=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Talk Back to Your TV", Part 1 ------------------------------ These are letters taken from the "Talk Back to Your TV" column from the TV Dial (distributed with the Sunday Rocky Mountain News). I've never seen a bigger group of whiny idiots anywhere else, but what can you expect from couch potatoes? Judge for yourself: *** "Networks bomb on history test" Editor: I don't know if I will ever watch ABC, NBC, or CBS national news again. At every turn, we see the world news trying to remake U.S. history and it's getting to be nauseating. War is tragic, but reporting was severly one-sided on the atomic bombing of Japan -- diminishing the supreme sacrifice of American lives in World War II! It seems there was a lapse of memory. Japan *started* the war with the U.S. by bombing Pearl Harbor! The atomic bomb *ended* the war, but it didn't happen soon enough to bring my brother home. If Japan had the atomic bomb first, just what kind of mercy would they have shown the USA? Lorretta M. Carder [warez!@$#] Denver [trading thousands of civilian lives for the bombing of one military base was certainly worth it, wasn't it, Lorretta?] *** "Believe it! 'Christy' is history" [I'm beginning to see a trend here] Editor: I can't believe it; how rude! _Christy_ is canceled? That is absolutely the best show I have ever seen! There just aren't those kind of television shows out there anymore. In a world of _NYPD Blue_, _Roseanne_, and all that other trash, can't we have *something* good? A. Johnson Loveland [Take a Valium, dude. Since I've never heard of _Christy_ before, I can only assume it wasn't exactly popular.] *** "Good news for fans of 'Sliders'" Editor: I just love the show _Sliders_. Please tell me if it will be back on this fall. Also, I have to agree with Ken Bates of Denver. There is no doubt that _The Riki Lake Show_ is the worst talk show on TV [no, that would be _Carnie_. Ugh.]. She is too sarcastic toward her panel members and she does have the personality of a rock. Personally, I think [who gives a shit what you think, J. Novak of Denver? Next!] *** "Mad about 'Earth 2'? Write NBC" Editor: For the first time in years, I found a TV show worth watching. In fact, I scheduled my Sundays around it [and you admit it? Get a life, pal]. I am referring to NBC's _Earth 2_. I am but one of many who are angry at NBC's decision to cancel it. Would you please print information where [sic] I should write to express my anger? [you should post on alt.whine for the best results] One letter probably won't make much difference but then, who knows? They might get more than one letter. Jeff Bailey Denver [They might get two.] *** "Shame on '7' [sic -- why the fuck is this in quotes?] for dropping show" Editor: I am writing to express my anger toward KMGH-Channel 7 for replacing _The Price is Right_ with _American Journal_. Who needs more sex, cheating and lying with another soap opera and more celebrity gossip? [I do] You can find that on all the other channels? [sic] _The Price is Right_ was the last daytime game show on television. The show showed people having a good time. [You don't think people having sex are "having a good time"?] [...] M.K. Griego Arvada *** "'Trek' move means adios to Channel 2" Editor: Yes, it's another letter from a _Star Trek_ fan. While I really enjoy Channel 2-KWGN's coverage of the Rockies games, I am really [really?] disappointed with the moving [sic] of _Star Trek: The Next Generation_ 10:30 [sic] to make room for _Roseanne_. Besides the fact that Roseanne is boring, rude, and unfunny, it was very pleasant to see _ST:TNG_ after watching the 9 p.m. [sic] news program. Now, I will no longer be watching the 9 p.m. [sic] news, _Roseanne_, or _ST:TNG_, as well as most shows on KWGN. My TV will be set to Channel 4. Tom Francois Littleton [avoid the grapes . . . they're a bit sour.] *** "Sportscasters strike out" Editor: Is it just me, [probably] or are there others out there who are fed up with television sportscasters babbling about everything except what's going on right under their noses on the field? I am referring [blah, blah, blah -- if you really want to read all five paragraphs of this moron's whining then send me mail and I'll scan it for you] [...] Not once during Grace's at-bat was any mention made of what was happening on the field. [...] Tom Rochford Aurora [say, if you can see what's happening on the field then why do you need sportscasters to tell you about it? You long-winded fuckwit.] *** "Bad TV brings back reading and radio" Editor: I thought this would be the best way to "thank" all the TV stations at once. With nothing to watch but talk shows and soaps all day, I am so sick of TV that mine is turned off most of the day [sic -- I think you forgot a sentence or two in there, lady]. I used to watch the talk shows (because there was nothing else on) [my favorite excuse from couch-potatoes who can't do something constructive with their time] but even those are getting old. It's like watching the same thing over and over again but with different people [BINGO! How long did it take you to figure that out?]. [...] S. Lawrence Denver *** "Why did 2 give Limbaugh bum's rush?" Editor: [...] Such decisions turn off viewers and viewers can likewise tune out [hint: use "turn off" again to drive home your point and be a more effective writer] Channel 2 with a mere flip of the dial. Lorretta M. Carder [warez!#@$] Denver [Hey, it's our good buddy Ms. Carder! Get a life, lady.] *** "Recent cancellations ring of censorship" Editor: Welcome to Russia, folks! A couple shows with conservative viewpoints were silenced in our viewing area [good fucking riddance]. The first was the _CBS Reports_ documentary, _Faith & Politics: The Christian Right_, which KMGH-Channel 7 chose to preempt. We and many others [actually, just you and Ms. Carder] feel the country has lost its moral compass and that is what the show was about. Only two days later, we read that KWGN-Channel 2 dropped Rush Limbaugh's weeknight show. Aren't we lucky, we get to see Geraldo Rivera's noon talk show rerun in that time slot? We and many others stayed up to watch Rush, or recorded it daily [fucking sheep]. Watch out folks, election time nears and the liberal media has to silence conservative viewpoints. This is beginning to sound like censorship with a capital "C." Jack and Millie Hazlip Sterling [no, this is beginning to sound like capitalism with a capital "get a clue, stupid." If you don't like it, move to Russia . . . oh, that's your line, isn't it?] *** "What media is 'liberal,' conservative?' [sic]" Editor: The old saying, "Go to the mouth of the horse," hence my letter to you as a member of the media [SIC -- don't drink and write]. I am really fed up with the media being referred to as "liberal" if an article differs with [sic] the opinion of politicians and talk conservatives. Would you kindly tell me which newspapers -- _New York Times_, _Rocky Mountain News_, etc., especially _Time_ magazine -- are actually liberal or conservative? [...] Agnes Coleman [say "hi" to Garry] Longmont *** "Fed [hide your warez!] up with the new TV season" Editor: This new TV season is 110% disgusting [so for every 10 shows that disgust you, you're disgusted by an extra one that doesn't even air? K3wl]. [...] S. Redd Aurora *** "Money, not quality, drives TV" Editor: I'm sick of all the people complaining about TV networks canceling "good shows" and putting on so-called "trash." If a show doesn't sell, it goes. Simple as that. When only a few people watch a program, the networks aren't making money [sic]. TV shows are costly to produce and if a company doesn't want to pay to advertise during a times lot [sic], they won't. TV networks then lose money, which they can't afford to do. Networks are just trying to make a larger profit when the [sic] replace shows. Corynn Cox Denver [aside from the numerous errors -- heck, even *with* them -- this is the most intelligent letter I've ever seen in "Talk Back to Your TV."] *** "Replace talk TV with classics" Editor: I was wondering if anyone else feels the way I do ["Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? / Remember how she said that / We would meet again / Some sunny day?" But I digress...]. [...] Put something on that is good and entertaining and take off all these talk shows! Ruth DeJong Denver [Check the letter above yours. *Somebody* must be watching talk shows. Probably the lazy sheep who complain that "there's nothing else on" and watch the talk shows because they need their TV fix.] *** -Legion =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : jericho@netcom.com (Mail is welcome) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Gote Land +27.31.441115 = = Arrested Development +31.77.3547477 = = Chemical Persuasion 203.324.0894 Celestial Woodlands 214.252.6455 = = Goat Blowers Anon 215.750.0392 Hacker's Haven 303.343.4053 = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Misery 318.625.4532 = = Dungeon Sys. 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