=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Generation _ ------------ After reading F.U.C.K. #77 I thought about a "Proper Name" to give this 'up and coming' Generation I belong to. I started to think about what it is that separates us from all the other generations. Well the way I see it, our generation is kinda screwed right now. We are coming up in a world were no one likes our government, people aren't recognized until they are dead, science is our god, and job security is meaningless. Right now I would tell the rest of our generation that if you want a "Secure" job you will have to go into one of the following areas. Computers. You get into teaching people how to make their computer boot up in Windows, and then charge them $100 for it. You could also do 3D Renderings, which if VR catches on big time then you will have a foot- hold in it, ready to make the Reality for people. You also see Renderings on the TV a lot today, well last time I checked, I don't watch TV often. Which brings me into the next area. Television. Right now the cable industry along with the Telephone industry is about to totally restructure the way we watch Television. Most of the small stations, like the local ones home to your area only, will probably go out of business. The stations left over will supply shows, and movies to you. You just turn on your TV, tell it you want to watch last nights episode of Star Trek: Voyager (Episode #300). Then for a low cost you get to see last nights episode with no interruptions, actually, you will have to pay more if you don't want any interruptions. So now you are paying about $30 a month for regular TV. Now lets say you want Cable, and all those show. Well that will probably cost $30 more dollars, AND you have the premium cable channels that want your money to. Their prices probably won't change, so $5-10 each. Now you have the movie businesses, they will most likely do a Pay Per View type thing. So you get to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation 3 by Paramount when it first comes out. Which brings me to airing. TV Guides will probably still be around, to tell us when a show/movie will be availible for us. So if you can get a good foothold in the Television business then you should be set. Government. You get to spend all the money you want, bounce checks and get away with it. Gezz put down those text files on carding, all you have to do is work with the enemy. You don't have to like it. Just go through life being a mayor, and getting paid for it. Using all your good ideas on your city. And if you do good, you might become president or something. If you do become president, maybe you can fix things so we aren't so screwed waiting for the next politician to do something. If your smart you can work for Ma Bell and tell them all the things wrong with their phone lines and security. Then they will make it harder for Phreakers to do anything, then they will learn how to Phreak off the new stuff, and in turn bringing back the dead and forgotten scene. Cellular Technology. People are getting lazy, maybe we should be called "Generation Lazy Fucks". That wouldn't work because there are a lot of people in this generation who are very active in what is going on around us. Well with all these lazy people around you will have to make new way for them to do things without to much hassle. Fast Food. Thats right, people want in and out as fast as they can. Sure you only get paid $5 an hour, but if you get fired you just get a job at another fast food joint. You work small hours, just enough to get buy, and have money left over for having fun with your friends. Well this sounds pretty good to me, but I don't want to work behind a counter having people yelling at me to get their damn burger for them 20 seconds after they order the damn thing. But at least your job would be secure. Our generation is rebeling, doing drugs, having sex, etc. sound familiar? We are scared to grow up in this world. There is too much violence, no security, everyone wants your money, sex, violence and comedy sell, people are becoming stupider, hate is becoming stronger, their is less caring, color is becoming colorless, music is influential, guns are cool, shooting people is cool, a bunch of old people sit around telling us what we can and can not do, and then they wonder why we are the way we are. I dunno about right now, but when we take the place as the leaders of the country we are going to stand up, look around, and then call it -- "Generation Screwed" ! Rage ! -Greets: Hi Mom! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : lamb@sun1.coe.ttu.edu WWIVnet : 123@3314 = = VMB : 303.763.6377 Or On One Of The Boards Below... = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Wulf's Den 303.699.WULF = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Entropy 318.625.9666 = = Dungeon Sys. Inc. 410.263.2258 Celestial Woodlands 409.764.2843 = = Plan 9 716.881.3663 Logikal Nonsence 717.XXX.XXXX = = Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Club Baby Seal 817.429.4636 = = PuRe EViL (NUP) 905.XXX.XXXX The Keg 914.234.9674 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .