=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Roots of Tragedy -------------------- "Tragedy is a representation essentially not of men but of human action; of human life, its happiness and misery...and the proper end of dramatic representation therefore is a mode of action, not some sort of quality." -Aristotle, _Poetics_ It seems that for the vast majority of Americans, life is good. Most of us live in nice houses, have enough to eat, are warm in the winter, and basically lead good lives. Yet, there is a huge portion of the population that is basically unhappy. They are easy to find. Walk into a Denny's or some other cheap restaurant - there are people, usually middle-aged or older, who sit completely alone and eat silently. This is probably a treat to them, they probably don't eat out often, and yet they do not look happy. Of course, these people are not confined to bad restaurants. They will usually hold some unskilled job. They are your bus drivers, your grocery baggers, your janitors, your factory workers. You probably see someone like this every day. You have probably never said a word to this person, don't even know their name. But maybe you wonder what their life is like, why they never say anything to you, why they look so unhappy most of the time. I ride the same bus twice a day, five days a week. I know the driver on sight, I would recognize him walking down the street, and yet I do not know his name. I have never heard him speak. He does not look happy. If I was a busdriver, maybe I would be depressed too. It seems likely. Maybe this is what makes me wonder about this man. Aristotle says that the purpose of tragedy is to evoke pity and fear; more specifically pity for a good man who has fallen, and fear at the fate of a man like ourselves. Modern life in the big city is a tragedy. I pity these people: downtrodden, kicked around, miserable, and yet they are what keeps our lives smoothly running. Where would we be without our unskilled, unhappy workers? And yet, it troubles me that one day I may end up like my bus driver. This is not a bad person, this is someone like you or me. By many standards his life is good. And yet, I would not want to be in his shoes. But it seems likely that I may end up there, driving that bus, pushing that mop, coming home to an empty house and maybe going out to Denny's a couple times a month. If my bus driver dies, the only thing I will notice is a different face behind the wheel. Hundreds of people may notice, and not one will really care. Just another sad-faced, lower-middle-class, city-dwelling bus driver. Just as long as I get there on time. I believe that I can avoid this destiny, but, it really comes down fate. Nonetheless, I hope this tragedy can motivate me to action, before it becomes too late. -Pluto =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = gote land +27.31.441115 = = Arrested Development +31.77.3547477 = = Global Chaos +61.2.681.2837 = = Chemical Persuasion 203.324.0894 Undrgrnd Indust/Inc. 207.490.2158 = = Damnation 212.861.0580 that stupid place 215.985.0462 = = Hacker's Haven 303.516.9969 PheedbacK ----down---- = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Misery 318.625.4532 = = Dungeon Sys. Inc. 410.263.2258 Psykodelik Images 407.834.4576 = = Paradise Lost 414.476.3181 Black SunShine 513.891.3465 = = underworld_1995.com 514.683.1894 Digital Fallout 516.378.6640 = = PSYCHOSiS 613.836.7211 Bad Trip 615.870.8805 = = Plan 9 716.881.3663 suicidal chaos 718.592.1083 = = Damaged 801.944.7353 The Death Star Bar 805.872.3151 = = Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Atrocity Exhibition 905.796.3385 = = Phoenix Modernz 908.830.8265 The Keg 914.234.9674 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Files through Anon FTP FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK = = FTP.PRISM.NET/pub/users/mercuri/zines/fuck = = FTP.WINTERNET.COM/users/craigb/fuck = = FTP.GIGA.OR.AT/pub/hackers/zines/FUCK = = ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU - /pub/Zines/FUCK = = FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM - /users/rage/zines/fuck = = Files through WWW: http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho = = http://www.prism.net/zineworld/fuck/ = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .