=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to Become an Addict ----------------------- When seeing the likes of Bob Dylan or Jim Morrison using drugs or alcohol to improve their way of living, one must want to feel the mind altering effects that these chemicals have. I am going to make a fictional character called Don Wylan, Don will go through the process of becoming an addict. If he follows these three simple steps he will be living the exciting lifestyle of being chemically dependent. These steps are as follows: starting out finding his drug of choice and self medication. When starting out as an addict Don must look at te two main drugs of choice, alcohol and marijuana. First without a doubt the most used is alcohol. Alcohol amounts in beverages ranging from 3.2% to 60% in content. Don is shy and is wanting to talk to that special person that Don wants to take out on a date, then alcohol is his best bet. With the constent use of alcohol his embaressing moments will fade away and self cofidence will be stronger then ever. The second most popular drug is marijuana, this drug can be very usefull to Don because he is an overachiver and is easily stressed out. It is not really cheap anymore, but is very high in its active ingerdient THC. Marijuana will take and rearange Don's priorities. Don is kinda thin and marijuana will fix this because he now craves salt and fat. Now Don is ready to moive the more mind altering substance. The first drug that Don is going to try is herion. After shooting up herion Don feels his mind being drained of all of its will power and he feels like life has literally become "just a dream." Don now tries crystal methane and sees the world in a different light. He sees peoples vibes actually surround them. His lamp started to give Don its point of view. Don really doesn't care for crystal methane as much as herion though. Now that Don has an outgoing personality (thanks to the basic block of alcohol) he tries cocain. It really modifies his personality, people seem to enjoy his company and presence more and more. Don has learned that cocain is very good for parties and other social events. Now Don tries Speed. WOW! This stuff really gives him an adrinaline rush and causes him to go out and do really stupid things like shoplift. Don doesn't really care for speed too much because it puts him more on edge than he needs to be and causes him paranoia. Finally Don tries crack, when he tried it, it litteraly took him to other places, it felt like he was on the bridge of the enterprise, going to other worlds. Now Don is starting to feel the side effects of using his drugs of chocie. He now has to do what is known as "self-medication". This is extermly dangerous because Don could lose the effect that he so desires from his drug of choice herion. Don has figured out that the best time to do this is when he is feeling the unwanted effects of his drug of choice. He won't take them at the same time because Don's friend Jack took two drugs at the same time and ended up in the hospital, then ended up in rehab... which for Jack was a living hell. Now Don has reached the point of being drug dependent. He lives the ups and downs and is constantly avoiding reality. Don fills with joy when looking upon his past with drugs. He remembers all the women that adored him while he was drinking. The fun in expermenting with all kinds of drugs to find that one drug that fits him the best. While all the time not needing any material goods, just food and heat and his drug of choice. He wonders why others are not doing this as well. Unfortunatly Don passed away. One day he ripped off his dealer and his dealer gave him some 'bad shit' in return. Later that night Don broke out his new stash and shot up like usual. We will remember Don for his fortitude in the pursuit of denial of reality. Rest in peace, Don. Malloc =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc... = = Internet : jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = gote land +27.31.441115 = = Arrested Development +31.77.3547477 = = Global Chaos +61.2.681.2837 = = Chemical Persuasion 203.324.0894 Undrgrnd Indust/Inc. 207.490.2158 = = Damnation 212.861.0580 Damnation -Toll Free 888.803.8490 = = Hacker's Haven 303.516.9969 Unearthly Shadows 303.683.1443 = = E.L.F. (NUP) 314.272.3426 Misery 318.625.4532 = = Dungeon Sys. Inc. 410.263.2258 Psykodelik Images -- Down -- = = Paradise Lost 414.476.3181 Black SunShine 513.891.3465 = = underworld_1995.com 514.683.1894 Digital Fallout 516.378.6640 = = PSYCHOSiS 613.836.7211 Bad Trip 615.870.8805 = = Plan 9 716.881.3663 suicidal chaos 718.592.1083 = = Damaged 801.944.7353 The Death Star Bar 805.872.3151 = = Purple Hell 806.791.0747 BloodNet 901.872.8615 = = Atrocity Exhibition 905.796.3385 Phoenix Modernz 908.830.8265 = = The Keg 914.234.9674 that stupid place 215.985.0462 = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Files through Anon FTP FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM/users/jericho/FUCK = = FTP.PRISM.NET/pub/users/mercuri/zines/fuck = = FTP.WINTERNET.COM/users/craigb/fuck = = FTP.GIGA.OR.AT/pub/hackers/zines/FUCK = = ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU - /pub/Zines/FUCK = = FTP.DIMENSIONAL.COM - /users/rage/zines/fuck = = Files through WWW: http://www.dimensional.com/~jericho = = http://www.prism.net/zineworld/fuck/ = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = (c) Copyright. All files copyright by the original author = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .