=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Looking Back II --------------- Welp. This is the 75th F.U.C.K. file. After every 24 files, there will be one that will tell about the past files, what they contain, who they were written by, include a current member list, and a current distribution list. This is the third.... 51 - "Conformity" by Fastjack - Little realizations about how everything seems to beat down the inherant creativity in people. 52 - "Brutality" by Fastjack - When is it enough? 53 - "The Epidemic" by Max Headroom - A good overview of computer viruses and how to spot them. Also encludes benchmarks of some of the more popular PD virus scanners. 54 - "So You Wanna Be Cool" - Learn how you can be cool too! 55 - "Equal Rights" - Take a closer look at who is getting discriminated against. 56 - "File #56" by Dam - Brief Commentary on America and the people in it. What is wrong with this place and what can you do about it? 57 - "Acronym Mania" by Max - Good list of Acronyms so you can read the lingo and know something. 58 - "Hypocrisy, The Greatest Luxury" by Fastjack - My feelings on how the religious can be just as big a hypocrite as the next satan worshipper. 59 - "Depression, the Future, and Me" by Fastjack - Feelings about a future that looks bleak. 60 - "A F.U.C.K.ed Christmas" by Fastjack - Sing 'Have yourself a sellout little christmas'. 61 - "Sloth" by Zippy - The coming generations, and how they have the greatest opportunity to slack off in history. 62 - "Religion" by Acid Warlock - Feelings on those who feel the need to be a christian. 63 - "How Do I Validate?" by Acid Warlock - Possible criteria for validation and what a sysop might look for. 64 - "That's It" by Dam - Just read it. 65 - "Anthology III" - A combination of interesting quotes and great taglines for your use. 66 - "Get a Job" - Having a steady job or college? What guarantees you will keep that job? Regardless of position? 67 - "Cash, Check, or Charge" - What's up with our monetary system and why is it so lame? 68 - "Growing Old" - A new perspective on a not so favorite past time. 69 - "Nighthawk's Ramblings" - One of the groups newest members and some of his views on government etc. Good reading. 70 - "Scanning Phun" - Morpheus Gets bored and scans...with interesting results. 71 - "Whee" - Just some year end comments from Dam and fastjack regarding the group and some general thoughts. 72 - "Rag Wars" - Written by a newcomer to the group, Fractal Illusion. Pointless bickering about petty shit, and what it does. 73 - "What Next?" - The results of Frac releasing his file, and what happened after it. Talk about petty... 74 - "Com-pyoo-ter" - A look into how unknowledgeable some people are when it comes to computers. 75 - "Looking Back III" - This File. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F.U.C.K. Member List -------------------- Handle Position Status Written ------------------------------------------------------------ - Dam - Writer/Editor - Active - 39 - - fastjack - Writer/Dist. Mgr. - Active - 7 - - Max Headroom - Writer - Active - 3 - - Acid Warlock - Writer/Advertising - Active - 4 - - Overdriver - Writer - Active - 5 - - Zippy - Writer - Active - 1 - - Morpheus - Writer - Active - 1 - - Disorder - Dist. Mgr. - Active - - - - Loki - Writer - Active - 1 - - Night Hawk - Writer - Active - 1 - - Fractal/Ill - Writer - Inactive - 1 - - Doc. Z - Writer - Inactive - 1 - - Zach D. - Writer - Inactive - 1 - - PsI - Writer - Inactive - 2 - - Uncle Elvis - Writer - Inactive - 1 - ------------------------------------------------------------ (Files written by more than one person are credited to neither) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F.U.C.K. Distribution Sites --------------------------- Board Name Number Sysop Status ST ---------- ------ ----- ------ -- - Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Phatal Error Eastern HQ PA - Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Acid Warlock Southern HQ TX - PuRe EViL 905.XXX.XXXX Prince/Darkness Canadian HQ ON - Free Matrix 303.680.6783 Stussy Western HQ CO - Celestial Woodlands 409.764.2843 The Ranger Dist. TX - Logikal Nonsence 717.XXX.XXXX Shockwave Dist. PA - PcI 806.794.1438 PsI Dist. TX - Dungeon System Inc. 410.263.2258 Dark Image Dist. MD - The Keg 914.234.9674 Six Pack Dist. NY - Plan 9 Info Archives 716.881.3663 Kilslug Dist. NY - E.L.F. 314.272.3426 Jabberw0cky Dist. MO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= General Info ------------ If you are a sysop of a board, and want to carry the F.U.C.K. files you do NOT have to be an official distribution site. All we ask is that you carry them. If you do want to become an official site, you must make a seperate directory for the files. When files are uploaded, use this format: FUCK0001.TXT F.U.C.K. File 1 - Where it all Begins *or* FUCK0001.TXT F.U.C.K. Vol. 1 - Where it all Begins *or* FUCK0001.TXT Where it All Begins Include the title, and make sure they are free to download. That is the only way they will get out and circulated. For the time being, there will be no more than three dist. sites in any given area code. If you run an official dist. site, it is encouraged that you have an account on one of the HQ so you have access to the files as they are released. The writers try to UL them to the dist. sites, but may not always have the chance. -Dam =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Few other Things ---------------- Lots of SHIT happening in 303 recently. Won't say much on what has happened, but you may have noticed that Flatline and Undercity are no longer Dist. Sites. Those boards are down for now, but not forgotten. They will not be up for a while for individual reasons, so don't bother calling. Cyber Rock is also down, as you may have read in one of the files. One other thing. After you read this, go out and find the files titled COTNO#.ZIP, download them, read them, and spread them around. That stands for Communications of The New Order. Peace. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, comments, bitches, ideas, etc: lamb@sun1.coe.ttu.edu :FUCK = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Accounts NOT guaranteed on any F.U.C.K. distribution site. If you are = = interested in writing for, or in becoming a distribution site for = = F.U.C.K. call Purple Hell and mail Fastjack, or call Woodlands and = = and mail Disorder. Knowledge is power... = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .