=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Nighthawk's Ramblings --------------------- The following are excerpts from letters received from Nighthawk written to Damanstian. Segments of the letters are quoted here-after, regarding several different aspects of the government and organizations. The following was typed by Dam, so all typos are his fault. "Have you ever wanted to see an entire class of people annihilated in a fiery holocaust? I am currently feeling that way about hippies. Or at least the wannabe variety I am currently surrounded with. If I see one more Grateful Dead shirt, I'm going to get a heavy machine gun and blast as many as possible before I am cut down in the crossfire of imcompetant ATF agents armed with the kind of firepower they would deny to the citizens of this nation. Just to make things absolutely clear, I am vehemently anti-gun control. I have heard the argument that the "well-regulated militia" mentioned in the 4th Amendment is the National Guard or the local police forces! As anyone who has bothered to research the subject knows, the militia is intended to prevent the government from becoming oppressive, as well as to assist in the defense of the nation if our borders were to be overrun. However, later laws allowed for the nationalization of the state-organized National Guard Units, whereby they could be controlled by the executive or legislative branches, thereby becoming a tool of oppression rather than a shield against it! And as far as police defending our rights, I have a severe lack of confidence. The Fraternal Order of Police, a nationwide union for police officers, has consistently lobbied legislators at all levels from city to federal to restrict as many of our personal freedoms as possible. They have tried to take away our rights to freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, the right to keep and bear arms, the rights to operate various vehicles, the right to a fair trial, and the right to avoid double jeopardy. Also, remember having to register for Selective Service? This makes it possible for the United States government to draft you, train you, arm you with an assault rifle, and send you to be slaughtered by veteran troops of a foreign nation if the political leadership of the nation digs itself too deeply into a policy hole(which is happening in the Arkansas White House as we speak). Where are the Lee Harvey Oswalds of the world when you really need them? Let's ask the military-industrial complex!" "I wonder if somebody's reading your mail? has Big Brother finally taken control of our country? It seems to me that the right and left, politically speaking, are distinguished only by the specific wording of their attempts to enslave the population. The right wants to strip minors of all rights, make it illegal to possess any substance not sponsored by a huge lobby like R.J. Reynolds or the alcohol industry, and take away your free access to any information you might want to have. The left wants to take away your rights to free speech in the name of political correctness, your right to make your own path in life with bloated entitlement programs, and your right to keep the money you have earned with massive tax encreases caused by their love of Big Government, bloated bureaucracies, and handouts of all forms. Leave me the fuck alone, you Brooks Brothers-suited Gestapo bastards! People convicted of selling a quarter-ounce of post spend more time in jail than rapists, armed robbers, or, in some cases, murderers! Yet I cannot legally carry a handgun for self-defense until I am twenty-one, and must wait from five days to three weeks to buy any gun. In the meantime, the crack addict who wants to kill me and steal my possessions has just bought a submachine gun off the back of a truck and is heading towards my house with a full clip of Black Talon rounds (which only the police and federal agencies can legally possess-for what purpose I don't know) with the intention of getting whitey for his oppression. Or at least that's what Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan have told him." "I find that the most radical thing to rebel against is the status quo of 'rebellion' embraced by every Sunchild, hippie, and loser in the world. I piss more people off by appearing to be more completely conservative than Abbie Hoffman and H. Rap Brown did in their leftist heydays. It's amazin how insecure people really are--the best way to destroy someone these days is to suggest that they stop whining and just fucking do something with their lives." "Isn't it about time we allowed natural selection to take its course? I mean, how much longer are we going to support useless human beings like welfare junkies, crack addicts, and the Senate? Anarchist--it's not just a job, it's an adventure." Nighthawk =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, comments, bitches, ideas, etc : lamb@sun1.coe.ttu.edu = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Flatline 303.466.5368 = = Entropy 318.625.9666 Dungeon Sys. Inc. 410.263.2258 = = Celestial Woodlands 409.764.2843 Plan 9 716.881.3663 = = Logikal Nonsence 717.XXX.XXXX Purple Hell 806.791.0747 = = PuRe EViL 905.XXX.XXXX The Keg 914.234.9674 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Accounts NOT guaranteed on any F.U.C.K. distribution site. If you are = = interested in writing for, or in becoming a distribution site for = = F.U.C.K. call Flatline and mail Disorder or mail Max on the Purple = = Hell or internet. Knowledge is power... = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .