.2258 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Accounts NOT guaranteed on any F.U.C.K. distribution site. If you are = = interested in writing for, or in becoming a distribution site for = = F.U.C.K. call Flatline and mail Disorder or mail Max on the Celestial = = Woodlands or internet. Knowledge is power... = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .