=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Judicial System ------------------- The Judicial Branch: (n) - The branch of federal, state and local government that decides if laws have been broken, and that punishes lawbreakers. That definition was taken from my high school textbook published in 1971. Does that really define what the judicial system does? I don't really believe so. Let's break that definition down, part by part. "The branch of federal, state and local government..." Fine. "...decides if laws have been broken..." Ok, this one I have a problem with. Who are they to decide if laws have been broken? They are all rich old men who want to make more money, deciding the future of the lives of millions of people. They don't even think about the repercussions of what they THINK is right. They base their decisions on Christian mythology, and practice. They believe that devil worshippers are evil, and thusly, say it's illegal to do this. Sure, I don't particularly like devil worshipers, but what about that little First Amendment thingy that those old people made so long ago? The judicial system has become so corrupt, that they oversee most of the other rights that people are "given" when they are born (actually, technically not until they are 18 and not living with their parents, which is extremely stupid...but not overall stupid.. :)) People of my generation [the term I suppose is Generation _] have very little rights as people in this year. Want to know why? Because we are considered the future of the US... wait a minute.. Does the justice department not want to expose us to the crime of the US so we can be ignorant of what happens? BECAUSE we are the future of the US, we SHOULD have rights... Back to the issue at hand, laws are good in theory, but are lame in practice. The judicial departments are too old fashioned. The Constitution bases itself on the ability to change. The ability to make new amendments, remove the ones that are no longer useful. So don't you think it would be wise to do something about the justice in this world? Maybe tighten it up a bit? Lets cut the crap, the justice is too loose. Back in the 1700s, we didn't have the same violence problems that we have now. Well, there are many reasons for this change, the main one is an increase in population. This is the exact reason the violence has changed. People are finding different things to do to piss off the government. I'm not one to go around picketing FOR the government, but then again, I believe in patronage to your own country. Those who decide that this is a shitty country can leave for all I care. Unfortunatly, that's not the issue right now. The issue is that people are arming themselves to defend themselves from people that have armed themselves. Something like 1 out of 5 homes has at least one gun in it. Accessible. Those who use these types of weapons inappropriately should be tried, convicted, and sentenced to more than 5 years in prison. What does that accomplish? Now we have a pissed off fag who wants to kill someone. I believe if you kill someone, immediate death. If I am not mistaken, this is called an eye for an eye, and it seems to apply to every other part of human life, why not crime? Because for some reason or another, the judicial system caters to the needs of the criminals... WHY? "...punishes lawbreakers..." Now what does this say? It says that these people who are corrupt and racist bigots who run courts, are also the ones who decide what you can do for the next few (or many) years of your life. If you get framed for a murder, you get death most of the time. There are people who get thrown in jail that are not guilty. People will argue with me that what the judge/jury decides if the person is guilty or not, and that decision is the truth, but I disagree. There was recently a person that was released from jail after 5 years of being falsely accused and jailed for something HE DIDN'T DO! Is that what the judicial system was made to do? To jail as many people as possible? What do you say to a person you convicted of murder 5 years ago, who was just proven innocent of it because of new evidence? "Oh, gee guy... I'm really sorry about that..." Judges are too old fashioned, as I said before. They base their rulings on the rulings of courts before their time. They base them on rulings of courts that handled cases that are similar, but NOT EXACT to this one. Example [did not actually happen to my knowledge] : 1950. Some man is accused of killing his wife, daughter and his daughters friend. Released because the jury ruled in his favor. 1995. Some man kills his wife, daughter and his daughters friend. Released because of earlier decision, and a good lawyer. What are lawyers but people who are capable of taking lies and turning them into truths?? Now, enough with the definition, now it's time for me to really bitch about this branch of government that controls the future of any person accused of a crime, which I might add, is a large number... Lets see, if the system was made to judge how to punish lawbreakers and to decide if, indeed, a law is broken, then how come basically, they accept bribes? Let me explain a little more. The Sixth Amendment says that you have the right to counsel, but if you look guilty, and you can't afford a good lawyer, you're convicted IMMEDIATELY. The counsel that the court provides is not something that you want to deal with. They just want to get out of that courtroom and go home. They don't get paid much, and don't win most of their cases. Now, if you want to win a case that makes you look guilty, you must give lots of money to a good lawyer. Look at O.J. He has paid millions for these lawyers who, I bet you, will get him acquitted. That doesn't mean O.J. did it, it doesn't mean he didn't do it. Lets say that a man kills a security guard, and I walk up behind him, and try to help the guard and no one else sees me do it? *I* get charged for the murder. All the evidence points DIRECTLY to me. I have the guards blood all over my hands. That is evidence enough for any jury. Now, I didn't kill that guard, but I'm guilty... What does that say about the judicial system? It says that the judicial system bases it's findings on what they can see, and don't dig any deeper. Would you like to know why? It's human nature not to give a rat's ass about someone else. That is just how it goes, and no one can change that. But it's that underlying fact that makes everything so corrupt. I think that's all that can really be said about the judicial branch of government, but let me leave you with this: The system of government that judges you, and all the other people in the U.S.A. is a dangerous group of people. They have too much power, no matter what the rest of the government thinks. No other branch can say "You're guilty, go to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200, do not get out for 29 years." That is too much power. Congress can decide what laws are to be made, but if the judicial branch doesn't like them, they can cancel them at any time. The President only has the power to elect who goes into the Supreme Court, but look what happened to Clarence Thomas. My bet is that the Supreme Court (which, mind you, is filled with racist bigots), after getting rid of that great mind Thurgood Marshall (who was black), wanted to keep it white, they dug up some info on Thomas, and tried to get him out of it. Look at all the pictures of the new Supreme Court... Clarence Thomas seems somewhat farther away from everyone... That is all I have to say. One pissed off person, Murcurochrome =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : jericho@netcom.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Chemical Persuasion 203.324.0894 Celestial Woodlands 214.252.6455 = = Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Hacker's Haven 303.343.4053 = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Misery 318.625.4532 = = Dungeon Sys. 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