=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It's Started ------------ InterNet, IRC /join #ice Invite only /join #ita ditto /join #fuck (Some FUCKBot and a horny guy repeating "What sex are you??" /join #ansi (Some lamer complaining that no one makes ansi for free/fun) /join #warez Invite only /join #acid (same thing as always, nothing but a bunch of users that are always there) /join #phreak (some good talk, mostly just "is anyone there") *Horny;* Common! What sex are you???????? /exit Fuck this South LA, GangTurf Your walking around a corner. "Hey man, get the fuck out of here, this is OUR turf" You walk somewhere else "Hey man, you want a bullet in your head?" You go somewhere else "Where the fuck you think your going? we'll kill you you don't leave!" etc.. etc.. You shoot yourself. "Fuck this" F.U.C.K., The Point As you can see. The InterNet is become a home for lamers, perverts, ego GODS and dumb asses who shouldn't even be using a computer. You got people who just sit in one channel all day long, or Bots wondering around so some people don't lose their ops in a channel. And it seems like whenever someone gets access to The Net they turn into egotistical morons who just go around thinking they are gods, and everypiece of information they get is worth gold and no one on this earth should be allowed to see. What it all is, is "Net Surfers" fighting for Net Territory. Now this might sound dumb at first, but let me take you on a little tour and change your world view. The InterNet used to be a place where people could go to get information fast. A place where the smart computer users could talk about anything they damn well please. Now you see about 3000-5000 people in IRC at times, and some of those aren't even people, just robots wondering around. It used to be where mostly everyone knew all the good FTP sites, because there were only few. And now, how many times do you see "Anyone got a list of anonymous FTP sites?" or "Anyone know of a good site to get ANSI Packs/ Zines/Viruses/Demos/anything else"? And now how many mirror sites do you see, or sites that carry the same stuff another one does, but you look over it in hopes to find one maybe two things the other one didn't? How many news groups were there in the past? Do we really need an "alt.wesley. crusher.die.die.die"? The only thing on InterNet that remains the same is the EMail system. I have never seen anyone ask for another users Email address. And it's a LOT better then NetMail, and a lot cheeper then calling Long Distance and leaving EMail on the same BBS the person you are emailing is on. Now, here is what is going to happen because of all this. Most users will find a group. And a lot of groups will form. Some user will not join any group, and those will be the already powerful ones with their hand in many groups. All the lamers that sit around in #hotsex will be thrown off as the war takes place. The Groups will fight for NetTurf. People will have other people blacklisted which in turn will get them blacklisted by a friend of the person they blacklisted, which in turn will... etc.. etc.. Powerful scripts will be created. Bots whose only purposes are to wait for a channel to lose all it's member and then take it over and make the channel private so they may never use it again. This will do nothing tho. As groups can just form #hotsex2, or what not. Groups will hide FTP sites, and news groups will be filled with threats. People will receive large amounts of Email threatening them. And then, as everything must, things will wonder off of the net and onto other things. Groups will take over BBSes making them private for only a few. Groups will setup spies to join other groups who will relay information to the real group they are in. People will become so enraged at the users groups that all Zines will start becoming lame. The great Zines will die, or circulate in a VERY elite underground full of people who are either group less, or don't want a part in it. Zines will start popping up that detail on what has recently happened, who went from what group to what group. Who left the scene, who is new. Whats avl. for the taking, what had been taken over, etc.. And then, the group of very elite underground users will one day just try to take everything over. This will cause every group to start attacking while they can. On every net, from Internet, American Online and SkyLink to Stormwatch, Dead and Nuke. They will all become part of the battle, even private BBSes who wanted to stay out of it will fall into it. New viruses will be created, new systems, smarter people. And then everyone will make one last effort to come out on top. Small groups will start falling, Dumb groups will start falling. And then, as the only groups left start trying to crash other groups systems it will all start falling apart. Every Network and system around the world will fall and crash, become totally useless. And all the people all across the world will be silent, for a moment. They will just stare into their blank monitors, and they will think. Then all at once they will try to reboot their systems, and nothing will happen. Every Network, every system, everything..... gone. And I ask you... after all this... Whats Next? What comes after all this? Well...... lets find out. ! Rage ! -Greets: Dog & IC : This ones for you guys =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : lamb@sun1.coe.ttu.edu WWIVnet : 123@3314 = = VMB : 303.763.6377 Or On One Of The Boards Below... = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Wulf's Den 303.699.WULF = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Entropy 318.625.9666 = = Dungeon Sys. Inc. 410.263.2258 Celestial Woodlands 409.764.2843 = = Plan 9 716.881.3663 Logikal Nonsence 717.XXX.XXXX = = Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Club Baby Seal 817.429.4636 = = PuRe EViL (NUP) 905.XXX.XXXX The Keg 914.234.9674 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .