=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Superior Race ----------------- For centuries, white people have dominating the world in leadership. They run the most powerful countries, own the largest companies, and make more money and live better lives than any other race. In fact, scientific studies have even proven that the white man is smarter than other races. But how smart are we? Instead of being the superior race that we act like, the white man has really been the downfall of society over the past millenia. The white man has fought and caused more wars than any other race. We fought in a crusade in the Middle Ages that killed thousands and put many more in prisons where they were tortured, often to death. We've fought two wars that nearly encompassed the entire world, one of them that killed millions based solely on their religion (a war that some whites even try to deny ever happening). We've been the first to develop guns, missiles, and nuclear weapons - none of which have any other purpose than to kill. The white man are supposed to be great explorers. We "discovered" America, a two-continent mass that had already been inhabited by people who rarely went to war, and chased those people out of their own land in our own aggresive expansionist needs. We ran bushmen out from their homes in Australia much in the same way that we chased Native Americans out in America. The white man "revolutionized" the world with technology. The needs of all these wonderful new you-can't-live-without- them inventions have destroyed thousands of species of animals. They have depleted the protective ozone layer that keeps us from being burnt by the sun. They have destroyed millions of acres of rainforests, which is what produces oxygen for us to breath. The white man has melted our polar ice caps, threatening to drown our cities in rising waters. The white man has enslaved races for years. They have been cruel enough not just to deny their slaves freedom but to also treat them like dirt. They had the nerve to call them lazy if they collasped from blistering heat and exhaustion while they would be sitting back on their asses drinking lemonade and refusing to lift a finger if their life depended on it. They would beat their slaves whenever they pleased, even if the slave had never done anything to deserve such disrespect. We effectively are killing ourselves slowly, and we still claim that we are the greatest race on earth, bringing mankind new inventions, new technologies, new frontiers that we could never see before. And our struggle for power will motivate us to destroy ourselves further until we kill ourselves and everything else on earth. I just don't understand how we can sit here and let this happen - let the white man kill himself and everybody else through his blind destructiveness. K2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : jericho@netcom.com (Mail is welcome) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = gote land +27.31.441115 = = Arrested Development +31.77.3547477 = = Chemical Persuasion 203.324.0894 Celestial Woodlands 214.252.6455 = = that stupid place 215.985.0462 Hacker's Haven 303.343.4053 = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Misery 318.625.4532 = = Dungeon Sys. Inc. 410.263.2258 Psykodelik Images 407.834.4576 = = Paradise Lost 414.476.3181 Black SunShine 513.891.3465 = = underworld_1995.com 514.683.1894 Digital Fallout 516.378.6640 = = PSYCHOSiS 613.836.7211 Bad Trip 615.870.8805 = = Plan 9 716.881.3663 suicidal chaos 718.592.1083 = = Phallic Paradise 801.944.7353 Purple Hell 806.791.0747 = = Atrocity Exhibition 905.796.3385 Phoenix Modernz 908.830.8265 = = The Keg 914.234.9674 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Files through Anonymous FTP: FTP.NETCOM.COM - /pub/je/jericho/FUCK = = FTP.FC.NET - /pub/deadkat/misc/FUCK = = FTP.WINTERNET.COM - /users/craigb/fuck = = FTP.GIGA.OR.AT - /pub/hackers/zines/FUCK = = ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU - /pub/Zines/FUCK = = Files through WWW: ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/je/jericho/jericho.html = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .